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Thai opinion: The Ugly American is alive and kicking


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What is so wrong with wanting there to be democracy and a fair election in Thailand

The people currently in power are just scared that the Thai people will one day soon wale up and smell the coffee

and realize how bad they have it. They started to wake up 12 months ago but the military stepped in to squash their dreams.

IMO until there is an all out people revolution that is allowed to play out the cycle willl continue and Thailand will be regarded

as a 3rd world banana republic

Democracy has never existed here in Thailand. The current military government has made this country peaceful again and put an end to all the protests and violence. There is little or no military presence on the streets and the army are doing their best to clean up Thaksin's mess. The majority of peace loving Thais are happy and proud of the job that their army are doing.

The US sent a politician here who obviously lacks education and knowledge about Thailand. He looked at the facts without studying the reasons behind them. He obviously chose the 'elected leader's' side and spoke about the return of 'democracy'. He probably knows nothing about the rice scheme or Yinglucks family background.

The fact that the US sent someone lacking intelligence showed a lack of respect for Thailand. That is what is most annoying about the incident. US Imperialistic attitudes are prevalent whenever their ruling elite engage with the outside world. For example, Fox news' recent embarrassing claims about Muslim areas in Britain and France and another news reporter recently though that the Republic of Ireland was British.Added to this is Michelle Obama's lack of respect by not wearing a Muslim headscarf at the funeral of the King Of Saudi Arabia. I bet no one even thought of a headscarf prior to her stepping off the plane. She shouldn't have gone to the funeral. Most of the Muslim leaders there were shocked by the presence of a woman there let alone one that showed a complete lack of respect for Muslim culture. Right now I would be embarrassed to be American....

. We've been the Butt of Jokes for eons, we have a Tough Skin...
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Well, he's kind of right. If the USA hadn't meddled in Thai politics for the past 50 years or so we wouldn't be in this situation, mainly due to the fact that military wouldn't be so powerful and the generals wouldn't be so rich. Theres also other things which I can't of course post in this forum...

Ok prove all this with factual evidence....

And there it is. With these posts it is only a matter of time until the US is blamed for causing the entire issue.

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'The incident brings to mind "The Ugly American", a film made more than 50 years ago during the cold war. It portrayed America's arrogant behaviour towards a third-world country.'

Arrogance is a two way street.

The author of this piece needs to think on their own attitudes.

Ugly, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

And as for this

"If the US continues to practise double standards in its foreign policy and to display its "Ugly American" attitude, Thais have the right to say enough is enough. Times have changed. The US should learn to treat other countries on equal terms."

Double standards? Treating others as equals?


Pure projection and/or hypocrisy at the same time on unprecedented levels! Hilarious author.

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'The incident brings to mind "The Ugly American", a film made more than 50 years ago during the cold war. It portrayed America's arrogant behaviour towards a third-world country.'

Arrogance is a two way street.

The author of this piece needs to think on their own attitudes.

Ugly, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

And as for this

"If the US continues to practise double standards in its foreign policy and to display its "Ugly American" attitude, Thais have the right to say enough is enough. Times have changed. The US should learn to treat other countries on equal terms."

Double standards? Treating others as equals?


Hilarious that you can't understand what double standards means. When last did USA demand democracy from your great allies the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

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Now i see a problem with the usual self righteous thai bashers.

Here's the deal. If you have been reading this forum long enough you would know that the shinawatras aren't loved here and the fact that they have chinese blood in them makes it even worse.

Then you have america supporting the shinawatras and questioning the present thai govt which causes the US to be bashed and that's a big no no here it's just the typical farang reaction obviously. It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support america and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix. Thaksin being chinese = china and an american official asking for a fair trial and getting bashed by the thai side well they cannot support the american side now cos that means supporting thaksin and the chinese side.

Off your med's again? "The shinawatras aren't loved" err sorry mate but you are so far off the mark it's almost sad, how do you think they keep wining elections if they are not loved? and please not the buying votes BS.

