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Unnerved by waves of transfer, Thai police officers turn to horoscopes


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Unnerved By Waves of Transfer, Police Officers Turn To Horoscopes
By Khaosod English

Pol.Col. Samart consults provides an astrological reading in his office in Pitsanulok province, 13 Jan 2015.

PITSANULOK — A series of purges in Thai police force have driven many officers to seek guidance from Pol.Col. Samart Chuthet, a self-styled "police astrologist" operating out of Pitsanulok province.

Pol.Col. Samart, an active officer at Mueang Pitsanulok Police Station, said police have traveled from across country to seek his fortunetelling services.

Unlike astrological readings for the general populace, Pol.Col. Samart's horoscopes focus specifically on the potential rise and fall of careers in the police force.

Pol.Col. Samart consults astrological charts in his office in Pitsanulok province.

"Police officers of all ranks have been asking me to check their fortunes," Pol.Col. Samart explained. "Especially about promotions and transfers. Most of them ask me about that, whether they will be promoted. So I take a look at their fortunes, and advise them based on their luck, by relying on the principles of horoscopes."

He added, "Some of them are successful, but some of them - their luck is not so good at the moment. They have to wait."

Thailand has seen a series of mass police transfers since the military coup on 22 May 2014, after which scores of officers considered allied to the former government were transferred.

Another purge followed last November when several of Thailand's top law enforcers were arrested for allegedly operating a criminal network guilty of money laundering, oil smuggling, and a series of other offenses.

The police chief appointed by the coupmakers, Pol.Gen. Somyot Phumphanmuang, also recently announced a new wave of transfers and appointments involving nearly 2,000 officers, set to be effective from 15 January.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1421139203

-- Khaosod English 2015-01-13

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This is the level of intellect that we're dealing with here, folk. Or I should say, dealing with us. Job performance and transfers hold no correlation. **sigh**

Ah... Upon further reflection, it must be in the stars if they are to be, or not to be, caught in any wrongdoing. Got it.

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"Pol.Col. Samart's colleagues at Mueang Pitsanulok Police Station confirmed to Khaosod that many police officers have been requesting readings from the soothsayer."

"All of them have confidence in this man's ability to see the future," one officer said." blink.png

We're doomed.


A fine example for any of the dreamers here who think this country is moving forward.

But hey, even a US President:


Didn't seem to help 'tho, his administration crumbled resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials.


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The description '' one swing out of the tree'' just came to mind, for some reason. Maybe joc's post may have something to do with it.

magic/fortune tellers associated with the temples, the commercial sector, and now the RTP The sad part is it would seem most of these double dipperts are entrusted and even paid to handle responsibilities/jobs much more of service to the general public, but this seems to be the number 1 priority in their day.

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With a PM believing in black magic, how can we expect the police-farceforce to be any different??

Slowly,very very slowly we are getting there:attachicon.gifarticle-0-02EC002200000578-483_468x326.jpg


"Half of Britons do not believe in evolution, survey finds
More than one-fifth prefer creationism or intelligent design, while many others are confused about Darwin's theory."

Hello JOC, lots of people in Britain don't actually support the message implied by the picture you put up.


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waves of transfers?

wasn't the last PM removed from office for making a single transfer? coffee1.gif

You mean she should have gone to see this fortune teller first?

I think she only got advise from her Pol Lieut-Colonel brother and former brother-in-law Pol. Lt Gen Paradorn Pattanatabutr

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He added, "Some of them are successful [in their promotions], but some of them - their luck is not so good at the moment. They have to wait."

...until they have saved (or more likely, borrowed) enough money to pay for their promotions.

You don't need to be a clairvoyant mambo-jambo astrologer to see that in the stars.

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Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

I'm pretty sure that smoke that the Shaman blew in your direction led you to taking your missus to the hospital. whistling.gif

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Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

I'm pretty sure that smoke that the Shaman blew in your direction led you to taking your missus to the hospital. whistling.gif

Let me clarify that more. The Shaman had some kind of white powder in his hand that he threw in a direction away from the Missus. He lit this some how and it became a HUGE flame out of His mouth, like some movies where the flames come out of a Dragon's mouth. He did this about 8 times while he was chanting his Incantations during the 3 hour period we spent there. I videoed parts of this ceremony with my phone, especially the Dragon Fire! I showed the Missus parts of this ceremony with the fire, but she was, I believe slightly embarrassed about the whole thing. The following day, the video on my phone was deleted. I asked the Missus about the deletion and she feigned innocence and told me, perhaps a Ghost did it because it did not want anyone to see the ceremony that was not there! Rrrriiiggghhhtt, I replied! Smart Lady the Missus is! biggrin.png

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wonder if it occurs to them that if they do not take brides or do anything corrupt they are pretty safe and wouldnt need horoscopes, nah, that would be too much for them to fathomw00t.gif

seajae : it might occur to you that this is not about who is corrupt and who is not corrupt.

Thailand has seen a series of mass police transfers since the military coup on 22 May 2014, after which scores of officers considered allied to the former government were transferred.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

wonder if it occurs to them that if they do not take brides or do anything corrupt they are pretty safe and wouldnt need horoscopes, nah, that would be too much for them to fathom alt=w00t.gif>

seajae : it might occur to you that this is not about who is corrupt and who is not corrupt.

Thailand has seen a series of mass police transfers since the military coup on 22 May 2014, after which scores of officers considered allied to the former government were transferred.

Corrupt / not corrupt - is that all this is about?

What about a fugitive convicted criminal self exiled having quite some control over the Thai police force?

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