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Noise pollution soi 5 Jomtien


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The Fifth Jomtien (the Residence) hotel on soi 5 in Jomtien (next to Immigration) is staging a horrible outdoor "concert" each night. It is probably the worst music I have ever heard--terrible stuff played by and for first-class idiots. The "music" is very loud and the noise drifts all over Jomtien. I can't imagine people wanting to stay there and endure that crap each night. They have been doing this for almost two months now--each and every night! What can be done? Talk to the police? Talk to the manager? Are there no laws in Thailand to protect people from this type of torture?

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I went along Soi 5 yesterday evening and the only noise (and there wasn't much of that) was from a party/meal being held in the car park of Immigration. Admittedly this was quite early, I went towards the beach around 6:15 to eat in Oasis and returned an hour or so later, perhaps the music at the Fifth hadn't started by then? I can't imagine the Immigration police will have been too happy if their nice event was disrupted by loud music.

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I went along Soi 5 yesterday evening and the only noise (and there wasn't much of that) was from a party/meal being held in the car park of Immigration. Admittedly this was quite early, I went towards the beach around 6:15 to eat in Oasis and returned an hour or so later, perhaps the music at the Fifth hadn't started by then? I can't imagine the Immigration police will have been too happy if their nice event was disrupted by loud music.

Starts around 7:00 pm. Maybe they only have Thai guests, which might explain why they have guests at all. Thais seem to love noise, noise, and more noise 24/7. It is hard to imagine why the manager would allow the "concert" to go on and on and on and on and on.......every evening/night, unless the guests enjoy loud and annoying noise, which Thais do, but Thais do not think of it as "annoying." I would think most farangs would pack their bags and leave after being subjected to the first evening/night of the "concert."

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I think Jomtien soi 5-7 area has become unliveable for people who are sensitive to noise at night. Every day there are bar parties with loud music that finish well after midnigh, and from 6am till 8am large tour buses drive down those sois. My advise for you is to move to another area.

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For a change, go and listen to the awful din coming from that terrible karaoke establishment with a big tree on the second floor of Jomtien complex, more or less opposite Linda's and in an area surrounded by about 3000 condo units.

Rarely have I heard a more evil noise.

And Thais wonder why tourists dont want to come here. It's hard to imagine what they could possibly do to put people off more, short of actually knifing them at the airport.

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The music makers and audience have no idea that there are others in the universe. They, thus feel free to inflict their music (see pick-up boom boxes at traffic lights); their sleep patterns on the population at large. By extension they have little spatial awareness so do not notice others queuing (particularly farangs) and blunder into people on what laughingly passes for sidewalks here; they will gather in groups for in-depth discussions about the latest TAT fairy tales at the top of escalators or elevator doors.

As long as they believe TAT predictions all is well in their little world.

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For a change, go and listen to the awful din coming from that terrible karaoke establishment with a big tree on the second floor of Jomtien complex, more or less opposite Linda's and in an area surrounded by about 3000 condo units.

Rarely have I heard a more evil noise.

And Thais wonder why tourists dont want to come here. It's hard to imagine what they could possibly do to put people off more, short of actually knifing them at the airport.

I often wondered where exactly that was as I get to hear it every night in VT 2A :(

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For a change, go and listen to the awful din coming from that terrible karaoke establishment with a big tree on the second floor of Jomtien complex, more or less opposite Linda's and in an area surrounded by about 3000 condo units.

I often wondered where exactly that was as I get to hear it every night in VT 2A

It must be awful.

I walk past that place most evenings and it really can be terribly noisy when it's open (which doesn't seem to be every day). I cant imagine why Linda's and that other fairly fancy restaurant next door to it don't file complaints with the police and City Hall. There's no way I would pay to eat or drink on a terrace with that din going on. I'd rather have my fingernails pulled out.

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Last night was one of the worst nights for noise pollution coming from Soi 5--specifically, the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. It is still hard for me to believe that people actually check in to that hotel and do not complain about the noise to the management. Once a week, fine........every evening month after month, not fine! Unfortunately, the noise pollution problem is widespread, not only in Jomtien but all over Thailand. Thais (not all) simply love noise pollution and could care less if others do not like it. The "sound of silence" is abhorrent to them. And so are the sounds of nature. When I walk/jog down the beach I can not even hear the waves crashing because of the boom trucks. There should be a law to protect people from excessive noise pollution and the police should enforce that law. There should be a law that regulates outdoor concerts. And there should be a police force that enforces laws (yes, when pigs fly).

