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Loi Kroh police check


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I have been dinged twice at that spot. They are targeting people who cut straight across Changklan Rd on Loi Kroh. Only a right turn is permitted at that intersection. Both times I have been nicked they sent me to the police station for a 200 baht fine. So they are not on the take, unlike the police on Tha Phae just W of the bridge. I have been stopped there twice too, both times for nothing, and both times paid tea money (400 baht each).

They got me at that spot just west of the bridge on Tha Phae last Friday morning, along with a slew of other foreigners... I had all my papers in order and I was wearing a helmet, but the BiB didn't like it, so off to the cop shop to pay 400 baht...

You forgot to mention what you were fined for.

Because 'he falang' .. ever driven around Bangkok.. Chonburi ? they will find a reason to fine you even if you have 'your papers in order'

as for the Narawat bridge spot I have stayed clear of that place since reports came in on this forum about the left turn 'stop the tourist - falang' scam a couple of years back

Another little BIB revenue collection tourist rip off spot is the turn from RatChieng Saen moat road at Chiang Mai gate into Suriyawong a BIB same guy every time is there some evenings (late) stopping tourists on bikes heading to the hotels and collecting 'fines' he is hiding just round the corner of the moat road and will accuse the victims of jumping the pedestrian crossing lights before turning into Suriyawong

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My W of the bridge stops: one time for registration being a month overdue; the second time because I only had a photocopy of my Thai license but not the license itself

Can't really complain about that though; both times you were in the wrong.

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as for the Narawat bridge spot I have stayed clear of that place since reports came in on this forum about the left turn 'stop the tourist - falang' scam a couple of years back

I missed this one - I'm assuming turning left onto the bridge. Is this not allowed?

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as for the Narawat bridge spot I have stayed clear of that place since reports came in on this forum about the left turn 'stop the tourist - falang' scam a couple of years back

I missed this one - I'm assuming turning left onto the bridge. Is this not allowed?

No, it is not allowed --- and with very clear signs marking it (which are usually ignored)! When I see police there, they seem to be stopping everyone they have time for, obviously not just foreigners. Automatic left-hand turns on red are definitely not allowed at all intersections, but many signs are small. That is not so in this case.

Edited by Mapguy
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He got me. Turning right wasn't an option as there were multiple tour buses jamming up the road and where otherwise you may be able to pass, tuk-tuks filled in those gaps. I sat for about 10 minutes at the crossing and traffic wasn't moving so I went straight. He jumped out of nowhere on me. Smelled like whiskey. I think he hits the sauce while he hides and waits.

Just another chubby faced farmer in a tight costume with a gun. Calling him a "policeman" would be a disservice to all real policemen around the world.

Good thing he didn't smell whiskey on your breath!! facepalm.gifbiggrin.png

Yes, it sometimes take a little time to make a right turn down Chang Klan. Actually, it is a pretty good idea to prohibit crossing Chang Klan at that point, as tempting as it might be. True, sometimes the traffic is backed up, but the head of the narrow soi leading to the Red Lion can sometimes get jammed up quickly. Sometimes there is surprise pedestrian (usually tourist) traffic, sometimes vehicles making legitimate left-hand turns from Chang Klan Road, motorcycles dodging in and out, vendors with carts heading for their nightly sidewalk stalls.

Why do I suspect most of those who post here who are not enamored by the BIB at that point are headed for the Red Lion or the Aussie pub down that soi! Somehow I don't think that they are headed for the temple down that soi. wink.png

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as for the Narawat bridge spot I have stayed clear of that place since reports came in on this forum about the left turn 'stop the tourist - falang' scam a couple of years back

I missed this one - I'm assuming turning left onto the bridge. Is this not allowed?

No, it is not allowed --- and with very clear signs marking it (which are usually ignored)! When I see police there, they seem to be stopping everyone they have time for, obviously not just foreigners. Automatic left-hand turns on red are definitely not allowed at all intersections, but many signs are small. That is not so in this case.

