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I am neither red nor yellow, but if she failed to address issues she should have been challenged. If you failed to challenge her, then perhaps its time to look in the mirror, or perhaps the process is deficient? I really do not know.

I know one thing though. If I was in charge (puppet or not) of a coup, I would have asserted my authority by now and instead of creating a bicycle lane that causes traffic chaos, or making daft suggestions about indian wedding tourists, I would have locked up the likes of Yingluck at the outset, dealt with the fallout and moved on. Why on earth leave it so long?

While you are at it, why not set up labor camps and re institute summary executions?

Our stuttering parrot was suggesting "burning at the stake". Would that do for you?


As usual, this silly woman really has no clues of what is politics except that her family must make money in everything they have a hand on!

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Rewriting my posts personal insults?

That's what we free thinking posters on here are use to yellow dem supporters.

Can't win won't win so just try and censor other posters or insult them.

That is the trait of a loser who is out of ammo!

You got a dog in this game?


As if that is necessary with a 'self-financing' scheme which leaves a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt which 'we, the tax payer' have to pay off.

There should be a corollary to Godwin’s Law (

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin" s_law"="">http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-urges-fair-treatment-from-NLA-30251633.html

Yingluck spent an hour defending herself to the NLA after National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) member Wicha Mahakhun accused her of dereliction of duty. Wicha said her actions had inflicted a Bt229-billion "loss" on the government

This is less than a third of the media disclosed number. What other “facts” have been misrepresented by the NACC?

To put losses in perspective, it has been estimated that the protests, coup and martial law have cost Thailand 3% of GDP for 2014 alone. Growth will only be 1% this year instead of 4% (http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/thailand/publication/thailand-economic-monitor-february-2014). This is a loss of 371 billion baht in less than one year, 142 billion bht more than the rice scheme lost in 3 years.

This begs the question to be asked – are they impeaching the right PM?

Bruce, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall the 700 billion number came from the TDRI and was not the actual loss incurred, but TDRI's estimate of what the rice pledging program would cost taxpayers. I remember quite clearly that this report was the foundation (as of last summer) of the NACC's case against the government and the TDRI publicly stated that their report was a research report and not intended for, nor appropriate for a legal prosecution.

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As if that is necessary with a 'self-financing' scheme which leaves a 700,000,000,000 Baht debt which 'we, the tax payer' have to pay off.

There should be a corollary to Godwin’s Law (

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin" s_law"="">http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-urges-fair-treatment-from-NLA-30251633.html

Yingluck spent an hour defending herself to the NLA after National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) member Wicha Mahakhun accused her of dereliction of duty. Wicha said her actions had inflicted a Bt229-billion "loss" on the government

This is less than a third of the media disclosed number. What other “facts” have been misrepresented by the NACC?

To put losses in perspective, it has been estimated that the protests, coup and martial law have cost Thailand 3% of GDP for 2014 alone. Growth will only be 1% this year instead of 4% (http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/thailand/publication/thailand-economic-monitor-february-2014). This is a loss of 371 billion baht in less than one year, 142 billion bht more than the rice scheme lost in 3 years.

This begs the question to be asked – are they impeaching the right PM?

Bruce, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall the 700 billion number came from the TDRI and was not the actual loss incurred, but TDRI's estimate of what the rice pledging program would cost taxpayers. I remember quite clearly that this report was the foundation (as of last summer) of the NACC's case against the government and the TDRI publicly stated that their report was a research report and not intended for, nor appropriate for a legal prosecution.

I know why you didn't ask me


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Supremacy of the law?

More like supremacy of the junta!

She hasn't fled there's been no tears just grace and dignity and this farce is only going to make her more popular than ever before no matter which way it goes.

The self proclaimed peoples champion hides behind a monks robe ignoring court summonses and currying favour for his divisive efforts in bringing down Thailands elected government while this lady stands face to face with her accusers.

If the general thought he would wipe the Shinawatras off the political map then sadly for the junta and yellow dems the complete reverse is happening.

She has more dignity in her little finger than the entire junta and democrats (same same?) have between them. Confound them brave and lovely lady.
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The day before the RPPS started we had the government state "The government said the RPPS to cost less than 430 billion Baht, but the government would gain it back by selling rice."

So, a loss of between 132 billion in 2011/2012 only, barely 200 billion, 229 billion, 320 billion in 16 months, 529,789,123,456 or 700--/++.

Did Ms. Yingluck offer explanations why her 'self-financing' scheme failed and led to a unforeseen loss? Did she state again she and only she was in charge of her cabinet (like she stated in parliament during the last censure debate)?

Negligent at the very least, obfuscation to avoid to have to admit having lied and deceived, fraudulent. The only thing which is most likely true is that she didn't pocket any Baht herself, but than she's too rich to need it, now isn't she?

