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Students arrested for 'bombing' public bus in Bangkok


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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.

Edited by diehard60
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Checklist for packing for a day at school ...

1. Lunch money

2. Books

3. Pens

and oh yes

4. Gun

5. Knife

6. Bombs

What every school kids needs for education.

Now I know that kids in western schools can be violent; we've all seen the news with shootings and stabbings ... but BOMBS?

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I thought his worship was going to solve this every day problem?

What happened to the crackdown and the school closures? All talk and no action as always

The government mentioned something a few months back about all schools having the same uniform.

This might help, but I can't see what's eating those guys, always fighting.

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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

Robby nz. I wish people would read and digest before they vomit diatribe from behind, and in the safety of, their laptops. As for the criminal act in the headline, I will always hold the parents of these 'adults' responsible. Regards...

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Maybe the term 'bombling' is being misused here a little. Are these really 'bombs', or the equvialent of fireworks?

When we were teenagers, we used to throw snowballs at cars. it wasn't smart, we just weren't adult enough to think through the possible consequences.

People here are literally shouting for the death penalty - 'hang them from MBK!' I think went one comment. Christ man...thank goodness you have no authority anywhere.

Edited by John1thru10
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Maybe the term 'bombling' is being misused here a little. Are these really 'bombs', or the equvialent of fireworks?

When we were teenagers, we used to throw snowballs at cars. it wasn't smart, we just weren't adult enough to think through the possible consequences.

People here are literally shouting for the death penalty - 'hang them from MBK!' I think went one comment. Christ man...thank goodness you have no authority anywhere.

When I first saw it I had the same reaction. Heck, when I was a kid we'd throw 'Black Cat' firecrackers at each other. Stupid. Yeah.

But look at the device closer. There are metal shards taped to the firework. At that point, the firework becomes a shrapnel producing device, which in my dictionary is a "Bomb". These idiots need to go to jail, because the obvious intent of that device is to harm people. That's not a prank.

Edited by connda
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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.

Anyone over 18 is capable of voting so is an adult in my book .. treat these idiots like adults, that's part of the problem. Thai youth act like babies because the system treats them that way. Over 18, capable of voting and Army service. Adults!

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put 2 opposing school gangs in one of those football/soccer venues. secure the field so they cannot escape, give each a like weapon which is determined by a referee, just make ensure over zealous use could result in possible death. (baseball bat, reenforcing rod, knife, etc)

require parents of each student to attend the attraction, hell, sell tickets to the public. do this for a few bouts and the little scum may have a transformation into a full time student/model citizen. or with proper encourenment they might cripple or kill most of those participating.

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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.

Anyone over 18 is capable of voting so is an adult in my book .. treat these idiots like adults, that's part of the problem. Thai youth act like babies because the system treats them that way. Over 18, capable of voting and Army service. Adults!

My wifes son is near twenty, but from my perspective is near fifteen......sad.png

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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.
Anyone over 18 is capable of voting so is an adult in my book .. treat these idiots like adults, that's part of the problem. Thai youth act like babies because the system treats them that way. Over 18, capable of voting and Army service. Adults!

My wifes son is near twenty, but from my perspective is near fifteen......sad.png

I know I teach some like that .. you do know it's kinda your wife's fault, right!

He can do no wrong in her eyes.

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For all the posters suggesting these are like throwing firecrackers about..........


And these one thrown during the demos didn't have nails strapped to them......

Id suggest trying them as adults for such a serious offence and upon being found guilty, sentencing them as such.........

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put 2 opposing school gangs in one of those football/soccer venues. secure the field so they cannot escape, give each a like weapon which is determined by a referee, just make ensure over zealous use could result in possible death. (baseball bat, reenforcing rod, knife, etc)

require parents of each student to attend the attraction, hell, sell tickets to the public. do this for a few bouts and the little scum may have a transformation into a full time student/model citizen. or with proper encourenment they might cripple or kill most of those participating.

You are sick and should be deported.

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.....reading that 'underage' offenders can 'get away with murder'.....what do you expect.....

Yes but not their parents, i have a little thug in my village,always in trouble with the law, a big 16 year old, punch ups,driving a lorry without a license,driving a stolen motorbike whilst drunk and no license etc. His parents are up to their necks in debt because of the fines ( altogether now around 400k ) given out for which they are responsible to pay. The father was even in prison for two months until his wife managed to borrow the money for the last fine.

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I don't want to spoil; anyones fun, but don't you think that before we start putting these students to death, or inserting the bombs where the sun don't shine, that it might be a worthwhile exercise to allow them a fair trial.

They ARE innocent until found otherwise..

Give them exactly as much of a fair trial as they gave to the three people they injured. I notice the nails strapped to the bomb so their intention was to inflict very serious injury on others without trial.

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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.

Anyone over 18 is capable of voting so is an adult in my book .. treat these idiots like adults, that's part of the problem. Thai youth act like babies because the system treats them that way. Over 18, capable of voting and Army service. Adults!

My wifes son is near twenty, but from my perspective is near fifteen......sad.png

Agreed. 20 year old Thai males who have been 'mothered' all their lives (like my step son) are mentally still in their mid-teens -- really immature. But my step son has done his time in the Army, has gotten married and has a job. He's matured about 5 years in the last 18 months. So, there is hope.

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It would seem no poster so far has bothered to read the full story.

These so called students are all above school age with 2 being 20 one 19 and the other 18.

If they are still going to school they must be particularly useless students as they should be out in the work force at that age.

I suspect that the explosives charge is only a holding charge and there will be more to come.

They should today be having a nice little chat to the police who will be wanting to ask them who their friends were, where they got their explosive from and have a look to see if they have any previous.

hey are college students and that is the right age for them. They are not school kids like you are thinking. and they are not adults either.

Correct and they will be considered as children - no responsibility.

A Bangkok evidence policeman who was part of the team investigating the murder of my 19 year old step son last year told me that everyone knows that to become a full gang member at their Poly, murder and maiming is required.

The older students who already did that, perpetuate the ritual and no one cares to do anything about it.

Case closed.

Remember about 3 years ago when a nurse on her way to work was murdered by one gang shooting into a public bus.

I never saw any follow-up, probably because there was none.

Only children at play.....

At the apartment block we stayed in during the funeral, we met a lady who worked there. Her son had been murdered the year before.

The locals call it killing, not murder.......

They make excuses for it.

They allow it.

No amount of whinging on forums like this will make the slightest difference.

Life is cheap here Full Stop!

Oh but it could easily be changed.

Ban the gangs.

Exclude all students for life who have been involved in violent attacks against other students.

Just start there, more options, just ask .....

We TVFers can help no end!

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