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US: Huckabee compares being gay to using alcohol, profanity


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I see the Republicans are throwing their best men in the race for the presidential elections. NOT?

Jeb Bush is in the lead but it's really quite wide open now. He's only seems "moderate" in the context of how far right the Republican party has become.

Maybe they use these nutcases to give Bush the third a chance to win the nomination?

On second sight, I think the Republicans don't have anything else.

Edited by Anthony5
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Rand Paul is the most interesting republican candidate. He says some very sensible things no other republican is saying that appeals to all political spectrums but he also says some pretty fringe whacko things. He is correctly perceived as an isolationist. Because foreign policy issues have become a higher priority again, his odds are harmed. Fine with me ... I reckon the man is dangerous (the whacko things).

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Ye gods the inheritance that the U.S.A. has from those social rejects and religious malcontents and Puritan freaks that departed from England many a year back is indeed a frightening one.

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Ye gods the inheritance that the U.S.A. has from those social rejects and religious malcontents and Puritan freaks that departed from England many a year back is indeed a frightening one.

That may be but the social attitudes represented by Huckabee are literally dying out (for the most part anyway).

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Ye gods the inheritance that the U.S.A. has from those social rejects and religious malcontents and Puritan freaks that departed from England many a year back is indeed a frightening one.

We should have sent the religious nutters to Australia along with the bread thieves

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It's just basically good old fashioned bigotry served up with a big heaping serving of CORN PONE.

Some people don't realize when they read about legal equality progress for gays in the U.S. around marriage that in a number of U.S. states there are still anti-gay laws that would give Putin a woody.

Edited by Jingthing
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He has gay friends, yet he opposes gay marriage... Hmmm, doesn't sound like a friend to me!

And let's see, keywords: Baptist, Pastor, Republican, 2016 (ALL IN THE SAME SENTENCE) We have progressed slowly, but surely, (e.g. legalization of gay marriage in some states, legalization of marijuana in some states, African-American President) so I would guess he would FAIL in this election. Just sayin'.

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It's weird isnt it how the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly with such candidates as Palin, the Tea Party, the Angel Moroni and this lunatic. Surely they can come up with a less extreme viable opposition candidate that might appeal to a wider electorate.

They can, and they do.

But the things those people say doesn't really rate as clickbait on the liberal blogs and news sites. Which is why we get these 'news' reports with a not-entirely-accurate headline. "Click sheeple, click! " (--Adriana H.) wink.png

Here is another one of those. It happens often enough that 'not entirely accurate' is very much me being nice. "Intentionally misleading" is another possibility.

Because when you read the text, does Huck actually say "Being gay is like drinking alcohol or using profanity".. .ermmmm nope.

The alcohol and profanity reference happens in the part where he is making the point that he accepts and respects viewpoints other than his own. Specifically about "gay marriage". But instead we get this applied to 'being gay' so all the liberal loons get to snigger of this dumbf#* who doesn't know that being gay is nature, not a lifestyle.

This completely misses the point that 'gay marriage rights' very much is in the realm of opinion, not nature. I (personally) am in favor of gay marriage. Huck is not, and he frames his objection in the same way that he also doesn't approve of me drinking, of me using profanities. He disagrees with my opinion on gray marriage, but accepts that there are differing viewpoints out there.

But no... clickbait! That's how you make money on the Internet, baby. tongue.png

EDIT: I just checked back on the original article, and noted that it's actually an Associated Press article.. not some liberal wingnut hate blog.. Which is just astonishing.. And should give everyone more of an understanding what conservatives mean when they talk about the 'liberal bias in the mainstream media'. Well this is AP.. doesn't' get more mainstream than that. Yet we get this sort of BS reporting.

As a side comment, I disagree with just about every viewpoint Huckabee has, but I do appreciate that he doesn't shy away from saying things that can easily land him in hot water, such as the thing about making a Jew sell bacon wrapped shrimp, or laying into Beyonce and her husband. (The bacon thing would make sense as a comparison of forcing a church to perform a gay wedding, which I don't think is actually happening. It would make less sense when it gets to a secular government wedding registration, even when the civil servant happens to be a fundamental Christian: if a Jewish person gets a job at Burger King then he's #$(* well expected to sell bacon burgers. ;)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Being the cynic for a second...

