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wrong change


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Went to 7 11 this morning and bought some stuff worth 90 baht and i gave him 100 baht and he gave me back 90. Decided he looked a bit stupid and told him his mistake. Would u do the same? Is a thai more or less likley than a farang to give it back?

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I've had a shop assistant chase me down the road to give me the correct change after she short-changed me by mistake and I didn't count it. It was 20 baht.

That seems to say to me that Thais are like anyone else in the world; there are honest people and dishonest people.

Then there's the water delivery guy..If I'm not at home, he often just drops the water off and collects the empties and money next time he sees me. Why not?

Edited by Seastallion
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I paid a taxi driver 250 Baht, just the 50 Baht note was a 500 Baht note.

And out of the taxi I was and I walk fast.

He needed 5 min and across the airport to catch me and give me back the money.

I gave him 250 Baht (half of it).

Good Thais, bad Thais

Good Farangs, bad Farangs

Before in a small shop where I bought beer, they always calculated the prices wrong, up or down equal, often a few days later they told me that they overcharged me and gave back the money (they weren't the brightest, but honest).

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This has nothing to do whether a person is Thai, farang or anything else. This is a moral question.

Usually those who would not be honest and give back monies in these circumstances are generally all round badans anyway. Sadly there are those that would consider, their loss is my gain.

But just remember; what goes around comes around. Being honest and doing morally the right things should for decent people be a feel good factor. Being sly and deceitful and taking advantage of the weaknesses of others at times of vulnerability have a knack of coming right back and smacking the immoral in their faces later on.


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I paid a taxi driver 250 Baht, just the 50 Baht note was a 500 Baht note.

And out of the taxi I was and I walk fast.

He needed 5 min and across the airport to catch me and give me back the money.

I gave him 250 Baht (half of it).

Good Thais, bad Thais

Good Farangs, bad Farangs

Before in a small shop where I bought beer, they always calculated the prices wrong, up or down equal, often a few days later they told me that they overcharged me and gave back the money (they weren't the brightest, but honest).

I'd say you are bad at maths. 250 Baht is not half of the 450 Baht change he returned to you.

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Yes, I would have given it back as they have it deducted from their wages.

We all make mistakes.

One purchase I made was wrongly rung up at the till in7/11 and I told the cashier so. She would not believe it. Next day I went in and she realised she had undercharged me 100 Baht. I was happy to remedy the imbalance.

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Yes we do of given too much....they also chase you down and give you more if they short you or forget something.....not too much of that in the states.....good people here by and large....unless you hang out where you want them bad - shouldn't come as much of a surprise that way either.....expectations meeting consequences

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I paid a taxi driver 250 Baht, just the 50 Baht note was a 500 Baht note.

And out of the taxi I was and I walk fast.

He needed 5 min and across the airport to catch me and give me back the money.

I gave him 250 Baht (half of it).

Good Thais, bad Thais

Good Farangs, bad Farangs

Before in a small shop where I bought beer, they always calculated the prices wrong, up or down equal, often a few days later they told me that they overcharged me and gave back the money (they weren't the brightest, but honest).

I'd say you are bad at maths. 250 Baht is not half of the 450 Baht change he returned to you.

Heck he cheated me 25 Baht.....

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Yes in a shop like7-11 if they make mistake correct them , sometimes if the cash register is down it is taken out of wages.

On the other hand . Last year i was stopped by highway police.He wrote on a piece of paper 125 (rubbish) i was doing 92-93.

He said you pay 200 baht ok not wanting a problem, but i only had 1000 baht note, gave it to him he went to the car him and another policeman had wallets out changing it. He came back to my pickup gave me 1000 baht in 100 baht notes. Did i tell him noway i drove off laughing.

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