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French security forces kill gunmen, end hostage sieges

Lite Beer

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I'd be interested to find out how the 4 poor sods who were hostages died. I think the French Police had no choice other than to go in after the culmination of the other siege

All the 4 hotstage of the Hyper Casher died hours before the assault from the Frenc RAID (SWAT). They have been killed during the gunfire the terrorist did when he entered in the Hyper Casher.

This has been confirmed by the hostages that were saved after the assault and even by the terrorist himself when he decided to call the French news channel BFM TV. He said that he killed 4 of them.

So the 2 assaults of the French special force only killed the terrorists.

I am currently in France and all those information have been confirmed during the very precise press conference by the prossecutor of Paris

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Thats whats happening giving every immigrant their nations citizenship. A thing that Thailand actually is good at is that they dont give anyone citizenship( yes some few i know) and can hereby kick anyone out from country if they are not desired. Even if the terroists from France had connections with terroristgroups they could not kick them out from France.

The Kouachi bros were born French

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It's finally finished Police forces GIGN and GIPN did a remarkable work, now we are very relieved here in France but worried about the Sunday people meeting...

Could you stop speaking in the name of French people please?

I am French and I am NOT relieved

Edited by Kitsune
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France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.

Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.
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France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.

Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.

He is just the hand that stirs the pot.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Could be the new normal for France - Thailand has only had about 4000 - 14000 incidents in the south in recent times (article here somewhere). Other wonderful paradises include Pakistan, northern Nigeria, Mindanao Philippines, Indonesian Islands including Bali, iraq, Sudan, etc... What do you expect when you try to merge 7th century Arabia with 21st century living. See link below for a nice summary:


Thailand has had OVER 1 person killed per DAY for the past 10 years. If that happened in the UK or USA open war would be declared.

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I am thinking it is time to ditch political correctness

round up the whole bunch and send them back to their native countries

put up a wall with armed guards and don't let anyone in or out

and if they then want to commit genocide on another sect,,,let em,,,keep our noses out of it

as for the ppeople returning from war or training,,,why have they not been stripped of their passports and citizenships

why are they allowed to return,,,Oh Yea,,,Human Rights,,,bullshit

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France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.

Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.
He is just the hand that stirs the pot.
As were the staff of Charlie Hedbo, perhaps we should all stop stirring and accept dhimmi status, except for those already on the death list for various forms of original sin.
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France is well and truly into the second stage of Jihad now, as are Thailand, and the Philippines. UK & probably Germany are in transition to the second stage

Interesting but hidden is the fact that these videos and blogs are run by fundamentalists and whack-jobs of different religions/polltics/lifestyles...no less dangerous in my view than those they seek to criticise and warn us of.
Indeed David Wood has a long history of slaughtering people in delis and machine gunning the staff of satirical magazines. You can always rely on silly equivalence arguments when facts assail you.
He is just the hand that stirs the pot.
As were the staff of Charlie Hedbo, perhaps we should all stop stirring and accept dhimmi status, except for those already on the death list for various forms of original sin.

Sorry to disagree, they were not stiring the pot as such, everyone and everything was open to them.
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He is just the hand that stirs the pot.
As were the staff of Charlie Hedbo, perhaps we should all stop stirring and accept dhimmi status, except for those already on the death list for various forms of original sin.

Charlie Staff never stopped stirring and never will

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I am thinking it is time to ditch political correctness

round up the whole bunch and send them back to their native countries

put up a wall with armed guards and don't let anyone in or out

and if they then want to commit genocide on another sect,,,let em,,,keep our noses out of it

as for the ppeople returning from war or training,,,why have they not been stripped of their passports and citizenships

why are they allowed to return,,,Oh Yea,,,Human Rights,,,bullshit

The Kouachi bro were French, born in Paris,raised by French social welfare as they were orphans

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I am glad that these terrorists were dealt with in the manner they deserve.

I read in another article today, that the Sunni Muslims, who, I have read, have a stronger

belief in the old ways are a large part of the Muslim population in the world.

If this is true, then they had better moderate their, sensitivities, and start

to be more moderate, or else be put on a huge watch list!

It is time that the rest of the world face up to who is our modern enemy, who either

wants us all to convert to their ways, of be considered infidels.

Rip to the people who were killed in this senseless attack,

and I do hope that all of the attackers are put in body bags and

shipped out to sea, then sent to the bottom, so that they have no proper burials.

They do not deserve a place for a head stone or anything else.

The girlfriend who is being searched for should become a person of no country.

Which ever country that has her in its files as a citizen, should immediately

cancel her passport and even birth registry, so she can not have an

easy time getting out of wherever she is at again.

This practise should apply to all of those people who are presently in

any of the terrorist groups, Al Qaeda, Taliban, or ISIL etc.

Which ever country they were from, should immediately make it known that

these identified people were their citizen, but no longer are, and will be

permanently put on a watch list until they are either captured or killed off.

Of course this is only my redneck opinion.

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If we've learned anything about terrorism is that catching/killing them is never the end of it.

Ben Laden was killed, dozens came behind to take over from where he left it.

What we need to address is the root of terrorism which is far more complex

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I am thinking it is time to ditch political correctness

round up the whole bunch and send them back to their native countries

put up a wall with armed guards and don't let anyone in or out

and if they then want to commit genocide on another sect,,,let em,,,keep our noses out of it

as for the ppeople returning from war or training,,,why have they not been stripped of their passports and citizenships

why are they allowed to return,,,Oh Yea,,,Human Rights,,,bullshit

Including this bloke I guess..


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I am thinking it is time to ditch political correctness

round up the whole bunch and send them back to their native countries

put up a wall with armed guards and don't let anyone in or out

and if they then want to commit genocide on another sect,,,let em,,,keep our noses out of it

as for the ppeople returning from war or training,,,why have they not been stripped of their passports and citizenships

why are they allowed to return,,,Oh Yea,,,Human Rights,,,bullshit

Including this bloke I guess..


He is a good guy and don't forget the Muslim policeman who was killed in cold blood by the terrorists. We can't ever forget that there are plenty of Muslims who are good people and good citizens. It is the ones that adhere strictly to the many hateful parts of the Qur'an that we need to be worried about.

Indeed. Never truer words said.

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I don't believe the "root cause of terrorism" is that complex or difficult to understand. The terrorists are radical Muslims (we already knew that) and they want the world to live under Islamic rule. Unless you just came here from another planet, you should already know who and what the terrorists want by now.

With all due respect I think a healthy dose of blowback is part of the root cause.

I do understand atrocities committed in our names is well hidden by the media/ignored/not reported in the west but still....

We do get enough highlights via the web & various reporting agencies to know we are not faultless....We do get enough to expect some blowback

I have said before look at the outrage here over a dozen or so innocents killed & imagine there could also be outrage

after thousands of innocent bystanders...aka:collateral damages... in their part of the world have been wiped out too.

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