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Which drug is mot common to kill parasites/worms ?


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Im sure Sheryl will be on here to comment in a moment or two, but hopefully I can beat her to the punch and save her a bit of work! biggrin.png

The most common antihelmintic would probably have to be albendazole. You can get it at virtually any pharmacy in thailand. I always see the brand Zentel, but there are many. Its my understanding that mebendazole is very similar. Others are available but you will have to look around a bit. And dont mess around with these- theyre not candy!

I was surprised to learn (after a few years living here) that quite a few Thai's and expats take these (albendazole) once a year or so to "de-worm" just on the chance they might have picked up something. No one ever told me (except after reading about it though this forum- thanks again!).

Have a read here

Edited by PaulKemp
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From my understanding you can have worms inside you without knowing it for months, until the worm has grown big enough to see it in your stool. But there are so many different parasites in Thailand. There must be some sort of drugs you can take which is safe without too many side effects , thats what Im worried about. Yes I have been eating unsafe food lately and a friend of mine who ate the same food was sure he saw something in his stool.

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From my understanding you can have worms inside you without knowing it for months, until the worm has grown big enough to see it in your stool. But there are so many different parasites in Thailand. There must be some sort of drugs you can take which is safe without too many side effects , thats what Im worried about. Yes I have been eating unsafe food lately and a friend of mine who ate the same food was sure he saw something in his stool.

Well there you go eating all that Digital Bikey food and now you've got a rectum full of nematodes. Merry Xmas!

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in fact, i think, most of us do have one kind or another in the west as well as in the east

whether or not they are harmful and what they are i do not know

common practice here to de-worm once every six months or year

i do NOT recommend the thai brand of the common one, it was the only one that upset my stomach

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  • 8 years later...

Some worms do  not respond to albendazole, mebendazole, ivermectin, praziquantel, or pyrantel.  They are immune.  I know this for a fact from personal experience.  Furthermore, outside of the original extreme bout of diarrhea where your body is trying to purge the worms, there might be only one symptom and no visible excreted worms.  The one symptom that you might carry for the REST OF YOUR LIFE is mushy stools.  Also from personal experience, I can say that pathologists who inspect your stools are INCAPABLE of diagnosing my particular roundworm.  The only way I found out was by buying my own microscope and doing my own inspection, which was confirmed by multiple infectious disease doctors when I showed them my photos.  SO ... the medicine is no guarantee of curing you and you very well might not know you are infected.  Ever.  

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