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Pheu Thai bets on govt's amnesty for Yingluck

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Actually, it was illegal under the 2007 constitution. Just because you agree with it does not change that fact.

Section 68

A person is prohibited from using the rights and liberties provided in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic rule with the King as the Head of the State as provided by this Constitution; or to acquire power to rule the country by means other than is provided in the Constitution.

That is why the interim constitution had to grant amnesty to the generals for past acts, and why they created Section 44 that makes all future acts legal.

It is basically moot if the coup is successful, but if not successful, the coup makers would face treason charges.

The leader of the previous coup turned into a fashionable politician, got elected in 2011 and his one seat party joined the Pheu Thai led coalition government. As MP he voted in favour of the blanket amnesty bill, probably to make double sure.

There might be a lesson in there somewhere.

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Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!


Your attitude basically reflects the hypocrisy of the current government. Rule of law, but only when convenient, which basically goes against every precept of rule of law.

If you look at the current state of the economy, not really a better place. And martial law holding the peace will not last if the junta continues with one sided reforms and prosecutions.

"rule of law, but only when convenient"

Now why did a larger than life and 'oh so vivid' picture of Thaksin flash through my mind when I read this particular piece!!!

The economy is improving actually as business hasn't been this confident for ages and the coming growth projections are looking a lot healthier than the recessionary times of the last government.

People are happier now that they can carry on their daily life without having to look over their shoulder or read about the latest casualties inflicted by the murderous 'reds'. When was the last political murder of innocents BTW, please tell me?

At least people do not have to bury innocent children out to do a bit of shopping in the market place any more, or fall casualty to RPG's fired at crowds of peaceful demonstrators . That has got to mean something, hasn't it?

The latest polls on this (bloodless coup d'etat) government - carried out in all regions of Thailand, incidentally (including the North and the North East) seem to tell a different story to the one you are portraying as they proclaim to be exceedingly happy with their performance and so either you are right or over 90% of the Thai people have got it all wrong!!! Who to believe?

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No no no!

Man up and stand by your illegal military junta decision !

No deals let the world see you for what you really are. And throw her ass in jail!

You've stacked the deck got the kangaroo court so bloody use it! No sense in handing out amnesties while you have all this power!

Throw all PTP members and their supporters in jail and then hold an election then you might just get the yellows over the line but I doubt it.

So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

  • Like 1

No no no!

Man up and stand by your illegal military junta decision !

No deals let the world see you for what you really are. And throw her ass in jail!

You've stacked the deck got the kangaroo court so bloody use it! No sense in handing out amnesties while you have all this power!

Throw all PTP members and their supporters in jail and then hold an election then you might just get the yellows over the line but I doubt it.

So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


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The current coup is not illegal!!

It was done to stop the 'red shirts' killing people and to stop the incompetent rabble posing as government trying to run the country into the ground - done purely in pursuance of their own and Thaksin's (of course) personal interests and dark agenda.

It (the coup) was carried out because it was in the best interests of the nation - in order to stop the bombings and killings and return badly needed peace and stability to Thailand (which has now been accomplished).

If invading foreign lands to protect your country's energy supply and to dictate and attempt to impose the form of government they wish on them is legal then this military coup is more than justified. The coup is not democratic, granted, but the previous 'Yingluck' government was not even close to being democratic either. Too much emphasis is put onto democracy being the ideal form of government. I personally see the importance and relevance of democracy as overrated and furthermore, view it as a flawed system of governance (particularly in the case of Thailand). It is far better off as it is now under a benign dictatorship rather than being exploited by a bunch of corrupt thieves that couldn't care a toss about the people. On that, Prayuth cares deeply about Thailand and it's people and is sincere in what he does which is light years away from the Shinawatras 'exploitation' of poor and gullible people in order to carry out the rape and pillage of this once proud nation!!! .

Actually, it was illegal under the 2007 constitution. Just because you agree with it does not change that fact.

Section 68

A person is prohibited from using the rights and liberties provided in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic rule with the King as the Head of the State as provided by this Constitution; or to acquire power to rule the country by means other than is provided in the Constitution.

That is why the interim constitution had to grant amnesty to the generals for past acts, and why they created Section 44 that makes all future acts legal.

It is basically moot if the coup is successful, but if not successful, the coup makers would face treason charges.

If the country was being governed properly without mass corruption being knowingly allowed to proliferate and the government was ruling by a fair manner without bias to any particular grouping or region and uses democratic means to achieve this, then yes it was illegal. But.............................

To be honest, I couldn't care about the legality of it - it has happened and by god, isn't Thailand a better place for it!!!!

