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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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I hope the self-declared warfare technology elite who go by the name of Al-Qaheeda will have too much support from the usually peaceful Muslims.

In Thailand there's a job now for the army: Keep Muslim and Christians away from each other for their own protection. As far as now I haven't heard anything from the South (Pattani eg), I really hope peace can be kept in Thailand.

Something Farangs could learn from Thailand.

Dear boy! What on Earth are you talking about?

Did Auto-Correct change words in your post?

The Thai army has a job of keeping Muslims and Christians away from eachother?

Farangs can learn from the peace in Southern Thailand?



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I posted yesterday that the world needs to wake up.

I agree MRTOAD "Another Bunch of murdering Muslims. Religion of peace, my ass"

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?.........SOUND OF CRICKETSwhistling.gif

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?

No one because the French people are unarmed. This incident proves that the police can't always handle everything. Europe has sold its soul to the PC brainwashers.

France is already 20% Muslim.


20% certainly not it would be 12,000,000 Muslims, probably not far 10%, Yes and it's too much alreadysad.png

Probably depends which part of France you live - try Marseilles!

OK why not Aubervilliers maybe still worst, we where speaking about France as a whole country.

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The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents.

'Muslim related Incidents'?

Good one!

Glad to know all thoese atrocities and murders are merely 'incidents' that have some unknown, unproven, spurious connection to Islam.

Apoogist of the highest order. And on a thread like this. Disgraceful!

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants.

No, we are not! Thats why our visas state 'Non-Immigrant'.

What will it be next; '12 dead after unforseen gun discharges'?

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A cowardly attack on unarmed civilians, surely these scum must bring more discredit on there religion than any satires of the free press.

If I was President Francois Hollande I would be considering the closure of all mosques this Friday.

Discredit is in the eye of the beholder.

Most Westerner, and non-Muslims in general may see it this way. Many Muslims as well (arguments regarding percentages and level of expression are all over the topic, not need to re-hash them). As far as Muslims holding similar, or close enough positions (again, prevalence can be debated) or even "closet" zealots, this would be celebrated, publicly or not, as an act of heroism and devotion. Something to look up to. Many Muslims terrorist organizations name specific attacks or units after Shahids (martyrs). This serves both to honor the dead, and to inspire the living (with either courage or terror).

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we have come to the conclusion, this isn't an issue to one specific country, we are all in danger of being victims to this from the USA to United Kingdom, to France....they can attack and kill our people, but they won't kill our resolve and our desire to live peacefully free from terror and murder....

As an American, I really feel for some of these European countries, they have basically become a mini middle east....Turks in Germany, North Africans in France, Pakistanis in England and a few bad apples WILL ruin it for the rest, the majority peace loving, abiding Muslims...while my country men worry about a mexicans crossing the border to work at McDonalds, my European brothers have legitimate fear about who will next immigrate to their country..

As an American, your geography is terrible!

Turkey is in Asia (and a small part in Europe).

North Africa is in, well, North Africa.

Pakistan is in Asia.

Anywhere but the Middle East, mini or not.

Now the big malls of Bangkok, there you have your Mini Middle East. Coincidentally these people come from the countries that side with the West but are behind large parts of the financing of terror networks.

To live peacefully free from terror (fear) and murder, well that right would extend to those listed as "collateral damage" after a drone strike as well, or is this only a Western concept and only we Whites are eligible for this?

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This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Right right. And wasn't it one of your fellow Islamists who described all Charlie Hedbo readers as 'IGNORANT masses'? His capitals.

This is abhorrent. Extremism must be stamped out. Finally and with no mercy.

It's just a pity that the IGNORANT masses, all Charlie Hedbo readers included, think that a single religion consists of all extremists.

You continually use the word 'offensive' in that pathetic drama queen post ("glory in this event", "dancing around the remains of these slain artists") of yours. A certain religion also finds opposing arguments and beliefs as 'offensive'. You both have a lot in common, eh?

You attempt to bully me in your usual fashion on the basis of what someone else has said? Even for you this is weak. You have nothing to ay about my post, so you attempt to badger me with the postings and comments of someone else. You are clearly intellectually challenged on this issue. Your bigotry refuses to allow you to even comprehend plain English. Try making an argument against what I said. I did this in response to your offensive remarks. You gleefulness in taking this incident to support your offensive bigotry is remarked by others on this thread. Continue to call me islamist. Continue to call me apologist. From an intellectual midget like you it is like being stuck in the face with wet lettuce. I wait with anticipation your next school yard bullying response.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my position that this incident, or terrorist attack, or act of murder is political. Hysterical anti-immigration responses are dangerous as they are not addressing the core of the problem. Since you are not a serious discussant on these issues, I will reserve my thoughts on that for responses to future, more serious posters.

Again, you may return to your place under your bed.

