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Shocker ! ! ! Andrew Drummond Leaving Thailand

Gonzo the Face

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I doubt we have heard the last of Andrew.

From the freedom of the UK he can write what he wants about who he wants without fear.

As for life in the UK.

These days costs are on a par if not less in some cases.

Assuming he is renting a terraced house then he will be lucky to get one for under 500 quid a month thats over 25k baht, more than twice that if London. Then there is council tax about 80 quid a month, then tv license, petrol is twice the cost of here in the UK with road tax and decent insurance more. Gas, electric and water all far higher than LOS. Maybe he will do an article on the culture shock of being back in the lovely UK. Certainly better for the kids in the UK though, no argument about that.

He can write what he likes as long as it is true, the UK also has tough libel laws.

Edited by dragonfly94
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Andrew Drummond chose to be a shock Journo with all the risks attached that go with that territory. He was no fool and knew what he was getting into from the very start. Alternatively, he could have chosen not be a rebel Journo as opposed to being a real one. Good riddance to his kangaroo journalism. Now he should be held accountable for his actions and stand by what he professed. Anything else, such as running away from Thailand, would just typify the type of coward he really was.

You sound like you might be one of his adversaries. You call him a coward? He fronted up personally on several occasions with some of the low lifes he wrote about. Some of them either pretty heavy or with access to those who could do him damage. So how is he a coward?

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Andrew Drummond chose to be a shock Journo with all the risks attached that go with that territory. He was no fool and knew what he was getting into from the very start. Alternatively, he could have chosen not be a rebel Journo as opposed to being a real one. Good riddance to his kangaroo journalism. Now he should be held accountable for his actions and stand by what he professed. Anything else, such as running away from Thailand, would just typify the type of coward he really was.

Now that must be one of the most unpleasant postings that I have ever read on Thaivisa. He knew what he was getting into, yes. He stated quite some time ago that he could no longer afford to send his kids to the school they were going to, he changed schools. Constant hiring of lawyers and paying bail for stupid trumped up reasons made things very difficult for him. He then started to receive threats like 'we know where your kids go to school'. They are now going to school in the UK, which is the right decision for most expats with kids here.

Why don't you go visit a taxidermist for a consultation?

Love him or hate him?.I believe everyone has the right as member of Thai Visa to view their opinions irrespective of whether you think that only positive things should be said about that man. In the same way, you have right to be Pro-Drummond for a man who neglected to put the safety of his family first or was he ignorant of that risk? Boo-hoo if he was.

Instead of ranting on about the man in your strange way, how's about telling us why you really don't like him. Has he exposed you or one of your friends? Has he made people think again about dealing with certain types of character in Thailand? You do seem to hold extreme views about him

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Andrew Drummond chose to be a shock Journo with all the risks attached that go with that territory. He was no fool and knew what he was getting into from the very start. Alternatively, he could have chosen not be a rebel Journo as opposed to being a real one. Good riddance to his kangaroo journalism. Now he should be held accountable for his actions and stand by what he professed. Anything else, such as running away from Thailand, would just typify the type of coward he really was.

Well anyone attempting to be a real journalist in this country would also be deciding to be shocking. Because telling the truth and having journalistic integrity in Thailand is frequently illegal, and usually dangerous.

And for all of you belaboring the fact that he didn't get all the facts right. Have any of you ever tried to get all the facts on anything in this country? Truth is just about the hardest thing to find in this country, followed not far behind by logic.

That's just spot on. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7pbAk

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Andrew Drummond chose to be a shock Journo with all the risks attached that go with that territory. He was no fool and knew what he was getting into from the very start. Alternatively, he could have chosen not be a rebel Journo as opposed to being a real one. Good riddance to his kangaroo journalism. Now he should be held accountable for his actions and stand by what he professed. Anything else, such as running away from Thailand, would just typify the type of coward he really was.

Now that must be one of the most unpleasant postings that I have ever read on Thaivisa. He knew what he was getting into, yes. He stated quite some time ago that he could no longer afford to send his kids to the school they were going to, he changed schools. Constant hiring of lawyers and paying bail for stupid trumped up reasons made things very difficult for him. He then started to receive threats like 'we know where your kids go to school'. They are now going to school in the UK, which is the right decision for most expats with kids here.

Why don't you go visit a taxidermist for a consultation?

Love him or hate him?.I believe everyone has the right as member of Thai Visa to view their opinions irrespective of whether you think that only positive things should be said about that man. In the same way, you have right to be Pro-Drummond for a man who neglected to put the safety of his family first or was he ignorant of that risk? Boo-hoo if he was.
Instead of ranting on about the man in your strange way, how's about telling us why you really don't like him. Has he exposed you or one of your friends? Has he made people think again about dealing with certain types of character in Thailand? You do seem to hold extreme views about him

Maybe AD has good reasons not to publish his lawyer's advice in an open forum where anybody can get access...

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Don't do the crime if you cannot do the time. Being an "investigative journalist" with wife and kids in a corrupt country and easily accessible means that AD was not the brightest bulb on the tree. Best he gets out while the getting is good. Switch to investigating "kitchen transgressions" in ol' Blighty...

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He will probably face a defamation charge if he calls British economy what it imho is.[/quote?

Source evidence....ah Ok in an anon forum Just make the post.

Don't think Thai Police is stupid. They roam around and ask English speaking Farangs for their telephone numbers which is on SIM card, and they also ssk for email user and forum nicknames. Of course they can check Internet traffic, and one day they can also check email contents by confiscating your mobile phone (MAC/IP adress) or demand your password for checking servers.

Would it be okay to separate proven facts (information collected from data only) from your opinion (interpretation) about these facts?

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He will probably face a defamation charge if he calls British economy what it imho is.[/quote?

Source evidence....ah Ok in an anon forum Just make the post.

