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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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As these attacks were done " in country" , perhaps it is time to reconsider the

their immigration policies. It would appear the Muslimifaction of Europe is not

really going very well, and will of course end in a trail of tears for native residents.

I guess when Sharia laws are introduced that should be a wakeup call for whoever

is left there.....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Isn't France one of the nanny states that won't allow you to have a gun. When all of zees gun are out of zee hand of free citizens, zeen, only terrorest he have gun.

When terrorist start murder spreed and seconds count, zee polize are only minutes away.

Edited by connda
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My condolences to the families of the victims and for the murdered people may they rest in Peace.

These savage murderers have to be stopped.

It has nothing to do with religion but with the arrogance and ignorance of some people using religion to accomplish their murder instincts.

Hope they catch them soon and let them rot for the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

You are among those here I am most fond of, but I must sincerely differ with your conclusion. Religion has everything to do with what happens. There is no information you can produce that supports the position that religion has nothing to do with this atrocity whereas there is overwhelming evidence, including their own avowed testimonies, that religion solely guides such actions. Indeed, these actions are evident and identical throughout the entire world right now as all civilizations begin to catch fire- they all have the same thing in common- their scriptures.

I do not fault but only invite you, and others, to actually read their scriptures and injunctions. Very rarely do the terrorists stray from a well worn blueprint of their ideology.

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The world would be a better place without any religion.

Here we are in the 21st century with people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo.

I will believe in god, any god,when he turns up to prove his case.

In my book religion is brainwashing of the masses.

Muhammed was a man.

Strikes me, that blindly following man is also a bit of a problem. These people who did this are brainless animals. Any fundamentalist of any description is a problem. it is just that it seems that Muslims are willing to shoot me for my opinion.

I hope they catch these animals and spirit them away to a camp somewhere and make them suffer. Honestly I do.They don't deserve a trial.

Yes they do. That is what separates civilisation from reactionary animals - transparency, logic and reason, in conjunction with rough men ready to do violence on our behalf.

They will get their trial, that is their right.

In line with freedom of thought, I simply postulate that when people kill innocent people like this in the name of religion, they largely forgive their rights.

So, put them on trial, and then spirit them off somewhere. Honestly these people are animals and deserve to be handled as such. Did you hear them shouting 'We have avenged the name of Muhammed".

oh please.

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Apparenlty they forced a female employee to open the coded door to get entry to the buildind. They spoke to her claiming that they were Al Qaeda.

I really am not surprised if there isn't a massive backlash about this and i don't care if there is. I have had enough of the supposedly innocent Muslim majority saying virtually nothing about these types of events.

Have been watching Sky News for an hour now, as yet not a peep out of any Muslim authorities speaking out against this event.

Je suis Charlie!!!!

Deafening silence

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The world would be a better place without any religion.

Here we are in the 21st century with people still believing in historic mumbo jumbo.

I will believe in god, any god,when he turns up to prove his case.

In my book religion is brainwashing of the masses.

Muhammed was a man.

Strikes me, that blindly following man is also a bit of a problem. These people who did this are brainless animals. Any fundamentalist of any description is a problem. it is just that it seems that Muslims are willing to shoot me for my opinion.

I hope they catch these animals and spirit them away to a camp somewhere and make them suffer. Honestly I do.They don't deserve a trial.

Yes they do. That is what separates civilisation from reactionary animals - transparency, logic and reason, in conjunction with rough men ready to do violence on our behalf.

They will get their trial, that is their right.

In line with freedom of thought, I simply postulate that when people kill innocent people like this in the name of religion, they largely forgive their rights.

So, put them on trial, and then spirit them off somewhere. Honestly these people are animals and deserve to be handled as such. Did you hear them shouting 'We have avenged the name of Muhammed".

oh please.

Now hold on. I advocate an open and fair trial. Should the accused be found guilty beyond all reasonable doubt, I would support harsh if need be measures that might make copycats think twice.

We are essentially on the same page..

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Show me evidence or proof a god of any sort exists.

All I see is misguided people buying in to rubbish from a couple of thousand years ago.

No place for it in modern society.

Mao Stalin and Hitler were atheists.

Islam is an ideology. Not a religion. Get with it

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Apparenlty they forced a female employee to open the coded door to get entry to the buildind. They spoke to her claiming that they were Al Qaeda.

I really am not surprised if there isn't a massive backlash about this and i don't care if there is. I have had enough of the supposedly innocent Muslim majority saying virtually nothing about these types of events.

Have been watching Sky News for an hour now, as yet not a peep out of any Muslim authorities speaking out against this event.

Je suis Charlie!!!!

Arab World Reacts To Charlie Hebdo Magazine AttackThe Arab League and Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam’s most prestigious educational institution, have condemned the massacre at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, in the first reactions from the Arab world to the attack that reportedly killed at least 12 people and injured 10 when two unidentified gunmen opened fire with Kalashnikov rifles in its Paris offices shouting “Allah Akbar,” or “Allah is great.”