I wonder if this bloke is doing a loyal duty by being a one man jihadist suicide bomber by destroying his political career so that he makes the rest of the GOP field look remarkably mild and middle of the road?

The only other thing I can think of is he knows he has no chance of winning, so is running to the nutbag right to be their standard bearer, and ultimately kingmaker when the real GOP candidate stands up and needs help, and votes.

....anyway, I'll get my tinfoil hat and quietly leave the room.

Edited by samran
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Being the cynic for a second...

I wonder if this bloke is doing a loyal duty by being a one man jihadist suicide bomber by destroying his political career so that he makes the rest of the GOP field look remarkably mild and middle of the road?

The only other thing I can think of is he knows he has no chance of winning, so is running to the nutbag right to be their standard bearer, and ultimately kingmaker when the real GOP candidate stands up and needs help, and votes.

....anyway, I'll get my tinfoil hat and quietly leave the room.

I don't think he's a stupid man really so he must know he's not going to even get nominated. So you're right, he's doing it for something. Sure he could become a power broker of some kind and also has the potential of becoming a bigger media pundit at the end of it.

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Being the cynic for a second...

I wonder if this bloke is doing a loyal duty by being a one man jihadist suicide bomber by destroying his political career so that he makes the rest of the GOP field look remarkably mild and middle of the road?

The only other thing I can think of is he knows he has no chance of winning, so is running to the nutbag right to be their standard bearer, and ultimately kingmaker when the real GOP candidate stands up and needs help, and votes.

....anyway, I'll get my tinfoil hat and quietly leave the room.

I don't think he's a stupid man really so he must know he's not going to even get nominated. So you're right, he's doing it for something. Sure he could become a power broker of some kind and also has the potential of becoming a bigger media pundit at the end of it.

The only station that would employ him is Fox!

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It's weird isnt it how the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly with such candidates as Palin, the Tea Party, the Angel Moroni and this lunatic. Surely they can come up with a less extreme viable opposition candidate that might appeal to a wider electorate.

They can, and they do.

But the things those people say doesn't really rate as clickbait on the liberal blogs and news sites. Which is why we get these 'news' reports with a not-entirely-accurate headline. "Click sheeple, click! " (--Adriana H.) wink.png

Here is another one of those. It happens often enough that 'not entirely accurate' is very much me being nice. "Intentionally misleading" is another possibility.

Because when you read the text, does Huck actually say "Being gay is like drinking alcohol or using profanity".. .ermmmm nope.

The alcohol and profanity reference happens in the part where he is making the point that he accepts and respects viewpoints other than his own. Specifically about "gay marriage". But instead we get this applied to 'being gay' so all the liberal loons get to snigger of this dumbf#* who doesn't know that being gay is nature, not a lifestyle.

This completely misses the point that 'gay marriage rights' very much is in the realm of opinion, not nature. I (personally) am in favor of gay marriage. Huck is not, and he frames his objection in the same way that he also doesn't approve of me drinking, of me using profanities. He disagrees with my opinion on gray marriage, but accepts that there are differing viewpoints out there.

But no... clickbait! That's how you make money on the Internet, baby. tongue.png

EDIT: I just checked back on the original article, and noted that it's actually an Associated Press article.. not some liberal wingnut hate blog.. Which is just astonishing.. And should give everyone more of an understanding what conservatives mean when they talk about the 'liberal bias in the mainstream media'. Well this is AP.. doesn't' get more mainstream than that. Yet we get this sort of BS reporting.

