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Thailand backpacker death: Christina Annesley in mystery death on double Brit-murder island

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Someone said 4 death but forgot the dude who washed onto the shore as well as the young lady killed during snorkeling. Makes 6. Anyone one forgotten? What a terrible place.

And still the tourists keep on going there, can it be the thrill of maybe get killed who make them want to visit the "Island of kills and rapes"?

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A women gets sick and dies in Thailand, nothing to suggest any foul play ... this to many posters is proof positive of foul play. Run to facebook pages and and other conspiracy based delusional social media posters to get up on the latest conspiracy theories and start spreading them fast in numbers because it will not be long before the non-nutters start pointing out the reality which includes her own tweets before her death about being ill after two weeks of solid drinking and needing to spend around 3,000 baht for antibiotic treatment.

Nothing to suspect foul play by any reasonable person but too many posters know better and know reasonable thinking doesn't help promote their internet detective skills or spread their hateful insecure agenda.

Nothing to suspect foul play but very mysterious for any reasonable person JTJ, Reports of another mysterious death of a Brit tourist on Thai holiday island of Koh Tao.


And don't forget it was your so called "delusional social media posters" who broke this story first 9 hours ago.

Broke what story? Reporting on what appears to be a natural death before all the facts are in and possibly before loved ones are contacted and using this girls death and photos to conjure up thoughts of mysteries, conspiracies and fear because they are gossiping about something they have no facts about but rather just recklessly posting crap to spread their agenda with complete disregard for getting facts first or concerned that loved ones my not have been notified yet.

What a load of bull you talk, CSI reported an alleged death more than 9 hours ago, nothing more and since then have been waiting for credible reports before speculating further. They have put up no photos or even speculated, why not check them out before you accuse, sounds more logical then attempting to discredit them without even looking at what they wrote

Please don't make me go there again to confirm you are dishonest ... there is a picture, they say she was naked, speculate on overdose as the cause, state the hotel owners name (relevance), question why this is being kept quiet ....

and of course followed up with all the nonsense speculation of moronic followers of this site page that has been proven over and over and over not to be a credible source of information.


Another day, another death in Koh Tao, so that is 4 deaths of tourists in less than a 6 month period...

How do you know the total is 4? I dunno but for me I know for everything in life we hear a little but more is goin on and that what has happened for decades just coming to light from modern media like TV and also from the very profile nationalities murdered

David and Hannah, the French guy and now this case. But yes I agree social media shines the light on these cases. Still though if foul play is involved those that commit these murders know they can get away with it


Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

JTJ, you are speculating. Re, the Burmese 2. It is the RTP's report that is questionable as to its veracity that has yet to be challenged in court. I suggest you refrain from stating 'facts' when it is not proven.

The fact that this death occurred on Koh Tao is relevant and suspicious until proven otherwise.


How many tourists are stupid enough to still go to this island?

And how could she spend 60GBP (3,000bht) on antibiotics?

you make no sense, what do you find strange about 60 gbp on anti biotics?


I do not know the cause of the much regrettable death of this young lady - but

Could anybody disagree if I said
every death in Koh Tao, except death of old age and known letal illness, has to be considered suspiscious - because experience has shown there is no reliable source for reports from this island and recently a statistically high number of mysterious deaths of young tourists has taken place there ?

OMG....I am not going to let any of my children or family anywhere near that island. It's very very scary, with a french guy hung with his hands tied to his back last in the last few weeks, and somebody else from the UK who was found dead on the rocks after having gone to bed normally. It is too much of coincidence over there. I wish the army would go themselves and clean the place up

Tell me, why the army would be any better than the BIB ?


Another one for death island. When is the junta going to do something about this place? Moreover, when are tourists going to stop going there and giving their money and lives to this place? What a sad day for this woman's family.

How can the police not know how she died after so long, or have they just been buying time to find an excuse or a scapegoat for yet another death there?

Guess the Burmese still present on KT are veeery cautious now, like walking barefoot in sea-urshins infested waters, so my guess, the RTP will come out first with undocumented accidental death, which will create an uproar, for them maybe to change it all into unexplained suicide.

