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Phuket: Underage gangsters murdered 19-year-old 'by mistake'

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Underage gangsters murdered 19-year-old 'by mistake'
Darawan Naknakhon

Abdulla Masalae with the gun thought to have been used to kill the totally innocent Boat

PHUKET: -- Police yesterday (January 12) arrested two youths on charges of murdering 19-year old Chalong “Boat” Natpetchdang on Phoonpol Rd Soi 7 just before midnight on December 29 last year.

They also arrested a man from Pattani province who had kept the murder weapon.

Boat was shot once with a .38 pistol. He died of the wound later, in Vachira Phuket Hospital.

The two boys, 15-year-old A and 16-year-old B (because they are minors they may not be named), were arrested in Kathu.

Police took away two sets of clothing they believe the boys were wearing on the night of the shooting, and a Honda Wave motorcycle they are believed to have been riding when they shot Boat.

Police say that during interrogation both boys admitted to the shooting.

A said that he was driving the motorcycle, and B, who was riding pillion, shot Boat because they mistook him for a member of a rival gang.

When asked about the gun used in the shooting, the boys told told police that after the shooting they had given it to a man they named as Abdulla.

This led to a third arrest, of Abdulla Masalae, 25, from Pattani, at another address in Kathu. There, police seized a homemade .38 pistol and six bullets.

Abdulla faces charge of possession of a firearm and ammunition without a license.

The two boys are still under questioning at Phuket City police station.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/underage-gangsters-murdered-19-year-old-by-mistake-50531.php

-- Phuket News 2015-01-13


Underage Gangster .... I didn't think there was a qualifying age for gangsterism, even here in Thailand

  • Like 1

Minors or not minors they were good enough to kill an innocent bystander.

Hope the full force of the law applies on them, no excuses for the little cowards.

And may Boat Rests in Peace.

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I thought that was a gang sign that guy was throwing in the OP instead of pointing to the weapon.

Also thought that underage gangsters grow up rough until I read this is the 25 yo that was hiding the gun.

RIP Boat, although nothing brings back life, I would like to think that these two will pay for what they have done.

But sadly I know they won't.


... and what was Abdulla doing with a homemade pistol and 6 bullets? He needs to be interrogated as to where/who he obtained this weapon from. Possible terrorist connections.


commit adult crime, should get adult punishment

let the family of the victim give them a stab wound each

an EYE for and eye comes to mind

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What a shame for the poor lads, only 15 and 16, just young lads, not responsible for their actions.

They will be told that they really should not kill,it's not the Buddhist way.

But they are Thai so this is Thainess.

So they learn once again that murder is acceptable.

Oh, and now they will be welcomed into their gang as full members who can groom and guide future youngsters to do the same when they join a Poly-technical School or Uni.

Just like they were, the cycle continues!

To become full gang members, they were told that they have to murder a member of another gang.

They clearly intended to murder someone, just made a tiny mistake and murdered the wrong young man!

Their parents should also be held responsible and be severely punished along with their offspring.

Huge compensation should be extracted from the murderers and their families and given to the family of the murdered young man.

They should be forced to sell their possessions and if that's not enough, continue to make restitution when they are released from prison.

If this makes them destitute - GOOD, maybe they will learn then?

Until punishment hurts, nothing will change.

I am quite sure that Boat does not rest in peace, nor any of his friends and family.

They will have the grief of this tragic and unnecessary loss for the rest of their lives.

I do not know why so many people want to punish the parents for what the kids do at 15 and 16 years old. Some of them are uncontrollable.

There were 6 kids in our family and only 1 turned out bad. Not our parents fault or the other 5 kids fault but people like you would want to make the parents and the other 5 kids destitute because of 1 bad kid. Disgusting.

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One can only hope they can be tried as adults, and put away for life. Ignorance is ignorance. Age is no excuse. They devastated a family. These punk insects deserve a lifetime of being called girlfriend.

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That's some good pointing on this pic.

Clearly the cops read my post yesterday, where the ex-muay Thai boxer who stabbed the farang didn't do any pointing but adopted a boxer stance. That's just stupid.