Don't think Thai Police is stupid. They roam around and ask English speaking Farangs for their telephone numbers which is on SIM card, and they also ssk for email user and forum nicknames. Of course they can check Internet traffic, and one day they can also check email contents by confiscating your mobile phone (MAC/IP adress) or demand your password for checking servers.

Would it be okay to separate proven facts (information collected from data only) from your opinion (interpretation) about these facts?

Ah but they will not get me, as I have my windows coversd with foil. I also wear a hat of the same material and also I am posting from deepest darkest Issan.




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Aha the "Thought Police"are outside my home now.

But they will never find me, as my computer is covered in foil, also I wear (24 a day a hat of the same material).

I am happy to post where I live, as I have nothing to hide.

Unlike you, I see you mask your IP addrees. But we can all do that.

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Never read the whole thread but basically the guy was asking for it. He did an said things that got him noticed as a reporter but now is paying the consequences. If he never thought about the consequences then he is an idiot. Successful journalists there know their limits. When I worked for the Thailand Times, we all knew very well what we could and could not do.

Pity nobody read the Thailand Times - Cannot follow your logic here. Had the Thailand Times employed a suitable amount of professional journalists rather then English speaking expats it may have succeeded. However if they were all of the opinion 'keep your heads down' its not surprising it took a dive.

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Andrew Drummond chose to be a shock Journo with all the risks attached that go with that territory. He was no fool and knew what he was getting into from the very start. Alternatively, he could have chosen not be a rebel Journo as opposed to being a real one. Good riddance to his kangaroo journalism. Now he should be held accountable for his actions and stand by what he professed. Anything else, such as running away from Thailand, would just typify the type of coward he really was.

Now that must be one of the most unpleasant postings that I have ever read on Thaivisa. He knew what he was getting into, yes. He stated quite some time ago that he could no longer afford to send his kids to the school they were going to, he changed schools. Constant hiring of lawyers and paying bail for stupid trumped up reasons made things very difficult for him. He then started to receive threats like 'we know where your kids go to school'. They are now going to school in the UK, which is the right decision for most expats with kids here.

Why don't you go visit a taxidermist for a consultation?

Love him or hate him?.I believe everyone has the right as member of Thai Visa to view their opinions irrespective of whether you think that only positive things should be said about that man. In the same way, you have right to be Pro-Drummond for a man who neglected to put the safety of his family first or was he ignorant of that risk? Boo-hoo if he was.

Kids are all perfectly safe Mk 1. I am perfectly safe. And as some posters have correctly pointed out I am now at liberty to post material which I could not do from within Thailand. If anyone has a complaint of any false story they should make the complaint and I will answer. There are none. And if a mistake is made it is always corrected. You are right, everyone has a right to an opinion. But if you wish to make an attack state the specific reason why then I can answer it. Strangely the British Embassy which has been something of a whipping boy have sent a letter saying my reports will be sorely missed. I can assure them they will continue for the time being at least, I have a notebook or two to empty. Thanks you to most of the posters here even though TV has been another whipping boy :-)

A fair and balanced response.with the exception of stereo typing yourself as the chosen whipping boy when the risks surrounding your career as a shock Journo were not hidden from you from the outset. if true, then you would agree in your capacity as a Independent Journo you have made mistakes that has unfortunately impacted upon other people lives’ for the better and regretfully perhaps more so for the worse?

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The problem with sensationalist journalism is not always whether they tell the truth or not, but sometimes what they leave out and the context of the facts. For example falang diving into a river to save drowning child could be reported as foreigner assaults innocent child. Or, man writing about Mohammed's child bride could turn into man wanting to discuss sex with children. This is the sort of way of working that sold the News of the world and other trash papers. Lets have the truth in exposing wrong doers by all means, but it's best done with the honest truthful facts without the sensationalist twists.

Edited by dragonfly94
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The problem with sensationalist journalism is not always whether they tell the truth or not, but sometimes what they leave out and the context of the facts. For example falang diving into a river to save drowning child could be reported as foreigner assaults innocent child. Or, man writing about Mohammed's child bride could turn into man wanting to discuss sex with children. This is the sort of way of working that sold the News of the world and other trash papers. Lets have the truth in exposing wrong doers by all means, but it's best done with the honest truthful facts without the sensationalist twists.

Mmh - never seen that happen before. Have you got a real credible example.

MK 1

Read again - the whipping boys I referred to are Thaivisa and the British Embassy, not myself. The reason I chose to be an independent journalist many years was that I was no longer subject to the whims of newspaper editors. I hope and believe I have impacted on people's lives for the better. Those whom I have affected for the worse has been done with little regret - because that will have impacted on other people for the better.

Come on then, what's it like being back in Blighty? I know it's a bit chilly but surely you're happy to be home.

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Well, Mr Drummond may have left but his blog today is what it always was. Hard hitting and an embarrassment to certain people

Not being on the scene himself, how is he going to keep it up?

Same made up BS dream world fantasies

As I asked another derogatory poster. Can you name a few of his fantasies and bullshit?

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Well, Mr Drummond may have left but his blog today is what it always was. Hard hitting and an embarrassment to certain people

Not being on the scene himself, how is he going to keep it up?

Same made up BS dream world fantasies

As I asked another derogatory poster. Can you name a few of his fantasies and bullshit?

Re read this thread many have noted them here with links.

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What is the love scene?

A late night bar just around the corner from Soi Cowboy, popular with those who could not stand the Thermae, but wanted to keep drinking after the bars shut.

So what was a family man on the moral high ground like Andrew doing in a place like this miles from home in the early hours? Is this soi 23? doing 'investigating' I guess. thumbsup.gif

could be a story here,- journalist found illegally drinking after hours in red light district shock horror cheesy.gif

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