Which left turn onto Nawarat are you talking about, the one coming from Anusarn market or the one coming off the Old Chiang Mai Lamphun road? I use the latter at least twice a day and I usually don't filter in because the traffic coming into town is usually quite steady and so there isn't much of a chance to filter in anyway. The only sign I see there is one with a left arrow on it indicating where the the Traffic police office is, are you confusing that with a 'no left turn' sign? I've never seen anyone stopped after doing a left turn there, and if they were to be stopped it would be a big inconvenience for traffic coming into town.

The big annoyance for me on that bridge road is the daily 4pm-6pm blocking of the intersection right near the Governor's house. The traffic coming from Charoenprathet rd onto the bridge continuously tail-gates when the light changes to red, and end up blocking the intersection, meaning traffic on the bridge can't move when they get red. You can sit at the lights there and watch the lights change two or three times and not be able to go because the intersection is blocked by traffic coming onto the already full bridge.

Meanwhile, muggins at the McDonalds intersection in the night bazaar is hiding behind a stall waiting to pounce. Either that, or he's gone home for a well-earned rest.

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He got me. Turning right wasn't an option as there were multiple tour buses jamming up the road and where otherwise you may be able to pass, tuk-tuks filled in those gaps. I sat for about 10 minutes at the crossing and traffic wasn't moving so I went straight. He jumped out of nowhere on me. Smelled like whiskey. I think he hits the sauce while he hides and waits.

Just another chubby faced farmer in a tight costume with a gun. Calling him a "policeman" would be a disservice to all real policemen around the world.

Good thing he didn't smell whiskey on your breath!! facepalm.gifbiggrin.png

I handed him my beer bottle when I pulled up and asked him to hold it while I looked for the license that I don't possess. giggle.gif

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as for the Narawat bridge spot I have stayed clear of that place since reports came in on this forum about the left turn 'stop the tourist - falang' scam a couple of years back

I missed this one - I'm assuming turning left onto the bridge. Is this not allowed?

They sometimes change if it's allowed or not. This is for left turns on red, either from the Chiang Mai Lamphun Road (going North, then turning left on to Nawarat Bridge) or from Charoen Prathet Road, turning left on to Thapae Road.

And there are places where it's (intentionally?) ambiguous, such as going North on Chang Klan Road and turn left on to Sridonchai Road, at the Saeng Tawan intersection (Panthip). There are now two signs, one saying 'stop here on red' (in English) but then a Thai one indicating it's allowed to turn left on red as long as you mind traffic coming from the right.

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He got me. Turning right wasn't an option as there were multiple tour buses jamming up the road and where otherwise you may be able to pass, tuk-tuks filled in those gaps. I sat for about 10 minutes at the crossing and traffic wasn't moving so I went straight. He jumped out of nowhere on me. Smelled like whiskey. I think he hits the sauce while he hides and waits.

Just another chubby faced farmer in a tight costume with a gun. Calling him a "policeman" would be a disservice to all real policemen around the world.

Good thing he didn't smell whiskey on your breath!! facepalm.gifbiggrin.png

I handed him my beer bottle when I pulled up and asked him to hold it while I looked for the license that I don't possess. giggle.gif

Be careful, some of them will be having you deported for having a sense of context or humour.

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  • 1 month later...

we have another one doing the same thing !

the bib hid behind an electric box on the pavement and caught these two women and two tuk tuks who came straight across from chiang mai gate into prapokkloa road which goes past wat chedi luang this afternoon :(




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I have been dinged twice at that spot. They are targeting people who cut straight across Changklan Rd on Loi Kroh. Only a right turn is permitted at that intersection. Both times I have been nicked they sent me to the police station for a 200 baht fine. So they are not on the take, unlike the police on Tha Phae just W of the bridge. I have been stopped there twice too, both times for nothing, and both times paid tea money (400 baht each).

pic? http://goo.gl/maps/miRJF

Edited by rabid old goat
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I have been dinged twice at that spot. They are targeting people who cut straight across Changklan Rd on Loi Kroh. Only a right turn is permitted at that intersection. Both times I have been nicked they sent me to the police station for a 200 baht fine. So they are not on the take, unlike the police on Tha Phae just W of the bridge. I have been stopped there twice too, both times for nothing, and both times paid tea money (400 baht each).

