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I Now Speak Broken English


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I suggest getting a mobile phone (or a land line) and calling people.

If all else fails--talk to yourself. I sometimes argue with myself, but I keep losing!

Best of luck and don't worry too much, it's hard to forget a language.

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I have always found it pretty dumb how many farangs talk to Thais and it's no wonder that some Thais speak the way they do listening to the gibberish. There is no need for it. When I met my gf she barely spoke a word of English but had a good grasp of it on paper. That was 3 years ago. Now she speaks with a nice American accent because I've been speaking regular intelligible English with her over that time. I've never heard her say "same same" or "my friend she" or whatever.

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I have always found it pretty dumb how many farangs talk to Thais and it's no wonder that some Thais speak the way they do listening to the gibberish. There is no need for it. When I met my gf she barely spoke a word of English but had a good grasp of it on paper. That was 3 years ago. Now she speaks with a nice American accent because I've been speaking regular intelligible English with her over that time. I've never heard her say "same same" or "my friend she" or whatever.

love it.!!!!! " my friend she " :D:D

cheers fella :o:D

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I have always found it pretty dumb how many farangs talk to Thais and it's no wonder that some Thais speak the way they do listening to the gibberish. There is no need for it. When I met my gf she barely spoke a word of English but had a good grasp of it on paper. That was 3 years ago. Now she speaks with a nice American accent because I've been speaking regular intelligible English with her over that time. I've never heard her say "same same" or "my friend she" or whatever.

You for real?

Does your gal say in her nice american accent " could y'all pass l'il ol' me the barbeque sauce" now?

I guess I'm guilty, or "dumb", because I think it's a naturally evolving process for some to adapt their English, or american, to their Thai partner, but it happens.

I sure wish I spoke "regularly and intelligibly" like you, and not the "gibberish" I speak now.

I get your point, but.....

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I have always found it pretty dumb how many farangs talk to Thais and it's no wonder that some Thais speak the way they do listening to the gibberish. There is no need for it. When I met my gf she barely spoke a word of English but had a good grasp of it on paper. That was 3 years ago. Now she speaks with a nice American accent because I've been speaking regular intelligible English with her over that time. I've never heard her say "same same" or "my friend she" or whatever.

You for real?

Does your gal say in her nice american accent " could y'all pass l'il ol' me the barbeque sauce" now?

I guess I'm guilty, or "dumb", because I think it's a naturally evolving process for some to adapt their English, or american, to their Thai partner, but it happens.

I sure wish I spoke "regularly and intelligibly" like you, and not the "gibberish" I speak now.

I get your point, but.....

I find myself speaking some broken english too! I more or less copy my wife... and she pokes her chest out there and tries to deepen her voice and talk like me sometimes. I've always had a thing for accents too, and now she's playing with her english. She says Hello in so many ways now it's crazy... she does it with everybody, not just me. We both laugh about it, and then we sit around the table and practice saying words correctly in English and Thai. It's fun and we both enjoy the time talking together. We started out with her saying the ABC's correctly... and me saying the Thai numbers. We teach each other. And yes, we're BOTH over 40, we're just old kids. I want her to learn english for talking to my family when we go to visit the states, I want to learn Thai so that I can talk to the family there. I do find myself talking broken english for a while after I get back to work, we have some Indians and Pakistani's working for us and I have to address them in broken english as well.

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I have almost zero contact with other foriegners. It has been two years since I had a conversation with a non thai that wasnt on the internet.

What should I do?

Ermm, have you ever considered learning to speak Thai...? :o

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I have almost zero contact with other foriegners. It has been two years since I had a conversation with a non thai that wasnt on the internet.

What should I do?

Ermm, have you ever considered learning to speak Thai...? :o

I am wheat hearted. Sofa king wheat hearted.

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Same same happen me. Wife she speak no good English. I try help. She want try but still no good. What I can do? :D

urr excuse me mate, :D

how about getting out the house and going to the footy each week. :D

or maybe forming a farang group meeting once a week and go hard on the turps. :D

just a suggestion,

but good luck working on your english skills. :D

cheers fella :o:D

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I once interviewed a Scotsman for a job in Thailand who spoke absolute babel 'big big' etc. I asked him how long he'd been in Thailand, his response 4 months. He came across as a halfwit and needless to say he did not get the job.

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I have always found it pretty dumb how many farangs talk to Thais and it's no wonder that some Thais speak the way they do listening to the gibberish. There is no need for it. When I met my gf she barely spoke a word of English but had a good grasp of it on paper. That was 3 years ago. Now she speaks with a nice American accent because I've been speaking regular intelligible English with her over that time. I've never heard her say "same same" or "my friend she" or whatever.

Well, amazingly enough, Beavis and I share a similar experience.

I speak english with my husband, not Tinglish. Of course, he studied english at school so he had the base but I have found, in my experience, that by speaking "proper" English, he has learned proper English. No, he doesn't have an American accent but his english is fluent.

Not sure why speaking to someone in a normal manner is cause for mirth, I did the same with my husband's nephew as he was growing up.

Anyway, not sure where you are based, OP, but maybe you need to get out more? Go visit some touristy places for a zap of farangness :o

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I once interviewed a Scotsman for a job in Thailand who spoke absolute babel 'big big' etc. I asked him how long he'd been in Thailand, his response 4 months. He came across as a halfwit and needless to say he did not get the job.

A halfwit in Scotland is considered gifted :o:D

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I once interviewed a Scotsman for a job in Thailand who spoke absolute babel 'big big' etc. I asked him how long he'd been in Thailand, his response 4 months. He came across as a halfwit and needless to say he did not get the job.

A halfwit in Scotland is considered gifted :o:D

:D Very true

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And there was me thinking all Aussies spoke broken English and sounded like retards :o:D Must have been Kiwis i was thinking about :D:D

you were definatly were thinking about the kiwis mate as us ozzy's are to smart to be thrown in that lot. :D

besides that we dont like sheep like they do, if you get my drift. :D

cheers mate :D:D

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I once interviewed a Scotsman for a job in Thailand who spoke absolute babel 'big big' etc. I asked him how long he'd been in Thailand, his response 4 months. He came across as a halfwit and needless to say he did not get the job.

A halfwit in Scotland is considered gifted :o:D

And a halfwit in Pattaya is considered normal!! :D

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I have almost zero contact with other foriegners. It has been two years since I had a conversation with a non thai that wasnt on the internet.

What should I do?

Speak to Donz and Terry57, you'll feel articulate.

If that does not work, have a holiday some place with English speakers.

You could try getting into radio and meeting people that way, I am told it is easy. It will just like learning a new language with all their jargon, you will be told it is English most of the time. :o

Otherwise get skype and talk to your old friends and relatives. Give them a blast from the past.

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