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UK tourist found dead on Koh Tao consumed Valium, alcohol

Lite Beer

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English girls and boys me feel love to try exotic races for pleasure and I see many of them like to get smashed before the session so the drugs may be in relation to the hunt for pleasure in the hotel room, if they could learn to enjoy without drugs and alcohol be safer for them but sometimes I feel they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples

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So not natural causes as first touted then.

So, did she take the Valium deliberately or was it secretly administered? Clue for BiB - Was a container found in the room? (no don't go back and look now, one will have been installed)

Anything else in the bloodstream?

She would need a considerable amount of Valium, not merely a 10 mg tablet. Valium is very bitter as is Xanax etc, they're produced that way deliberately, the only quite tasteless one is Klonopin. If a quantity was administered in liquid it's likely that she would have spat it out. Often drugs like Valium aren't carried in a container, a lady might hide a few in a compact, make up case, even empty lipstick case etc. My guess is she liked the feeling she got from Valium, has taken them with booze before and never had a problem. This time......well, this time there was possibly a problem.

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I, like many others, wait patiently for the British autopsy to truly find out the cause of this tragic death. That being said, below quite clearly shows a mix that in my unprofessional opinion could prove deadly.


The toxicology report would provide the details necessary to determine cause of death. They're just not releasing it to the media, and why should they? When you run a toxicology report, it gives you the concentration of alcohol and drugs in the blood. A medical examiner could then rely upon that data to determine whether it more than likely caused her death. A British autopsy won't yield anything more, just as sending British investigators into Koh Tao revealed no new facts about the unrelated case the Brits keep yapping about on this thread.

I was more referring to the fact that nobody will truly believe the Thai police conclusion. If the UK autopsy wields the same results then I expect there will still be cynics that claim her body has been manipulated in someway. I wasn't calling into question their actual conclusion.

If the murders had not occurred last year then I'm not sure this would even be news, however tragic it is.

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Slightly off topic, but what was the final autopsy report on the frenchman that was found hanged on the island with his hands tied behind him?

Were the tied behind him. Or more Chinese whispers from the cynics at TV. It's not unheard of for people to bound their hands so that they can't stop themselves from committing suicide. It's not, I imagine, an easy feat.

And let's be fair, if you murdered someone and wanted to make it look like a suicide. Would you leave their hands tied, especially behind their back. It's illogical.

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I, like many others, wait patiently for the British autopsy to truly find out the cause of this tragic death. That being said, below quite clearly shows a mix that in my unprofessional opinion could prove deadly.


The toxicology report would provide the details necessary to determine cause of death. They're just not releasing it to the media, and why should they? When you run a toxicology report, it gives you the concentration of alcohol and drugs in the blood. A medical examiner could then rely upon that data to determine whether it more than likely caused her death. A British autopsy won't yield anything more, just as sending British investigators into Koh Tao revealed no new facts about the unrelated case the Brits keep yapping about on this thread.

Another racist! If it had happened to two of your own I am sure you'd still be complaining. What's wrong with Brits yapping? Go on. Answer me.

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Slightly off topic, but what was the final autopsy report on the frenchman that was found hanged on the island with his hands tied behind him?

Were the tied behind him. Or more Chinese whispers from the cynics at TV. It's not unheard of for people to bound their hands so that they can't stop themselves from committing suicide. It's not, I imagine, an easy feat.

And let's be fair, if you murdered someone and wanted to make it look like a suicide. Would you leave their hands tied, especially behind their back. It's illogical.

Agreed, skeptics should watch The Life of David Gayle

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despite what people are saying she clearly enjoyed self medicating. it is a fact she tweeted about dropping Tramadol and Valium and was also on the piss. Despite what some superhero's on here are saying that can be a potentially fatal mix tramadol and valium is very nearly the same as taking xanax and valium one lowers your heart rate and the other puts you to sleep add in buckets of alcohol and shit can happen. Kids love to experiment most of us did. In this case it has turned into a tragedy. No conspiracies No serial killers just a girl that got unlucky on a big night out on holiday...R.I.P. young lady

A big night out on holiday? I recall her tweeting she didn't go out, nor consume alcohol on the night of her death, because she wasn't feeling well. Care to point me in the direction that she did go out that night and consume alcohol???

mate did you read her tweet? She was well pissed and had passed out from taking Tramadol Valium and buckets of piss yeah? Maybe she is one those that hits it early on. She might be on the piss first thing every day for all I know. What I do know is she isn't shy about coming forward about all the self medicating and drinking she was doing and maybe this time she passed out and never woke up. I am just getting over every time someone dies in Thailand it "has" to be foul play <deleted> me maybe she just <deleted> up

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