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The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents.

'Muslim related Incidents'?

Good one!

Glad to know all thoese atrocities and murders are merely 'incidents' that have some unknown, unproven, spurious connection to Islam.

Apoogist of the highest order. And on a thread like this. Disgraceful!

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants.

No, we are not! Thats why our visas state 'Non-Immigrant'.

What will it be next; '12 dead after unforseen gun discharges'?

I have stated my belief that this act was a political act instigated by fighters who are muslims on the basis of their ideology. This has not been confirmed but is conjecture. There are many possible responses to this, most of which need more information, more clarity and less noise from the anti immigrant bigots. There will be domestic and international consequences. There may need to be military responses. If not military, then the role of intelligence agencies may need to be expanded. I support actions that protect the basis of western liberal democracies under attack from ideologically opposing forces. Why is taking a position that this is a political act threaten those who have another agenda derived entirely from bigotry, racism and hatred?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to close the borders!!

Who has entered already can stay if integrating!! If not, a one-way ticket to Mecca!!

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

99.9% you say. You just made that up didn't you???

Let's take his WAG as fact and assume he is correct with his 99.9% statistic.

With a world wide Muslim population numbering some 2,800,000,000, 99.9% of that would represent a terrorist rejection count of...2,797,200,000.

This would represent the "good" Muslim percentage.

Going a little further, if you subtract the "good" Muslims from the total Muslim population, you are left with a remaining total of...are you ready for this?

2,800,000 "Not-so-good" Muslims (AKA terrorists).

That's quite a standing army at one's beck and call.


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The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents.

'Muslim related Incidents'?

Good one!

Glad to know all thoese atrocities and murders are merely 'incidents' that have some unknown, unproven, spurious connection to Islam.

Apoogist of the highest order. And on a thread like this. Disgraceful!

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants.

No, we are not! Thats why our visas state 'Non-Immigrant'.

You live in Thailand. You are an immigrant. Simple as that.

I do not choose to be hysterical. I do not choose to use inflammatory terms to describe actions. I try to use words precisely. But nothing satisfies you except full on rage does it. I identify these actions as likely being perpetrated by muslims but that is not enough. 10,000 Parisians take to the streets last night to support the slain victims and don't hurl anti-immigrant or anti-muslim slurs. But that is not enough for you. Nothing but full on rage and hate.

Continue to call me an apologist. In the light of what words I actually use, it continues to make you look like the ranting thug that you are.

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Why couldn't the newspaper just limit their smear campaign to Jesus, and leave Mohammed out of it? There would be outrage just the same, but devoted Christians aren't that trigger happy in these parts of the world, so it would have been a tat safer, unless the Army of Christ would get involved.

Edited by Impossible
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Religion is at the heart of this matter , as it is in virtually every conflict involving human suffering.... Islamic fundamentalists in incidents like this, proselytising Christians like the doddery old fool Pope telling the poor and vulnerable they couldn't use condoms, Jews trying to force people to live as they might have done 2,000 years ago , nutty Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs tearing countries apart. Century after century of religious violence, for 2,000 years. Religions have a few areas of common ground: they ALL seek to control through the acquisition of power. No one is better than another...shysters the lot of them, all engaged in forms of voodoo not far advanced from the reading of tea leaves or the entrails of chickens.

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
Denis Diderot
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This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Here you go calling anyone who is pushing for immigration reform bigots. I married a woman who was on a work permit and facilitated her immigration to my home country. I am hardly anti immigration.

But maybe, just maybe we need to recognize that one part of the world cannot and will not assimilate with our societies ? So we have to amend our immigration policies ?

The anti-immigrants offer us what? The notion that this and other abhorrent events will not happen by closing the borders. What else do they offer? Vague references to 'final solution' type programs to deal with existing migrant populations or some nebulous thought control policing to identify ideologically unsuitable persons. The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents. Happy to discuss immigration policy on a thread that does not degenerate into an anti-muslim slanging match. Happy to talk about the principles of assimilation, multiculturalism, economic refugees, cultural dynamism, economic benefits of migration, consequences of colonialism and imperialistic military ventures and all sorts of things. But not over the slain bodies of those executed for their political beliefs and actions.

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants. Yet many are rabid anti-immigrant. It comes from many sources including their bigotry. I do not call those who want immigration reform bigots. I call those who demand wholesale expulsion of a group of people and stereotypes these groups bigots. A generation ago it was Asians. Now it is Muslims. Who knows what group will be demonised in the next generation.

Also please review the posts of the person to whom I directed my comments. How can you have a rational discussion with that?

You just repeated yourself and enacted Godwins law with your "final solution" comment.

The first thing you have to drop is your cultural relativism. Contrary to your divine politically correct doctrine, not all cultures are equal. Some are more rational and civil then others.

