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Phuket: Big changes made to driving test system

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My wife passed her test 8 years ago after taking lessons with a driving school in Bangkok linked to some official at the Driving Licence centre. She didn't have to do any test at the centre, it was all done through the driving school included in the B6,000 tuition fee, so this is nothing new. What is new is that everyone is required to have had lessons in how to drive, beofre it was possible to pay undertable and get a licence without even knowing how to drive.


Friend off mine, took a test 2 months ago in Det Udom, 280 Baht, for both car and motorcycle. Took him 4 hourslaugh.png Because he came late! I go take the same test next month, for some reason, farrang have to do it every year... "Sanook - Sanook"

A friend of mine (foreigner) recently got his licence at a LTO in Issarn.

In 30 minutes, he had a drivers licence and a motorcycle licence, and this guy has never been on a motorbike in his life.

He had a drivers licence from his home country, and was simply asked if he want both, to which he replied, yes.

I asked if an "tea money" was involved and he said no.

If it's that easy up there, I guess many here from Issarn will just get their licence when they next visit family back home.

the article states it's a national policy, but I can't see things changing up north in a hurry.


This move just shows how ignorant these individuals are that have the power to change things. If they actually knew or better yet accept the real problem as to why Thailand has such a high death rate they would not have given these schools who have no standard now and are the problem as to why they drive the way they do. Currently these so call schools set up a mock training area that mirror the actual test. They basically drive around in circles this process allows them to process as many drivers in a day as possible. The schools have a inside to making sure all the students pass! A piggy bank for the corruption and this decision just will re-enforce that more accidents will continue.

I spent a week with my son trying to get him a license. I made a mistake and got him into the wrong line for foreigners and once he got into the process he was not able to pass because the test was in English. When I got a hold of the written test I noticed many of the question were a contradiction and actually contributes to the many accidents. In one segment they ask the question a number of times " What is a flashing read light " only once was the answer correct and that was " stop and proceed with caution "

Until they actually provide a road test nothing will change! Here in Thailand as long as corruption exist and they have no intend to monitor and check all levels of corruption nothing changes except more money into the hands of government official and workers! The scam continues!


Tomorrows HeadLines:...After Implementing the new regulations, The Govt. announced ; as no drivers qualified for a new driver license, and just 10% of the usual numbers showed up for testing, there will be a review of the new regulations......

One person questioned about the new regulations said he did not understand them and therefore cannot attend the testing.


Friend off mine, took a test 2 months ago in Det Udom, 280 Baht, for both car and motorcycle. Took him 4 hourslaugh.png Because he came late! I go take the same test next month, for some reason, farrang have to do it every year... "Sanook - Sanook"

That is a surprise, guess it is different from region to region then. My first driver Licenses was valid for 2 years each and then I got subsequent licenses each valid for 5 years which is due for renewal this year actually.


What about renewing your license?

.....a the changes for foreigners.....now you will have to look the movie twice check your sight and brake reaction time monthly and it will not any longer be possible for first timers to use a translation of their National driving License from their Embassy but anyone have to take a course with chutima and pass both theoretical and practical test at LTO....


As of Monday (January 5) all applicants for driving tests must be able to show that they have taken some form of classroom and practical training in how to drive. Failing this, they will not be allowed to register to take the test.

No problem, they will just drive anyway without a license like they have done for years.

Really common. The cash fine to the BIB is cheaper than a DL test. I know several like that. I had to put my foot down with the missus as to who was allowed to drive our car. Luckily she agreed.


Why do they do this??????? One day its one kind of test and now via Phuket there's a whole new sysrem. Where gas this suddenly appeared from? Who has researched out? Have they got the idea from another country? What evidence is there it will work? Is there any evidence that a private company will be less inept or corrupt than the current system? Is this just another loiad oif <deleted> from the people who brought you the reduction in road deaths over New Year?

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Thailand is sick and tired of being number two, by introducing this system it should be up to number ONE next year.

Thais are very proud people and being number two to Namibia is an insult.

By getting more drivers fast tracked onto the roads they can achieve their goal and be number one in the world.


