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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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Another cultural thing, practised by some but by no means all Muslim women.

Usual Islamaphobe ignoring of facts which don't suit your prejudice.

'Islamophobe'? 'Predjudice'?

Isn't that record worn out by now?

And with regards to a crusade. A modern day crusade against this perhaps.

But I'm sure you'll find some excuses.





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Maybe best to stick to relevant current day events as you apologists just love to bring up centuries old events to excuse muslim atrocities.

Ain't THAT the truth!

No - it's not the truth, as many of the current grievances are rooted in relatively recent history. These grievances have to be addressed, and I fear some will never be. The Iraq War was an unmitigated disaster from the start - and it's nowhere near over yet.


Try and not be so selective in your quotes, old chap - you completely eradicated the bitter truth about the colonial oppression of the Spanish and USA.

Maybe best to stick to relevant current day events as you apologists just love to bring up centuries old events to excuse muslim atrocities.

Says the man with the Knight Templar avatar, who on this thread has called for a new crusade.

Usual deflection. The relevant word here is 'new'. As in 'present day'. Or 'modern'.

Blinkers off, old chap - you would have more credibility if you weren't using an inflammatory avatar and calling for a modern day crusade.


By all means let people buy and eat what they want but not force the majority of us to follow these rituals.


And there is the issue of Halal Certification Fees, which is basically a form of extortion, supporting Islamic (is there any other?) Terrorism.




All I ask for in supermarkets is a section labeled non halal.

If you have the misfortune to be imprisoned in the UK there is no choice as all meat has to be halal.

In terms of the title of this thread it appears the majority are in a no go area having this ritually slaughtered meat forced on them.


Blinkers off, old chap - you would have more credibility if you weren't using an inflammatory avatar and calling for a modern day crusade.

No blinkers here - eyes are wide open.

And I'm not really worried about credibility with fans of Islam.

Ditto with the avatar inflaming those very same people.


If you have the misfortune to be imprisoned in the UK there is no choice as all meat has to be halal.

Even the pork?

You joke but this is a true story from the Manchester Evening News...

Manchester's Strangeways and other prisons around the country have been put on alert after it emerged Halal pies served to inmates may contain traces of pork.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said last night that all affected products, including pies and pasties, had been removed.

The products had been supplied by a Halal-certified company. Muslims are not permitted to eat pork.

The incident follows last month's 'horse burger' scandal, where horse DNA was found in value supermarket burgers.

An MoJ spokesman said: "All prisons have been informed about this very regrettable incident and we reported this issue to the Food Standards Agency immediately.

"We are taking immediate steps to suspend the contract with the relevant subcontractor."

Justice minister Jeremy Wright said: "This is an absolutely unacceptable situation and one which we regret greatly. Clearly this must be distressing for those affected and they can be reassured we are doing everything we can to resolve the situation. The Prison Service is investigating this as a matter of urgency."


Another cultural thing, practised by some but by no means all Muslim women.

Usual Islamaphobe ignoring of facts which don't suit your prejudice.

'Islamophobe'? 'Predjudice'?

Isn't that record worn out by now?

Maybe, but not as worn as the label of apologist applied by you and others to anyone who does not share your hatred.

Not as worn as the accusations of diversion and twisting made by you and others to all facts you can't refute.

And with regards to a crusade. A modern day crusade against this perhaps.

But I'm sure you'll find some excuses.

If you provide the source to those pictures so that I can see the context, I will be happy to comment on them.



I have just seen your PM and for obvious reasons I will not respond by PM. All I will say on your PM is that I did not see it, and the reason for it being deleted is nothing to do with me. Take that up with whatever MOD deleted it.

As you say, forced marriage is illegal in both the UK and Pakistan.

Yes it is. However, that does not stop it happening, does it ? I do not think I need to post link after link on the subject, it is there for all to read should they so desire.

As for abuse, from the NSPCC:
  • Over 90% of sexually abused children were abused by someone they knew.
  • Over 2,700 children were identified as needing protection from sexual abuse last year.
  • The NSPCC’s helpline responded to over 7,300 contacts about sexual abuse last year.
  • Over 18,600 children and young people talked to ChildLine last year about sexual abuse.
  • Over 23,000 sexual offences against children were recorded in the UK last year.

Are you seriously suggesting that all, or even the majority, of these cases were Muslim children abused by their Muslim parents, other relatives or Muslims known to them?

I did not mention abuse. I specifically mentioned forced marriages and FGM. So I have to wonder why you felt the need to throw this into your reply. It would not have been an attempt at deflection would it ?

But as you were kind enough to impart the above knowledge, it might have been a good idea to to try and obtain a breakdown of perpetrators if you are going to try and use it as argument. Otherwise it means nothing.

As for FGM; another abhorrent crime, and for far too long nothing was done in the UK about it; but that is changing.

Changing ? 1 conviction for FGM in the UK.

NHS figures show 467 newly identified cases of girls and women needing treatment after female genital mutilation in England last month.

By my reckoning that should have been at least another 467 convictions getting closer to 934 if it was 2 parent families. So please dont try to tell me that things are changing. It is not.

I suggest that you read this.


It shows quite clearly that is a cultural thing, Muslim culture. Although there are a very small % of other nutjobs that practice it.Female genital mutilation is illegal in Egypt, yet 90% of the women under 50 are circumcised. In other words to baldly state what the law is is meaningless. Whether or not something is 'cultural' is another red herring. A religion named submission with an all encompassing political, legal and social influence is going to have more than a little influence in cultural practices.

