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Mobi's 10:1 & Raro's 4:1


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In my view there's nothing meaty to latch onto on TV these days. Remember when Mobi had 50,000 views in 5 months (10K:1) before closing and now Raro is closing after 16,000 in 4 months (4K:1) - one of the busiest recent threads (and coincidentally an eating place I was just about to visit for the first time with some friends)

What's missing in TV Pattaya forum? Much just seems insignificant.

Why is there currently nothing of substance to keep we masses amused/informed/intrigued and regularly viewing/following?

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Fell free to start a new topic that can keep the masses entertained.wink.png

Murder/suicide seems very popular, especially when a Westerner is the victim and all the pocket detectives here are having a field day.

Mobi's topic was very entertaining at times with small stories about the girls and this always drunk Dutchman (I think he was) causing havoc in the bar, he-he.

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Just for the records.... I accepted a really good job offer in Bangkok in December. The wife makes pretty decent money with her cargo business. Things are today completely different to 4 months ago when we started.

We also didn't expect the staff problem to be that severe. Anyways, we had with the shop and it is on the slate.


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Fell free to start a new topic that can keep the masses entertained.wink.png

Murder/suicide seems very popular, especially when a Westerner is the victim and all the pocket detectives here are having a field day.

Mobi's topic was very entertaining at times with small stories about the girls and this always drunk Dutchman (I think he was) causing havoc in the bar, he-he.

What is entertaining about businesses that anyone with a little knowledge about business knew they were a failure from the start?

What is even more sad is that people believe they can build a successful business with a solid customer base from TV members.

Maybe "entertaining" is not appropriate for the reason of the two threads from Mobi and Raro

They both were plain and simply marketing ploys aimed at the ExPat potential residing or on holiday in Pattaya.

And why not?

If I were to start a business anywhere in the world I would use all manner and means of getting my product onto the market that I was serving.

Far from criticizing these two entrepreneurs, I applaud them for at least getting off their and having a go and in any event failure is only when you stop trying.

How many doors have I gone through at the time that looked as though they had gone nowhere, only to find that if I hadn't gone through that wrong door I would not have found the right door.

( Any businessman with even a little knowledge and up to his calling, will also have at one time or another gone through the wrong door)

In any event what doesn't destroy us only makes us stronger and certainly more wise!

Its easy for people on here to mock or criticism from a keyboard , maybe you could start a Thread which encompasses the difference between success and failure.

Success or failure is sometimes only separated by pure luck.

Chock Dee to all those who are still trying

My aim was not to critize the both "entrepreneurs", but everyone in who has stayed in Thailand for an extended period of time know that in Thailand success in business needs a little bit more than luck.

There are a lot more wrong doors than right doors in foreigners business in Thailand. For every successful business I can name you at least 5 failures, and this is especially with businesses that are directed at an expat clientèle.

For the past year the chance of failure in this kind of businesses, and again especially on the East side of Pattaya where tourists are far and between, the chance on failure has simply increased with a factor 50.

To start an expat oriented business in the East of Pattaya these days can be compared with being suicidal.

Edited by Anthony5
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Again, the main reason for packing in is that we cannot find staff. This was way more difficult than we would have imagined.

We had a bunch of ideas for new products, marketing campaigns etc but simply no manpower to make them happen.

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^There is plenty of manpower out there and skilled people.

The only problem is (as far as i can see) remunerating the right people when found at a salary they are happy to do there job and incentives also go a long way too!

It is an old adage but very true "you pay peanuts you get monkeys"

In my experience most employee problems come from staff who feel unwanted,underpaid and therefore insecurity grow.

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We paid 30% higher salaries than other places for a comparable job. This cannot be the reason.

Service staff counts on tips because their salary, even when 30% higher than other places, will not give them much of a living standard. If turnover is low there will also be no tips. Staff has plenty of possibilities to get a job in the service sector, so if they see the tips aren't coming they move on quickly.

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now this thread demonstrated by the lively comments to date accidentally could be exactly what has been missing recently and could keep me and many others interested & following on a regular basis. There's no right or wrong but subjective observations are all valid. Comments and observations from those who have succeeded and/or just missed here will be more than valid and I do hope we don't start getting typical crass comments from those who lean that way. Thanks

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OP, we all like thrills and spills, but you're being somewhat hopeful of there being enough to keep you entertained day-in, day-out. There are always "dry news days", so to speak. It's like going to your local - some days it's just the same boring old pharts, but then Slick Dick rolls up with outrageous yarns about his latest conquests and travels. You get all enthused and go home and put a grin on the missus' face. Well, sorry I can't entertain you as I'm one of those boring old pharts - even worse, I'm a boring old phart who can no longer drink. It doesn't get worse than that. Sigh. Tah-dum, rah-dum, tah-dum. Hmm. Leave you with it.

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We paid 30% higher salaries than other places for a comparable job. This cannot be the reason.

Interesting...so did you have the staff? as you said "we paid" If so they then left which indicates it was the conditions maybe or the work involved...or what do you think?

