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PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign


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Would our beloved leader be so kind to explain what he considers Thainess, there seems to be quite a bit of confusement.

Our community here seems to have quite a different interpretation, except Costas of course.

I guess, you might get a good idea from his 12 ...rules for children, or whatever that cr@p was!

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This is likely to backfire on the PM...a tourist is likely to "discover Thainess" by either being ripped off or getting his butt kicked...for some minor cultural infraction...like objecting to paying a padded bill...

I don't know. Tourists are some weird species. Most of them like to be conned. Some tourists show extreme masochistic spectacles that astonish me.

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While I don't agree with what Costas2008 said about racism, I think the negativity is getting a bit out of hand on this thread.

Yes it's a bizarre tourist promotion idea, but to be honest there have been worse ones.

Sorry Blues but - there have been worse ones - is a weak point to justify this clownery
I'm not justifying it.

I agree with you, in that I think it's a stupid idea.

However, that doesn't justify the level of negativity this thread seems to have reached.

I moan as much as most but there are limits.

Whose limits would they be?

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Instead of silly campaigns, they should educate people. They should tell them that being law-abiding is not derogatory. Having good manners is not inglorious.

Respecting living and non-living things outside the temples is also important.

Real Thainess?? This campaign is the real one. Talking bullshit (boolshyt) and never address the real problems.

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Reading the posts up to now, I do believe that the racists in this country are NOT the Thais but the farangs posting this kind of rubbish.

Keep it up members, you are showing your real selves.

Most educated Thais that wish for their country to evolve out of third world status also blame "Thainess" as major cause for society failure to adapt to modern world requirements.

Educated people in general know that Thailand is not a third world country.

Geez Sviss, your sense of humor knows no bounds.

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I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.


Can you imagine any other country saying something like that? LOL Yea the govt. ought to ask X pats how they find "Thainess." Ah but then again maybe Thainess isn't mature enough to hear Truth.

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Reading the posts up to now, I do believe that the racists in this country are NOT the Thais but the farangs posting this kind of rubbish.

Keep it up members, you are showing your real selves.

Most educated Thais that wish for their country to evolve out of third world status also blame "Thainess" as major cause for society failure to adapt to modern world requirements.

Educated people in general know that Thailand is not a third world country.

"The term Third World was originally coined in times of the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. Today the term is often used to describe the DEVELOPING countries of Africa, ASIA, Latin America and Oceania. Many poorer nations adopted the term to describe themselves."

and here you see "your" Thailand in the list:


ERRR - time to go back to school or maybe do some research before writing.

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I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

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A tourist campaign aiming at 13% increase in arrivals.......held in Lumpini Park......mmmmm....so the tourists will need to be here already to visit this ????

The campaign isn't being held in Lumpini Park, the launch of it is. The press conference will spread the word internationally.

ahhh Lumpini Park that great cradle of Phra Suthep's yellow coup how "Thainess" to use that place.

'Thainess' and 'Lieness' seem to have a resonance.

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I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

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I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

Well for starters

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

Some nationalities just WON'T accept a different culture to their own.

Take Americans for example - do road accidents happen there? Not as many as Thailand but there are things in that culture that other cultures find wrong. How many school shootings are there in Thailand? NONE, I can remember - so by some people's definition that is Americaness?

Gangs of youths doing drive by shooting! Unsafe to walk alone at night in major cities.Yet they have the arrogance to criticize Thai roads!

Police shooting innocent people! Can a white man walk through Harlem at night? Peaceful coexistence my arse, they could do with learning Thainess in American schools. Showing respect - ever driven through central New York and not seen road rage all over the shop?

Some here want to escape their nanny-state country then lay down the rules in a country that they're not even willing to integrate into. Perhaps this lack of integration is so they can self-righteously criticize from the sidelines.

Australia, they make you wear a bloody helmet when riding a bicycle! What a heap of BS but I accept it as a different culture. Yet my Ozzy buddy complains about the drivers in Thailand while driving with his kids in the back of his yute at New Year when everybody is drunk!

There seems to be gambling dens in every bar and club full of housewives addicted to slot machines etc


Edited by Neeranam
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I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

Well for starters

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

Good starter...other like to add to the list?

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While I don't agree with what Costas2008 said about racism, I think the negativity is getting a bit out of hand on this thread.

Yes it's a bizarre tourist promotion idea, but to be honest there have been worse ones.

