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Will be interesting to see how high season pans out with yet another country out of the picture...

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Having scared off (visas, martial law, etc) what few European, UK, US and Aussies all but later having very sketchy economies of these last years...

Thailand left with the worlds most lively of people, tje Rissians and Chinese.

Given Ruble is in freefall, I don't expect many Russians. Chinese economy is slowing as well.

Thailands economy already running in three wheels, plus the politics.

I'm betting May-Nov are going to be tough times.

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Thai's decide what they want and they will never blame crime as long as they can blame Marshal Law .

They are to stubborn and to egotistical to step back and really try to solve these problems.

Walking down the side walk just look how they take over the footpath and so called bike path I have to dodge motorbikes on the sidewalk, tent poles, plants, tarps and of course dog sh........t

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A week before XMAS and lower Sukhomvit is about as quiet as I've ever seen it. You can actually move down the street with

minimum hassle. The malls are not crowded, either. Are the Thais worried? Probably not. Tourism is only about 15% of the

economy. Less farangs to deal with is considered a good thing in most quarters here.

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Thailand has a good thing with the tourism industry in Thailand

but they could not stop shooting themselves in the foot

It would appear all the bead press has caught up with them

Read somewhere russian visitors to Thailand is down about 50-70% this high season
That leaves the Chinese and their tour groups, being herded around Thailand on buses,

great if you are a business on one of there stops but does not help anyone else

Thailand enjoying a welll deserved drop in tourist arrivals

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I say quite right to a couple of the posts above. Furthermore, I don't buy the 15% figure. I believe it's much higher, and the characters in charge know it. That's why they are constantly coming up with fairy tales to explain the horrific things that have been happening here for quite some time.

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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

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seems kinda like to much self love being shown ourselfs.our importance to this economy is overstated. we are here because we want to be here, we like what is offered to us in exchange for our currancy,it is the way of the world, get used to it, enjoy yourself. and remember that the good ol' days were not that good at all so please stop the whine, it is not becomming.

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seems kinda like to much self love being shown ourselfs.our importance to this economy is overstated. we are here because we want to be here, we like what is offered to us in exchange for our currancy,it is the way of the world, get used to it, enjoy yourself. and remember that the good ol' days were not that good at all so please stop the whine, it is not becomming.

My importance to the economy is insignificant.

I hope the people in local business are enough to fill their needs.

My happiness is leaving others alone and paying my way in life.

I prefer to let others choose to whine or not.

The good old days for me, is today.

Everyday is an opportunity to be happy, enjoy life and show kindness to others.

I like living here. When I change my outlook, I will move on.

Love and Let Live.

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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

they just came last year. Why would they want to do the same thing (place) as before ?

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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

they just came last year. Why would they want to do the same thing (place) as before ?

No mate this is where you're wrong, they are killing themselves due to all their BS. The media on the other hand is just doing it's job by saying it as it is.... it's called freedom of speech.

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As we wine and moan about the decline of Thailand - All we are doing is strengthening the belief that life was better when Taksin was in power, or at least that's all the NE Thais can comprehend.
The world is still in recession and those that were rising are falling and thats just the ebb and flow of the World.
Tourists are tourists, so what if they dont come to Thailand? Thailand will still survive without us here. The tourism sector is just a small part of Thailands wealth.

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Perhaps my experience is atypical. I have lived in Thailand nearly four years. Just out of n00b status, I think. I have had several encounters with Thai police. In every case, the police have been polite and professional. Some have been outright jovial.

Of course, I have never committed a crime, outside of an expired registration on my motorbike, I don't drink drive and I am here legally.

Speaking decent Thai probably helps a bit, too.

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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

Sorry.... I have to disagree, Thailand is killing Thailand!

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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

I agreed with you until the last sentence.

It is not the MEDIA outside Thailand that is killing this country, it is Thailand's own arrogance, ignorance, and corruption that is giving the foreign media a lot of negative things to report on that is killing the country.

Nobody is telling lies about poor Thailand. The frequent murders and suspicious deaths of tourists, rampant corruption at all levels of society, police shakedowns and extortion of legal tourists and expats, a complete failure on the part of police and transportation officials to protect tourists from unsafe and corrupt operators (read: jet skis, taxis, vans, boats, ferries), months of protests that crippled the country, yet another coup, ongoing martial law, and a constant stream of ignorant and ill conceived policy changes (like visas, foreign business ownership, et al) that are unclear, corrupt, xenophobic, and frequently so flawed that they are usually changed, amended, "clarified" (read: explained differently every time an "official" opens his mouth), and sometimes immediately backtracked as soon as they are announced, are all happening... DAILY. The foreign media is just reporting what is going on. If Thailand doesn't like what is being said about the country, perhaps they should try a new approach and actually DO something constructive to change it.