As a side comment, I disagree with just about every viewpoint Huckabee has, but I do appreciate that he doesn't shy away from saying things that can easily land him in hot water, such as the thing about making a Jew sell bacon wrapped shrimp, or laying into Beyonce and her husband. (The bacon thing would make sense as a comparison of forcing a church to perform a gay wedding, which I don't think is actually happening. It would make less sense when it gets to a secular government wedding registration, even when the civil servant happens to be a fundamental Christian: if a Jewish person gets a job at Burger King then he's #$(* well expected to sell bacon burgers. wink.png

Yes the AP report is an excellent instance of mainstream media reportage which is why it's called mainstream. The mainstream media report news to the mainstream of the society. Huckabee running for president is out of the mainstream culture which by definition is why he is making news.

If anything, the AP mainstream report is kind to the voters out there on the margin of society to whom Huckabee speaks. Huckabee's limited but evolving views are well 'ahead' of those socio-cultural reactionary voters in the Republican party to whom he appeals with the Bible thumping and who remain opposed in the absolute to anything and everything gay.

Compare Huckabee's toe in the water approach to that of other evangelical leaders who are not running for president or any other political office, such as Carmen Fowler LaBerge, a former Presbyterian minister who heads the Presbyterian Lay Committee, a group of conservative congregations who broke away from the Presbyterian Church after it voted last year to ordain noncelibate gay clergy.....

LaBerge recently told the Washington Times that she believes there is now a consensus within the evangelical movement that the culture war on traditional marriage has been lost, and the overwhelming support for same-sex marriage among younger voters would seem to indicate that.

Freely admitting that the marriage battle has been won by supporters of SSM, she and fellow evangelicals are turning their attention to a different battle, the one to protect their own religious freedoms, including keeping their churches free of any mandates involving gay rights or same-sex marriage. Although in her view the Bible is clear on homosexuality and traditional marriage, she nonetheless concedes that “I don’t live in a country that’s governed by that document; I live in a country that’s governed by the Constitution.”

She is one of a growing number of evangelicals who realize that whatever their personal views of homosexuality, the demographic and cultural changes of the last two decades have all but guaranteed their loss on this issue.


Whowuzzit that said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to render unto God that which is God's. Jeffersonian democracy and the US Supreme Court have established this principle in the American political culture and that is good. It's taken a while on this particular issue but even the Bible toting political hacks such as the Arkansas former governor and Republican former minister Mike Huckabee are moving toward the socio-cultural and political mainstream however gradually and reluctantly.

The AP has been there for a good while already. The AP is indeed in the social, cultural, political mainstream of American society. People who think that this is a leftist bias might need to reflect on how far over on the right they themselves might be.

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What are the Fox News pundits saying?

If he wins what job for Bill O Reilly?

I'm not a Fox pundit but, if you scroll back to post #30 in this thread, you will find out what this conservative Republican thinks about Huckabee's chances.

I know some Americans just simply ignore threads like this. They are so filled with anti US venom and hate, it is hardly worth reading.

I'm just a sucker for punishment.

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So maybe this is part of the new GOP stance on the subject: gay-bashing light. It's a long way from the AIDS-as-punishment stuff of not that long ago.

I wonder how many Americans in the fly-over part of the country (a term Huck disapproves of, and where he sees the base of his support) will get the thing about Jews, bacon and shrimp. Maybe he came up with that one while watching the Mel Brooks special over the weekend.

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Being the cynic for a second...

I wonder if this bloke is doing a loyal duty by being a one man jihadist suicide bomber by destroying his political career so that he makes the rest of the GOP field look remarkably mild and middle of the road?

The only other thing I can think of is he knows he has no chance of winning, so is running to the nutbag right to be their standard bearer, and ultimately kingmaker when the real GOP candidate stands up and needs help, and votes.

....anyway, I'll get my tinfoil hat and quietly leave the room.

I don't think he's a stupid man really so he must know he's not going to even get nominated. So you're right, he's doing it for something. Sure he could become a power broker of some kind and also has the potential of becoming a bigger media pundit at the end of it.

The only station that would employ him is Fox!

Well they did employ that intellectual giant Sarah Palin and who could ever forget dear old Glenn Beck.

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Glen Beck....too looney for even Fox.

Huckabee must have some people out there who think he is a fair and well balanced but there cannot be many.

Still this is all good fun for the likes of Jon. Stewart.

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