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29 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

But won't that affect the Net Spend Trophy :tongue:

You know i don't like to talk about that!!!


Mind you, i do think that Rose and Alderweirald will pull in a lot.  Despite only having one year left on his contract Toby is good enough for elite clubs to be fighting over him.  Rose still is young enough to warrant a five year contract and as you know, left back is a specialist position so i expect to get well over the odds for him too.  


I desperately want us to sign De Lift and Sessingnon off the back of selling those two and make an extra significant signing.  If we make the top four and CL i think Pochettino has enough of a reputation now to attract a marquee player if the club will spend some of these newly generated revenues.  As i said, we do need to strengthen and the manager needs to be backed up, not let down.  He's made us a CL club on almost zero net spend:smile: ( there you go!!!)  but now is the time to reward him and get us to that final level.

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Hell still 4 match,s to be played,  it sure appears ,that from very recent posts  , that Spuds  the  serial Chokers/Bottlers under Loser Levy Chairmanship, are becoming Nervous Natives, not a good sign at all for the future , a lovely arvo to all

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Some worrying gossip in the last week or so about Dembele being showed the door and Pochettino suggesting he may not hang around. I suspect the latter is a strong hint about the size of his summer transfer budget.

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1 minute ago, champers said:

Some worrying gossip in the last week or so about Dembele being showed the door and Pochettino suggesting he may not hang around. I suspect the latter is a strong hint about the size of his summer transfer budget.

I don't think theres anything to worry about with the manager as long as he's backed up in the transfer market.  With three or four top signings, new stadium we could be a real force to be reckoned with next season, a far cry from the TV forum doom mongers!!!!!


Dembele is very much a different case.  He wants a new longterm contract but his age and being prone to injury makes that unfeasible.  Of course we don't want to lose such a mercurial talent but its just not viable to give him such a contract.  I am aware the Spurs players all think he's the best player at the club but he's no good to us sitting it all out in recovery.  Always hip or ankle injuries.  If only we'd bought him five years earlier than we did!!

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21 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Still few comments on the game on here from Spurs fans.


And what about Petermik's comments: were Spurs better last or this season (last in my opinon), and has this Spurs team 'peaked'?

Has Alfie come out of hiding yet after the weekend to give us his insights on why Spurs lost - their 8th semifinal on the bounce? Of course he hasn't.  He just likes to snipe doesn't he. 


So how about it Alfie? Why don't you post when you lose like the rest of us do?


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5 minutes ago, balo said:

Poch could get an offer from a big club , but it must be a very big club for him to leave Spurs. I can't see that happening.  

I would agree with that, but you never know. I think it depends on whether or not there is unannounced friction between Pochy and those that hold the purse strings. If there is, Pochy has done a darn fine job of not letting it show.....until maybe the other day.


If MrB is right about Arsenal not splashing cash this summer, Pochy surely won't be heading there....unless they splash big cash on him !

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1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Has Alfie come out of hiding yet after the weekend to give us his insights on why Spurs lost - their 8th semifinal on the bounce? Of course he hasn't.  He just likes to snipe doesn't he. 


So how about it Alfie? Why don't you post when you lose like the rest of us do?


trigg baiting again.!!!! give all members a break its boring like u

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18 minutes ago, jellydog said:

I would agree with that, but you never know. I think it depends on whether or not there is unannounced friction between Pochy and those that hold the purse strings. If there is, Pochy has done a darn fine job of not letting it show.....until maybe the other day.


If MrB is right about Arsenal not splashing cash this summer, Pochy surely won't be heading there....unless they splash big cash on him !

Most of this stuff is media driven.  Over the years, since Sky has given them so much air time, the ego's of these journalist have inflated out of all proportion.  They have their motivations, their favorites and their personal feuds, many with an axe to grind.


What i'm basically saying is i wouldn't read anything into it with Pochettino.  I firmly believe he already has greater financial assurances than anyone outside the club knows.  That United defeat mirrored the Juve defeat and he was just pissed off.

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1 minute ago, carmine said:

Most of this stuff is media driven.  Over the years, since Sky has given them so much air time, the ego's of these journalist have inflated out of all proportion.  They have their motivations, their favorites and their personal feuds, many with an axe to grind.


What i'm basically saying is i wouldn't read anything into it with Pochettino.  I firmly believe he already has greater financial assurances than anyone outside the club knows.  That United defeat mirrored the Juve defeat and he was just pissed off.

Yeah, I'd guess your right on Willie. First time I've seen Pochy go off the rails though. But as you point out, likely just frustration.

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6 minutes ago, jellydog said:

Yeah, I'd guess your right on Willie. First time I've seen Pochy go off the rails though. But as you point out, likely just frustration.

I was livid with the 2nd half performance....think what he would have been like!!!!


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1 hour ago, champers said:

Some worrying gossip in the last week or so about Dembele being showed the door and Pochettino suggesting he may not hang around. I suspect the latter is a strong hint about the size of his summer transfer budget.

when a mngr has a player of toby.s guile and experience sitting on the bench of a must win semi f.a cup match .largely due to financial etc etc  with loser levy.. any manager  with poch.s albility..must be saying what am i doing here.and who.s my next gun player going to leave.spuds in my view are a house of cards fullstop

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18 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

No way he goes to arsenal. 1 rebuild job to another is not progressive.


Reiterating the same point 3 times post match without being prompted is not an accident. He's got big offers on the table. 

c.sea .arsenal and psg in any order is my call. and not to sit on the fence c..sea are in pole position.due to being a  epl club with a quality squad and cash to enable a overdue clear out of the present deadwood .and poch.s salary would increase by at least three fold..money talks.be very surprised if he stays at spuds under loser levy.s house of cards.just my own views

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...................... to commit to phasing out single-use plastics when they move to their new stadium next season.


The club has pledged to get rid of single-use plastics, including plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery, while their retail outlets will no longer offer 5p plastic bags.





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1 minute ago, mrbojangles said:

Those flags aren't single use though are they Wilai. We are requiring them regularly nowadays. When was the last time Liverpool needed them :tongue:

Think you'll find they are BJ as they don't look used to me. Suppose you have to use your oil by-products for something.


As to your question....the answer is We've never needed plastic flags to boost an atmosphere...... and we never will!



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10 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Why? Because it's the truth and you don't like it? On here it seems to be ok to slag off City but when a bit is thrown back, it's boring and like a broken record. 

you keep going on and on about one isolated incident that had nothing to do with Wilai's friendly banter, an isolated incident where no one was injured from or hurt, and that didn't happen before and will not happen again as was witnessed this week. 

Fast forward a week later Mo Salah had a blue flair tossed at him on the pitch, we say nothing.

Your fans ripped up signs and seats against Wigan a few weeks earlier, we aren't saying anything 


Btw. City are one of the top 5 of all British clubs fans arrested at football matches.




Get over it, you won the league. 

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