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Last night was one of the worst nights for noise pollution coming from Soi 5--specifically, the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. It is still hard for me to believe that people actually check in to that hotel and do not complain about the noise to the management. Once a week, fine........every evening month after month, not fine! Unfortunately, the noise pollution problem is widespread, not only in Jomtien but all over Thailand. Thais (not all) simply love noise pollution and could care less if others do not like it. The "sound of silence" is abhorrent to them. And so are the sounds of nature. When I walk/jog down the beach I can not even hear the waves crashing because of the boom trucks. There should be a law to protect people from excessive noise pollution and the police should enforce that law. There should be a law that regulates outdoor concerts. And there should be a police force that enforces laws (yes, when pigs fly).

Time to move?

Yes, but perhaps it is also time for the police to stop the noise pollution! As I write these words, some farang (who thinks he is the lead singer of Dire Straits and a clone of Eric Clapton) is playing horrible "music" again. I am guessing that if you are anywhere between Soi 3 and 10, you can hear the noise pollution he is putting out. Too bad about the other noise pollution coming from underneath the "big tree" in Jomtien (guess that is the place near the golden statue). At least it is not 24/7 (according to what one poster said earlier). With regard to the growing problem of noise pollution in the area, I do not think that City Hall, Thais and the police care. I have never lived anywhere in the world where this type of noise pollution is both ignored and encouraged.

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It gets worse and worse, sometimes on a daily basis. I wonder if the purchasers of all these new-build condos know what their evenings and nights will be like when they actually move in.

Jomtien Beach gets worse. I complain regularly to City Hall, but nothing has changed. They claim to report each complaint to the police for investigation, and 3 complaints about the same noise is supposed to trigger some "action" against the noise-maker. I think we all know that nothing actually happens. I'm told by the phone-answerers on 1337 that something might be done if I go to City hall and make a written complaint.

Perhaps someone with time and energy could think about starting a petition, and going door to door ( or restaurant to restaurant) to get signatures. Perhaps one or more of the Pattaya newspapers could start a campaign. Certainly, just complaining here will not achieve anything. If nothing is done, then I guess it will only get worse and worse as time goes on.

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In the past the nice thing about Jomtien was that it had few bars, and the ones it had were quite sedate. This made it very attractive for many people who wanted to be within travelling distance to night-life but not surrounded by night-life.

The municipality would be well advised to implement proper controls and send the raucous night-life back to where it belongs in Pattaya.

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In the past the nice thing about Jomtien was that it had few bars, and the ones it had were quite sedate. This made it very attractive for many people who wanted to be within travelling distance to night-life but not surrounded by night-life.

The municipality would be well advised to implement proper controls and send the raucous night-life back to where it belongs in Pattaya.

That is really an astute observation! It made me think about the past and how people did enjoy Jomtien because it was a serious break from the "insanity" (bars, noise, crowds, etc.) of Pattaya. Jomtien was like an oasis of sorts where you could come and relax. Well, how things have changed. I do remember Jomtien 20 years ago and it was certainly more relaxed back then. I do not remember any hotel blasting music every evening month after month in an way that irritates its guests and those surrounding the hotel. On another point, one of the worst offenders at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel is a farang. I thought farangs are not allowed to work as musicians in Thailand. I am not saying anything about the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel on soi 5 in Jomtien or the farang playing music there, but but I wonder what would happen to a hotel manager who knowingly hires a farang who does not have a work permit to play annoying music each night that bothers guests and those in the area near the hotel? I wonder what the owners of the hotel would think about it. I wonder what the police/immigration would do if they found out. That is just me wondering out loud :) As Kittikong put it, "the municipality would be well advised to implement proper controls and send the raucous night-life back to where it belongs in Pattaya." But the opposite is taking place. I think the people who never bought into the "real estate dream" and decided to rent rather than buy condo units are going to have the last laugh, so to speak. :) To me, noise pollution is as pressing a problem as crime, water pollution, and poor infrastructure....maybe it is worse.

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I thought farangs are not allowed to work as musicians in Thailand.

I think they can if they have some particular talent or show, and have a WP.

There is a farang singer/guitarist at the Siam@Siam every weekend and another farang who does the musical entertainment at Shenanigans (he also posts on here from time to time). And of course there is Barry Upton who has performed in various pubs from time to time and does a lot of other entertainment-related things, and I think there are various imported DJs in clubs etc.

