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Shocker ! ! ! Andrew Drummond Leaving Thailand

Gonzo the Face

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I had a look at your website Andrew.

You should not have posted that photo of your children with their names too.

Frankly, if your children are at risk that was a very stupid thing to do. Shameful thinking about it.

Really? Do you expect that advice to be taken seriously?

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Mm. Not banned from any forum to my knowledge. Which ones?

I was under the impression AD had his posting rights withdrawn from here, over the Pai incident with another poster? But happy to be wrong.

Oh dear!

Edited by wilcopops
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I had a look at your website Andrew.

You should not have posted that photo of your children with their names too.

Frankly, if your children are at risk that was a very stupid thing to do. Shameful thinking about it.


Certainly the way things are today.

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I had a look at your website Andrew.

You should not have posted that photo of your children with their names too.

Frankly, if your children are at risk that was a very stupid thing to do. Shameful thinking about it.

Really? Do you expect that advice to be taken seriously?

Why wouldn't it be?

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Mm. Not banned from any forum to my knowledge. Which ones?

I was under the impression AD had his posting rights withdrawn from here, over the Pai incident with another poster? But happy to be wrong.

The best have to be banned at least once....preferably more

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A veteran journalist who has covered Thailand for 25 years for media outlets in the United Kingdom and Australia has quit the country, saying living in the Thai capital is no longer safe for his family.

Now this I don't get. The guy now puts a photo of his kids with their names with the quote "We're outta here!" right there on his blog.

I mean why would a person do that under these circumstance?

I hate to bang on about this, but seriously?

Edited by MJP
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Drummond can't write to save himself - that was clearly evident from his early blog efforts. His newspaper reputation was saved by his desk editors and sub editors, poor bustards, who pulled his raw, rough and rambling copy together and turned it into readable prose. On his blog, he did not have that luxury until recent times. To parody Drummond's style of writing, you could say that if you gave him a gun, the safest place to be around him would be right in front. He sprays words every which way and with no sense of direction or coherence. His saving grace was his doggedness and fearless approach. That reputation was such that people felt compelled to go to him with information - which he then assessed and followed up. Considering where that information often lead him, he was indeed a brave man. I wonder just how many people have been saved from the scammers - the sorry-assed fake lawyers, developers, boiler room filth - because of his efforts? How many more will not have such luck now that he is gone?

"His newspaper reputation was saved by his desk editors and sub editors, poor bustards, who pulled his raw, rough and rambling copy together and turned it into readable prose. " Since you know this, you then must know the names of the editors, etc. the publications involved, etc. So please supply them ere we think you're spewing rubbish.

You can't be serious! Apart from the fact that you failed to detect my little humourous dig at Andrew, who IS a sub editor's nightmare (you can trust me on that), and that you have chosen to ignore my otherwise praiseworthy words, do you really think there are that many sub editors who are known to the public? The publications are already noted on his website. Lighten up, my selective friend.

You failed to amuse.

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Oh dear this does not look good, never realized he had been convicted. Now he has skipped bail I don't suppose he will be able to come back to Thailand. Lovely kids and probably the right thing to do taking them to the UK anyway, every cloud has a silver lining.


It's a skill - critical ability or reasoned thought. You need to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff, whatever the media internet or otherwise; it is BTW, a skill that many, many TV members don't seem to have

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Hi Folks,

Did you know that Andrew Drummond did not like ThaiVisaDotCom? Read his blog then.coffee1.gif

I did read his blog and after that never went there again.bah.gif

A good friend? of mine for many a years told me this and he my friend stopped reading ThaiVisaDotCom. sad.png

I have no problem with Andrew Drummond at all, doing very honest and good blog/job, however, why take it out on ThaiVisaDotCom for no reason at all. blink.png


Win facepalm.gif

no reason? I think you need to read again.

he reports what he finds - it is sad that some people seem to think that disliking someone first and then digging up the dirt afterwards is an appropriate way of carrying out journalism....this is certainly not the Drummond method....he puts 2 and 2 together within the constraints of draconian laws.

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Both Andrew Drummond and Nick Nostitz, who is also beens subject to threats, talk about their decision to leave in this article... http://asiancorrespondent.com/129937/veteran-foreign-journalists-forced-to-leave-thailand-following-threats/

Little difference there. Drummond is known for exposing the criminals, Nostitz is known for supporting them.

That's ugly, stupid and incorrect.

Can you support your comments ?

How I knew that may comment would be disputed by a hardcore red supporter?

is that a football team or has someone no idea about Thai politics?

