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Fat people live longer says health Professor Timothy Olds


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Manna from haven news for overweight people....

after 50 years of telling us we need to lose weight, a slew of recent studies have shown that overweight people actually live longer, that losing weight can be more dangerous than remaining fat and that what really matters is not fatness at all but exercise...... read on.....


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Recently I have bloated massive and feel ghastly, like near death most of the time.

Naturally fat athletes might life long and prosper but those bloaters glued to the desk or armchair haven't that long to wait.

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Ah yes, Another story about how something is good/bad/maybe not healthy. I gave up a long time ago worrying about that kind of stuff. The professionals can't make up their mind, eggs are bad/good, cholesterol is bad/good, red meat is good/bad, salt is good/bad, The only thing I really do know is that the BMI is BS. It doesn't take into account bone density or muscle mass.

So just do what you always do and realize no matter what you will eventually die anyway from something other than natural causes since that is no longer a viable option anymore, It is either cancer, heart disease, or complications of some such.

Enjoy your life and stop worrying about this stuff.

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Everyone I know or have known over the years who are over 90 are thin as a rail.

I think the secret is you need to keep active. Walking and light exercise along with a good diet. Happiness and low stress also seem to be a factor.

Loosing too much weight quickly will stress your body which can not be healthy. Slow reduction I think is much better.

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Some of this really isn't news.

For example it has long been known that overweight people have better survival rates after heart attacks than normal weight people.

Also of course UNDERWEIGHT people have higher risk of dying from more minor things, like severe diarrhea.

It has also long been known that YO YO dieting, large weight loss followed by large weight gain, several times ... is very unhealthy and and it more healthy just to stay overweight than to be YO YOer.

Also the BMI they mentioned as low risk is in the moderately overweight zone, NOT the obese zone.

When people hear fat they often think obese or very obese.

The obese or very obese of course are definitely high health risk with some exceptions.

It is known that overweight and obese people can definitely improve their health outlooks with exercise and health promoting foods, even if that doesn't lead to weight loss.

But articles like this do have value in emphasizing an important point.

When it comes to overweight, there is the HEALTH aspect and there is also the CULTURAL and COSMETIC aspect.

In most modern cultures, overweight is very undesirable and the typical cosmetic ideal is to be normal weight.

But that does not necessarily directly relate to the HEALTH aspects.

So thanks for posting that ... food for thought.

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The more fat you burn the more free radicals are put through your body. But i would rather live the life of a fit person than the life style of a fatty even if it cost me a few years of my life.

Do you need to use a fat shaming term like that on this health forum?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Im sorry, over weight or lazy person would of been better.

Not all overweight people are lazy. If you can't treat overweight people with respect I think you are in the wrong forum.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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All the disease markers of healthy people indicate lower weight is another marker of being healthier, but it is a result of a whole foods plant based diet not that lower weight causes longevity. Its the type of food that counts.


Food consumption concentrated with clean phyto-nutrients causes longevity by cleaning out/detoxifying blood veins and cells and killing cancer cells. However, even with plant based whole foods (no processed foods) diet I learned that its hard to get sufficient Vitamin B12, D3 and Omega 3 fatty acids, so for longevity.


I eat Vegan, and supplement with B12, D3 and DHA fish oil pills, occasionally have a couple of ounces of Alaskan wild salmon and eat a SAD (Standard American Diet) meal only on very special occasions when its not practical to eat Vegan. All my disease markers are now into normal ranges.

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Expected lifespan:

Eat much and sit: bad

Eat much and exercise much: average

Eat little and sit: good

Eat little and exercise little: best

Regardless of body weight, caloric restriction (albeit high nutrition) is the quickest and best way to live longer and healthier. No need to spend hours in the gym.

Much more research being done that looks very promising. Problem is that farmaceutical companies can't make money from people eating less, so they are trying to figure out the process that causes the effect, so they can make a pill that does the same, while people can keep stuffing their mouths full with the usual high caloric crap.

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The "eating less" mantra is too simplistic.

You can pretty much eat all the BROCCOLI that you possibly want.

For that and a number of other foods ... go ahead EAT MORE (and then you will be full and less interested in eating much of the foods you SHOULD eat less of) ...

There is also the question of the industrialized modern food supply ... so much is highly processed and sugared and not "real" food -- that is surely a major factor in increased global obesity rates.

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I got as far as:

After decades of telling us that milk will keep us healthy and fat will kill us, now they tell us that every glass of milk a woman drinks each day increases her chances of dying by 15 per cent

and figured that was enough. How can you have a 115% chance of dying?

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I got as far as:

After decades of telling us that milk will keep us healthy and fat will kill us, now they tell us that every glass of milk a woman drinks each day increases her chances of dying by 15 per cent

and figured that was enough. How can you have a 115% chance of dying?

Here is the actual study:


Anyway ...

If you see a moderately overweight person on the street, all you REALLY KNOW is something cosmetic about them.

You do not know how healthy they are eating now (but you can probably assume they have eaten too many calories in the past, the weight gain might have taken decades though).

You do not know their activity level.

You do not know their intelligence.

You do not know their life achievement level.

You can't assume they are necessarily less healthy than a random normal weight person you see on the street.

OK, you can also know they are not going to be international sex symbols ... except maybe for some chubby fetishists.

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Im sorry, over weight or lazy person would of been better.

Not all overweight people are lazy. If you can't treat overweight people with respect I think you are in the wrong forum.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Overweight comes from consuming more calories ( or bad food ) than are used by activity. There might be some with a genuine medical condition that makes them fat, or look fat ( eg bloating due to IBS ), but the vast majority of overweight people just eat too much or do too little.

I am overweight and I recognise it is because I eat too much and do too little, but hey, I'm old and I have no desire to live forever. However, I don't expect people to "respect" my blubber. Heck, I don't respect my blubber. When I get enthusiastic enough, I might even do something about it.

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Im sorry, over weight or lazy person would of been better.

Not all overweight people are lazy. If you can't treat overweight people with respect I think you are in the wrong forum.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Overweight comes from consuming more calories ( or bad food ) than are used by activity. There might be some with a genuine medical condition that makes them fat, or look fat ( eg bloating due to IBS ), but the vast majority of overweight people just eat too much or do too little.

I am overweight and I recognise it is because I eat too much and do too little, but hey, I'm old and I have no desire to live forever. However, I don't expect people to "respect" my blubber. Heck, I don't respect my blubber. When I get enthusiastic enough, I might even do something about it.

So what? That's you. Not ALL people who are overweight are lazy just as not all normal weight people are not lazy. It's not acceptable on a health support forum for people dealing with weight issues to hurl bigoted fat shaming insults. PERIOD.

On motivation to change, obviously that needs to be a starting point and if you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it. It doesn't come from the outside. It comes from the inside often with a little help from looking into a mirror!

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People need the will to change and for me it took a lot of convincing accomplished by watching certain videos to develop an understanding of the truth like this one:

There is too much industry propaganda out there that distorts the truth to sell their processed food, dairy, and meat products.

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Yes, it worked for me and its been around since at least the 50's as described by Denis Burkitt, MD and Nathan Pritikin and reported by John McDougall, MD in the video above. I am not promoting, just sharing what I have researched, settled on and used with some tweaks from what I have learned from more current research reported by Dr Greger at nutritionfacts.org to become healthier based on disease markers (cholesterol profile, weight, hemoglobin A1C, etc.).

I too have tried other paths and lost weight temporarily but this path has resulted in long term improvement for me so far (knock on wood).

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