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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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This all is becoming a melting pot. First Canada, then Australia and now France.

The World has to unite against those terrorists for once and for all.

What about England have we forgot lee Rigby and there is other European country's which are having mass problems and do I dare say south Thailand and other country's from only a year ago and what about Africa

26/11 the Taj in Mumbai

I hate to say it but it is only a matter of time before a similar attack is carried out in a western country. If you can stomach the reality, search out what this scum did to those they had captured and tortured.

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Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It has nothing to do with religion

It has EVERYTHING to do with religion.
It drives their actions and gives their sad lives some meaning.
It's their life. They live and breathe it.

How much more evidence do we need to stop the Islamification of Europe and recognise the inherent danger of Islamists in the west.


And white liberal lefties fret and wring their hands at the success of brave patriots Pergida (insulted as 'IGNORANT massses' by apologists) in Germany. Pergida is just the beginning. It will spread

This has EVERYTHING to do with religion.

While I'm in no way defending these terrorist cowards I do find your comment somewhat ironic considering you're against the Islamic spread across Europe while your avatar is a picture relating to the crusades. Either you don't mind being a hypocrite or you don't know your history very well.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.
According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

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A lot of these sort of people head for Switzerland. But i don't think these ones will get here.

They are controlling all borders, Everywhere.

For a lot of you, you have no idea what this newpaper and its journalists meant to a lot of French people and the French speaking countries that lived beside France.

It was funny, odd and sometimes i didn't understand it but the people that put it together were passionate about their jobs and knew each other for decades,

Thats all i can say,

Edited by Patsycat
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments Edited by happydude303
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That is an excellent point. While these morons are promised 57 virgins when they die after they finish killing disbelievers, I do not recall any direct mention of the age of the virgins......

What is it with the virgins? Thailand has a reputation as one of the foremost sex destinations in the world. In 99.999% of cases it has NOTHING to do with virgins. Now, promise me 57 of the most disgusting, perverted, slags of all time and I might just give it a go.

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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Islam is not a religion. Its an ideology. religions assimilate, idiologies dont

Indeed Islam differs from all other religions in many ways and if it was a religion of peace how come so many kills innocent in the name of Allah? Soon we will see these attacks happening all over Europe this is just the beginning and with mass immigration there is plenty of nutjobs going around.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

??? I don't remember any Christian, Buddhist attacking newspaper HQ, tall building, plane, etc. Please provide evidence.

Anyway, my thoughts are with the impacted families and their lost ones RIP

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And naturally this attack, like thousands of others committed year in year out by people pleding to kill and be killed for Islam whilst screaming Allah au Akbar, has nothing to do with Islam............. Because Islam is a religion of piss........ I mean peace............ Yeah, and Nana Bar girls are fidelity in the making trust machines and are amazing at saving money and not building drug habits..........

Can I get an Allah au Akbar?

Edited by trianglechoke
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Costas2008, on 07 Jan 2015 - 20:45, said:Costas2008, on 07 Jan 2015 - 20:45, said:Costas2008, on 07 Jan 2015 - 20:45, said: .......

"It has nothing to do with religion but with the arrogance and ignorance of some people using religion to accomplish their murder instincts"............

How does the world separate the religion from the followers of same who use it to organize, raise funds in their churches, foment emotional support, and openly suborn killing of all others who don't follow their religion strictly?

Edited by MiclB
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Warning graphic but it does appear they missed the final shot. I really hope the policeman was playing dead as there is no blood at all



The round missed, hitting the sidewalk. If, as some news reports claim, it indeed had been a headshot from that range, it would have been a quite obvious. And yes, head shots often bleed a lot after post-mortem.

The claims that these guys moved like commandos, is nonsense. Nothing of the sort.

It sure looked like a head shot at point blank range. So if the shooter missed that would

be pretty embarrassing for them. Also the Live Leak story said he was killed. Is there

information he is still alive ? If he was trying to play dead he certainly would have done it

as the two guys were running up to him with guns, rather than after.......

Looks like a head shot to this poster as well:

No it was an upper back shot

If it was a head shot at that range with an AK his head would have been all over

the sidewalk

If you watch the liveleak video you will see he turns slightly just as round was fired

Pretty much as your pic shows was his position at time of shot & you can see where barrel is pointed

Also if you watch that video after the shot you will see a fast growing pool of blood pouring out of the exit

wound under his left arm onto the sidewalk.

Edited by mania
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Looks like a version of reversed crusade and a backslash from the ignored burden that comes if one colonialise other (Arabic) countries. They fed the snake on their own breast for easily granting french citizenship to millions of Muslims, leaving them in ghetthoes of their suburbs to benefit from cheap labor. This will also have an impact in other European countries especially Germany with its new movement "Pegida", the Danish nationalists etc. etc. Who wonders if the average citizen in his cosy little village home is fed up with Muslims "invading" their country topping the crime rate, while living on welfare and constantly demanding more and special rights (treatment)?

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The world would be a better place without any religion.

Here we are in the 21st century with people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo.

I will believe in god, any god,when he turns up to prove his case.

In my book religion is brainwashing of the masses.

" people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo."

Do you include Buddhism here in Thailand as being in this category?

There is no divine being in Buddhism, The Lord Buddha was a real historical figure. Thais follow his teachings- big difference .

Allah magically dictated the terrorists manual to his prophet.

I would agree about the brainwashing- if you have seen children in the Islamic schools rocking backwards and forwards learning the verses of the Koran by heart- no science, geography, maths etc for them.

Islam cannot tolerate any criticism - it would shown up as a pathway to death, destruction and poverty.

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Basically, just leave us alone in Europe. It is, at the moment, like a bit f up.

Go sit on your beaches, we don^t need you. We shall sort it out for outselves.


How silly, saying it was the IRA. Who are you to say that.

Edited by Patsycat
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