They got me at that spot just west of the bridge on Tha Phae last Friday morning, along with a slew of other foreigners... I had all my papers in order and I was wearing a helmet, but the BiB didn't like it, so off to the cop shop to pay 400 baht...

You forgot to mention what you were fined for.

Oops, he didn't like the helmet I was wearing, even though it was legal...

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I wonder what he would do if you went there and filmed him taking bribes.

I wonder if he would just revert to doing official fines, take a lunch break, or get in your face to stop filming him.

Anyone like to guess how much he makes each day?

I really have a problem with posts like konissan's effort. There is no evidence of any sort here of the policeman accepting any sort of bribe. It is for konisaan and others who complain like him, perhaps, symptomatic of basic discomfort with where he is. So, where did he come from? And everything was on the up and up there? He should read, as in the case of policemen, the history of the early policemen in America and the UK, or other countries.

It is not that the bribes are not accepted by traffic police, but the bribe has to be offerred first. That is what a bribe is.

Otherwise? There is the "big list" of Transparency International, not that it is particularly pertinent to life on the sois of Chiang Mai. Thailand doesn't fare so well in the ratings. It seems that the economically advanced "nanny states," so villified by some expatriates here, score highest as honest. Even for those nations which score relatively high, what does one say about the REALLY BIG-time crooks of London, examples being the manipulation of the LIBOR and the cozy relationship between certain news media and the British government, now relegated to old boring news. Now you're talking some really serious sh#t!

From the point of view of traffic safety in Chiang Mai, I hope that there are more places for the traffic police to hide and that more motorcycles and tuk tuks get nailed.

So, if you wish to offer your 200 bhat or so as a bribe, it is up to you. My experience in some ten years is never to have any BIB even suggest a bribe, and I have never offerred one. I have been legitimately nabbed for various traffic offenses just like most everyone. Mai phen rai!

Of course, thorough posts (like the name and badge number oif the policeman) are not permitted here since they could be interpreted as "name and shame" posts. Tsk tsk!

When all is said and done, if people can't complain about the BIB we'd only have the Immigration Department to complain about, especially 90-day reporting !! coffee1.gif

Edited by Mapguy
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There is quite a lot of illegal parking on and around Nimmen every day. Cars and bikes get locked up regularly, and a ticket is left behind. That ticket is a paper trail which leads me to believe that most of the money being collected is actually returned to the city.

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I have been dinged twice at that spot. They are targeting people who cut straight across Changklan Rd on Loi Kroh. Only a right turn is permitted at that intersection. Both times I have been nicked they sent me to the police station for a 200 baht fine. So they are not on the take, unlike the police on Tha Phae just W of the bridge. I have been stopped there twice too, both times for nothing, and both times paid tea money (400 baht each).

I have also cut across instead of turning right as you supposed to. I always looked around for sneaky cops first though. Did you?

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I have been dinged twice at that spot. They are targeting people who cut straight across Changklan Rd on Loi Kroh. Only a right turn is permitted at that intersection. Both times I have been nicked they sent me to the police station for a 200 baht fine. So they are not on the take, unlike the police on Tha Phae just W of the bridge. I have been stopped there twice too, both times for nothing, and both times paid tea money (400 baht each).

I have also cut across instead of turning right as you supposed to. I always looked around for sneaky cops first though. Did you?

Cop was in hiding

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my tip on crossing the road. park before the intersection. walk across look for sneaky characters. if none seen then proceed. me i wont have this problem because i walk everywhere exclusively when in CM.

even saw those other pesky characters seriously brawling amongst themselves outside my hotel this evening. keep far away from them thats the best path.

Edited by rabid old goat
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