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'Democracy has died in Thailand today': Thai ex-PM Yingluck

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Jingthing post # 27.

Is she free to travel now? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

Don't think the next Olympics are due for around another 3 or so years. whistling.gif

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2 sides in this 10 year debate.

Now it's the other sides turn and they're clearing the decks.

Fairness, democracy, free speech, are not part of this process.

When it's time for a vote; the tables will be turned and we'll start again.

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Jingthing post # 27.

Is she free to travel now? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

Don't think the next Olympics are due for around another 3 or so years. whistling.gif

Isn't there an international beauty pageant to attend?

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Stupid woman, it never was alive...

I only saw full scale vote buying and the attempt to destroy the separation of power since I am in Thailand and it didn't start with Thaksin.....

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Personally I could not care less. Why? Because my opinion or vote is not wanted or counted and my living has not changed or been affected no matter who was or is or will be in power.

The only ones who really care are the elite, who did not want to loose grip on power and the farmers who wanted hand outs, for the rest of thai it's nothing but a useless waffle

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Only the junta can hold a press conference. Her freedom of speech has been denied. Shame on this junta for being so one sided with one voice. And not the voice of the people.

Barely a majority of the population voted for PTP. Remember the pillars of democracy:

elections, political tolerance, the rule of law, freedom of expression, accountability and transparency, decentralization and civil society.

I think PTP forgot about a few of these.

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Only the junta can hold a press conference. Her freedom of speech has been denied. Shame on this junta for being so one sided with one voice. And not the voice of the people.

Suppose everybody is sorry for her, as she never did wrong---HER WORDS and still you people come to her aid, and blame the army for her antics.

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junta cheerleaders out in force.

have fun. enjoy the news.

And remember...

if you do nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear...


Obviously leading an illegal coup is a far less serious crime than winning the mandate of the voters. This place gets more like animal farm all the time, Prayuth is like Napoleon and any election winner Snowball, to be persecuted with a trumped up charge and hopefully chased off the farm. What happened to 'reconciliation'? or was that just for some of the pigs biggrin.png

PTP GOOD governance ??? JOKE Trumped up charge what is the loss 700 billion ???? JOKE.

Suppose the Yingluck cheer leaders Want her back to repeat the same sort of governing...JOKE. don't blame me--you posted what you did.

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Is she free to travel now? coffee1.gif

She traveled FREE 50 times during her PM ship. another one will not be any different. Private jet in and out quickly from Chiang Mai could be on the cards ??


What did she ever do for Democracy?

er win a near landslide election?

So did Papa Doc Duvalier, for example. See how well that worked out.

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