So what does this mean exactly?

To get a licence in Phuket you need to be able to drive but if you live in Chang Mai or Buriram you carry on just as before.

How come these people can introduce laws as they please.

Why not just change the side of the road you srie on while you are at it?

Who runs this country??

The driving Licence criteria surely must be set by the Government and be nationwide

Do you have separate states,counties,provinces where you come from,and do they have different laws from other states.Same same here.


2 opposites of Thai people:

1. They are mostly laid back and relax in almost everything

2. Put them in a car or on a bike, they will do anything to be the first in front and squeeze through just to get 1 car ahead.

Guess they want to get back to their laid back life a.s.a.p..cheesy.gif

Not just "squeezing in" either, but rather driving into oncoming traffic forcing motorcycles off the roadway and larger vehicles to swerve as well. Getting that 1 car ahead is even important when they are turning off 100 meters ahead, causing early brake failure to the cars and motorcycles they just passed prior to thier having to slam on their own brakes in order to make the turn. Yep.


What about renewing your license?

.....a the changes for foreigners.....now you will have to look the movie twice check your sight and brake reaction time monthly and it will not any longer be possible for first timers to use a translation of their National driving License from their Embassy but anyone have to take a course with chutima and pass both theoretical and practical test at LTO....

International driving licenses will remain a valid permit for operating a vehicle in Thailand. Easy to get and valid for 3 years. (AAA) Easily renewed upon return visits to your own country.


Sorry to inform you guitarman but it is actually annually you must renew the International Driving Permit, not every 3 years.

Either that or I'm being scammed each year I renew it at the Automobile Club of America. For your info, I'm talking about in the

good ol U.S of A.!


I wonder who owns the Chotima Driving School......

If you are suspicious, I would suggest that you investigate and give us an answer, rather than an off the cuff accusation. If you don't investigate, then you really don't care. I think you would agree with this?

Yes.......I do.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sorry to inform you guitarman but it is actually annually you must renew the International Driving Permit, not every 3 years.
Either that or I'm being scammed each year I renew it at the Automobile Club of America. For your info, I'm talking about in the
good ol U.S of A.!

You are correct sir.It is one year.


I recall asystem in Bahrain about 25 years ago whereby any candidate for a driving licence had to show a "pass" certificate from one of half a dozen "approved" driving schools before taking an officil test. These schools soon became extortioners and the idea had to be scrapped.

However thai driving standards are poor and some form of pre-test instruction is necessary.


I wonder if the broken yellow lines I saw years ago are still the same .?

Driving to Malaysia I came acrooss this set that the painter had done the wrong way .

According to the brokem line you could cross while blind to what was ahead.


Might be new for Phuket but they have had a similar school in Udon for years. It is a four day 2 hour per day private driving lesson with a qualified instructor then you go in on a Sunday do a practical and a theory test. As some have said yes you are basically paying for your license but my missus and others in her class seemed to get a bit out of it. They took it seriously and wanted to do well in the exams. Some did fail but I think you can go back the following week until you pass. Can only be a good idea IMHO anything has got to be better than the current system. They also do a short course for falangs there, takes one day if you have an international drivers license and you don't have to do all that mucking around at the transport department. Just walk straight in and collect your license.

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I wonder who owns the Chotima Driving School......

If you are suspicious, I would suggest that you investigate and give us an answer, rather than an off the cuff accusation. If you don't investigate, then you really don't care. I think you would agree with this?

A statement ("I wonder who owns the Chotima Driving School ...") is not an accusation of any sort.

"I think you would agree with this" is not a question, either. It's a statement. You either think so or not. No question mark required.

It's an insinuation.


I wonder who owns the Chotima Driving School......

If you are suspicious, I would suggest that you investigate and give us an answer, rather than an off the cuff accusation. If you don't investigate, then you really don't care. I think you would agree with this?

At least KarenBravo's comment got a "popular" star ...plus it's what everyone thought as soon as it was announced.


Critics when nothing is done to improve the drivers. Critics when something is done to improve the drivers.

I'm not in charge and don't have the answers.

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