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Driver's License Procedures Chiang Mai

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Has anyone tried to renew in Mae Tang, it's a sleepy little joint with little office traffic, hard to imagine they actually have an English language copy of the video?

yes i renewed my thai licience(5yrs) middle of last year at mae tang ,no tests etc etc ,just the norm paperwork required medical cert residential letter copies of p/port etc etc

after the opening scrimmage,things settle down nicely, then u get a qeuqe number,pay your dough, then they take your pic, as E/S is rather cute smile.png so no probs there

out by 10.am,, if its status quao,and seeing u are a beautiful maerimitebiggrin.png certainly the place to go

a top of the morning to allsmile.png

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And don't forget your police report...yes it required with all the other paper work as if you were doing the renewal.

I have never been asked for a police report, including throughout my retirement extension process (in-country).

I got my UK license exchanged for a 2 year Thai without needing an 'International' licence, and I expressly asked about this at their office, so it's not as if it was 'overlooked' by them.

I got my address verified at the offices opposite Promenada Mall.

At the driver center I did a colour blind test (traffic lights in the wrong order -Huh??) and the medical consisted of 3 questions and a blood pressure test at a hospital nearby.

This was about June 2015.

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Went today,knew Monday would be a bad day,but it was my daughters

day off work,so we could both do at same time,the place was heaving

when we arrived at 8.30,got the papers checked,OK,got a number told

go in room 5,sitting there for 15 mins,told everyone out,move to place

to test eyes for colour blindness,when you finished the test they told

you to stand at back of the room,we were packed together like sardines,

Then this old Thai man steps up for the test,the tester points at the colours,

but the man says he cannot see the board,never mind the colours,so he's

lead away by one of the staff, for re-education I thought,along the lines of

Your too old to drive and are half blind,go home. BUT no, half an hour later,

before anyones number is called,I see him be lead into the photo area,and

coming out again with a new license (agents?),I just hope I never meet him on the road,

and little wonder this is the second most dangerous countries for road accidents.

They are calling out and processing ,the checking details and payments ,painfully

slow,2 or 3 staff, 12.00 they go for lunch,a new lady comes,I am still quite a few

numbers from been seen,thinking I am going to be here all day,but the new lady

is energized,rattling off the numbers,2 more like her,the turnaround would be

very quick, done and dusted out the door at 12.45.

So for me it was half a day of people watching,everyone else seemed to be in their

own little worlds, via the smart phone,it was not too bad,only con,the seats are

hard,and my bum was numb.

regards worgeordie

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Then this old Thai man steps up for the test,the tester points at the colours,

but the man says he cannot see the board,never mind the colours,so he's

lead away by one of the staff, for re-education I thought,along the lines of

Your too old to drive and are half blind,go home. BUT no, half an hour later,

before anyones number is called,I see him be lead into the photo area,and

coming out again with a new license (agents?),I just hope I never meet him on the road,

and little wonder this is the second most dangerous countries for road accidents.

regards worgeordie

Songteau driver? No problem, drives around the moat straddling the white lines, blocking everybody at 5 kph. No danger to anybody w00t.gif

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And don't forget your police report...yes it required with all the other paper work as if you were doing the renewal.

That doesnt make sense, why would I need the police report if I need all the paper work for a renewal, why would I bother saying it was stolen rather than lost if its just the same process and even more paperwork if I say its stolen ??!


I just moved back to CM after a year in Vietnam. I got my Vietnamese Driver License for both Car and Motorcycle.

I read about the Thai Driver License being accepted by all other ASEAN countries. Is the Vietnamese DL recognised here? Do I have to get a Thai DL?

  • 3 weeks later...

Will I need either a car or motorbike for a road test, as a first time applicant?

If you need to take the practical test then you must supply the bike for bike licence and car for car licence.

Supplying the bike means I'll ride it there without a license. Any consequences for that?


A brief report on my 5 yr renewal process yesterday (Aug 11th):

I went to the Lamphun office as I have always done.

What they required:

- Passport

- Copy of main passport page

- Copy of visa page

- Current Thai drivers license

- Residence cert

- 605 THB

The entire process including queue times as well as watching the 50-55 minute video was 1 hour and 20 minutes.

I had to:

- Perform the reaction test

- Perform the color test

- Watch the video


- My prior 5 yr license expired on my birthday a few weeks ago but they didn't seem to care about that.

- Even though they stated that my new license would be good for 5 years it's actually printed as saying the next 6.

- Watching the video I learned two things:

1) Everything in the video they said not to do the majority of the Thai drivers do all the time.

2) I didn't know it but new vehicles with the red tags are not allowed to be operated at night time.

