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NLA impeaches Yingluck with 190 votes

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How can Yingluck be impeached when she isn't in office and no one has been tried never mind convicted yet?

not even moderate "yellows" think this is good news. it just shows that after months of trying General Prayuth gave in to hardliners and went ahead.

Decades more of color coded politics is what awaits, but the TV yellow crazies won't mind they'll cheer like it's a football game.

How can she be impeached? Didn't you watch the news?

'rule of law', holding a former PM to her responsibilities and accountability. Only crazies seem to have a problem with that.

Haha.... I won't even go into your trolling, if you want accountability please google "Suthep palm oil" and ask yourself why he is left alone.

Anyway, apart from the fact you didn't care much about "the rule of law" when ballot votes where hijacked you haven't answered the question:

Impeachment is the removal of an official, how can the NLA impeach someone who isn't currently an official?

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The eight who abstained should be sacked, if they cant or are afraid to make a decision on something this important they shouldn't be in the job.

Ok the decisions have been made on the evidence presented now lets see who does and does not accept them.

Decision made on evidence presented, are you sure the decision was not made on political beliefs


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180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

It was a democratic vote - they weren't told how to vote unlike the red shirts

So obviously you must be an avid supporter of Military Dictatorships.

Democratic vote , was it really ? . I think you'll find that many of the poor in the North and the working classes voted with enthusiasm for Thaksin and then Yingluck,

What we have is a seizure of power by the Judiciary , Military and now politically. You may want your kids to be brought up in a country where freedom of speech and expression are not tolerated , but I don't. ,Support the Junta all you like , but you should a long hard look at yourself for what you are actually supporting

Not sure where you are from, but following your logic, the US should still be ruled by the UK.

The now US people with the guts to wrest Government from the British would have been called a Junta by the English after the American War of Independence until they finally licked their wounds and realised they, the mother country, had lost.

Junta sounds so seventies doesn't it?

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Impeaching Yingluck is the biggest joke I have seen in YEARS!!! The minority and rich elite got their wish with a junta stacked vote. No Yingluck in the next elections!! Why when Thaksin gave the poor Thai people help with medical care and the rice scheme, the opposition called it corruption and buying votes? Why when the junta gave cash subsidies to the poor, the opposition call it a great thing! I am dazed and confused! Please explain this to me!

When Thasin gave health care to the poor he made sure that they were charged 30 baht per visit. He also did not make sure that the Health Ministry had the funds to support it.

When the Democrats took power they threw out the 30 baht charge which cost more to administrate than 30 baht.

When the caring for the poor people PTP took power the put the 30 baht charge back.

The Shinawatra family care for the poor and oppressed in Thailand?

Not a chance, they ONLY care for themselves with Thaksin as #1.

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180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

yes, you are right !

its a shame !

SHE DESERVED 100% of the votes !!


180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

310 - 0

310 - 0.

180 - 18

180 - 18

Which one do you think is more democratic????

Thank you for highlighting why reform is needed.

<EDIT> I got to add this one.

The 310 - 0 was to represent the wishes of an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive that is unelectable….

The 180 - 18 vote was voted for by the people that think the vote above was not a representation of the majority...

So even the Junta, who never purported to be democratic show through their voting they are more democratic that the PTP why purport to be democratic...

Have a democratic day my dear friend and I hope I can buy you a reconciliation beer at the TV bar next week.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Impeaching Yingluck is the biggest joke I have seen in YEARS!!! The minority and rich elite got their wish with a junta stacked vote. No Yingluck in the next elections!! Why when Thaksin gave the poor Thai people help with medical care and the rice scheme, the opposition called it corruption and buying votes? Why when the junta gave cash subsidies to the poor, the opposition call it a great thing! I am dazed and confused! Please explain this to me!

When Thasin gave health care to the poor he made sure that they were charged 30 baht per visit. He also did not make sure that the Health Ministry had the funds to support it.

When the Democrats took power they threw out the 30 baht charge which cost more to administrate than 30 baht.

When the caring for the poor people PTP took power the put the 30 baht charge back.

The Shinawatra family care for the poor and oppressed in Thailand?

Not a chance, they ONLY care for themselves with Thaksin as #1.

You just hate democracy in Thailand.



Impeachment is the removal of an official, how can the NLA impeach someone who isn't currently an official?

Tricky one, that. Ah, but it's OK... Wikipedia to the rescue:

"Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as criminal or civil punishment."

They must've updated their defiiniton just for us.

But, strangely, of all the countries listed - and there are 22 of them - they don't have an entry for Thailand:


I guess that's a "work in progress".


If Yingluck is jailed I have some advice, after a little research on Thai women's prisons, the easiest way for the prisoner to reduce their sentence is to box. Is Yingluck experience in Thai boxing cause this could get her sentence reduced.?


As if the Shins care. They have already pocketed enough money out of this scam.

Sorry for the red corruption lovers here on TV.

They have already pocketed enough money out of this scam.

Yes, not a bad consolation prize.


180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

310 - 0

310 - 0.

180 - 18

180 - 18

Which one do you think is more democratic????

Thank you for highlighting why reform is needed.

<EDIT> I got to add this one.

The 310 - 0 was to represent the wishes of an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive that is unelectable….

The 180 - 18 vote was voted for by the people that think the vote above was not a representation of the majority...

So even the Junta, who never purported to be democratic show through their voting they are more democratic that the PTP why purport to be democratic...

Have a democratic day my dear friend and I hope I can buy you a reconciliation beer at the TV bar next week.

One more.

One more poster who can't see the difference between a whole National Assembly and an individual party.

A National Assembly is suppose to represent all citizens whereas an individual party it's voters, a party who votes has forces of opposition: other parties, the senate etc. An Individual Party more often than not in democratic countries adheres to party lines. Whole National Assemblies only in Burma, North Korea...