Has anyone yet noticed that (most of?) the KT deads were caucasian, young, healthy, ...and very good looking, individuals, especially the female ones? Would, then still General, Prayuth's very, erm, 'unfortunate', outing about bikinis, be the, real, 'master lead' behind those deaths, female and male, sexual drift and jealousy? Not being 'co-operative' with local raptors, protected by 'influential persons'? And, most of all, by the cowardly 'omerta' (the mafia's rule of silence), maybe? I'd bet on it, there were too many of that kind of young tourists who lost their life on KT, followed by cases closed as fast as lightning, and not not even reaching the national, even the local, press ...and that well before!

Tens, maybe hundreds, must know the truth behind each of these cases, f.i. even in a place you Farang consider secluded, you cannot have a skinny dip, collect fruit, make a break, eat a bite, flirt, urinate, etc. without being seen by one, or several persons, trust my word about it, you're being watched!


Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

Where do you live John ?

Do you have a business on KT by any chance ?

I live in reality ... assume you live on Speculation Lane in the Conspiracy township located just south of the city of Never Read a News Story before Coming to Thailand or knows in short as BS Land.


OMG....I am not going to let any of my children or family anywhere near that island. It's very very scary, with a french guy hung with his hands tied to his back last in the last few weeks, and somebody else from the UK who was found dead on the rocks after having gone to bed normally. It is too much of coincidence over there. I wish the army would go themselves and clean the place up

Tell me, why the army would be any better than the BIB ?

Because there are many cases of unprofessional performance, exploitation and crime known from the police which also has a history of corruption and connection with a corrupt criminal.

I don't know of any of those from the army


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Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

No need to trivialize what happens on Kho Tao, people keep on dying there and police keep on calling it suicide and accidents. And stop comparing Las Vegas with a small island in Thailand with less than 1000 citizens.


Thoughts with Christina's family at this tragic time - this is the first I've heard about this - on this forum! So I went to the BBC homepage and it is not mentioned there - that is quite unusual as deaths of British nationals in Thailand tend to feature prominent in the BBC news


"So my night ended with two men I repeatedly told I wasn't interested in getting in a bar fight over me. Broken ribs and noses. Intense." Twitter post 15th Jan.


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Did the two Burmese sneak out of jail and go back to the island or is there another explanation ?

We wait more news.

Their in a meeting now deciding what story they can come up with this time. They've ruled out suicide as they used that last time so no doubt they'll plump for self administered drug overdose and keep their fingers crossed that no one questions them this time.

Gang of four are also in a strategy meeting to see the best way to deflect any possible critisizm of the up and coming cover up investigation

Add, have the forensic experts already examined the body, the scene etc?

Or will they be called in 3 months time?

Later addition: was the resort owner / local village head man on site directing the police investigations?


OMG....I am not going to let any of my children or family anywhere near that island. It's very very scary, with a french guy hung with his hands tied to his back last in the last few weeks, and somebody else from the UK who was found dead on the rocks after having gone to bed normally. It is too much of coincidence over there. I wish the army would go themselves and clean the place up

While can respect your fear with the number of deaths reported and a brutal double murder taking place but not sure how logically there should be a fear given somebody committed suicide, after leaving a note and absolutely nothing to indicate it was not suicide including the binding of his hand which is not uncommon in hanging suicides and the reason being is people fear they will stop themselves and his note actually indicated he was having trouble taking is own life. The other example you mention is that of an EXTREMELY intoxicated man, who didn't go to bed normally but had to be brought back to his room and then was left alone, later to be found drowned on the beach outside his hotel with nothing to indicate anything but his own intoxication led to his death. Obviously since there are no witnesses to his actions, will never know exactly what he was doing as is the case with most accidental deaths of drunken people alone be them stepping in front of a moving car or deciding to take a nap on railroad tracks.


Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

Where do you live John ?

Do you have a business on KT by any chance ?

I live in reality ... assume you live on Speculation Lane in the Conspiracy township located just south of the city of Never Read a News Story before Coming to Thailand or knows in short as BS Land.

So you live on KT then right :)


A women gets sick and dies in Thailand, nothing to suggest any foul play ... this to many posters is proof positive of foul play. Run to facebook pages and and other conspiracy based delusional social media posters to get up on the latest conspiracy theories and start spreading them fast in numbers because it will not be long before the non-nutters start pointing out the reality which includes her own tweets before her death about being ill after two weeks of solid drinking and needing to spend around 3,000 baht for antibiotic treatment.