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But the Justice System in the Land of FAKE smiles "Failed to punish those influential people in power" or were afraid to do so for many many years......

"Stating the obvious is an insult to any human being with common senses" ....


After reading a bunch of the comments, I can see that there are still many supporters for MS. Yingluck ,

and likely her brother and the family, as well. I know that many people these days, do not like the present

PM, and I guess that is natural, if your former leader, bit the dust!

As a Farang, or foreigner , I can only say that I am impressed that the present PM is doing

a lot more for Thailand than the Thaksin family did during their time in government. When Ms. Yinkluck and her brother were in power, did you see anybody,

get the treatment that the police guy got, or even some of the government members

have gotten. Sadly I do not remember many of the rich and corrupt, getting any

spot light shined on them and their devious ways.

I do hope that the courts give Ms. Yingluck , everything that she and even her family

deserve, In my humble opinion, I think that the previous 2 governments were

not the best people in power for Thailand. Of course ,what do I know,

I am only a Farang!


I Think they will fail trying to Impeach her...

As Impeachment proceedings apply when person is in office, They can remain in Office after being Impeached, or Impeachment can go farther and remove them. Also be Incarcerated as a result.

I would believe here in Thailand when the Prime Minister has been ousted for a Crime(s) or as a result of such action it would fall under Article 112...

To explain... Being the "Boss" when duties are assigned to others to be completed, you are still responsible for the results! In just one case, the Rice Issue this could be classified as Grand Theft... since Billions in Thai Baht are missing. (Would not any action resulting in a Massive Monitary Theft be Classified as "Grand Larceny"???) Try stealing 50 Exotic Cars from their Italian Manufacturer, or the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London... Same issue!)

( I will be careful to not name anyone or deface others... ok?)

But to go further, we have had 2 Prime Ministers removed for Crimes or defacing One of the Highest Office's one can occupy here in Thailand. When they both took the responsibility to fill this Office They were doing so with the recommendation and Bless Of the Monarchy. "Any result of orders that resulted in the breaking of Laws while in this Office would definately be classified as a "Case of Le'se Mageste" After being given the Blessing to Lead Thailand in the World, to dirty this Title would be a slap in the Face!

In the Case of the Rice issue, against the Farmers, who trusted the promises would be kept. The People of Thailand, who believed their Prime Minister would not defraud them. The Monarchy who had placed them in a Unreproachable Position! This would also include Travelers and Xpats who have chosen to give their trust in Thailand an spend the rest of their life here! We have all been thrown in "Pig Pen..." I am not worried about my family as I have another cheek (Thats fresh thats not been slapped) I can turn. I am VERY unhappy at the way the Monarchy has been treated here!

Total Disrespect! Laws are Laws, I know this is Thailand and some think they are above... but Not above the Royal Family! There is not enough Police, Military to protect those who choose to drag others though the mud when we join the People of Thailand to protect the Highest Name in the Land! They forget, we are here because of him, if we are Married to Thai National "Bless Him" he's also our King too...!



Well I have read the comments and fair enough we pretty much know on here who supports who but fair dinkum I wouldn't want to do a bank job with djamie he used to be a PTP red shirt supporter but the attitude adjustment worked out just but I'm still waiting for You to list Yinglucklucks criminal convictions past and present of which you have stated she is.

I have no problem copping the little school boy snide teasing remarks that just shows me you have nothing to offer and like the junta you are scared of Thaksin and Yingluck.

The only thing I can't understand is the love you yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters show for a mob that took the country via the barrel of a gun have the foot on the throat of the media freedom of speech and the voting public and you actually believe that any decision handed down will be legitimate.

Let's get this straight if I was a yellow dem supporter which I will never be because they have ignored the poor for so long but if I was and they were in office and kicked out via the barrel of a gun then you would the S/P asking the same comments in support of the yellow dems.

For the life of me I cannot understand people who were raised in a free and democratic society actual supporting what's happening in Thailand.

The attitude adjustments have worked out just fine on you lot.

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I can't understand how somebody brought up in a society that looks down on criminals can ignore blatant criminality in this country's leaders, somehow expecting the ballot box to be the remedy rather than the (independent) police and courts. Perhaps your family were criminals.

We haven't even started the examination of the criminal aspects of the Yingluk government, and already the claims are politically motivated prosecution (as if that matters when guilt is obvious) and fabricated claims of lack of jurisdiction.

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They have to get rid of her as she posses a real danger of winning the election if it is ever held. Get rid of all that appose you then call an election.

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Ahh Jamie accusing me to be a troll.

I and many other posters are still waiting for your list of Yinglucks criminal convictions both past and present.

Your the one who made the statement on several occasions yet either refuse to list them or they just don't exist.

So please can you just clear that one up .Either admit your just fabricating stories or you have documented proof of her criminal convictions.

