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Ze Oil


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Obviously a wonder oil - but if she likes it due to para 8 maybe agree with her?

Translated text:

1. Ze Oil (Sea oil) help prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis / help blood circulation.
In total oil Omega 3, Omega 9, Gramma-Oryzanol, Vitamin E, Co-Q 10, the compounds in garlic oil, medium chain fatty acids. Which these
- Increased levels of HDL (LCAT increased by 100%.
- Reduce the level of LDL (bad cholesterol).
- Reduce the level of Triglycerides
- Helps dissolve blood clots / prevent clogging of the arteries.
Results that have helped make the circulatory system is functioning properly. Clean arteries Heart, brain, liver, kidneys, etc., work better, reducing the risk of heart disease, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, paralysis, paralysis, etc.
2. Ze Oil (Sea oil) can help prevent high blood pressure.
There are plenty of nutrients. System helps clean arteries Improved heart function To pump blood to the organs and cells were thoroughly helps make the blood pressure returns to normal.
3. Ze Oil (Oil C) protects against diabetes and alleviate complications from diabetes.
In total oil Medium-chain fatty acid, a substance allicin N, reduces blood sugar drops.Also found in rice bran oil with Chromium helps insulin. Higher efficiency Glucose-lowering effect of the complications of diabetes, such as peripheral neuropathy tea. I have a feeling Al-acid alpha-lipoic acid. (Coconut oil + garlic) helps to mitigate such problems very well.
4. Ze Oil (Oil C) prevents the brain / nervous Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, etc.
In oil as a medium chain fatty acids. This deformation is low power and turn himself ketones. Ketones are the nutrients to the brain cells. After the cells get the energy to recover and can help improve memory provides Omega 3, Vitamin E, Olive San million to balance the nervous system, brain, prevent stroke t / a, which causes paralysis. paralysis and allow some cells or organs. Enough to repair itself Able to return to activities such as walking or moving better.
5. Ze Oil (Sea oil) help prevent allergic or autoimmune.
In oil, as the nutrients mentioned above. Also a precursor of glutathione, glutathione is Cysteine, glutathione, glutathione, activation of leukocytes Mac Caixa e, T-helper cells, T cells regularization directory. To return to work better as a more regular Omega 3 fatty acids and the center line. To reduce the inflammation of cells. The cause of allergies or autoimmune diseases such as SLE, rheumatoid handlers, allergies, psoriasis, rash, as well as various symptoms gradually abated gradually.
6. Ze Oil (Sea Oil) helps prevent diseases of the eyes.
Organs are the most preferred source antioxidant nutrients that are in the oil as well as to help maintain and protect al-acid alpha-lipoic acid. (Coconut oil + garlic) can prevent cataracts as beta carotene, Vitamin A- help treat dry eye and eye diseases.
7. Ze Oil (Oil C) protects against cancer.
In cold-pressed oil There are many different nutrients (as mentioned above) have significant antioxidant radicals. It also contains a resistance level or Super Anti-Oxidant Universal Anti-Oxidant Anti-shaped particles. This research has been careful alpha-lipoic acid can switch off cancer. Stop the radicals cause of cancer.
8. Ze Oil (Sea Oil) makes sex better. Garlic is known to stimulate sexual arousal as well.
In oil, including the ability to maintain nutrients. Requirement of garlic It also has a new compound called Jo (AJOIN) derived from allicin pm. The lube Jo performance better than many. The effect of increasing sexual performance significantly.
9. Ze Oil (Oil C) prevents viral liver cirrhosis.
In oil as a medium chain fatty acids. This is the only type of oil to the liver and burn fat for energy. Help regenerate liver cells to restore function better. And medium-chain fatty acids can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and can eliminate the excess of the liver caused by drugs. And chemical residues in the liver. Fatty acids and medium garlic helps remove residue from the liver. Cause the liver to return to normal.
10. Ze Oil (Sea oil) help with bone and joint.
In oils consist of fatty acids, which are important for the body. Bone directly improves the lubrication inside the better. Inflammation of the The movement of the various convenient.
11. Ze Oil (Oil C) reduces obesity and metabolic system works well.
It is well known that we consume soybean, sunflower, etc. are able to inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. The body fat Associated with metabolism, making the body metabolism is low. The medium chain fatty acids stimulate the thyroid to function better. And medium-chain fatty change in the liver for energy.Carbohydrates provide functionality similar to But not as fat as carbohydrates. And medium-chain fatty acids also help burn fat. It also stimulates the hormone Leptin inhibits food. In order to stop the brain that it is full, then people or less. As a result, the proportion of body fat is less well established.
12. Ze Oil (Sea Oil) helps digestion / elimination of toxins from the body.
In total oil relieve constipation. Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and colon cancer.Medium-chain fatty acids help the filtration unit of the kidney to function better. The urine is normal Al-acid alpha lipoic acid helps remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury, lead from the body.
13. Ze Oil (Oil C) prevents prostate causes prostate cancer.
There is research that testosterone into DHT, which is an important cause, especially caused by changing hormone Lantos State Road by the enzyme. 5-ALPHA-REDUCTASE (DHT) action. Cause prostate / disease / cancer. And causes baldness Onset at age 40 years or more and are more intense, more so with age.Substances in the oil and medium-chain fatty acids to help reduce the decrease of DHT has various symptoms of a better living, respectively.
14. Ze Oil (Oil C) reduces the balance of hormones in the body.
In total oil with Omega 3 to Omega 6 helps to have too much of the body. The cause of infections Including stress, hormonal disorders, vitamin E, Q10 reduces the variance of the menopause or menopause. All are available in oil as it helps balance the hormones in the body works to reduce symptoms.

Eating for health Ze Oil (Sea Oil). : Take 2 capsules 1 time before bed.
No less. 19-1-15653-1-0035
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why should your wife use a product that was developed to prevent prostate cancer ? Isn't it that only men can be befallen from this malady ?

Tell her you searched further and found the product is for men who start to develope bald scalps, and that it will boost the growth of a mustache instead, maybe that will make her stop the use

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why should your wife use a product that was developed to prevent prostate cancer ? Isn't it that only men can be befallen from this malady ?

Tell her you searched further and found the product is for men who start to develope bald scalps, and that it will boost the growth of a mustache instead, maybe that will make her stop the use

Thanks for the reply. Check out post # 3.

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I don't know if it helps, but many bird nests are bleached when cleaning making them surely worthless.

If your wife is interested I have a few bird nests. I tried to farm them, pretty unsuccessful, I have just a few birds which stay happy. Not enough to sell the bird nests to the big dealer.

So I could sell 1-3, NOT cleaned and fully organic. No insecticides sprayed, just letting the birds stay there happy....

(I may stop that in future as it doesn't bring any profit.....)

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