Cheers.... happy motoring...... and be careful !

17 November 2015 at CM

5 year renewal, exactly the same requirements/ tests/ video as above plus copy of TM6, also got 6 years by renewing just after expiry of old license, cost 655 THB including the photo etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know how seriously they take the color blindness test? I can see the traffic light colors no problem, but that little book they use for testing of one's abiility to see color, has numbers I just cannot distinguish. I'm concerned because on the medical certificate (is it still required to renew a five year driver's license) it states I am color blind.

For what it's worth, the CM immigration department now claims it will take one month to process a Certificate of Residence - but if you slip down the row past the photocopy office, where there is someone who can help get it sooner. Sure, they can for 500 baht fee. deliverable the next day. I paid it because what else can you do when your license expires soon, but the flagrant rip-off just smacks one in the face.


Does anyone know how seriously they take the color blindness test? I can see the traffic light colors no problem, but that little book they use for testing of one's abiility to see color, has numbers I just cannot distinguish. I'm concerned because on the medical certificate (is it still required to renew a five year driver's license) it states I am color blind.

For what it's worth, the CM immigration department now claims it will take one month to process a Certificate of Residence - but if you slip down the row past the photocopy office, where there is someone who can help get it sooner. Sure, they can for 500 baht fee. deliverable the next day. I paid it because what else can you do when your license expires soon, but the flagrant rip-off just smacks one in the face.

They used a series of three small lights when I was tested in thr Hang Dong office - like a miniture set of lights - one above the other. The operator presses a button and a small light (one of the three) glows red, green or yellow - you have to say what colour. Each one can change colour too - so no one can just say red for when the top one glows, etc.

Not sure if med cert needed for 5 year renewal - but if it is, then I suggest you go see a new doctor and ask for medical certificate (and keep quiet about colour issue). If you can see red and green lights, then it is not relevent for a car driving licence - but who knows what the 'official' will decide on the day.


I just received my 2 year car license after showing my USA license. Went in the afternoon and was done in less than an hour. Needed the Medical Certificate and Residency Statement and had to take the color test.

All easy and painless. About an hour of my afternoon time.

Less painless is getting my motorcycle license after its being long expired.

Needed to sit through that painful 4 hour presentation, read the book and take the test.

Unfortunately I FAILED the test because, to me at least, so many of the question were so stupid, or poorly asked, or not covered in the book/reading materials. For instance: Which is it illegal to drive? A military tank or car without windshield. I said Military Tank. Wrong. Apparently it is legal to own and drive a Tank but not a car without a windshield.......I ride motorcycle, I do not always ride with my visor down. Whats the difference? Furthermore, this question was on my test twice, the exact same question.

Another: U Turn in intersection or on a bridge. Definitely a bridge......NOPE. Intersection. So its OK to U-Turn on a bridge? <deleted>?

There were a few other equally inane questions.

While I am generally please the DLT people are trying to strengthen the understanding of the rules of the road, until there is real law enforcement, Thailand will continue to have one of the worst death rates.

Perhaps the moderators could/should start a 'pinned' topic of the correct answers to some of these questions, especially those not covered in the written handouts

Yep - they are silly questions and answers - but here are the examples given.

E-EXAM 1.pdf

E-EXAM 2.pdf

E-EXAM 3.pdf

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For instance: Which is it illegal to drive? A military tank or car without windshield. I said Military Tank. Wrong. Apparently it is legal to own and drive a Tank but not a car without a windshield.......I ride motorcycle, I do not always ride with my visor down. Whats the difference? Furthermore, this question was on my test twice, the exact same question.

Another: U Turn in intersection or on a bridge. Definitely a bridge......NOPE. Intersection. So its OK to U-Turn on a bridge? <deleted>?


It's an intersection because accidents are far more likely to occur at intersections than anywhere else. On the tank / windshield question, the answer is windshield because it's the most dangerous of the choices. As for the tank, I've long since forgotten what test creators call that type of choice. But I do remember it's used to present an attractive alternate (at least to those who don't know the test material) to the correct choice.

I've looked at the test copies BB24 posted. I've never studied for or taken the test, but got the first 20 correct by using a combination of having paid attention to signs and markings while riding a motorbike for 5 years in Thailand and, depending on how the question is worded, choosing the safest or most dangerous option.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A brief report on my 5 yr renewal process yesterday (Aug 11th):

I went to the Lamphun office as I have always done.

What they required:

- Passport

- Copy of main passport page

- Copy of visa page

- Current Thai drivers license

- Residence cert

- 605 THB

The entire process including queue times as well as watching the 50-55 minute video was 1 hour and 20 minutes.