Money where your mouth is time!

  • Like 2

Ahh Jamie accusing me to be a troll.

I and many other posters are still waiting for your list of Yinglucks criminal convictions both past and present.

Your the one who made the statement on several occasions yet either refuse to list them or they just don't exist.

So please can you just clear that one up .Either admit your just fabricating stories or you have documented proof of her criminal convictions.

Money where your mouth is time!

With the utmost respect I ask you one thing. Did I say yingluck was a criminal?

I asked you before to prove this, but you have refused to answer me.

I never said yingluck was a criminals. Show me where I did.

Until you answer this questionI I will continue to be proven right.

Come on…Prove me wrong….


Ahh Jamie accusing me to be a troll.

I and many other posters are still waiting for your list of Yinglucks criminal convictions both past and present.

Your the one who made the statement on several occasions yet either refuse to list them or they just don't exist.

So please can you just clear that one up .Either admit your just fabricating stories or you have documented proof of her criminal convictions.

Money where your mouth is time!

I am waiting for you to prove me wrong?


Ahh Jamie accusing me to be a troll.

I and many other posters are still waiting for your list of Yinglucks criminal convictions both past and present.

Your the one who made the statement on several occasions yet either refuse to list them or they just don't exist.

So please can you just clear that one up .Either admit your just fabricating stories or you have documented proof of her criminal convictions.

Money where your mouth is time!

Still waiting?


Ahh Jamie accusing me to be a troll.

I and many other posters are still waiting for your list of Yinglucks criminal convictions both past and present.

Your the one who made the statement on several occasions yet either refuse to list them or they just don't exist.

So please can you just clear that one up .Either admit your just fabricating stories or you have documented proof of her criminal convictions.

Money where your mouth is time!

Still waiting?

Don't bother. You should know he is a serial liar.

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Well jamie your wait is over.

Now if I can just get a member to help me out to move your quote over then the the whole TVF can see for themselves

On the 30/11/2014 under the headline Thai PM threatens Yingluck travelling abroad post no 235.

You wrote so yes she was elected PM not a claimn that can be made by the incumbent .

So you prefer to see an elected Criminal than non Criminal ?Seriously??

Now that's only one there have been others but it only needs one and all your credibility just went out the window.

Sorry valentine one thing the parrot doesn't do is lie.

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Just like the supposed 100 baht/kg for rubber sheets. The rice scheme was never meant to benefit the poor farmers, but a select few.

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'failed to address issues' is very common here.

Just a few examples.

1. The whole nation is allowed to buy a bottle of wine only at certain times a day..... in order to stop under age drinking.

2. Police is enforcing traffic laws only on certain days and spots......in order to cut the number of road accidents.

3. Legions of whistle blowing parking attendants are employed......in order to assist those being unable parking a vehicle.

4. People without a clue tell you this and that rather than saying "I don't know".......in order not to loose face.


Well I have read the comments and fair enough we pretty much know on here who supports who but fair dinkum I wouldn't want to do a bank job with djamie he used to be a PTP red shirt supporter but the attitude adjustment worked out just but I'm still waiting for You to list Yinglucklucks criminal convictions past and present of which you have stated she is.

I have no problem copping the little school boy snide teasing remarks that just shows me you have nothing to offer and like the junta you are scared of Thaksin and Yingluck.

The only thing I can't understand is the love you yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters show for a mob that took the country via the barrel of a gun have the foot on the throat of the media freedom of speech and the voting public and you actually believe that any decision handed down will be legitimate.

Let's get this straight if I was a yellow dem supporter which I will never be because they have ignored the poor for so long but if I was and they were in office and kicked out via the barrel of a gun then you would the S/P asking the same comments in support of the yellow dems.

For the life of me I cannot understand people who were raised in a free and democratic society actual supporting what's happening in Thailand.

The attitude adjustments have worked out just fine on you lot.

For the life of me I cannot understand why some people just won't admit that the only reason the past two coups happened was because of the actions/inactions of the Shinawatra regime.

Accusing people of being "yellow dem junta ( same same) supporters" just proves your ignorance and explains why you have no credibility whatsoever and are seen by many posters as being nothing more than a naive and boring troll.

I for one would love to raise my son in a coup free Thailand but that will only ever happen when evil organizations like the PTP and redshirt terrorists are shut down.

Perhaps then we can have free and fair elections, honest and competent rule by a true government, and no fear of being gunned down or blown up by a government sponsored terrorist wing.

Mikey, where is the free and fair election that you want your son to be raise when you have only the choice parties that the establishment want. Ain't you contradicting yourself. Surely you don't want your son to be raise when the dad is speaking double tongue.


She's incapable of telling the truth just as much as she was incapable of governing without a puppeteers hand up her skirt!

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