"It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support America and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix"

Do you even live here mate? or just a once a year type guy? that thinks he knows it all? You don't have a clue really now do ya.

I live in a very red area and until the coup OVERTLY red with banners, posters and even large cardboard figures of YL on the highway but they've all gone.

My local mom and pop store used to have pictures of Mr. T etc at the front of the store but as soon as martial law was announced they were moved to the corner of the back wall and cannot be seen from the outside. Probably prudent since the store is about 100 yds from one of the entrances to an army camp.

The love for the Shins is still there and will come out into the open as soon as the time's right and they are free to express themselves.

I believe the junta sent in the army to remove all pictures of the shins, outlawed having one even in the privacy of your own home. Agree just because the pics aren't there doesn't mean people have turn against the shins.

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It would be great so see Thailand become a very powerful country with no corruption the same way Singapore rose from the ashes but the only way I see that happening is if the coup remains in place for a very long time as I'm afraid if they continue to try "democracy" the country will remain split and corrupt for a very long time. The USA should be forbidden to offer any opinions on the world stage for a few years, after all they recently got > a million people in Iraq killed during a war based completely on lies. They should be told to &lt;deleted&gt; any time they offer an opinion and, frankly, I can't understand why they aren't.

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I LOOOOVEEE the thai Junta response and that of the supposedly enraged Thais, typically that of not responding directly to the statements points.

Instead, we go the usual, We aren't understood, This is how we work, Those people are bad, How dare you comment on the affairs of thais and all of those and so on. And yet the point of is right for the Junta to dish out Justice under laws they threw out upon the person they threw out. Should it not be left for a non involved, non biased set of actors to do so.

I am not sure what the statute of limitations is on her charges, but i doubt its urgent that the Junta seek redress immediately on behalf of the Thai people. I am sure they can do that themselves when once again they have a civil representative government.

Personal attacks and avoiding the facts of what has been said is beneath the heads of a government let alone the outrage they have been so keen to have published far and wide regarding the comments in question. And attempts to dress up his comments as interfering with thailand's internal issues is more of the creative writing and reporting that have already destroyed the Juntas credibility.

Luckily no one commented on that....

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For a country so rampant in corruption, why do you assert that pre-coup elections are de-facto proof of Shinawatra legitimacy?

He's not popular here? Why has his parties won every election here for the past 15 years then?

Not a fan of his but that's kind of an undeniable fact....
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Well In being human and free thinking also comming from a country where free speech and freedom of the press trives you get people saying thinking out of con text. But you need to consider that he is not here everyday and get his information from the media and that is controlled by powers that be willingness to release to the world.But enough said I don't take to heart what he says anyway same with Obama. I see change in Thailand even though only small change but still change none the less. But as in Thailand same in US people get these jobs based on who you know not if you can do the job correctly. Like Ombama got to be president not based on if he could do the job but based on people not wanting to appear racist. We you can see where that got us.

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For a country so rampant in corruption, why do you assert that pre-coup elections are de-facto proof of Shinawatra legitimacy?

He's not popular here? Why has his parties won every election here for the past 15 years then?

Not a fan of his but that's kind of an undeniable fact....

The last elections were independently observed and adjudged to be fair no?

Thaksin bought votes sure. But hey so do western parties when on the campaign trail. They sell policies and promises...

I think it would be a very expensive venture even for Mr T to pay every single person in Issan and the north to vote for him or his sister.

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The Ugly American is alive and kicking

Isn't this comment against forum rules, American Bashing. I'm an Aussie and don't really care just wondering.

When they say many Thais who exactly do the mean, is it the Junta or the populous? The Thais I know have never heard of Mr Russell or were even aware of his comment.

What they mean is that the only response allowed under martial law is the one prescribed by the junta, so of course you are going to hear the prescribed reaction, unless somebody is foolish enough to get smacked down for dissent.

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The Thais should settle this HUGE DRAMA by calling another meeting with the Ugly American Envoy...then 20 Thais jump him and punch, kick, and stomp him until he retracts all his previous statements...