30% of what? what was the position? how much was the monthly wage because if you are talking in the 10.000 a month bracket then employers will always have problems.

In interested to know what the position was raro and the remuneration offered.

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Why should he inform you about that ?

Its no ones business which salaries he offered. And not the reason why he closed the doors.

And Mobi's was a great success, only health issues prevented him from carry on.

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Why should he inform you about that ?

Its no ones business which salaries he offered. And not the reason why he closed the doors.

And Mobi's was a great success, only health issues prevented him from carry on.

"Again, the main reason for packing in is that we cannot find staff. This was way more difficult than we would have imagined.

We had a bunch of ideas for new products, marketing campaigns etc but simply no manpower to make them happen. "

This is what raro said......

I suggest you read the posts before you open your mouth.......

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Fell free to start a new topic that can keep the masses entertained.wink.png

Murder/suicide seems very popular, especially when a Westerner is the victim and all the pocket detectives here are having a field day.

Mobi's topic was very entertaining at times with small stories about the girls and this always drunk Dutchman (I think he was) causing havoc in the bar, he-he.

What is entertaining about businesses that anyone with a little knowledge about business knew they were a failure from the start?

What is even more sad is that people believe they can build a successful business with a solid customer base from TV members.

Maybe "entertaining" is not appropriate for the reason of the two threads from Mobi and Raro

They both were plain and simply marketing ploys aimed at the ExPat potential residing or on holiday in Pattaya.

And why not?

If I were to start a business anywhere in the world I would use all manner and means of getting my product onto the market that I was serving.

Far from criticizing these two entrepreneurs, I applaud them for at least getting off their and having a go and in any event failure is only when you stop trying.

How many doors have I gone through at the time that looked as though they had gone nowhere, only to find that if I hadn't gone through that wrong door I would not have found the right door.

( Any businessman with even a little knowledge and up to his calling, will also have at one time or another gone through the wrong door)

In any event what doesn't destroy us only makes us stronger and certainly more wise!

Its easy for people on here to mock or criticism from a keyboard , maybe you could start a Thread which encompasses the difference between success and failure.

Success or failure is sometimes only separated by pure luck.

Chock Dee to all those who are still trying

My aim was not to critize the both "entrepreneurs", but everyone in who has stayed in Thailand for an extended period of time know that in Thailand success in business needs a little bit more than luck.

There are a lot more wrong doors than right doors in foreigners business in Thailand. For every successful business I can name you at least 5 failures, and this is especially with businesses that are directed at an expat clientèle.

For the past year the chance of failure in this kind of businesses, and again especially on the East side of Pattaya where tourists are far and between, the chance on failure has simply increased with a factor 50.

To start an expat oriented business in the East of Pattaya these days can be compared with being suicidal.

I generally agree with your "general" sentiment but with just one difference;

"until I walk in the moccasins of any person for many moons I will not criticize his actions"

For all the reason that you state I agree and would conventionally stop an individual from starting a business.

There are many reasons however that we are not privy to where it might have been necessary for an individual to at least try to make a business, generating work, even at the lowest level, where a modest income or wage would have been better than no income at all and in effect like a tradesman the income would have been derived from the output of the persons own hands or the small number of staff needed to do do nearly a 24 hour service in raros case.

In Raros burger "business" I think that He was maybe trying to create some extra income actually because of the very poor economic situation within Pattaya that your describe so well.

Like he say in answer to the posters herein, Raros could not get reliable staff and then you heard him also state that He had recently got a job in bangkok

Well one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist or Sherlock Holmes to deduce that things before the job acquisition in Bangkok and before the burger bar must at least have been a little tight for him financially and with a little luck the burger bar could have fulfilled the appetite for a little extra cash and also a hungry belly for some of those who became regular customer (Pardon the pun)

Whilst I agree with most of your business sentiment for not creating a business in certain shrinking sectors or conditions I also understand why sometimes there is a need for risk taking and the point you make about not relying on luck is IMHO just a tad arrogant.

Now I am not saying that you are arrogant in your appraisal but maybe a little too inflexible in your judgement of a situation that you are not familiar with.

This thread was linked to individuals and not generalities and with a little luck some one who has a little luck on his side while not making big Bucks could have at least an income to make do on until the business climate improves,

Its very hard and sometimes impossible for the "doers" of this world just to sit back and do nothing when the bills need paying

Good on you Raro for at least having a go and the very best of luck to you in your new job in bangkok.

You deserve success for your constant refusal to back down to this deflating market we have in Pattaya indeed the Western world , failure is when you throw the towel in and you have never done that yet!

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Let me answer also to this (is this an investigation what? biggrin.png)

Indeed. shortly after we started the burger shop I got a phone call from a head hunter and consequently a job offer I couldn't say no to. At the same time Mrs. raro got more and more freelance jobs in the heavy transport game which earn pretty decent money but cannot be done out of a burger joint. Hence, the shop became a burden and has to go. That simple.

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I wasn`t even aware they had closed.