The culture/religion nexus is also unlikely to magically change the moment someone immigrates from a Muslim state, not without far more and education than our leaders are willing to give. Hence a few Muslims may condemn the Charlie Hebdo murders, but you won't see tens or hundreds of thousands demonstrating to that effect, whilst you do have those numbers protesting against blasphemy in much of the Islamic world.

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What about a real myth that will not die, that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, surely even an apologist would not claim this any longer?


I've never heard of a no-go-zone in a reasonably well-developed country. I've heard of places that are best avoided, at least at night, but even these are not 'no-go-zones'.

From what I've read, those are the areas where people like Hugh Grant go to get hookers. And it seems like the police have no problem going into those areas.

"No-go" zones isn't a binary classification. But when the firefighters don't want to go to a place without a police escort how do you classify that? There are several such places in Sweden. The linked article is in Swedish:



I saw one of these areas dominated by immigrants just recently. It was filled with businesses catering to the immigrants, with signage in their own language. There were immigrants everywhere, dressing and acting as they chose without any regard for local custom. They spoke their own language and expected locals in the area to do the same. Many of them seem to look down on the locals, and most made no effort to integrate with local culture in any way.

Sukhumvit, I think it was called.

Sukhumvit Soi3/1 ?


Latest news, 49 Filipino police killed entering a mythical no go zone.


In which part of Yorkshire are the Philippines?

Read the OP. It's not just about the UK

Now - that's twisting things just a little bit far, is it not? The OP refers to the "west," and then the "Daily Mail."

Lets for a moment look at the Philippines - invaded by the Spanish, subjected to concentration camps, forced religious doctrine, mass rape and other assorted humiliations. They fought for Independence - won, and were stripped of it a year later by that arch-driver of freedom, the good ole USA. Who then;

Subjected them to concentration camps, mass rape, and genocide for having the temerity to fight for their freedom from oppression and tyranny. Oh, the irony.

So - what next - oh, Muslims in the Philippines. There's been Muslims in the Philippines since way before the arrival of Christianity. No Johnny-come-lately guys here, seven hundred years of Islam - established before Columbus was was even a twinkle in his fathers eye. They have been at the forefront of the fight against the European, Japanese and American oppressors for years - defending their right to live in their homeland as they see fit. So to call it a "Muslim no-go." area is a bit of a stretch, old chap. These are a people seven hundred years in the making determined to repel the foreign devil, and his filthy religious teachings.

Carry on.

Would you go to e.g. Tawi-Tawi? The US Gov't thinks not:



But then again, this is nothing new. The usual skipping over Muslim community actions, blaming the media, claiming authorities are on top of things, one liners saying it ain't so when nothing else serves, and then expanding on a single item with a host of links to minor details. Well done.

In other words, the same old SPIN!

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Brixton had tensions between police and locals in the late 70's/early 80's - culminating in the riots in 1981. That doesn't make it a no-go area.

Tottenham has had similar issues in more recent times. I know several white people that live there, too.

Brixton is now a gentrified area where young professionals push prams and sip cappuccino. I doubt one could find a flat there less than £450k.

Brixton had tensions between police and locals in the late 70's/early 80's - culminating in the riots in 1981. That doesn't make it a no-go area.

Tottenham has had similar issues in more recent times. I know several white people that live there, too.

Brixton is now a gentrified area where young professionals push prams and sip cappuccino. I doubt one could find a flat there less than £450k.
It would be better to talk about the East End of London and some parts of northern towns when discussing no-go areas.

Maybe not no-go areas in the strictest sense at the moment but what with Sharia patrols and beatings, random attacks on non-muslims and rape of non-Muslim children, these areas are certainly dangerous for the indigenous population.

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Another cultural thing, practised by some but by no means all Muslim women.

Usual Islamaphobe ignoring of facts which don't suit your prejudice.

Cultural? Yes, as the poster earlier stated, it's Islamic culture. Just because a few other backward tribes who call themselves something other than Islamic practice it, doesn't make it any less Islamic.

And this muslim disagrees with you.



Another proud shining example of Integration and respect for the indigenous culture. :rolleyes:

Let's be fair, Christians have their ways to exclude suspects, too. Above is one.


Opinion and input from a reliable source and a well known publication I see, not - Stop it, please, you look more like the Daily Star et al every day.


Mr Sata, I suggest you go and look at the Halal section the next time you visit Sainsbury's, Tesco's, Morrison's etc!

Though I grant you, in an area with a small or non existent Muslim population, there probably wont be one.

If the meat was not labelled as Halal, many Muslims wouldn't buy it!

The traditional way of killing meat in non Muslim countries did not involve pre stunning or other methods these days considered humane; the animals throat was cut while the animal was conscious!

Pre stunning etc. is a relatively modern thing; in most European countries humane slaughter did not become law until the 1950s.

Even so, it doesn't always work!

The 'Humane Slaughter' Myth (Warning; following this link will take you to a video many may find distressing.)

A number of schools in the UK switched to Halal meat without telling anyone, so as not to offend the Muslim children or their families.

This was widely reported in the UK Press

The Guardian, The Telegraph and others.

Google is your friend and will help you check.

However, I have to agree with an important point that you raised.

The media is owned by corrupt people who have vested interests in stirring up trouble.

They manipulate the "News" in such a way as to incite angry upsets - you are right -

to sell their media and gain maximum profit.

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