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US envoy invited to meet NLA

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US envoy invited to meet NLA

BANGKOK: -- Committee wants explanation on state of bilateral relations; angst expressed over diplomats meeting red shirts

THE US charge d'affaires has been invited to appear before a parliamentary panel on February 11 to explain the recent remarks by a visiting senior American official and also about reports that US Embassy officials had met red-shirt leaders.

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has sent a letter inviting Patrick Murphy, the US Embassy's deputy head of mission, the parliamentary panel's deputy chair Kitti Wasinondh said yesterday. He said the committee has asked Murphy, who is acting as caretaker head of mission in the absence of a new American ambassador, to meet with its members and explain what has happened to US-Thai relations over the past week.

Kitti, a former ambassador, said political remarks made by Assistant State Secretary for Asia and the Pacific Daniel Russel had affected Thailand and the committee wanted an explanation. Russel, who visited Thailand briefly last week, urged the Thai government to lift martial law and cast doubts on the legitimacy of the impeachment of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra by the junta-appointed NLA.

Kitti said he has yet to get a reply from the US Embassy. Kitti said he would also seek an explanation from Murphy as to why US diplomats visited the Northeast to seek a meeting with anti-government red shirts last Thursday. He called the visit to the region at this period "inappropriate".

Interior Minister General Anupong Paochinda said yesterday he was not worried about the visit to the Northeast by US diplomats, adding that such a visit is permissible but America should understand Thailand better and not meddle in Thai domestic affairs.

US diplomats reportedly visited Udon Thani province to meet with local people including red-shirt members of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD).

Anupong said the United States could collect information about Thailand but should understand that the work of the government of Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has nothing to do with the recent impeachment of former prime minister Yingluck by Russel.

Anupong said there was no sign of unusual movement by any anti-government forces after the visit to the Northeast by US diplomats. The minister said American diplomats as well as Thais should understand that the government is currently trying to solve problems and bring about national reconciliation and has no intention to wrongly exercise its power.

Anupong said the situation was going well with the economy picking up and the tourism reviving and so he does not wish to see any trouble recurring.

When asked what he thought of some Thais resenting the US move to send its diplomats to the Northeast to talk with red shirts and the remarks by Russel, leading to anti-US sentiment, Anupong said he hoped Thais would understand bilateral relations and try to be constructive in expressing themselves. He added that Thailand would never meddle in US domestic affairs and hoped that the US would do likewise.

In a related development, PM Prayut is scheduled to visit Phimai district in Nakhon Ratchasima tomorrow, to chair a meeting on national rice policy. Anupong said there was no sign of any protest so far and he did not expect any disruption similar to what occurred in Khon Kaen, another province in the Northeast, last year. But additional security would be undertaken to ensure the safety and an orderly visit by the PM. Anupong said he hoped local people would understand that was an outcome of the protest at Khon Kaen last year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/US-envoy-invited-to-meet-NLA-30253104.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-01

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Top US diplomats here must dread the arrival of outspoken senior suits, politicians and desk jockeys from Washington. They stir the pot and then fly off, leaving the embassy to handle the repercussions. Few visiting diplomats on whistlestop tours realise just how sensitive and nationalistic Thai officialdom can be.

Even visiting American celebrities can cause offence. Remember the uproar following Lady GaGa's joke (?) about the fake Rolexes in 2012?

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Well US officials meeting with Red Shirt UUD terror leaders. Could you get more interfering in Thai affairs?

The softly softly approach clearly is not working for the Junta.... Their kid gloves is making them look a laughing stock and the PM more like an ice cream fairy than a leader of the nation.

Because they are being seen as a soft touch and a push over not to be taken seriously, the likes of the PTP, UDD and the US are playing them for idiots.

Time to crack down on this UDD and PTP bunch once and for all, and care nothing for what the USA has to say about it..... They can butt out. <deleted> Thai/US relations.

Well said Pepper!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Such a misunderstood bunch this Junta alt=violin.gif width=60 height=49>my heart bleeds for them,

My heart bleeds for you since you can't don't want to see the woods for the trees.

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A bunch of little nobodies trying to show they are big, powerful somebodies.

No, they're not just "A bunch of little nobodies..."

They run the country now that the Shinawatra clan has lost power.

i suppose wielding your officially issued rubber stamp might be seen as ' running ' the country.

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A bunch of little nobodies trying to show they are big, powerful somebodies.

USA arrogance at its best!

The US already knew what the NLA and junta had to say - finding out what the other side thinks is not interference - where and when did they do anything other then discuss things in general terms. This is nothing more then a case of the junta wanting to pour koolaid for the nitwits and spin up a boogie man - some take the bait real well.

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The minister said American diplomats as well as Thais should understand that the government is currently trying to solve problems and bring about national reconciliation and has no intention to wrongly exercise its power. Anupong said the situation was going well with the economy picking up and the tourism reviving and so he does not wish to see any trouble recurring.

1. You cannot reconcile a nation at the point of a gun and by removing their basic human rights.

2. The abuse of power was a military coup.

3. The economy and tourism remains skeptical at best.

This is merely complaining and will have no benefit to either Thailand or the US ... time to deal with the truth; but Thainess prevents it.

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When the USA and its allies liberated Thailand in WW II and also saved them from the Vietnamese

did they consider this as interfering in the internal affairs of the country. Some poor devil gives a 15 minute speech of the truth and the loonies go crazy for a week.

USA shut of their GSP and make them pay full import tax on rice and shrimp.

When Cobra Gold is over this time do not leave all of the equipment and materials behind free like you normally do.

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For people wondering about Thailand's and Asia's future....and why the US is worry about Thailand's politics. Losing control?

This is a short cut of a presentation by a very well known Asian billionaire and influential Thailand's business icon ..

Also, a very unique and fascinating man.

Unfortunately most of interviews, books, and material about its life and work is not in English.


Edited by umbanda
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Maybe it is time to recall the Thai Ambassador to the US for "consultations" - maybe this will be understood by the officials poking noses all over Washington District Capital.

With what arrogance do the Russels of Washington fart around the globe telling others what to do while they are unable to clear their own manure back home w00t.gif

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When will the US start supplying weapons and training for the red freedom fighters for democracy (of a sort)? I'm sure the 'red leaders' could arrange a drugs for arms swap is financing is a problem.

If there is an alliance like that, wouldn't it be with southern insurgents? Maybe not just yet but as a last resort.....?

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