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Frustrated Phuket beach guard lashes out at Russian tourist

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Frustrated Phuket beach guard lashes out at tourist
Tanyaluk Sakoot

The lifeguards face a tough job, but kicking tourists isn't part of it.

PHUKET: -- Sheer frustration at the stubborn wrong-headedness of people who ignore red flag warnings at beaches exploded on Monday (January 12) when a beach lifeguard at Naiharn shouted at and then kicked a Russian tourist.

An expat Phuket News reader who witnesses the explosion described it.

“Just before sunset lifeguards put up a red flag. A few minutes later a lifeguard was shouting at people to get out of the water. As people left the water he continued to shout at them, getting the attention of nearby swimmers on the beach.

“Then he approached one couple and shouted at them but they simply walked away. Then he approached a man, woman and child and began shouting at them.

“The man shrugged his shoulders, apparently confused. The lifeguard then really began to have a go at the man and flipped him the middle finger.

“The tourist returned the gesture and the lifeguard started to run after the man. The man ran away and it appeared to be over.

“Then two minutes later the two were back together, jawing at one another. Then the lifeguard took off his shirt and squared up to the man. The man backed up but then the lifeguard swung at the man twice before kicking him in the leg.

“He then got into a Thai boxing stance as if to continue. A few people got in the middle and more lifeguards arrived on the scene. But rather than simply ushering their co-worker away, the other lifeguards basically squared up to everyone as well.

“No tourist was being aggressive. I know the lifeguards have a rough time here but in this incident the aggressor and the rest of the lifeguards were well out of line.

“They’d only just put up the one pole and then this guy just seemed to lose it. I speak some decent Thai and really wanted to ask the guy why he was so angry but he was so worked up I didn’t feel safe approaching him.”

Chula Montri, 43, head of the Naiharn beach lifeguards, was unapologetic. He told The Phuket News, “There were heavy waves at the time and three or four tourists needed help from the team to get out of the water.

“It was a hard job for the team and they were tired [because of it].

“Some tourist obeyed the lifeguards’ urging [to leave the water]. But one man, a Russian, did not want to come back to the beach, even though he was in red flag area.

“The lifeguard wanted him to swim in another, safer area, but he would not listen. He came to the beach and started arguing with the lifeguard. The lifeguard kicked him once because he was overwrought, and the man walked away.”

Mr Chula added, “Sometime it is hard for us to communicate with them. Other foreigners do help us to explain [the rules] in some cases. We set out the red flags at dangerous parts of the beach but some tourists still go in the water.

“From New Year until now it has been very hard work trying to control naughty tourists.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/frustrated-phuket-beach-guard-lashes-out-at-tourist-50562.php

-- Phuket News 2015-01-15

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some people are just not suited to deal with the public as their job description so often requires. I wonder if any training is conducted prior to putting this group or any other out, where they are tasked to make the rules, that keep people out of harms way and enforec same?

Somehow i doubt that those in charge of this are even capable of conducting such a ''introduction to lifeguarding'' class much less monitoring and correcting those working under their supervision. It is seldomn we as farang encounter service oriented people involved in the tourst trade, especially those who are not part of the money trail of ''them to us''.

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Not surprised at all by this type of behaviour, or by the response of the lifeguard's boss.

When my wife and I were last in Phuket, while at Kamala Beach some Russians wanted to move their beach chairs closer to the water, the guy managing it said they couldn't, the Russians argued with him, and then he kicked their gf in the chest so that she fell over, and pulled out one of the 1m long metal spikes with pointy ends (that they use for securing the beach umbrellas) and started shouting at them. The Russians were obviously pretty angry at the fact that he'd just kicked their girlfriend, but didn't want to fight a lunatic with a metal pole, so were backing away, at which point he wanted to chase them, and was really trying to aggravate the situation. I then went up and told him to calm down etc in Thai, and started talking to him, he then calmed down.

Later, he came over to have a chat with most of the people on the beach, and gave out a few free cokes to people, as he tried to do a bit of a "PR job", but he wasn't really apologetic, only for the fact that we saw what happened, not that he'd just hit a woman and wielded a deadly weapon, simply that we saw it. It was also very clear, that he really didn't like Russians.

It's because of incidents like this news article, and what happened to us in Kamala, that when our friends/family say they want to goto Phuket, we try to suggest other locations instead, as so many of the people working in Phuket are hostile and don't treat tourists with any respect (And if they see me, they think I'm a tourist too, and so initially treat me in exactly the same way until they know otherwise (Then they try to pretend to become buddies with my wife and I, once they realise we're not the enemy)).

Wow !!! What a story about a 'nice' day at the beach.

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Yes, I understand their frustrations, but no, that is not good behaviour.

intent does matter and if he was able to get those 2 out of a danger he did his job.

someone needs to explain to these guys that the way of the thug has no place anywhere when dealing with tourists, if the water is choppy and they put up a red flag and some tourists ignore it then that Is up to them but they shouldn't expect any help if they get into trouble - up to them

Thais have a habit of overstepping their authority that they think they have when they don't and then trying to enforce it with violence, also shouting and being rude is no way to get anyone to listen, these people need to be taken to the side and given a few training days on how and how not to deal with tourists

The guy in question should be spoken too and if he still doesn't get it then sack him

Thailand need time before being like Hawaii.

I then went up and told him to calm down etc in Thai, and started talking to him, he then calmed down.

You was lucky. Some just take a break and then fight back the "calmer". Is it on my "not to do" list, both with thai and farang.

Once I did it and he wanted kill me, hopefully his 7 friends was wise enough to stop him. Can you imagine if his 7 friends were with him? a massacre for what?


No need for thai apologists to insinuate that it must have been the fault of the tourists.. No matter what thai people do they not only absolve themselves of any guilt but eagerly point the finger at those they have wronged.

Mickey Mouse country that becomes more and more 2 dimensional every day.


Relax man no danger, more more Thai bashers than Thai apologists around here coffee1.gif

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Thais generally don't show their anger, or if they do, they show it with a smile, even though inside they might be furious. Most of the time they can keep up their disguise, but sometimes can't and they explode. And if they explode, they do it like a maniac.

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