I've lived here 5 years (I know that makes me a noob as compared to some on the forum) and I have enjoyed most of that time but, as I have said here before, if I were not married to a Thai, after my experience over the last ~12 months, I would be looking for another place to live.

I can't imagine why a tourist would come here to put up with this nonsense when there are so many other choices available.

I can't imagine why a person would want to come here to try to do business in this constantly changing and corrupt environment.

Thailand is a beautiful country with a lot of wonderful people and it had a golden opportunity to develop its economy in ways that would have benefited all of the Thai people and to be a roll model in the region, but it has truly killed the golden goose and they have NO ONE to blame for it but themselves.

Spot on, well put.

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Thailand has a good thing with the tourism industry in Thailand

but they could not stop shooting themselves in the foot

It would appear all the bead press has caught up with them

Read somewhere russian visitors to Thailand is down about 50-70% this high season

That leaves the Chinese and their tour groups, being herded around Thailand on buses,

great if you are a business on one of there stops but does not help anyone else

Thailand enjoying a welll deserved drop in tourist arrivals

. Pattaya is rammed with Russians at the moment
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With Thai household debt at 86% of GDP I would say Thailand needs every % of tourism.

Even if it as low as 15% of GDP (I think more at its height) to lose that would throw Thailand on a very rocky & uncomfortable road.

That's the only reason we're tolerated & pampered to with our concerns.

On a personal note: I love the quiet roads, to be appreciated sitting in an empty resturaunt spending my money every day, life is peaceful without the high season rush of people.

If it went back to 70฿ to the £, all the better.

My concern is my own.

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Slowing thai tourism means more than just a better exchange rate, unfortunately. 'Certainly not a return to the "good ol' days".

Dwindling tourist revenue will mean lost jobs and lots of people driven to varying degrees of desperation. That in turn could do wonders for corruption, scams & crime against foreigners (i.e., the ones "with money" NOT in a position to receive any meaningful LE or judicial protection). At the least it in many cases will translate into deteriorating attitudes toward and blame on foreigners.


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I have a very global perspective -- living in Hawaii half time and BKK half time, and traveling often.

Tourism in ALL countries is called "Good Dollars" with much trickle-down effect to many industries. No one can actually, accurately quantify the effect of tourism dollars.

Last year, my son and DIL came to visit me in BKK, along with over 20 friends during the year.

Now -- No one is interested. The MEDIA outside of Thailand is KILLING this country.

I agreed with you until the last sentence.

It is not the MEDIA outside Thailand that is killing this country, it is Thailand's own arrogance, ignorance, and corruption that is giving the foreign media a lot of negative things to report on that is killing the country.

Nobody is telling lies about poor Thailand. The frequent murders and suspicious deaths of tourists, rampant corruption at all levels of society, police shakedowns and extortion of legal tourists and expats, a complete failure on the part of police and transportation officials to protect tourists from unsafe and corrupt operators (read: jet skis, taxis, vans, boats, ferries), months of protests that crippled the country, yet another coup, ongoing martial law, and a constant stream of ignorant and ill conceived policy changes (like visas, foreign business ownership, et al) that are unclear, corrupt, xenophobic, and frequently so flawed that they are usually changed, amended, "clarified" (read: explained differently every time an "official" opens his mouth), and sometimes immediately backtracked as soon as they are announced, are all happening... DAILY. The foreign media is just reporting what is going on. If Thailand doesn't like what is being said about the country, perhaps they should try a new approach and actually DO something constructive to change it.

I've lived here 5 years (I know that makes me a noob as compared to some on the forum) and I have enjoyed most of that time but, as I have said here before, if I were not married to a Thai, after my experience over the last ~12 months, I would be looking for another place to live.

I can't imagine why a tourist would come here to put up with this nonsense when there are so many other choices available.

I can't imagine why a person would want to come here to try to do business in this constantly changing and corrupt environment.

Thailand is a beautiful country with a lot of wonderful people and it had a golden opportunity to develop its economy in ways that would have benefited all of the Thai people and to be a roll model in the region, but it has truly killed the golden goose and they have NO ONE to blame for it but themselves.

You nailed it, well said!

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Slowing tourism can be a catalyst for defaulting loans but don't think it would throw the country into resection & weakening the baht to where I would like it.

But adding that to the forthcoming fracture of the country (which we can't talk about) causing fear & uncertainty of investment, may just well bring about a resection.

My ฿70 to the £ along with piece & quiet, or the good old days as you put it, is just my wishful thinking.

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