Your attitude basically reflects the hypocrisy of the current government. Rule of law, but only when convenient, which basically goes against every precept of rule of law.

If you look at the current state of the economy, not really a better place. And martial law holding the peace will not last if the junta continues with one sided reforms and prosecutions.

Twittering (or stuttering) on about the rule of law in Thailand is a massive display of ignorance about the country. There is no rule of law as many of the enacted laws are just not enforced due to a corruption-riddled police force. The best description would be selective rule of law.

Real democracy has never been in existence here too. And any semblance of it was crushed when Thaksin, wife & henchman (Sanoh) stacked an assets investigation committee with enough compliant judges to allow him to start his rampage. The 'war on drugs' was just one example of Thaksin's attitude to the law - override it illegally.

The reforms have only started & anyone who has has dealings with the RTP would agree that that's the place to start. The impeachment and likely prosecutions are not initiated by the junta but by the NACC, a body set up to investigate corruption - as their initials imply.

As far as the Op goes, clutching at straws come to mind. Amnesty has become a dirty word in Thailand as it always has a hidden agenda.

  • Like 2

No no no!

Man up and stand by your illegal military junta decision !

No deals let the world see you for what you really are. And throw her ass in jail!

You've stacked the deck got the kangaroo court so bloody use it! No sense in handing out amnesties while you have all this power!

Throw all PTP members and their supporters in jail and then hold an election then you might just get the yellows over the line but I doubt it.

So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


And the aim of it was quite clear:

Suthep urges rice farmers to sue govt


So at the same time Suthep was crying crocodile tears because he felt sorry for the poor farmers who did not get paid, he was doing all his best to prevent any payment to occur. Just to support his political objectives.


So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


And the aim of it was quite clear:

Suthep urges rice farmers to sue govt


So at the same time Suthep was crying crocodile tears because he felt sorry for the poor farmers who did not get paid, he was doing all his best to prevent any payment to occur. Just to support his political objectives.


"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme.

The cabinet has said it would spend no more than 270 billion baht for the scheme in the year from October 2013 to September 2014.

Early this month, Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongphaisan said, "Since the cabinet has approved the budget of 270 billion baht for the scheme, it is the duty of the Finance Ministry to figure out how to get the money.""


Following Ms. Yingluck dissolved the House on the 9th of December 2013 and her caretaker government could not borrow 130 bililon Baht.

Somewhat negligent

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The outcome of all this has already been decided behind closed doors that is why she is still in thailand and not scared to leave. It is the same with her removal as prime minister as she didnt flinch when it was read out by the judges. Prayut would of cut a deal with her to turn up and accept that she cant be in politics for a set time and she will avoid prosecution.


Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.


Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

Warning against repercussions because of impeaching an Amply rich woman is no crime. 'betting' is a crime even if it's only on an amnesty for the Isaan darling.


was the military intervention necessary - yes for all the reasons most intelligent people understand

This is where "most intelligent people" (and I would add 'informed') diverge from your view... it wasn't necessary, it was setup.

The people doing the setting up did and do feel that it was necessary, but not for any reason that can be legally discussed in Thailand.

Oh right, a secret conspiracy theory.

you're a real joker, aren't you?



Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

Warning against repercussions because of impeaching an Amply rich woman is no crime. 'betting' is a crime even if it's only on an amnesty for the Isaan darling.

I see that you are abetting the authority to take action against freedom of expression even if it's only a call for amnesty. You really have found a home with a junta government.


Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

There is no need to list them of present them to the NACC. The crimes - around 12 of them - are all sitting in the courts waiting for the fugitive criminal to appear and answer them.

All you need is google search to find them - that is if you want the truth.

  • Like 1

Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

The Head of State endorsed the PM...so yes, it's legal. Accusing the Head of State of being involved in illegal matters IS illegal. You might want to get your stuttering rhetoric under control or you might just find yourself in prison.

your logic is a perfect reflection of the current fascist LM feeding-frenzy going on in Thailand.

Your rhetoric is not only acceptable to the current regime, your type can even go out and protest in front of a foreign embassy without any fear of retribution.

This is how unbalanced the country has become.


Quid pro quo. If they dissolve the impeachment verdict, they should also dissolve PTP.

Just another incarnation of the idiots will rise. No point.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer


Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

Parrot, its as legal as any junta or military putsch.

Was Hitler, stalin, Amin legal? Is that black twit in Zimbabwe legal?

Yes they were and are. Why? They have the big guns not a few ding bats with pitch forks.

  • Like 1

Hey you lawyer guys at the Pheu Thai.

Count your blessings, madame and before her, her brother aren't charged for more crimes committed against the state and the Thai people !!!!!