I had to:

- Perform the reaction test

- Perform the color test

- Watch the video


- My prior 5 yr license expired on my birthday a few weeks ago but they didn't seem to care about that.

- Even though they stated that my new license would be good for 5 years it's actually printed as saying the next 6.

- Watching the video I learned two things:

1) Everything in the video they said not to do the majority of the Thai drivers do all the time.

2) I didn't know it but new vehicles with the red tags are not allowed to be operated at night time.

Cheers.... happy motoring...... and be careful !

17 November 2015 at CM

5 year renewal, exactly the same requirements/ tests/ video as above plus copy of TM6, also got 6 years by renewing just after expiry of old license, cost 655 THB including the photo etc.

7 January 2016 at CM

Essentially the same as davehowden except no reaction test. I answered the color test in Thai. I was the only farang in the group. Video and 15 min lecture prior to it was in Thai. Entire time from start to finish was 2.5 hours, but I got there early and waited 1/2 hour to start. Total cost 1060 for both MC and car licenses. I changed my address as well. No medical certificate required. New licenses good for slightly less than 6 years.


I had an absolutely great experience at the Traffic department in Chiang Mai!

Yesterday I went there at 14:00 and left the building at 15:00 with the car and the motorcycle driving license!

I have the nonimmigrant VisaO with common extension for retirement visa, proof of residence at promenade mall immigration (500 thb), the translation from swiss embassy of my swiss driving license (1495thb),

a medical certificate from a clinic(300thb)and copies of Passport,Entrance form and stamp.

No driving or written test only a quick color test 1 minute!

I paid 300 bath for the 2 license and thats it!

Very friendly people working there! I am happy sabai sabai!


I finally got off my backside and decided to get a Thai licence for car and motorcycle. As I have a current New Zealand licence for both it ended up being a very straight forward affair.

1. Go to Promeneda and get Residency Certificate (Naturally this involves 2 trips and a payment of 500 baht)

2. 2 Copies of NZ drivers licence (Front and back)

3. 2 Copies printed from NZ Govt website explaining drivers licence codes

4. 2 Copies from Passport (Particulars page and Non O visa page)

5. Filled out Thai Licence application form (Which in reality meant filling out my name and signing it)

6. Medical Certificate from local doctor.

Oh and all copies of documents have to be signed.

As I live in Mae Rim I went out to Mae Tang to complete all the formalities. Handed in all the documents, paid 380 baht and awaited to be called to have electronic photo done for licence cards.

No tests whatsoever. Time in the Transport office...about 1 hour. Very painless and something I should have done ages ago (Would have saved me 1000 baht in tea money). Temp licence good for 2 years when I shall upgrade to the 5 year licence.

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I finally got off my backside and decided to get a Thai licence for car and motorcycle. As I have a current New Zealand licence for both it ended up being a very straight forward affair.

You didn't mention a medical certificate. Wasn't that required too?


Darn it, you are correct. I thought I missed something out. Med Cert from local doctor....just 50 baht.

I now added it to your post for completeness.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had an absolutely great experience at the Traffic department in Chiang Mai!

Yesterday I went there at 14:00 and left the building at 15:00 with the car and the motorcycle driving license!

I have the nonimmigrant VisaO with common extension for retirement visa, proof of residence at promenade mall immigration (500 thb), the translation from swiss embassy of my swiss driving license (1495thb),

a medical certificate from a clinic(300thb)and copies of Passport,Entrance form and stamp.

No driving or written test only a quick color test 1 minute!

I paid 300 bath for the 2 license and thats it!

Very friendly people working there! I am happy sabai sabai!

I have to agree 100% with you on that. Staff are very helpful and friendly. I walked in the door today at 13.30 with all my papers in order and walked back out the door at 14.00 with my two year temporary car license. A more efficient Government office I have never been in in any country.

By the way my medical cert only cost 75 baht and I printed off my countries vehicle classifications from government website FOC.

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I renewed my 5 year license at Mae Tang last week, I was the only non-Thai in the building and probably the only one they've seen all month.

Standard colour blindness test comprising a chart on the wall. All very courteous and pleasant, asked if I wanted to sit in a room and watch an English version of the safety video by myself or did I want to watch the Thai version, I opted for the Thai version (they only have one room and one PC anyway). Half way through the video it was switched off and a man came to give everyone a talk about related "stuff", it went on for an hour and half, during which time I nodded sagely and smiled a lot whenever the man looked at me. Three hours later I got my license and left.


I noticed two people obtained their licences today, the color blindness test was completed with the chart and lights

Did you have a choice

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