The Arab League is an umbrella org. of independent Arab States that includes Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shokry and Dar Al-Ifta, the country’s institute which issues fatwas, or Islamic religious edicts, have also both separately condemned the massacre in which famous French cartoonists and caricaturists Jean Cabut, aka Cabu, and Stéphane Charbonnier, aka Charb, were among those killed.


Not in our name – Muslims respond in revulsion to Charlie Hebdo shooting

The Muslim Council of France, and of Britain, have denounced today’s attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. As they know, one of the aims of the jihadis is to try to speak for Islam – but they have been joined in their condemnation by hundreds of Muslims on Twitter. Here are some of them.


French weekly firebombed after it portrays Mohammad


In the last link, scroll down to "Muslim Leaders Call For Calm" (message editor issues got the better of me).

Includes a condemnation by French Muslim leaders.

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I appear to have a few problems getting the image attached but if you can please check out D Pope's "He Drew First" Pic doing the rounds on social media and if a kind forum member can attach it to their post Many thanks In advance.

Edited by bkkstooge
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Warning graphic but it does appear they missed the final shot. I really hope the policeman was playing dead as there is no blood at all


Officer was killed as he was shot in the head at point blank range. Animals.......

If they really want a holy war, I would strongly encourage western countries

to bring it on to them......

So where are the actual cartoons that set these lunatics off ?? If you do much

studying of the life and sayings of Muhammad you can see he would be a pretty

easy target to skewer...

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Warning graphic but it does appear they missed the final shot. I really hope the policeman was playing dead as there is no blood at all


Officer was killed as he was shot in the head at point blank range. Animals.......

If they really want a holy war, I would strongly encourage western countries

to bring it on to them......

So where are the actual cartoons that set these lunatics off ?? If you do much

studying of the life and sayings of Muhammad you can see he would be a pretty

easy target to skewer...

"So where are the actual cartoons that set these lunatics off ??"

The link from "The Daily Beast" is below: They aren't that bad!


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A cowardly attack on unarmed civilians, surely these scum must bring more discredit on there religion than any satires of the free press.

If I was President Francois Hollande I would be considering the closure of all mosques this Friday.

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Sick !

I agree with people saying this was not terrorism. I think this is war.

I wouldn't be surprised if the two are ISIS fighters who came back to France.

some possible actions coming to mind:

- send the foreign legion to help the Kurds against ISIS. The legion can do the fighting and the Kurds can control the liberated territory

- State-subsidise a new Charlie Hebdo with offices located within a secure location

Would make more sense to simply tighten up immigration and domestic security. Sending the Foreign Legion will to Iraq will not help much with similar attacks.

Charlie Hebdo as a state subsidized outfit? If this comment was not made under such tragic circumstances it would have been comic.

What do you think is ISIS doing in the middle east?

They are building a big factory of hate and will then want to export that hate to the whole world.

50% of the muslim community in France has French passports already, and about 1000 ISIS fighters have French passports.

Edited by manarak
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...on unarmed civilians... -snip-

That part is their fault. They let their government disarm them, and then their government let them get overrun by Islamists.

There will be no happy ending here. This will just get bigger and worse across W. Europe.

It's so sad. RIP to the victims and condolences to the families and friends.

Edited by NeverSure
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If this is not a religious based act what is it?

Last time I checked we had the right to freedom of expression in Europe.

As others have already suggested we need to promulgate these cartoons not bow to Islamic terrorists.

Edited by Jay Sata
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...on unarmed civilians... -snip-

That part is their fault. They let their government disarm them, and then their government let them get overrun by Islamists.

There will be no happy ending here. This will just get bigger and worse across W. Europe.

It's so sad. RIP to the victims and condolences to the families and friends.

A very simplistic view......it will get bigger and worse......it will not as these are incidents not commonplace...the only thing lacking till now in Western European countries with huge numbers of Muslims from VARIOUS countries, is that the overwhelming majority has stayed silent till now. Lately though there has been some push for their respective leaders, if one can call them like that, to speak out against radicalism and muslim extremism. Think about ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Incidents like this will more show the need for the common muslim to speak out against these type of attacks. Our societies will EXPECT that from the overwhelming silent majority of upstanding muslim citizens who lead a normal life and have human desires like any of us.

Unfortunately many of the ignorant masses will seek refuge at right wing extremist political parties, who must have a field day today.

RIP to all victims and condoleances to their related friends, collegues and families.

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Warning graphic but it does appear they missed the final shot. I really hope the policeman was playing dead as there is no blood at all



The round missed, hitting the sidewalk. If, as some news reports claim, it indeed had been a headshot from that range, it would have been a quite obvious. And yes, head shots often bleed a lot after post-mortem.

The claims that these guys moved like commandos, is nonsense. Nothing of the sort.

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