You seem to know a lot about crimes against the state and Thai people. You like to list them so the NACC and OAG can act on them or it's just your hot air. There is a big crime against the state and the people happening in front of your eyes if you lift off your air of hypocrisy.

Warning against repercussions because of impeaching an Amply rich woman is no crime. 'betting' is a crime even if it's only on an amnesty for the Isaan darling.

I see that you are abetting the authority to take action against freedom of expression even if it's only a call for amnesty. You really have found a home with a junta government.

No, it's just 'betting' in Thailand is very restricted and regulated. For many years already.


Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

The Head of State endorsed the PM...so yes, it's legal. Accusing the Head of State of being involved in illegal matters IS illegal. You might want to get your stuttering rhetoric under control or you might just find yourself in prison.
Ah, the ultimate trump card deployed this early? Polly must have touched a nerve!

Polly needs a cracker

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"Singthong also insisted that Pheu Thai Party would not mobilize its supporters to protest the impeachment or any other verdict against Yingluck."

Mmmmm ... let's wait and see how long that actually lasts ... I'm betting before the end of this year, if not much, much sooner.

It'll start in the social media, veiled hints and veiled threats and with a big propaganda campaign saying how unfair it was for them to pick on the honest Shinawatra family again. They'll have to keep a rein on Jatuporn tho, he talks/boasts too much.

Remember the price of commodities in the world is at a 20 year LOW.

Lead is cheap. An assassin even cheaper


Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

The Head of State endorsed the PM...so yes, it's legal. Accusing the Head of State of being involved in illegal matters IS illegal. You might want to get your stuttering rhetoric under control or you might just find yourself in prison.

your logic is a perfect reflection of the current fascist LM feeding-frenzy going on in Thailand.

Your rhetoric is not only acceptable to the current regime, your type can even go out and protest in front of a foreign embassy without any fear of retribution.

This is how unbalanced the country has become.

You sound like you are trying to apply democratic practices from western societies and make them fit to Thailand's current situation. They do not fit. Thailand has it's own rules of law and we foreigners must respect that.


So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


And the aim of it was quite clear:

Suthep urges rice farmers to sue govt


So at the same time Suthep was crying crocodile tears because he felt sorry for the poor farmers who did not get paid, he was doing all his best to prevent any payment to occur. Just to support his political objectives.


"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme.

The cabinet has said it would spend no more than 270 billion baht for the scheme in the year from October 2013 to September 2014.

Early this month, Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongphaisan said, "Since the cabinet has approved the budget of 270 billion baht for the scheme, it is the duty of the Finance Ministry to figure out how to get the money.""


Following Ms. Yingluck dissolved the House on the 9th of December 2013 and her caretaker government could not borrow 130 bililon Baht.

Somewhat negligent

I know. It could have been allowed by the EC which did not allow it. But the attitude of the EC was ambiguous, saying that it was lacking authority on this matter et letting the government take its responsibilities. So the government still tried to get some loans. Therefore the threats and protests of Suthep in order to make sure no bank would lend money.

Of course, the Dems also declared that the next government (if not PTP) may not accept to refund banks which would lend money.

Additionally, blocking of rice sales by PDRC has nothing to do with restrictions on caretaker governments (as well as blocking election of a new government with full authority).


Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

25 August 2014

Thai king endorses coup leader Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha as prime minister

If anyone says he is illegal, you could be charged with lese majeste

So you should stop your stuttering and man up and enjoy the ride.

They never did have a respect for authority.

The Junta are endorsed and hold legitimate power. I reiterate. They are endorsed and hold legitimate power. To state otherwise shows a disrespect for this authority.

The previous government were endorsed as well, but their leader was not and was an unelected accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive….I reiterate. He was not endorsed and was an unelected accused mass murderer, accused terrorist and convicted criminal fugitive. To reiterate. They had no issues with an unelected leader that broke the law, but they did have issues with a n ex General that stopped terrorism.

Their election catch phrase was. thaksin thinks. PTP act. To reiterate thaksin thinks….(thakisn being the unelectable criminal guy). PTP act. PTP being the government.

They are a confused lot. They defend people that cheer terrorist acts yet their ability to denounce the most popular PM in the last decade (Prayut) for stopping the terrorism with the backing of the majority is frowned upon. To reiterate. They support an accused terrorist leader and the supporters that cheer terrorist acts, but denounce a guy that stopped terrorist acts in Bangkok. To make them even less credible their only defense is "All the Thai people I know support the PTP" Imagine the excuses at the next election that shows the PTP have no backing

Newsflash…."This election is a sham because all the Thai people I know support the PTP"

They are certainly "master baters" But not "master debaters" with argument like that. No Harvard debating team affliction there. More a Kentucky University angle present methinks.