Unbelievable coffee1.gif

rubl, on 23 Jan 2015 - 14:33, said:
sjaak327, on 23 Jan 2015 - 12:33, said:

Not surprising that Thailand's rubber stamp parliament, installed by the NCPO voted yes on impeachment for Yingluck.

It has nothing to do with accountability let alone justice. These people never learn, amazing.

It has all to do with holding a former PM to her word of transparency and accountability.

From her 'maiden' speech in parliament on the 9th of August, 2011

"1.3 Earnestly prevent and fight against corruption in the public sector by adhering to transparency and good governance which are universally accepted norms to ensure the effective use of resources for national development and true benefits to the nation; amend laws with a view to preventing and fighting against corruption; broaden the enforcement of legislation regarding prohibition of conflicts of interest to include persons who abuse power arising from their important and high positions without exception; rigorously enforce law to deal with corruption by government officers; strengthen morals, ethics and good governance of state personnel;and, foster consciousness and values of society which uphold integrity and justice."

"8.1.5 Strengthen moral standards, ethics and good governance for civil servants and public officials. Increase transparency in public agencies. Make determined efforts to prevent and suppress corruption and misconduct among civil servants and public officials in order to gain people’s trust and confidence, with the participation of civil society and communities, by legislative revisions to make high-ranking and influential civil servants and public officials, including from independent entities, publicly declare their assets and liabilities for the sake of transparency, as well as provide more opportunities for public scrutiny. Develop and employ more social measures in tandem with enforcing laws to prevent and suppress corruption and misconduct. Encourage social values that support adherence to loyalty, honesty, equality and righteousness. "

"8.1.7 Enhance transparency of the public sector by establishing inspection and performance assessment systems, based on moral and ethical standards, as well as value for money. Develop follow-up processes, provide information, and improve the procurement systems and state fiscal spending to ensure honesty and effiency."

Give your head a shake!! What about almost every other Thai leader? Impeach them, right now!


The New York Times confirms the civilised world's view this was a show trial organised by the reactionary far right.


It won't hurt them, they will argue it was written by a shill or hamster ( I never did understand that analogy ) called Amsterdam, orchestrated by a failed Thai politician in Dubai who controls the worlds press and is eagerly awaiting his sister's imminent arrival so they can go shopping while Thailand's standing in the world blossoms and blooms under benign guidance.

When where can we launch the submarines ?


The eight who abstained should be sacked, if they cant or are afraid to make a decision on something this important they shouldn't be in the job.

Ok the decisions have been made on the evidence presented now lets see who does and does not accept them.

Decision made on evidence presented, are you sure the decision was not made on political beliefs

Well, it would seem Ms. Yingluck only answers questions she would have liked the NLA to have asked. More to the point questions she tried to circumvent, obfuscate on. No answer on why her 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to rake up 700 billion Baht loss even with her having gone on record to have listened to warnings, to have taken warnings into account, to take care in general and of some people in particular, etc., etc.

A former PM who started her governments policy speech with big words on transparency, accountability, responsibility and so, seems somewhat hypocritical when she starts about 'politically motivated accusations'. Just like her brother and his paid Pheu Thai members.

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NLA impeaches Yingluck with 190 votes out of how many? Geee, is that too much to ask?

Is it too much to ask you first read the topic posts?

Now if you had asked why the totals seem to add up to 219 only instead of 220, that would be a valid question. Find the answer and report back to us, please wai.gif


I will give my sentiments , although a lot of people will disagree

It is important when a judgement is given apart from being just and fair it also needs to be perceived to have been reached without bias and influence and favour.

Unfortunately whether the verdict is just the present situation means that it will be viewed as a politically motivated outcome, how could the selected NLA vote otherwise without undermining the current PM and reasons for the coup

What I fear is that the unattended consequences of this judgement will be a set back for women equalities, what would be interesting is to count how many women are part of the NLA

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billd766, on 23 Jan 2015 - 17:33, said:
laubau, on 23 Jan 2015 - 13:27, said:

Impeaching Yingluck is the biggest joke I have seen in YEARS!!! The minority and rich elite got their wish with a junta stacked vote. No Yingluck in the next elections!! Why when Thaksin gave the poor Thai people help with medical care and the rice scheme, the opposition called it corruption and buying votes? Why when the junta gave cash subsidies to the poor, the opposition call it a great thing! I am dazed and confused! Please explain this to me!

When Thasin gave health care to the poor he made sure that they were charged 30 baht per visit. He also did not make sure that the Health Ministry had the funds to support it.

When the Democrats took power they threw out the 30 baht charge which cost more to administrate than 30 baht.

When the caring for the poor people PTP took power the put the 30 baht charge back.

The Shinawatra family care for the poor and oppressed in Thailand?

Not a chance, they ONLY care for themselves with Thaksin as #1.

Yes, it is called giving up something for the poor and that's why the northern poor support them!! Initially there was enough cash in the coffers. Obviously, you having a clue is only true in the canyons of your own mind. Don't you think that the rice subsidy given by the current government costs much more to administer than zero cost? You are yellow in every way!!


180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

310 - 0

310 - 0.

180 - 18

180 - 18

Which one do you think is more democratic????

Thank you for highlighting why reform is needed.

<EDIT> I got to add this one.

The 310 - 0 was to represent the wishes of an accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive that is unelectable.

The 180 - 18 vote was voted for by the people that think the vote above was not a representation of the majority...

So even the Junta, who never purported to be democratic show through their voting they are more democratic that the PTP why purport to be democratic...

Have a democratic day my dear friend and I hope I can buy you a reconciliation beer at the TV bar next week.

One more.

One more poster who can't see the difference between a whole National Assembly and an individual party.

No, he can see the difference - he just chooses not to.

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