Edited by KittenKong
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Last night was one of the worst nights for noise pollution coming from Soi 5--specifically, the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. It is still hard for me to believe that people actually check in to that hotel and do not complain about the noise to the management. Once a week, fine........every evening month after month, not fine! Unfortunately, the noise pollution problem is widespread, not only in Jomtien but all over Thailand. Thais (not all) simply love noise pollution and could care less if others do not like it. The "sound of silence" is abhorrent to them. And so are the sounds of nature. When I walk/jog down the beach I can not even hear the waves crashing because of the boom trucks. There should be a law to protect people from excessive noise pollution and the police should enforce that law. There should be a law that regulates outdoor concerts. And there should be a police force that enforces laws (yes, when pigs fly).

Book a room for the night, and complain continuously about the noise. Encourage other guests to complain too. Tell the management that you will put your comments on Tripadvisor, every hotel website you can, and their facebook page.

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Last night was one of the worst nights for noise pollution coming from Soi 5--specifically, the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. It is still hard for me to believe that people actually check in to that hotel and do not complain about the noise to the management. Once a week, fine........every evening month after month, not fine! Unfortunately, the noise pollution problem is widespread, not only in Jomtien but all over Thailand. Thais (not all) simply love noise pollution and could care less if others do not like it. The "sound of silence" is abhorrent to them. And so are the sounds of nature. When I walk/jog down the beach I can not even hear the waves crashing because of the boom trucks. There should be a law to protect people from excessive noise pollution and the police should enforce that law. There should be a law that regulates outdoor concerts. And there should be a police force that enforces laws (yes, when pigs fly).

Book a room for the night, and complain continuously about the noise. Encourage other guests to complain too. Tell the management that you will put your comments on Tripadvisor, every hotel website you can, and their facebook page.

Actually, it is almost a certainty that guests will do it in the future, and the manager will be in hot water with the owners. I can see the hotel from my location and it never looks like it has very many guests. I can't imagine why :) Most people I know love noise pollution torture when the check into a hotel. I think the noise pollution is intended to bring people in from off the streets with the hope that they will buy a beer or something. As I write these words, the idiot is playing/singing "tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree." Sorry, I think I am about to voimit.

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It gets worse and worse, sometimes on a daily basis. I wonder if the purchasers of all these new-build condos know what their evenings and nights will be like when they actually move in.

Jomtien Beach gets worse. I complain regularly to City Hall, but nothing has changed. They claim to report each complaint to the police for investigation, and 3 complaints about the same noise is supposed to trigger some "action" against the noise-maker. I think we all know that nothing actually happens. I'm told by the phone-answerers on 1337 that something might be done if I go to City hall and make a written complaint.

Perhaps someone with time and energy could think about starting a petition, and going door to door ( or restaurant to restaurant) to get signatures. Perhaps one or more of the Pattaya newspapers could start a campaign. Certainly, just complaining here will not achieve anything. If nothing is done, then I guess it will only get worse and worse as time goes on.

Just curious but would you need a work permit to collect signatures for a petition and if so how would it be described?

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I think the real sad truth here is this area is now for tourist, yes they get drunk and pass out then get up and do it all over again and then head back to the home country. All these places want is money. I lived on Bang Saen Beach and the same thing is happening there. More bars, loud music. I moved and sadly that is the only thing you can do . Now at 5:30 am I hear the old women banging in her fry pan cooking breakfast for all the foreign workers heading out to work. The buses on Suhkumvit beeping there horns for what god only knows. Most nights it is nice and quiet with the patio door closed.

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Lived in a house at View Tallay Villas, back in 2002, remember when it was dead quite at night and even a few degrees colder in the evening because it was not built up.

Saw them putting in the market and Rompo Road and realized it would quickly become a bar area so sold up and moved away just in time. thumbsup.gif

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Noise is the big draw back to living in the Pattaya area, I live in Pratumnak which used to be very quiet, now among other things I have to listen to a live farang band at the "Mood" cafe on Pratumnak soi6 till 1am 6 nights a week, mostly playing to an empty room

There is only so many times you can listen to "Cocaine" each night, this is a mainly residential area the place is surrounded by condo's I don't know what gives these people the right to think they can impose their music on perhaps hundreds of unwilling people.

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I live in Jomtien. For the first 2 years, I lived in a condo where the "caterwauling" of talentless singers, combined with the live and recorded music, from the nearby bars went on until 2:00 (if lucky) or 3:30 (if not) in the morning.