  • Like 1

Smedley I will ask you a simple question .

Is the current military junta legal or not illegal?

Now if it's illegal why should anyone on either side of politics abide by their decisions ?

The Head of State endorsed the PM...so yes, it's legal. Accusing the Head of State of being involved in illegal matters IS illegal. You might want to get your stuttering rhetoric under control or you might just find yourself in prison.

your logic is a perfect reflection of the current fascist LM feeding-frenzy going on in Thailand.

Your rhetoric is not only acceptable to the current regime, your type can even go out and protest in front of a foreign embassy without any fear of retribution.

This is how unbalanced the country has become.

You sound like you are trying to apply democratic practices from western societies and make them fit to Thailand's current situation. They do not fit. Thailand has it's own rules of law and we foreigners must respect that.

if by "respect that", you mean "accept that", then no we don't - not if we have and care about our families.

So in your opinion it was completely legal not to pay the farmers for their rice?

In you opinion is it legal to cut power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing auctions to be put off?


Is it legal to threaten banks to ensure farmers can't get paid?


And the aim of it was quite clear:

Suthep urges rice farmers to sue govt


So at the same time Suthep was crying crocodile tears because he felt sorry for the poor farmers who did not get paid, he was doing all his best to prevent any payment to occur. Just to support his political objectives.


"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has said the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme.

The cabinet has said it would spend no more than 270 billion baht for the scheme in the year from October 2013 to September 2014.

Early this month, Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongphaisan said, "Since the cabinet has approved the budget of 270 billion baht for the scheme, it is the duty of the Finance Ministry to figure out how to get the money.""


Following Ms. Yingluck dissolved the House on the 9th of December 2013 and her caretaker government could not borrow 130 bililon Baht.

Somewhat negligent

I know. It could have been allowed by the EC which did not allow it. But the attitude of the EC was ambiguous, saying that it was lacking authority on this matter et letting the government take its responsibilities. So the government still tried to get some loans. Therefore the threats and protests of Suthep in order to make sure no bank would lend money.

Of course, the Dems also declared that the next government (if not PTP) may not accept to refund banks which would lend money.

Additionally, blocking of rice sales by PDRC has nothing to do with restrictions on caretaker governments (as well as blocking election of a new government with full authority).

I think the increase in the budget for the policy was due to the G-G deal that was suppose to be on the table at the time. But we know it was nothing. It may have been used as an excuse to get the budget increase.

Many people were not going to allowed an increase in budget over the set cap until the government made the policy transparent for audit. Which they refused to do. Only feeding the rubbish that things were ok but has been proven otherwise by audits done by the current government. The project was capped at 700 billion or so. Borrowing the money would have made the project even more. They had the commodity to sell, why didn't they sell? I believe because most of the rice were not to standard. The recent audits said that there were only 10% to standard rice.

So many hidden agenda by the YL government. I think that is why the G-G issue will be the big bullet in court. Other things which is hard to prove, like refilling the rice with old rice bought else where for cheap or missing rice. It will be the usual excuse of pointing finger. But the ultimate direction it lead to is the person in charge. The only way YL will be able to declare her innocent is to find all the criminals that made her look bad.

The trial will reveal many other things that will lead to many other criminal charges. We must not forget that the master mind behind the plans didn't make all the decisions and is not perfect.


No no no!

Man up and stand by your illegal military junta decision !

No deals let the world see you for what you really are. And throw her ass in jail!

You've stacked the deck got the kangaroo court so bloody use it! No sense in handing out amnesties while you have all this power!

Throw all PTP members and their supporters in jail and then hold an election then you might just get the yellows over the line but I doubt it.

lets not forget the stellar job PTP made of reconciling the people and running the country ..... right ?

I hope that every last one of them that pocketed one illegally gained satang (from all sides) are convicted locked up and banned for life

and every other politician that ever served and every government employee that is corrupt and every/ corrupt business man.....oops not enough people left to man the jails. Every past government and many government employees are corrupt.......so why is this different? big versus small, or rice was not the favorite of the other side. :) funny


Ironic, a foreigner (one assumes) threatening another foreigner with Thailands Lese Majesty laws, because he disagrees with him!

I must have missed something along the way.

Nobody was threatened at least in the posts leading up to yours.

I did see a couple of posts reminding people of the current laws (which have been around for a while), but threats? No.


Should there be a amnesty for Yingluck, pls give amnesty to Thaksin as well. Let's give him a welcome back party, a family reunion party as well. All ends well. A big happy day for Thailand.

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