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I had a look at your website Andrew.

You should not have posted that photo of your children with their names too.

Frankly, if your children are at risk that was a very stupid thing to do. Shameful thinking about it.

If I'm not mistaken that post was written when Andrew already left Thailand with his kids. So he probably felt it was safe to post it. And why not? Kids are growing fast so he don't have to worry about something "bad" will happen as long as they don't return to Thailand.

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I had to Google and read more about who Andrew Drummond is and why I should know about him. Now, to be honest, I am having trouble caring about his personal situation. I have read too many arm-chair freedom fighters and democracy advocates on the Web (likely most mental midgets compared to Drummond?) proclaiming the error of Thailand's ways, always from a perspective of an outsider with ideas to impinge and impose.

Maybe because I do not read Thai, but I have not found an equal amount of brain and loud-mouth power writing about Thailand AND who are also Thai citizens. I wish such writings by Thai, if existing, could be translated and widely disseminated. I would like to see What Do Thai Want?

As a bright guy doing lots of trained research for over 30 years about "current events" and specific situations, I have definite ideas, too. For example, I know exactly what is wrong of Red China and how to fix it. I am sure I know what is wrong with Thailand and how to fix it *. I could include a few other places. However, EVERYTHING I think I know about these and other places is formed as an OUTSIDER--an outsider by language, culture, and places of residence. Regardless of how "due" my due diligence is, regardless of how well I use my highly trained historical research methods, regardless, I am still an outsider--and that matters, it matters a whole lot!

I think that seeing the whole forest from outside it is good, but unless one is OF THE FOREST, not just looking at it, I have to doubt the strongest of ground on which to take a stand. I would ask Mr. Drummond, What Do Thai Want?rolleyes.gif

*Those two nations are not at all equated by me here.

Noted, KK - the same armchair pundits that declare their passion for change will always express the predictable Western comparative. They want change of a Western image......which is oddly colonial-like.

Where have you been keeping yourself? I was about to start a RIP thread about you in Bedlam.

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Never read the whole thread but basically the guy was asking for it. He did an said things that got him noticed as a reporter but now is paying the consequences. If he never thought about the consequences then he is an idiot. Successful journalists there know their limits. When I worked for the Thailand Times, we all knew very well what we could and could not do.

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Andrew Drummond was not just a Blogger but a very respected journalist for many top Newspapers in the UK,and also made many documentaries for BBC Television and others as can be read in this link,on his very broad career!

A courageous man who has earned deep respect the hard way!


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Sad, he is leaving.

I think we all owe him a debt of gratitude, not for what he exposed but for those who were saved from potential scamming by his writings.

Making us all aware of what goes off with some of these farang populated resorts/businesses/schemes and by shady self publicizing farangs.

He only scratched, the surface as well, I think. What Andrew did was make us all painfully aware of farangs feeding off other gullible farangs. I am sure he saved many from potential financial ruin or worse.

For sure he did.

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Never read the whole thread but basically the guy was asking for it. He did an said things that got him noticed as a reporter but now is paying the consequences. If he never thought about the consequences then he is an idiot. Successful journalists there know their limits. When I worked for the Thailand Times, we all knew very well what we could and could not do.

That is why he can be fairly regarded as an investigative journalist.

I have known a lot of resident journalists, writers, reporters, penners of prose and none have stuck their necks out like Drummond and Nostitz by reporting the truth as they can see and substantiate.

Most others have been, one for one reason or another, ( normally their vested self interests) too afraid and I don't blame then for that.

Your last sentence proves the self-censorship that flourishes in Thailand.

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Making enemies was inevitable in his line of work, exposing farang criminals, particularly in Pattaya, and the Thai police who variously share in their thefts and who also exploit and abuse farang,but the truth of the matter is that the boiler room shysters and their Thai protectors threatened him and his family again. That the Thai dysfunctional judicial system favours these people and have ruled against him in another case concerning the McMafia creeps in Pattaya hasn't helped either.

Sad day. One of the good guys and a great man to have on your side when in trouble with the bent Thai police etc.

I see at this point 64 TVFers liked this post. I wish there was also a method to post the UNLIKES other than not bothering at all but I would venture the unlikes of this would outweigh the likes 1000 times over.bah.gif

Opinion or fact? Your opinion is based on what? A little more research might alter your view of the FACTS

The facts are that he did not stay with in the confines of facts in his blogs and had many speculative blogs that darkly painted people who legally did not deserve it. Very surprised he got out when he did with skin intact.

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