I have no business here nor do I want one but anytime I speak with anyone who has, they all seem to talk about staff being the biggest drawback.

I prefer not to name it but a large company with business in Pattaya and other parts of Thailand offer a fairly decent overall package, they give an extra 1 month salary as a Xmas bonus.

What happens when that is paid out?, they have staff leave or simply not even turn up, no warning.

i thought running a business in the UK was tough enough but that seems to pale compared to here.

I found it difficult to find good staff there also but after a lot of perseverance ended up with a good team

As another example a small business here I give a little custom to, foreign owned, took on what turned out to be a fairly useless member of staff.

I accepted that as one of those things, didn`t put me off but anyone encountering that as an introduction would likely never return.

That staff member either left or was pushed, no idea which.

Not easy here at all.

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raro, don;t take any notice of the knockers, they cannot even sing for their supper. It is good to see someone paying their staff properly and as a proper job, social security is important and very valuable but I guess that most workers in that kind of job here do not appreciate that yet.

It really is not anyone's business to question a person about his business but it is interesting to hear the answers as it helps broaden our knowledge about employment here. I am glad the cafe did not use your frypans as I do not think anyone could survive being hit by one for saying the burger was under/over cooked.

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raro, don;t take any notice of the knockers, they cannot even sing for their supper. It is good to see someone paying their staff properly and as a proper job, social security is important and very valuable but I guess that most workers in that kind of job here do not appreciate that yet.

It really is not anyone's business to question a person about his business but it is interesting to hear the answers as it helps broaden our knowledge about employment here. I am glad the cafe did not use your frypans as I do not think anyone could survive being hit by one for saying the burger was under/over cooked.

Would you be happy for your son or daughter to be working in a burger bar?

Would you say well done to them for getting a "proper job"

As you know so much about the Thai social security system and how valuable it is......would you let us all know the benefits of of it.

I was responding to raro and nobody else... he has honestly answered so as to understand the point he was making and the difficulty he found getting staff.....no need for your stupid insults and yes i have had to sing for my supper.

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raro, don;t take any notice of the knockers, they cannot even sing for their supper. It is good to see someone paying their staff properly and as a proper job, social security is important and very valuable but I guess that most workers in that kind of job here do not appreciate that yet.

It really is not anyone's business to question a person about his business but it is interesting to hear the answers as it helps broaden our knowledge about employment here. I am glad the cafe did not use your frypans as I do not think anyone could survive being hit by one for saying the burger was under/over cooked.

Would you be happy for your son or daughter to be working in a burger bar?

Would you say well done to them for getting a "proper job"

As you know so much about the Thai social security system and how valuable it is......would you let us all know the benefits of of it.

I was responding to raro and nobody else... he has honestly answered so as to understand the point he was making and the difficulty he found getting staff.....no need for your stupid insults and yes i have had to sing for my supper.

You were responding to everyone, this is a forum. If you were only responding to raro you should have used a personal message.

Your reply here shows your ignorance about Thailand. The social services he was paying entitles the worker to health services in a hospital he registers for and includes many of the private ones, It pays an unemployment benifit,.disability and on retiring a pension or lump sum.

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Guys, chill pills please, I don't want to put on my moderator cap in this thread.

As a matter of fact, a 12,000 Baht salary with a social security card (which offers you free health care in government hospitals) is a pretty decent gig for the majority in this country. An accountant with a bachelor degree doesn't make much more.

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Guys, chill pills please, I don't want to put on my moderator cap in this thread.

As a matter of fact, a 12,000 Baht salary with a social security card (which offers you free health care in government hospitals) is a pretty decent gig for the majority in this country. An accountant with a bachelor degree doesn't make much more.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, your post is amongst chums, noooooooooooooo need for the mod thingy............Hmmmmmm, can I have a job ........smile.png

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Thanks a lot for your rant that covered every facet from spot on to completely off the mark.


Interesting comments on food consistency and hygene ... I reckon this has to do with changing staff.

.//edit : smiley added

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It wasn't all about you mate. Only one small section was. Also it wasn't a "rant" it was an observation from someone who has owned and run restaurants before and indeed trained as a chef and has a degree in hospitality management. As for hygiene and consistency, you know yourself from your thread I had raw sausages, burnt on the ouside, that were stacked up at air temperature on a BBQ grill likely all day half cooked (huge hygene nono) within about a month of opening. Was that staff shortages? A few weeks later, raw chicken wings. Burnt on the outside and blood raw on the inside. Was that down to staff shortages? Could it be that the people running it had no clue about running a professional kitchen and food service in a hygienic manner? If you would like to defend your food consistency then aside from burgers, one customers actual experience is that yes there was consistency; poorly cooked so raw in the middle.

Before moving to Pattaya I was all for people "having a go" but now I am completely on the reverse. Don't have a go. Instead, stand on the street handing out 100 baht notes to random people for an hour each day and after a few weeks, you can stop. Same amount of cash down the drain, and at least there was no sweat, tears, and heartache involved.


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