Do you really think the world will grind to a halt if western Europe imposed a ban on all immigration from Islamic countries ?

Guess what.. It won't. And there will be less terror attacks because of it. Pretty simple stuff.

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This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Right right. And wasn't it one of your fellow Islamists who described all Charlie Hedbo readers as 'IGNORANT masses'? His capitals.
This is abhorrent. Extremism must be stamped out. Finally and with no mercy.

It's just a pity that the IGNORANT masses, all Charlie Hedbo readers included, think that a single religion consists of all extremists.

You continually use the word 'offensive' in that pathetic drama queen post ("glory in this event", "dancing around the remains of these slain artists") of yours. A certain religion also finds opposing arguments and beliefs as 'offensive'. You both have a lot in common, eh?

You attempt to bully me in your usual fashion on the basis of what someone else has said? Even for you this is weak. You have nothing to ay about my post, so you attempt to badger me with the postings and comments of someone else. You are clearly intellectually challenged on this issue. Your bigotry refuses to allow you to even comprehend plain English. Try making an argument against what I said. I did this in response to your offensive remarks. You gleefulness in taking this incident to support your offensive bigotry is remarked by others on this thread. Continue to call me islamist. Continue to call me apologist. From an intellectual midget like you it is like being stuck in the face with wet lettuce. I wait with anticipation your next school yard bullying response.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my position that this incident, or terrorist attack, or act of murder is political. Hysterical anti-immigration responses are dangerous as they are not addressing the core of the problem. Since you are not a serious discussant on these issues, I will reserve my thoughts on that for responses to future, more serious posters.

Again, you may return to your place under your bed.

Rather hysterical, don't you think?

'intellectually challenged'?

'intellectual midget'?

'school yard bullying'?

Funny little man.

You live in Thailand. You are an immigrant. Simple as that. you are.
No. It's not. The only simple thing here are your though patterns.

Oh! I missed one.

'ranting thug'?

Oh dear! :lol:

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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You attempt to bully me in your usual fashion on the basis of what someone else has said? Even for you this is weak. You have nothing to ay about my post, so you attempt to badger me with the postings and comments of someone else. You are clearly intellectually challenged on this issue. Your bigotry refuses to allow you to even comprehend plain English. Try making an argument against what I said. I did this in response to your offensive remarks. You gleefulness in taking this incident to support your offensive bigotry is remarked by others on this thread. Continue to call me islamist. Continue to call me apologist. From an intellectual midget like you it is like being stuck in the face with wet lettuce. I wait with anticipation your next school yard bullying response.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my position that this incident, or terrorist attack, or act of murder is political. Hysterical anti-immigration responses are dangerous as they are not addressing the core of the problem. Since you are not a serious discussant on these issues, I will reserve my thoughts on that for responses to future, more serious posters.

Again, you may return to your place under your bed.

Rather hysterical, don't you think?

'intellectually challenged'?

'intellectual midget'?

'school yard bullying'?

Funny little man.

Yea, be careful there, H1. You don't want people to think you're not a "serious discussant," do you?

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This has EVERYTHING to do with religion.

One PARTICULAR religion.

This instance

other instances have to do with other PARTICULAR religions

and the beat goes on......

Other instances?

Like Ball, 9-11, 7-7, Madrid, Theo Van Gogh, Lee Rigby, Richard Reid, underwear bomber, Canada attacks etc. etc. etc.?

To which 'other PARTICULAR religions' are you referring?

Take your choice

The history of rebellious atrocities has being long and shorted

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Extremism has and will always be a part of human civilization. It cannot be stamped out.

At best we can lessen it with more tolerance, less racism and meddling geopolitics.

When constant discontent becomes hatred it only takes a small group to lead it into fanaticism.

Edited by smileydude
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You attempt to bully me in your usual fashion on the basis of what someone else has said? Even for you this is weak. You have nothing to ay about my post, so you attempt to badger me with the postings and comments of someone else. You are clearly intellectually challenged on this issue. Your bigotry refuses to allow you to even comprehend plain English. Try making an argument against what I said. I did this in response to your offensive remarks. You gleefulness in taking this incident to support your offensive bigotry is remarked by others on this thread. Continue to call me islamist. Continue to call me apologist. From an intellectual midget like you it is like being stuck in the face with wet lettuce. I wait with anticipation your next school yard bullying response.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my position that this incident, or terrorist attack, or act of murder is political. Hysterical anti-immigration responses are dangerous as they are not addressing the core of the problem. Since you are not a serious discussant on these issues, I will reserve my thoughts on that for responses to future, more serious posters.

Again, you may return to your place under your bed.

Rather hysterical, don't you think?

'intellectually challenged'?

'intellectual midget'?

'school yard bullying'?

Funny little man.