My solution was to wear foam ear plugs (bought from Amazon and eBay) AND my Bose (over-the-ear) noise reducing headphones while in bed. I found this solution to be effective most of the time, and, surprisingly, quite comfortable!

Sometimes, if the noise was really insane, off would come the Bose and be replaced by my 3M Optime 105 construction-rated hearing-protection earmuffs (purchased from eBay). ("Earmuffs" is 3M's term, not mine.) This product reduces the decibel level by much more than the Bose headphones referred to above. This alternate solution was somewhat less comfortable, but worked, nonetheless.

After 2 years, I decided that a move was in order. Now, I am still in Jomtien, but in another condo project on the 16th floor. Most nights, I need only my earplugs. Most people would not even need those in my new location, but I am so conditioned to using them, that I continue to do so.

Some may say "extreme measures," but I am able to sleep peacefully!

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How annoying. I always felt Jomtiem was that peaceful idyllic beach area for the couples, away from the madness that is Pattaya proper.

And not much fun for those living nearby who have bought their condos....hard to sell up and move now.

Noise pollution is such a problem. I live well out of town and where you would expect to enjoy quiet. But there is an annual festival due, I will be hearing 'one two, one two' from 6pm to 8, and then some rather awful music until midnight. Even my Sunday night restaurant now has a weekly festival opposite blasting out music.... I go elsewhere. A nearby car music system shop is always testing its latest increased power amps, and for good measure the local monk and school like to yell over the village speaker system early mornings.

I sometimes look forward to power outages. :D

Rent don't buy!

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Noise is the big draw back to living in the Pattaya area, I live in Pratumnak which used to be very quiet, now among other things I have to listen to a live farang band at the "Mood" cafe on Pratumnak soi6 till 1am 6 nights a week, mostly playing to an empty room

There is only so many times you can listen to "Cocaine" each night, this is a mainly residential area the place is surrounded by condo's I don't know what gives these people the right to think they can impose their music on perhaps hundreds of unwilling people.

The noise pollution at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel continues, night after night after night, month after month after month! The manager really should take note that at some point the horrible noise (mainly coming from a farang who butchers Dire Strait songs and Eric Clapton songs, among others) will result in a plethora of negative online reviews, and the hotel's reputation will come down like the house of cards. But, to your point, I am not totally sure if they have the "legal right" to impose their noise pollution on hundreds of unwilling people. It is about the law. In my country, the USA, you could not do this because we have laws to protect people from noise pollution AND the police enforce those laws. You can set up a "concert" with the proper City permit, but no City would grant such a permit night after night and month after month. In Thailand, I do not even know if they have a law that regulates noise pollution. And, if they do, I do not know if the police enforce it. Unfortunately, it is well known that many bars w/ karaoke machines are owned by the police, so no law related to noise pollution will be enforced at those bars. Hotels? I do not know of another hotel in Pattaya-Jomtien that subjects its guests to annoying noise pollution. Why? Most guest do not want that. They want to relax. So-called "five star hotels" would never embrace such a stupid policy. Some hotels do have some idiot playing lounge music, but the idiot is usually tucked away in an indoor lounge and the noise pollution coming from the idiot does not penetrate the entire hotel and everything outside of the hotel. As stated, the current policy, supported by the current manager (who I predict will eventually be fired) will backfire. It is just a matter of time.

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Not just in Jomtien...its an Oriental thing.

Walk into any Plaza that has a promotion and some over made up stupid brain dead tart is screaming at the top of her lungs to buy some cream to make your armpits whiter.

All the Villages in Thailand have tannoy systems so the head man of the village can tell everyone ...I have no idea what he tells them...I am sure its very important to Thais to hear his news at 0800 on a sunday morning..

I was passing the end of Soi WatBoon at the Sukh end the other week and the head man of that area was babbling at 110 decibels about something very important.

Do you really need a tannoy system on your truck to tell the guys on the International Space Station you are selling limes at 50 baht a Kilo. "MANAO, MANAO.....!!!

My very first morning in Thailand and I was woken by that stupid plonky noise / tune that the Walls Ice Cream scooter seller has...Who the F eats ice cream at 0700 ???

Karaoke bars. Set up by the Japs as revenge for losing out on the railway to Burma ....

Thai concerts. Starring women who can scream like a cat being forced through a meat mincer above the noise of a band playing at 32 beats to the bar.

