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CMU Book Fair


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Just was informed that today and perhaps through the weekend that the CMU Book Fair will be running. Enter on the main university entrance on Huay Kaew road and it should be at the side of the entrance road. Also the 50th anniversary celebrations will be going on with videos/movies perhaps light show, etc.

Book Fair Timeline

Google translate of the cmu website for the 50th anniversary.


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In an earlier post about college textbooks I mentioned the CMU book fair in November. A friend and recent graduate told me that this is the new time and date of the book fair, it's a big one and is at the main gate. Anyone interested in textbooks in English, Thai, and a few in other languages should check it out. It also has a large number of general interest books, or did in years past. It ends tomorrow (Sunday).

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Stopped by last night....more books in one location (multiple tents set up on the west side of the main entrance avenue) than I've ever seen before. Some pleasant musicians in the evening and, for the last two nights (and likely again tonight and maybe Sunday night), some fairly impressive fireworks around 10:30PM.

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