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UK urges Indonesia to spare life of drug smuggler Lindsay Sandiford


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' ...Hammond admitted that the UK government could only help Sandiford to a certain extent.' The UK government might do better offering the sort of help that stops the likes of Sandiford - who undoubtedly knew what she was doing, and the penalties in the recipient country for doing so - from trafficking drugs in the first place; and from feeding yet more addicts.

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How many would 'nourish' their own families with this type of drugs?

Then why give it to others?

Drugs = Death

Cocaine = death? Really? She was very stupid but does not deserve to die.

Absolute BS, ravip I suggest you go and do some research about "drugs". The fact you are unable to differentiate between the different types shows a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of the effects of particular drugs and also the cross sections of society who use recreationally, to aid their work or home life, or any other reasons.

Cocaine is a stimulant, usually taken at parties or for heavier users at certain points during the day to keep them on an even keel. Certainly not going to dent their life expectancies that drastically. Get some perspective will you.

Making certain substances illegal and thus more difficult to obtain in many cases push some of the heavier users to substitute for cheaper and more readily avilable drugs like alcohol (for one), or in extreme cases home cook concoctions such as krokodil which is becoming more and more prevalent in eastern bloc countries.

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"...the British foreign secretary raised his governments opposition to the use of the death penalty against Sandiford."

Simple. Don't let your citizens travel to places with laws you oppose.

These idiots that risk smuggling drugs in a country that have a death penalty for smuggling drugs are not real bright. No great loss.

So, what you are suggesting is that the government restricts freedom of choice in respect of travel. God help us all if ever that was made into law. A ridiculous notion. However drug smugglers deserve what's coming to them if they get caught. One might also feel the same about Ebola health workers who get needle stick.

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Everybody who opposes the use of the death penalty for drugdealers shouldt think how many kid are the targets of this dealers and how many Drug addicts die from / by the drugs. These dealers are nothing but murderers out of greed. Away with these scum.

Absolutely hang her high............

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Everybody who opposes the use of the death penalty for drugdealers shouldt think how many kid are the targets of this dealers and how many Drug addicts die from / by the drugs. These dealers are nothing but murderers out of greed. Away with these scum.

In my country the drug laws were so strict. It made it almost impossible to get drugs. What did the addicts do. "Stop"? no.

They invented their own drugs. Homebake. Then came P .when they couldn't get drugs. They were wasted on alcohol. Drinking mouthwash. You cannot stop them. What people are finding out is, if you let them get on with it, they will find their own way. Some will die. No different from when it is illegal. In Amsterdam, the crime rate plummeted, the prisons emptied and the death rate of addicts dropped. I know many an addict, who now live normal healthy lives when they got older. To think that anyone of them would be murdered for having a different life problem doesn't bare thinking about.

I am going to get crucified for this one but...................

Everyone is talking about the evil of the drug dealer and the effect that they have on society. To this point I could not agree more.

Everyone is talking about what should happen to drug dealers. To this point I couldn't agree more.

However, in most of these cases it is not the drug dealer that is being punished. It is merely a mule and in some or perhaps even many cases the mule didn't even know they were a mule until they were caught. Drug dealers are too smart to carry product across borders. Their biggest problem has always been transportation.

I will say again that if mules always knew that they were mules then why was wrapping baggage in shrink wrap allowed at every airport in Australia.

How many times each day now do we read about people being released from prisons after serving 20 years or so after being found not guilty based on DNA or something else.

Anyway, now you can go ahead and give me a serve......................................

Agree 100%. No flame from me.

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There is no right to kill a man. A law can never justify the death of a person. Therefore, it is always correct to point those responsible for their wrongs.

When you use the word "never", you set yourself up. You said: "There is no right to kill a man. A law can never justify the death of a person."

There is justifiable homicide in the act of self defense. Try to rob me with a knife and I'll blow your brains out. Sorted.

Countries which have the death penalty often see it as self defense. Rid society once and for all of a danger, with no chance that person can escape and again be a danger.

You don't have to agree with that, but if you go on their soil you'd be smart not to do something they execute people for.

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Many of the posters on this thread, and the one one about the Australians facing execution, would fit right in to the crowds of simpletons watching avidly as "justice" is delivered to adulterers, apostates, and enemies of the people by the fanatics of Isis............

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"...the British foreign secretary raised his governments opposition to the use of the death penalty against Sandiford."

Simple. Don't let your citizens travel to places with laws you oppose.

These idiots that risk smuggling drugs in a country that have a death penalty for smuggling drugs are not real bright. No great loss.

So, what you are suggesting is that the government restricts freedom of choice in respect of travel. God help us all if ever that was made into law. A ridiculous notion. However drug smugglers deserve what's coming to them if they get caught. One might also feel the same about Ebola health workers who get needle stick.

I think DLock's point went way over your head

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Drug dealers/Couriers can be likened to murderers as they supply products that kill people.

A lot of those products kill mostly because they are illegal. It is impossible to know the quality of the drugs that a user is receiving from an illegal dealer, which is what causes most overdoses when they misjudge.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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