So according to you, we have to accept stupidity, because someone else is more stupid??

Makes sense!!

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Reading the posts up to now, I do believe that the racists in this country are NOT the Thais but the farangs posting this kind of rubbish.

Keep it up members, you are showing your real selves.

Racists? Are you for real?

In a country where the official (at immigration) name for expats and tourists is aliens !!

No my friend, we are not racists, but, unlike you, just a little critical of the system!!

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To be fair we have had our own stupid catch words in the anglo sachsen world at least. ''Un-American activities'', ''the American way of life'', 'the American dream'', then we had Churchill speaking of '' our island way of life'' whatever that was supposed to mean.

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Hi Folks,

Another global campaign, Amazing Thailand 1998-99, was a great success for Thai tourism. The Amazing Thailand brand and perception are very strong in overseas markets.

I was very impressed with the "Unseen in Thailand" or "Unseen Thailand" campaign as a photographer a few years ago.

Win thumbsup.gif

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Hi Folks,

Another global campaign, Amazing Thailand 1998-99, was a great success for Thai tourism. The Amazing Thailand brand and perception are very strong in overseas markets.

I was very impressed with the "Unseen in Thailand" or "Unseen Thailand" campaign as a photographer a few years ago.

Win thumbsup.gif

Yeah it was unseen because of all the billboards

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'Discovering' Thainess is easy. Just interact with any Thai on any level and you'll soon be scratching your head saying, "That's amazing".

'Understanding' Thainess is impossible. I just accept that 'This is Thailand' and they don't do things here the way we would back home.

PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign

I read the article three times and never read where it explained what Thainess is or how they wanted tourists to 'discover' it. If I were TAT, I'd be very selective in the kinds of 'Thainess' I let the tourists discover.

never read where it explained what Thainess is

It’s a myth used to create the questionable imagination that all good on this planet has its origin in Thailand and it is a precious gift to all who share this opinion. It can also be used in term of a very slight apology for all the things going wrong here without losing face. In other words: It is simply B.S.

I disagree that Thainess is a myth. Thais have a unique way of being that is different from every other nationality. Some of these ways are endearing and some of them make you want to scream. But good or bad, there is no getting away from Thainess; it is a thing.

True that. And the positive side of it, is their lightheartedness, and general positivity. Some have difficult lives, and live with little. Some work very hard, for low wages. Most maintain a good attitude about things, and keep a light heart. That is very endearing. Also, they tend to be very playful, and very receptive to humor, jokes, gags, etc. That can be delightful to be around. Overall, I find most Thais to be very pleasant people.

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I can just see the booths at Lumpini Park: one for zit-popping display, one for nose-picking technique, another with a dozen or so staffers playing on Facebook and ignoring attendees, a table with several sleeping on it, many empty Hong Thong bottles, and the officials denying any of this is taking place..... what a festival of Thainess!!

Ah yes and a booth with techniques of how to throw trash on the ground, from moving buses, cars, motor bikes etc. A detailed explanation how to offload discarded construction debris and or burn said items along a road way. Certainly this is a bit of Thainess that can be explained to the ever unknowing foreigner.

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This is 1 of those "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" situations my mother told me about as a kid right?

If you're referring to commenting on this thread, I'd say yes.

Certainly going to be what I do.

I can say some nice things about Thainess. Most Thais love their families and are kind, considerate human beings. Once outside the capital, Thainess takes on a whole new meaning. When people in my country ask about visiting here, I tell them to stay in BKK for a weekend. Prethub Kiri Khan, Jomntien and lots of places are really nice tourist destinations.

I think there are more good things about Thais than bad things.

The West isn't more sophisticated, just more powerful.

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Certainly there are positive aspect to Thai culture which the country would do well to capitalize on.

However the things that the government tends to promote as Thainess; things like groupthink, never questioning authority, living in the past; with no emphasis on being progressive, or embracing other cultures, are things that other cultures will find rather icky.

I never see unvarnished recognition of national failings or genuine and honest discussions about how to retool to become more synchronized with the global community.

Thainess appears to require a belief that perfection has already been achieved, and although others can never comprehend it, they should respect and admire it.

Any strife or dysfunction is a result of drifting from the narrow path.

My working definition of Thainess is: Face is paramount; any action to expose defects or ignorance is unacceptable. Keep your place and receive favorably everything your superiors.

