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Unnerved by waves of transfer, Thai police officers turn to horoscopes

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Trouble is Thailand's definition of police is different to other countries. In Thailand police does not mean law enforcement instead it means having the power to force others to seek police protection for a fee. The current governments attempts to reform the police is to be applauded but it does mean an upheaval for those in the police used to the old ways!


Love it here :)

Stuff like this.....it's ....... different, quirky. I didn't come here to be in a tropical version of Frankfurt.

It seems you are one of the few. No idea what the others are here for if life is soooooo much better back home.



Horoscopes, and the astrology they are based on, are stupid but a fairly harmless way of parting fools and their money. Before getting too critical, compare them with Scientology and the Book of Mormon (got to be a typo) which was written in modified Egyptian, under a mistaken belief that Amerinds were the descendants of Egyptian explorers.


Love it here smile.png

Stuff like this.....it's ....... different, quirky. I didn't come here to be in a tropical version of Frankfurt.

It seems you are one of the few. No idea what the others are here for if life is soooooo much better back home.


We work here?

We like it here but find things like this stupid? And also find it stupid elsewhere.

We see no reason not to express a viewpoint we have?

We don't subscribe to the BS "it's not your country so stop thinking, if you don't like it then leave" philosophy expressed by wannabes?

So many reasons.

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Just a minor detail. Where are all these police being transferred to? Inactive posts or other police stations in far away provinces where it will take months weeks days for them to get back into their normal routine.


Banharn Silipa archa did it best.. he changed his date of birth to coincide

an auspicious lucky day on the horoscope... yeah? why fret? change your surname

and DOB and you're good to go...


"I can see in you astrological chart that the comet tungus will be entering your bosses astrological chart and circling uranus,, from this will come promotion and many riches"

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Honestly, a bowl of bean curd has a higher IQ then these bozo's. Note the questions are all about their promotion,,, not family health and happiness or anything of real importance,, they just want to know when they can expect to feed they dumbass from a bigger trough..


Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

says it all fella,, the modern world has got beyond all that nonsense, we did it with "education". We know how to treat illnesses properly now based upon Science and an understanding of how the human body works, these practices should stay where they belong, in the past when humans knew no better. Most of the world has done this, so it's time Thailand did the same and stopped wasting peoples money on such bunkum.


Policeman: heres your 20 bht donation

Fortune teller: I see you going on a journey, an upheaval in your life and new horizons.......

Policeman: damn your good, tell you what i'll spread the word how good you are and you charge them 1000 baht and you give me the money, or i'll arrest you for doing black magic on my boss when he loses his post ok ?




A convergence of Mars and Jupiter suggests you will meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger, plant drugs in his pockets and collect 2000 baht.



Travel is the theme of the day as you extract large sums of money from motorcyclists and car drivers. Will be a good evening for beer vendors and Mia Noi's.



The evocative Moon is lingering in your 12th House of Secrets, leading people to point fingers of suspicion at you and your friends. Its time to find a scapegoat and quickly.

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Think I should bring some Taro cards in my car and hand them over to the BiB when they stop me next time and tell them to seriously to consider their fortune if they try to extort money from me.

Sounds like a great plan. Just keep the deck on your dash board and lean some mambo jambo words. Only issue is that if your predictions are not correct then the copper may try to hunt you down...LOL..


You silly TV haters, this is not how they solve crime. They use science and maths for solving crime.

Whoever shows up with the most money first gets to prosecute or walk away. Whichever applies.


That explains it...horoscopes...maybe they should try sticking their heads in the sand to see if that helps...or some place that is dark and smelly...


So he does this during his working hours as a police officer?

Superiors do not see a problem with that?

Shhh... would you prefer he spent time using his "skills" to solve crime?

One prisoner to another:

- ... and then dumped the body in a klong. So, what are you in for?

- Apparently Mars was crossing Sagitarius on the day I was born.


col samart, huh. .....hmmmmmm. .....who knew? and this is a modern country? how did he get to be a col. and why he telling the future when he is working chaseing bad guys? huh ? he dont chade bad guys? ehhh. .. what does he do all day? read cards? :-)

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