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Prayut bets with life to stop attempts to create rift in the country


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That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

He's a clown, but that aside; Perhaps you (being one of his greatest ass-kissers) can explain how that trip or anything he has done is putting his own life (rather than others..) at risk? How is any of this gambling with his own life? I'm curious

It will be a far worse country because he is causing deeper divisions.

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Warmly welcomed by the farmers ?

i suppose all his military and police minders might have just helped with that and the thought that even the slightest, even innocuous, sign of being less than happy would result in attitude adjustment.

The Emperors new clothes eh!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Political disagreement is not a rift. It is a normal and healthy part of a mature democratic state.

What is required is strict enforcement of the law against those in power when they abuse their position.

It's not reconciliation the country needs but rather a respect for the rules and procedures of government.

Elections give you the right to rule, but imposes the duty to rule for all.

Politicians need to realise that they are there to govern for everyone, not their faction of the elite.

That is what should be looked at now, not some utopian society where everyone is a happy bunny. It's not going to happen.

Respect for the law and rules of good governance, now then, that's hard to do, but it is possible.

Or at least should be.

I agree with everything you say

But history tells us that does not seem possible unless the rules are made so tight and bodies enforcing them given far reaching powers - hence the current reforms to try and put an end to the open blatant corruption for good

One of my observations over the last few years and especially were Thaksin is involved is this ideology that getting voted into office somehow gives a government unrestricted power to do as they like - it is almost a primitive jungle concept that has no place in a democracy - and that message needs to be clearly made to everyone in Thailand until it sinks in and is clearly understood, only then will this country be ready to move forward

That's true for Thaksin and even more true for the current situation where a minority gives themselves unrestricted power through a coup to do as they like instead of respecting the law and the constitution and sort problems through legal channels, which have always been there also during the YL administration. I just hope for a new generation of Thais to take matter in to their hands, steering the country away from all these corrupt elites, Thaksin, Army, Police and even those surrounding and taking advantage of the highest institutions.

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That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

I actually believe him and have believed in him from the start

Those that question his integrity sincerity and his motivation need to take a long hard look at themselves

The task he faces is not easy as there are so many people that will lose their rich corrupt incomes or at least not find it so easy going forward to do the same - Thailand has been in need of a stiff unforgiving environment for those that have found it easy to pillage and corrupt the people for so many years, they are the only voices that will be heard opposing such changes - I believe Prayuth Chan O Cha will prevail

He is a freaking joke. Wake up.

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That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

I think I just threw up a little..

Makes two of us.

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You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

Right on.

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Political disagreement is not a rift. It is a normal and healthy part of a mature democratic state.

What is required is strict enforcement of the law against those in power when they abuse their position.

It's not reconciliation the country needs but rather a respect for the rules and procedures of government.

Elections give you the right to rule, but imposes the duty to rule for all.

Politicians need to realise that they are there to govern for everyone, not their faction of the elite.

That is what should be looked at now, not some utopian society where everyone is a happy bunny. It's not going to happen.

Respect for the law and rules of good governance, now then, that's hard to do, but it is possible.

Or at least should be.

Totally agree!

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You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

bull dung

I am wondering if bull dung is the American language, equivalent to bull &lt;deleted&gt; in my country. ????

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That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

What a great man. He has made a few mistakes, however, he is as you have described. Just wait for the haters with their attempts to degrade him by adding their derogatory embellishments. They'll come I can assure you.

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You want to clean up corruption, Mr General PM? How about you start with your own beloved military. Thailand's combined military is one-fourth that of the US, but they have 10 times MORE Generals, and they are ALL millionaires. Please don't give me that crap about how they all "married rich girls", as not even the dumbest Thai believes that.

When you clean your own house, maybe then you'll have the right to clean the house of Thailand. Until then all I hear is bull dung.

Is that baht millionaires or USD millionaires?

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i would like to know who has been running the illegal drug, timber and rare wildlife trade in the golden triangle for the past 5 decades. Men in green perhaps? And I don't mean Robin Hood and his merry men!

Deffo not Robin and Co - they took from the rich and gave to the poor.

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Why does everybody thinks/wants this man to be perfect?

He is just a man.

He will make mistakes.

He will never please everybody.

IMO, I believe he has the right will and drive to do what is needed for Thailand.

Yes, I do not angree with all he has done, but then what "politician" ever will.

People seems to think he will become a dictator or worse. Grow up people (farangs). This is 2015 and Thailand.

Give the man a chance and that takes time.

Even in my own country I always said: "I wish politicians could only be elected, if they did NOT want the job"

no-one is talking about perfection - we're talking about something far more fundamental than that....or are you referring to people's opinion of themselves?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Everytime he opens his month it costs Thailand credibillity and iinvestment opportunities. "Democracy Trap" is just the latest in a long line of damaging quotes by the good general. There has not been any of the promised reforms and he sounds to be more and more at sea when it comes to the office he usurped.

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That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge.thumbsup.gif

What a great man. He has made a few mistakes, however, he is as you have described. Just wait for the haters with their attempts to degrade him by adding their derogatory embellishments. They'll come I can assure you.

Observation not your strong point as the detractors have already posted and history will judge him if he's a great man or not.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That is why, I admire you Prime Minister.

You are a patriot, and a man of honour.

I believe that at the end you will succeed with your aspirations.

Thailand will be a better country with you, in charge. alt=thumbsup.gif>

General Prauth is hardly a risk taker.

He is accompanied by more than 300 police, including an anti-riot unit, on stationed to maintain order for Prayut's trip. And this is for a visit to his home town and meeting with Junta supporters.

Guess you got to have more than martial law to make sure the natives behave.

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All of these officials who bet their life, heads, quitting, whatever, never follow through with it when proven to be wrong. They should follow the Korean way of following through.

That said, why does every single photo of him have a look of constipation on his face? Perhaps the PM needs to eat more fiber.

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Too much of the above is exactly why I avoid "farang" clique establishments. I tire quickly with rantings about how Thailand is this way and that way. If you that have such bold opinions then piddle off home and get yourselves elected to a position where your perfect opinion can be subjected on your own ! And you wonder ( and rant) as to why Thailand applies regulations to long stayers that in effect are anti colonialist ? Dip s..its!

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Too much of the above is exactly why I avoid "farang" clique establishments. I tire quickly with rantings about how Thailand is this way and that way. If you that have such bold opinions then piddle off home and get yourselves elected to a position where your perfect opinion can be subjected on your own ! And you wonder ( and rant) as to why Thailand applies regulations to long stayers that in effect are anti colonialist ? Dip s..its!

there's always someone who has slipped through the net and is unaware of how cliché'd irrelevant and jaded the "why don't you just go home" syndrome is.

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