Show him how we insist upon and demand respect from foreigners in this fine country...

As further punishment he could be sent to immigration to try and get a 90 day visa extension...

Edited by ggt
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He expressed an opinion - he did take the country over at gun point - that is the repeated and traditional job of the Thai military itself.

This is all about changing the subject and making yet another boogie man, Russel's opinion will change nothing here and we know that from years of observation because Thai's don't listen anyway - they just react poorly.

Everyone sing along ; 'They bad -we good' repeat 'they bad -we good' say it again 'they bad- we good' - the leader will sing 'They bad - I good'.

Please now! for the future of your country, sing along with the good people and remember your 12 points of Thainess.

A great gift will be on TV at 6PM every evening to enjoy and remember the world may not understand us, but we are the special gifted intervention that comes from a divine sources. (we said so - so it is)

Anyone that disagrees can be adjusted.

good is bad - bad is good.

Wow! Dorthy - we've been here before.

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'The incident brings to mind "The Ugly American", a film made more than 50 years ago during the cold war. It portrayed America's arrogant behaviour towards a third-world country.'

Arrogance is a two way street.

The author of this piece needs to think on their own attitudes.

Ugly, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

And as for this

"If the US continues to practise double standards in its foreign policy and to display its "Ugly American" attitude, Thais have the right to say enough is enough. Times have changed. The US should learn to treat other countries on equal terms."

Double standards? Treating others as equals?


Hilarious indeed.

Nothing like a healthy helping of ill-informed ultra-nationalism served with a side of hypocrisy and a dash of xenophobia to start the day.

Eat up everyone!

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You know what, they endlessly go on about 'face', yet millions in their population live in poverty with poor educational standards whilst the rich cream the lot. We can see it. Other countries can see it. Internationally Thailand has no 'face'. Hell, look at the human trafficking and slavery category they just won!

Start sorting out the problems, get back to a democratic system and learn to live by the rule of law, take care of your people's futures and maybe, just maybe, you Thailand, might just get the 'face' you so crave.

As an American I'll say:

If we just had drop-dead gorgeous women everywhere we looked that were dying to jump in the sack for a few bucks, we'd have absolutely ZERO use for Thailand.

We're stuck with mostly fat cows for women and laws against the world's oldest trade.

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" Many Thais reacted with fury " but how many ordinary Thais know anything about this ? They don't seem to react unless somebody winds them up or there's an incentive.

I've never seen Thais exhibit much interest in the news, only this week I asked a friend what she thought about having to register her SIM card and she had no idea what I was talking about. She doesn't read newspapers !

I would agree with you. It is called 'stalking up nationalism. It happens in many countries a's an example Cambodia often do it with Thailand, especially when the government are getting a bashing.

Whilst I am not a big fan of the United Nations (UN), especially as 5 countries have the say on what 'goes or doesn't', I imagine that cutting ties with America, is a very unwise thing to do. Especially the power them 5 nations have. Just look at Israel how they get away with what they do, as the 5 countries support them. If America withdrew its support of Thailand then it could spiral back in time.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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You know what, they endlessly go on about 'face', yet millions in their population live in poverty with poor educational standards whilst the rich cream the lot. We can see it. Other countries can see it. Internationally Thailand has no 'face'. Hell, look at the human trafficking and slavery category they just won!

Start sorting out the problems, get back to a democratic system and learn to live by the rule of law, take care of your people's futures and maybe, just maybe, you Thailand, might just get the 'face' you so crave.

As an American I'll say:

If we just had drop-dead gorgeous women everywhere we looked that were dying to jump in the sack for a few bucks, we'd have absolutely ZERO use for Thailand.

We're stuck with mostly fat cows for women and laws against the world's oldest trade.

Terrible shame for a country that, in truth, could be great, all but for an archaic patronage based socio-economic system that maintains a healthy supply of economically vulnerable young people with few other choices than to "jump in the sack for a few bucks".

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