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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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This has EVERYTHING to do with religion.

One PARTICULAR religion.

They are as bad as each other.

Middle East politics and the ongoing situation in what was called Palestine for centuries are rooted in crazy religious doctrine.

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Lone wolf attack. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Just nutters.

No, I don't believe that either. It's just that I'd thought I'd get in first before the apologists.

Just watched a video on Facebook of them gunning down a French policeman.

The religion of peace. Remember?


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Time for another series of crusades me thinks

But, but.... no boots on the ground. OK?

I think that depends on where those boots come from.

These boots are made for walking

And that's just what they'll do

One of these days these boots

Are gonna walk all over you

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"12 DEAD IN PARIS MASSACRE: Islamic gunmen execute French police officer as he pleads for his life after terror attack on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo at centre of Mohammed cartoon storm."

"Masked gunmen storm Paris headquarters with AK-47s shouting 'Allahu akbar!' and 'the Prophet has been avenged'.
Stalked building asking for people's names before killing the editor and cartoonist during weekly editorial meeting .
Horrific footage shows a police officer begging for his life before being shot in the head at point-blank range."


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The world would be a better place without any religion.

Here we are in the 21st century with people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo.

I will believe in god, any god,when he turns up to prove his case.

In my book religion is brainwashing of the masses.

" people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo."

Do you include Buddhism here in Thailand as being in this category?

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I posted yesterday that the world needs to wake up.

I agree MRTOAD "Another Bunch of murdering Muslims. Religion of peace, my ass"

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?.........SOUND OF CRICKETSwhistling.gif

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?

No one because the French people are unarmed. This incident proves that the police can't always handle everything. Europe has sold its soul to the PC brainwashers.

France is already 20% Muslim.


5 to 11% according to different studies.

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Appalling act or cowardice, these arnt muslims just scumbags using it as an excuse to feed their macho egos.

Do they really think God if hes so great needs pathetic turds like them to kill people for him ? naa of course not thats also just ego the maggots.

Perfect timing with the German gathering the other day, here we go with another round of problem reaction solution.

Religion is such a bad thing for humanity it makes people give over reason and logic for fear and fantasy.

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It would be good to see other newspapers and magazines around the world reprinting those cartoons on their front pages.

You condone deliberate provocation, deliberate offense?

And how does one offend savages exactly?

Ignorant post!

These savages take offense at cartoons. Normal people take offense at murder in the name of Islam.

And provocation? Everything provokes these savages. From cartoons to basically anything they disagree with about the western lifestyle.

As I said..WAKE UP!!

There is a time for fights and there is a time for grief

Please respect Charb and Cabu's memory who were pacifists

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