If the pointing tradition is allowed to be eroded by random gestures the justice system in this country will collapse.

Carry on pointing.clap2.gif

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What a great generation for the future of Phuket.

Their parents must be proud.

So would Buddha. Such beautiful Buddhist here….. LOL BS. These people go on and on about Buddha and how they are good and go to the temple etc etc, but certainly don't live like one or even follow the teachings. 90% are full of shit


What a shame for the poor lads, only 15 and 16, just young lads, not responsible for their actions.

They will be told that they really should not kill,it's not the Buddhist way.

But they are Thai so this is Thainess.

So they learn once again that murder is acceptable.

Oh, and now they will be welcomed into their gang as full members who can groom and guide future youngsters to do the same when they join a Poly-technical School or Uni.

Just like they were, the cycle continues!

To become full gang members, they were told that they have to murder a member of another gang.

They clearly intended to murder someone, just made a tiny mistake and murdered the wrong young man!

Their parents should also be held responsible and be severely punished along with their offspring.

Huge compensation should be extracted from the murderers and their families and given to the family of the murdered young man.

They should be forced to sell their possessions and if that's not enough, continue to make restitution when they are released from prison.

If this makes them destitute - GOOD, maybe they will learn then?

Until punishment hurts, nothing will change.

I am quite sure that Boat does not rest in peace, nor any of his friends and family.

They will have the grief of this tragic and unnecessary loss for the rest of their lives.

I do not know why so many people want to punish the parents for what the kids do at 15 and 16 years old. Some of them are uncontrollable.

There were 6 kids in our family and only 1 turned out bad. Not our parents fault or the other 5 kids fault but people like you would want to make the parents and the other 5 kids destitute because of 1 bad kid. Disgusting.

Why punish the parents?

Because as I see it in Thailand, many parents take no responsibility for their children.

It may be different where you come from, it is different in the UK or Spain for example.

Here, many children are dumped on grand parents whilst the parents work to provide the funds for the grand parents to bring the children up.

When the kids want something Gran provides it - no questions - not their money.

Kids love Gran - she gives them EVERYTHING - NO QUESTIONS.

Kids hate parents - they try to exert control on the odd occasion.

Parents here need to be forced to be responsible for the kids.

If they choose to abdicate the care of the kids, they should still be held responsible.

I refer you to

Parental responsibility (criminal)

OK it's Wiki LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_responsibility_%28criminal%29

but you see, some countries hold parents responsible.

I can't be bothered to look up similar laws for other countries. Google is your friend.


All the questions that come to mind about this murder and the press don't bother except with a surface report.

Let's see you play reporter for a day - ask the questions that come to your mind.

I will play the senior police officer who will answer your questions. To save you time, I will give you your answers right now:

I don't know.

I don't know

I don't know.

See answers to same questions last week: I don't know what they are.

Thank you. Have a nice day. :)

  • Like 1

Bashing, bashing, bashing.

Crimes like that happen in my Country (Canada).

How about yours? mad.gif

Oh dear!

Clearly never been touched personally by this sort of thing.....

Not had a young family member murdered?

So because you say this happens in other countries - it's an OK sport?

So genital mutilation would be OK or stoning for being raped would be OK - hey they do that in many other countries.

Engage brain - don't post, just think and fume a while......

Then post something helpful or adding information?


Sorry - I hadn't realised you only just joined TVF - but hey - you now have a post count of 26. Yawn

But then 70 and still boom booming - Wow.

Get a wife life lad LOL


... and what was Abdulla doing with a homemade pistol and 6 bullets? He needs to be interrogated as to where/who he obtained this weapon from. Possible terrorist connections.

err... it was home made, maybe he made it?


Bashing, bashing, bashing.

Crimes like that happen in my Country (Canada).

How about yours? mad.gif

We are not discussing what happens in your country (Canada)- nor mine. This happened in Thailand, TIT.

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They should have said that Khun Boat honked his horn at them and they became so enraged they shot him. Seems to get others off in Phuket.

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