The list goes on and on....simple things now have noise related to it. Why do so many people have to scream as if they are being raped because they are simply splashing in the water at the beach. It gets worse when they ride on a Banana boat. I for one think it is serious attention seeking.

They get my attention OK. Sadly I cannot carry out the very quick and painless death that these morons deserve. Oh how I wish I had a sniper rifle to use of my balcony.

and by the way I am currently in South China and I can hear those screaching idiots in the Jomtien Complex from here.

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Not just in Thailand. When I had to do my visa run I went to Penang and booked into an expensive hotel. I noticed a Chinese open air theatre on the other side of the street, so I asked what time they stopped playing and was told ( by the manager ) that it would stop by 8 pm. Midnight, it was still going. Scum manger telling lies to get customers.

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How annoying. I always felt Jomtiem was that peaceful idyllic beach area for the couples, away from the madness that is Pattaya proper.

And not much fun for those living nearby who have bought their condos....hard to sell up and move now.

Noise pollution is such a problem. I live well out of town and where you would expect to enjoy quiet. But there is an annual festival due, I will be hearing 'one two, one two' from 6pm to 8, and then some rather awful music until midnight. Even my Sunday night restaurant now has a weekly festival opposite blasting out music.... I go elsewhere. A nearby car music system shop is always testing its latest increased power amps, and for good measure the local monk and school like to yell over the village speaker system early mornings.

I sometimes look forward to power outages. biggrin.png

Rent don't buy!

Rent don't buy!

IMO you'd have to be a mug to buy a house/ condo to live in, in Thailand. This sort of thing has been going on as long as I've been coming to Thailand. The only solution is to move, so, rent.

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How annoying. I always felt Jomtiem was that peaceful idyllic beach area for the couples, away from the madness that is Pattaya proper.

And not much fun for those living nearby who have bought their condos....hard to sell up and move now.

Noise pollution is such a problem. I live well out of town and where you would expect to enjoy quiet. But there is an annual festival due, I will be hearing 'one two, one two' from 6pm to 8, and then some rather awful music until midnight. Even my Sunday night restaurant now has a weekly festival opposite blasting out music.... I go elsewhere. A nearby car music system shop is always testing its latest increased power amps, and for good measure the local monk and school like to yell over the village speaker system early mornings.

I sometimes look forward to power outages. biggrin.png

Rent don't buy!

Rent don't buy!

IMO you'd have to be a mug to buy a house/ condo to live in, in Thailand. This sort of thing has been going on as long as I've been coming to Thailand. The only solution is to move, so, rent.

"Rent don't buy" is good advice for any person who wants even a moment of peace and quiet in Jomtien-Pattaya. The noise pollution, supported by the management of Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel on Soi 5 in Jomtien, was horrendous last night--imagine a cat scratching a blackboard and you will understand what people are having to endure. The speakers are pointing directly at the Jomtien Thani hotel, which is right next to the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. No doubt guests at that hotel are pissed off that they have to listen to the crap noise pollution coming from a farang, Thai and karaoke machine. I wonder if the manager at the Jomtien Thani hotel has had enough of the noise pollution coming from the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. Maybe a feud is going on between the two managers. I can't envision another ending to this other than this one: Complaints from former guests about the noise pollution at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel will start to surface on the internet, the hotel's reputation will go way downhill, and the manager will be fired for first-class idiocy. Noise pollution is like a disease, and it is spreading all over Thailand, and apparently surrounding countries too. It is a nightmare for people who like reading a book, or having a conversation with other people, or listening to the sounds of nature, or experiencing a moment of peace.

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"Rent don't buy" is good advice for any person who wants even a moment of peace and quiet in Jomtien-Pattaya. The noise pollution, supported by the management of Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel on Soi 5 in Jomtien, was horrendous last night--imagine a cat scratching a blackboard and you will understand what people are having to endure. The speakers are pointing directly at the Jomtien Thani hotel, which is right next to the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. No doubt guests at that hotel are pissed off that they have to listen to the crap noise pollution coming from a farang, Thai and karaoke machine. I wonder if the manager at the Jomtien Thani hotel has had enough of the noise pollution coming from the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. Maybe a feud is going on between the two managers.

You have all my sympathy. I could hear a lot of noise last night on my balcony before I went to bed and I wondered what it was; it must have been that. And I'm a good ten minutes walk away from that area if not more.

Cant your building committee get your JP lawyer to file a group written complaint with the police and the town hall? And the Chonburi governor and TAT whilst they are at it.

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