Never has there ever been a better recipe for propagating happy peasants.

I agree with much of what you say but not all.

I just read part of the Basic Education Core curriculum www.act.ac.th/document/1741.pdf

And to quote part of it

Learners’ Key Competencies

The Basic Education Core Curriculum is aimed at inculcating among learners the
following five key competencies:
1. Communication Capacity
Capacity to receive and transmit information; linguistic ability and skills in
expressing one’s thoughts, knowledge and understanding, feelings and opinions for
exchanging information and experience, which will be beneficial to oneself and society;
negotiation for solving or reducing problems and conflicts; ability to distinguish and choose
whether to receive or avoid information through proper reasoning and sound judgement; and
ability to choose efficient methods of communication, bearing in mind possible negative
effects on oneself and society.
2. Thinking Capacity
Capacity for analytical, synthetic, constructive, critical and systematic thinking,
leading to creation of bodies of knowledge or information for judicious decision-making
regarding oneself and society.
3. Problem–Solving Capacity
Capacity to properly eliminate problems and obstacles, based on sound reasoning,
moral principles and accurate information; appreciation of relationships and changes in
various social situations; ability to seek and apply knowledge to prevent and solve
problems; and ability for judicious decision-making, bearing in mind possible negative
effects on oneself, society and the environment.
4. Capacity for Applying Life Skills
Capacity for applying various processes in daily life; self-learning; continuous
learning; working; and social harmony through strengthening of happy interpersonal
relationships; elimination of problems and conflicts through proper means; ability for selfadjustment
to keep pace with social and environmental changes; and capacity for avoiding
undesirable behaviour with adverse effects on oneself and others.

If one really wants to know what Thainess is, learn the language and google it.

I bet many of the posters criticizing it can't speak or read Thai despite probably living here for years.

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Certainly there are positive aspect to Thai culture which the country would do well to capitalize on.

However the things that the government tends to promote as Thainess; things like groupthink, never questioning authority, living in the past; with no emphasis on being progressive, or embracing other cultures, are things that other cultures will find rather icky.

I never see unvarnished recognition of national failings or genuine and honest discussions about how to retool to become more synchronized with the global community.

Thainess appears to require a belief that perfection has already been achieved, and although others can never comprehend it, they should respect and admire it.

Any strife or dysfunction is a result of drifting from the narrow path.

My working definition of Thainess is: Face is paramount; any action to expose defects or ignorance is unacceptable. Keep your place and receive favorably everything your superiors.

Never has there ever been a better recipe for propagating happy peasants.

I agree with much of what you say but not all.

I just read part of the Basic Education Core curriculum www.act.ac.th/document/1741.pdf

And to quote part of it

Learners’ Key Competencies

The Basic Education Core Curriculum is aimed at inculcating among learners the
following five key competencies:
1. Communication Capacity
Capacity to receive and transmit information; linguistic ability and skills in
expressing one’s thoughts, knowledge and understanding, feelings and opinions for
exchanging information and experience, which will be beneficial to oneself and society;
negotiation for solving or reducing problems and conflicts; ability to distinguish and choose
whether to receive or avoid information through proper reasoning and sound judgement; and
ability to choose efficient methods of communication, bearing in mind possible negative
effects on oneself and society.
2. Thinking Capacity
Capacity for analytical, synthetic, constructive, critical and systematic thinking,
leading to creation of bodies of knowledge or information for judicious decision-making
regarding oneself and society.
3. Problem–Solving Capacity
Capacity to properly eliminate problems and obstacles, based on sound reasoning,
moral principles and accurate information; appreciation of relationships and changes in
various social situations; ability to seek and apply knowledge to prevent and solve
problems; and ability for judicious decision-making, bearing in mind possible negative
effects on oneself, society and the environment.
4. Capacity for Applying Life Skills
Capacity for applying various processes in daily life; self-learning; continuous
learning; working; and social harmony through strengthening of happy interpersonal
relationships; elimination of problems and conflicts through proper means; ability for selfadjustment
to keep pace with social and environmental changes; and capacity for avoiding
undesirable behaviour with adverse effects on oneself and others.

If one really wants to know what Thainess is, learn the language and google it.

I bet many of the posters criticizing it can't speak or read Thai despite probably living here for years.

all very well but freedom of speech it ain't and that is the very foundation of critical thinking (which is what they don't want)

Edited by binjalin
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