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Editorial: Let's all resolve to build a better Thailand


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Let's all resolve to build a better Thailand

The Nation

Govt leaders, elected representatives and every citizen might consider an extra New Year's resolution, for the good of society

BANGKOK: -- As a new year begins, most people are counting on improvements in life for themselves and their families, while others are hoping for the best for the country as a whole.

Pollsters from Rajabhat Suan Dusit University recently asked more than 1,500 people around the nation what their wishes were for 2015. Common responses included a healthier economy and a lower cost of living, better jobs or better school results, more cheer for the family, and good health. The dominant response, though, was for a Thailand that is at peace and united.

It's remarkable - and an en-couraging sign for the country -

that more citizens are thinking about society than their own personal needs and ambitions. At the same time it's a sobering result, since it underscores the fact that Thailand remains so worryingly divided.

To all who take the trouble to make New Year resolutions, outlining individual goals such as losing weight or quitting smoking, this seems an appropriate moment to add resolutions that might help make the country better as well. They might include always obeying the law, refusing to give or accept bribes, and voting in elections for the candidates who are properly qualified rather than those who simply offer us rewards for our support.

Most Thais want to see improvements in politics and the economy this year.

The financiers are forecasting stronger growth for the economy after a sluggish 2014, saddled as it was by the political conflict. As for improvements in politics, the reform roadmap and targets for drafting a new constitution indicate we're unlikely to see another election until sometime in 2016.

The constitution itself, however, is on track for completion late this year.

In another opinion survey by Assumption University last week, most respondents said they wanted to see a healthier economy in the new year, while others echoed the hopes for a peaceful, united country and for an end to corruption. That poll reached more than 2,000 people in Bangkok and other major provinces.

We can all, as citizens, help grant those wishes, in whatever small part, by contributing in any we can.

Members of the current unelected government, including Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, should adopt a New Year's resolution to work to the best of their abilities in tackling these challenges before passing on the baton to the elected administration that will succeed them.

The people drafting the new

constitution should have as their New Year resolution the deter-

mination to provide Thailand with its best constitution to date - one that rectifies the flaws and closes the loopholes in the previous

charter that allowed politicians to take advantage of the taxpayer.

The politicians, whose roles were greatly diminished by the coup in May, should have as their New Year resolution the aim, if elected, to serve the electorate and the country with honesty and integrity. And the eligible voters should resolve to choose the candidate who is the best qualified, not the most generous.

Not everyone will bother to amend their New Year's resolutions, but, if even a significant number of citizens pledge to help bring about changes for the good, we will indeed see a brighter future.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Lets-all-resolve-to-build-a-better-Thailand-30251057.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-01

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I think the general aim of everyone at TV is to build a better Thailand , I know of some interesting people call them outsiders if you will who have taken idea's on board from idea's expressed here , so when you think you are banging your head against a brick wall its only Thaines after all it is Thailand. HNY Thailand biggrin.png

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Very glossy and superficial . Wondering why they cannot identify just one problem and talk about a solution.

The coup is not about fixing problems. It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

Now, why would that be? Thaksin is a free man, he can travel anywhere, including Thailand. What's keeping him away?

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The only new year resolution should be to hold an election by July and throw these idiot bullies out on their ear!

And replace them with what ?Mps that are protected from prosecution while sucking the country's assets dry as the former government did coffee1.gif

Well how about those who have total control get a bloody move on and close those loopholes/strengthen laws to ensure those who seek election to the new trough cannot, as the junta said they would, instead of dragging out their particular, unopposed for obvious reasons, tenure. How about that?

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Very glossy and superficial . Wondering why they cannot identify just one problem and talk about a solution.

The coup is not about fixing problems. It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

Now, why would that be? Thaksin is a free man, he can travel anywhere, including Thailand. What's keeping him away?

A jail term. The Thai military wants to put him in jail. Given he was deposed, he is protected my international law as well. That and he has lots of money . Not sure what you are asking ?

If force is always going to be used in lieu legal process, things will just get worse. Why not use this tremendous lack of good judgement or coup to ensure coups never happen again ?

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The only new year resolution should be to hold an election by July and throw these idiot bullies out on their ear!

and throw these IDIOT Farangs out on their ear .... ! Much better idea..!

No love for universal suffrage and a dislike of a foreign view point ? Sounds rather sad .

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The only new year resolution should be to hold an election by July and throw these idiot bullies out on their ear!

And replace them with what ?Mps that are protected from prosecution while sucking the country's assets dry as the former government did coffee1.gif

There seems to be a fixation with democracy, what we should be focused on is quality government that delivers something for all people as it is supposed to ,

if democracy can deliver quality government in Thailand lets have an election, however does anyone truly believe an election will bring quality, and if a new bunch of thieves are elected are they then acceptable because they were brought in by a democratic process?

Our democratic ideals seem to be failing and delivering not much more than corporate lackies in all countries, brought to power with lies and deception.

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The only new year resolution should be to hold an election by July and throw these idiot bullies out on their ear!

And replace them with what ?Mps that are protected from prosecution while sucking the country's assets dry as the former government did coffee1.gif

There seems to be a fixation with democracy, what we should be focused on is quality government that delivers something for all people as it is supposed to ,

if democracy can deliver quality government in Thailand lets have an election, however does anyone truly believe an election will bring quality, and if a new bunch of thieves are elected are they then acceptable because they were brought in by a democratic process?

Our democratic ideals seem to be failing and delivering not much more than corporate lackies in all countries, brought to power with lies and deception.

Who decides what is best for the people ? Which person would you appoint to make decisions for you ? If the people want lackies, lairs and imbeciles then so be it.

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Start with reducing corruption and scams, dropping the fluff, quitting the blame game, growing up and increasing awareness that Thailand is a part of a global community and that it has to take itself seriously before the rest of the world will. Otherwise it will just remain as the Land of a Few Good Laughs.

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Very glossy and superficial . Wondering why they cannot identify just one problem and talk about a solution.

The coup is not about fixing problems. It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

Now, why would that be? Thaksin is a free man, he can travel anywhere, including Thailand. What's keeping him away?

A jail term. The Thai military wants to put him in jail. Given he was deposed, he is protected my international law as well. That and he has lots of money . Not sure what you are asking ?

If force is always going to be used in lieu legal process, things will just get worse. Why not use this tremendous lack of good judgement or coup to ensure coups never happen again ?

.................."Given he was deposed, he is protected my international law as well.".................... ??????????????????? What the....................

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Jean Rasczak: All right, let's sum up. This year 2349 in History, we talked about the failure of Democracy. How the social scientists of the 21st Century brought our world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans, how they took control and imposed the stability that has lasted for Generations since. We talked about the rights and privileges between those who served in the armed forces and those who haven't, therefore called citizens and civilians.

Jean Rasczak: You. Why are only citizens allowed to vote?

Student: It's a reward. Something the federation gives you for doing federal service.

Jean Rasczak: No. Something given has no basis in value. When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.

Dizzy: My Mother always told me that violence doesn't solve anything.

Jean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the City Founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that.

[to Carmen]

Jean Rasczak: You.

Carmen: They wouldn't say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed.

Jean Rasczak: Correct. Naked force has resolved more conflicts throughout history than any other factor. The contrary opinion, that violence doesn't solve anything, is wishful thinking at its worst; people who forget that always die.

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Very glossy and superficial . Wondering why they cannot identify just one problem and talk about a solution.

The coup is not about fixing problems. It is about keeping one man out of Thailand.

BS it for keeping the Great LEader and his chronies in power as long as possible under martial law....

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