You live in Thailand. You are an immigrant. Simple as that. you are.
No. It's not. The only simple thing here are your though patterns.

Oh! I missed one.

'ranting thug'?

Oh dear! laugh.png

Proves my point. You have nothing to say of substance in response. As I said, I await further school yard bullying responses. I don't expect any attempt to respond to the substance of what I posted.

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The major difference is that Farangs are a minority in this country.

If the French had the majority then the first thing that would come into their mind would probably be to force Muslima teachers to take off their veils.

The anti-immigrants offer us what? The notion that this and other abhorrent events will not happen by closing the borders. What else do they offer? Vague references to 'final solution' type programs to deal with existing migrant populations or some nebulous thought control policing to identify ideologically unsuitable persons. The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents. Happy to discuss immigration policy on a thread that does not degenerate into an anti-muslim slanging match. Happy to talk about the principles of assimilation, multiculturalism, economic refugees, cultural dynamism, economic benefits of migration, consequences of colonialism and imperialistic military ventures and all sorts of things. But not over the slain bodies of those executed for their political beliefs and actions.

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants. Yet many are rabid anti-immigrant. It comes from many sources including their bigotry. I do not call those who want immigration reform bigots. I call those who demand wholesale expulsion of a group of people and stereotypes these groups bigots. A generation ago it was Asians. Now it is Muslims. Who knows what group will be demonised in the next generation.

Also please review the posts of the person to whom I directed my comments. How can you have a rational discussion with that?

Here we go again. Someone shooting their mouth off and comparing Farangs in Thailand to Muslims coming into the West. Once again Farangs do not:

Demand that Thais close down any Wats because they offend Farangs

Demand that Thais adjust their eating habits and the serving of certain foods and alcohol.

Go out in a rampaging mob and beat up Thai people because they don't like the way they dress, act, or behave.

Create Farang Anti-Discrimination Committees that demand special privileges and positions in business and government

Ask for special places of worship at airports, hospitals, or schools.

Now--do you begin to understand the difference yet.

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'Muslim related Incidents'?

Good one!

Glad to know all thoese atrocities and murders are merely 'incidents' that have some unknown, unproven, spurious connection to Islam.

Apoogist of the highest order. And on a thread like this. Disgraceful!

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants.

No, we are not! Thats why our visas state 'Non-Immigrant'.

What will it be next; '12 dead after unforseen gun discharges'?

I have stated my belief that this act was a political act instigated by fighters who are muslims on the basis of their ideology. This has not been confirmed but is conjecture. There are many possible responses to this, most of which need more information, more clarity and less noise from the anti immigrant bigots. There will be domestic and international consequences. There may need to be military responses. If not military, then the role of intelligence agencies may need to be expanded. I support actions that protect the basis of western liberal democracies under attack from ideologically opposing forces. Why is taking a position that this is a political act threaten those who have another agenda derived entirely from bigotry, racism and hatred?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, a little dressing up doesn't make it a peacock.

If the gunmen had cried out as they were murdering 12 people, "God Bless the Democratic Party", perhaps you would have a case for calling it political.

As it is you don't have squat.

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You attempt to bully me in your usual fashion on the basis of what someone else has said? Even for you this is weak. You have nothing to ay about my post, so you attempt to badger me with the postings and comments of someone else. You are clearly intellectually challenged on this issue. Your bigotry refuses to allow you to even comprehend plain English. Try making an argument against what I said. I did this in response to your offensive remarks. You gleefulness in taking this incident to support your offensive bigotry is remarked by others on this thread. Continue to call me islamist. Continue to call me apologist. From an intellectual midget like you it is like being stuck in the face with wet lettuce. I wait with anticipation your next school yard bullying response.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my position that this incident, or terrorist attack, or act of murder is political. Hysterical anti-immigration responses are dangerous as they are not addressing the core of the problem. Since you are not a serious discussant on these issues, I will reserve my thoughts on that for responses to future, more serious posters.

Again, you may return to your place under your bed.

Rather hysterical, don't you think?

'intellectually challenged'?

'intellectual midget'?

'school yard bullying'?

Funny little man.

Yea, be careful there, H1. You don't want people to think you're not a "serious discussant," do you?

You have something to say on the deaths of these artists? Or do you too just use this incident to push your ideology? Wanna make a serious point or just play in the school yard?

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Yea, be careful there, H1. You don't want people to think you're not a "serious discussant," do you?

You have something to say on the deaths of these artists? Or do you too just use this incident to push your ideology? Wanna make a serious point or just play in the school yard?

I said it--regarding your absurd, silly comparison of Farangs in Thailand to Muslim immigrants in the West. And you dodged it. Instead, you continue to post the most constipated prose I've yet read on this forum. "Discussant," heh, heh, heh. How old are you? Did somebody just give you a thesaurus for your 18th birthday?

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