Nothing to suspect foul play by any reasonable person but too many posters know better and know reasonable thinking doesn't help promote their internet detective skills or spread their hateful insecure agenda.

Ah, you know for sure she died of illness, I don't know how you can be, but thank you for telling us! Would you be Thai and have links with KT, maybe?


Come on, let the conspiracy games start.

Anyone cared to read some news that may not be so favoring for a murder conspiracy?


Christina 'had felt unwell'

It appears from her Twitter feed, that tragic Christina had been feeling unwell in the days before her death.

She wrote in one post: "Great, just as I finally make friends I have to shell out £60 for antibiotics and now can't afford to go out with them. <deleted> everything."

On Saturday she remarked how "two weeks of solid drinking" had left her feeling unwell.

Two weeks of solid drinking........ what's going on with UK girls !!!
Yes i thought that was a bit lightweight too. A real british party girl would have been on it since the day she bought the flight ticket...

And is there an anti-biotic for alcohol excess? They seem to have 1 for everything else.....usually pink.


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Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

No need to trivialize what happens on Kho Tao, people keep on dying there and police keep on calling it suicide and accidents. And stop comparing Las Vegas with a small island in Thailand with less than 1000 citizens.

You either have an inability to comprehend a simple post and believe it states or compares things it doesn't or you're being purposely obtuse but either would explain your removal of facts and logic in your comments.


How many tourists are stupid enough to still go to this island?

And how could she spend 60GBP (3,000bht) on antibiotics?

you make no sense, what do you find strange about 60 gbp on anti biotics?

I fully agree. Have never been to this island, but has anyone here tried to buy over the counter meds in Phuket? For a foreigner, it can be at least 3 times what you would pay in Bangkok.

Where do you live John ?

Do you have a business on KT by any chance ?

I live in reality ... assume you live on Speculation Lane in the Conspiracy township located just south of the city of Never Read a News Story before Coming to Thailand or knows in short as BS Land.
So you live on KT then right smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqNPM4cy2e

I don't live on Koh Tao, but the Mirror article clearly suggests that this is being seen as a tragic death from natural causes.

Sensationalism at its worst!


a little perspective goes a long way.

In Chicago there were 456 homicides during 2014. That is one city, in one country that hosts plenty of tourist each year.

For me...while tragic, is still much more "safe" than may places.


Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular it seems. RIP young lady, my heart goes out to your family. It's about time the UK put a campaign together warning people of the risks involved if they decide to visit this island.

"Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular..."

What do they have to do with this girl's death? You know something nobody else does? No, of course you don't.


a little perspective goes a long way.

In Chicago there were 456 homicides during 2014. That is one city, in one country that hosts plenty of tourist each year.

For me...while tragic, is still much more "safe" than may places.

How many tourists went to Chicago in 2014? Whats the population of Chicago? How many of those killed were tourists?

Tourists to Koh Tao a little over 200,000 last year, population of local Thai's about 1,500 + more Burmese


Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular it seems. RIP young lady, my heart goes out to your family. It's about time the UK put a campaign together warning people of the risks involved if they decide to visit this island.

"Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular..."

What do they have to do with this girl's death? You know something nobody else does? No, of course you don't.

When they post sick pictures of themselves mocking the deaths of Hannah and David they deserve to be called far worse than twuntards!! AC bar lowlife scum I call them






Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular it seems. RIP young lady, my heart goes out to your family. It's about time the UK put a campaign together warning people of the risks involved if they decide to visit this island.

"Those twuntards in the AC bar must really hate Europeans, Brits in particular..."

What do they have to do with this girl's death? You know something nobody else does? No, of course you don't.

When they post sick pictures of themselves mocking the deaths of Hannah and David they deserve to be called far worse than twuntards!! AC bar lowlife scum I call them


If this turns out to be suspicious then we have a serial killer on Koh Tao I think. Let's wait and see what happens though.


"Reports suggested Ms Annesley died from natural causes." Yep. Lots of 23 year old girls die of natural causes. Kho Tao creative reporting class 101.

​Why the hell doesn't the British Embassy DO SOMETHING?

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