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Americans in Thailand, how do you feel?


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The United States of Europe..Better than fighting!

I'm from California, played at the Troubadour..I tell everyone.

I don't call myself a Haole, (foreigner). and I'm glad to see that none,of You all

are calling Yourselves the other f-word! forlorn f....g's.

BBC today reports that the older we get, the more we need each other.

Give it a rest,boys.

From the spacious Island, Hawaii.

Come on Over!

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If you have not figured out by now that I have been having fun with you Britts all night, I guess I might last more than five minutes in a London Pub.

Can't resist pushing buttons when they are so obvious.

And you guys wear them on your sleeves.

Something to remember.

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

I believe most of history, from every country, is mostly lies!

It's been fun.

Good nightwai2.gif

Not really, you have proved you are a moron.

Nice try of saving face.

Insulting a poster is a sign that you have nothing relevant to say about a topic.

Maybe it makes you feel better about yourself?

If that is what it does, you can call me a "poo poo head" too if you like!

I want you to feel good.

P.S. 'Face" means nothing to me.....I am not Thai.

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Nothing against Americans English Australians Canadians French Faranglandians.

I hate and love them all just the same.

We love to have digs at each other.

But if something happens to one all the others rally around them.

Think about it... Tomorrow Canada has declared war on Russia. Which side are these countries going to take?

Ps how do I feel? I feel like you are thinking about this too much OP.

Sent from my c64

Edited by wow64
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Seems to be the theme song for digruntled Brits firing off on Americans......

As an American I do not understand the rancor aimed at those from the USA on TVF....I do not experience it anywhere else in my life - actually just the opposite here in Thailand - where I live....

This subject does not only apply to Thailand...

During the last 6 years relations with every supportive government to the US have been strained...with preferential treatment reserved for certain sects and pawns.....

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You know, it strikes me that Thai people and Americans have a fair bit of common ground. After all, they're both raised to believe that their country is the best there is, in a environment with minimal interest in the world outside their borders.

A very very accurate statement sir biker. Stop making me agree with you. tongue.png

Yeah and they have never won a war on their own, other than a civil one


of all the bashing on America, this one truly causes a response:

the British at their absolute strongest, could not land their ships of the US coast, in Brooklyn, and were slaughered, forcing them into NY Harbor, where they were again, slaughtered.

If I recall, the British lost that war to America, and never truly rose again, so, I don't know what history anyone refers too here.

In the pubs across Thailand, I never met an English speaking person who was as anti-US as posters on TV, it is generally the opposite.

Over 70, they think it is "their" America, and lament every change, mostly because they weren't prosperous.

And, whoever said that US citizens are known not to travel abroad much, doesn't have any facts to base that on.

Thailand is crawling with US CIA, DIA, DEA, FBI, etc....... Thailands airspace is only open to US warplanes.

Thailand's docks are only visited by US warships.

China will soon join Cobra, and franky, I am not sure what that means, but Vladmir Putin once called China a monster created by the US, so, I don't know whose side any of them are on, except Rothschild and the Knights of Malta, Freeemasons and the Swiss bankers who start all the wars anyway.

I would add Illuminatti, but, they seem to be on the side of "light" so, it's all one big Luciferian club,

and we ain't in it

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Really, big surprise Americans are complaining.

All these years all the advantages over other European Nationalities.

At least you could and can still open your business 100% owned by you.

ALL OTHERS CAN NOT, 51%Thai - 49%Me

Typical American, always complain, let me guess Republican and loves FOX

Give it a rest, The GREAT USA, is slowly going down, economically, why, they do NOT understand real democracy.

WHOM ever has money gets to be in charged (puppet presidentS).

The BIG CORPS control the USA and sponsor both parties, so they (no need to explain who they are, if so BUSH, HUBBY, OBAMA and all next ones) OWE them.

If all those senators would for a changed work together for a better USA and WORLD, instead for themselves?

Well guess that is where the American DREAM started, hundreds of years ago.

We all know they lost their way, but I am still happy the USA is there to PROTECT,

because how f ...ed UP all is, I do believe the USA controls the peace on earth, not perfectly, but we need them.

Any 3 letter word agencies, not CIA or NSA, the secret ones of which we do not know the letters ...

I am harmless, just very opinionated

I.m American and I don.t complain about my life in Thailand. I.m quite content here, with a good Thai wife and our 4 yr. old daughter. Life is good.

I am a Conservative and watch Fox in moderation, but not a Republican. I agree with everything else you say though. For the record, we DON.T need another Bush or Clinton in the White House.

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Why is this thread even still open? It's been hijacked by rabid British America bashers. What's the point? Don't they have bars to go to? Yes, I've heard them. You don't have a culture. You don't have any history. You don't have a cuisine ... this coming from the British, that is rich! Pathetic. They have a complex. Hilariously, Americans don't care to bash the Brits. Figure that one out ... psychologically.

There is a lot of History between the USA and England which can't be learned over night,often referred to in the Media as : "The Special Relationship" which continued from one President/PM from WW1 through WW2 and up to present times! Interesting reading!


PS.Take no notice of the American and the English knockers,it's simply a basic case of: Jealousy their own country has been sitting back and doing nothing but throw insults,at more successful nations, or doing the Classic: "Biting the hand that feeds them" and there is plenty of them in Thailand !

See my other Posts on this Topic,I personally as an Englishman do not have any issues with Americans,in general they are invariably,good company,well spoken,

and friendly!

Thank you Majic

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Meant to say how amazed I am at the straight from the heart

Articulation that I see from posters on T.V.

Brits, Aussies, Canadians and Americans.As well as other English speakers.

Amazing lucidity..

^^re: Illuminati: Try the Bilderbergers in You're looking for Americans.


lol ;O)

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You know, it strikes me that Thai people and Americans have a fair bit of common ground. After all, they're both raised to believe that their country is the best there is, in a environment with minimal interest in the world outside their borders.

A very very accurate statement sir biker. Stop making me agree with you. tongue.png

Yeah and they have never won a war on their own, other than a civil one


of all the bashing on America, this one truly causes a response:

the British at their absolute strongest, could not land their ships of the US coast, in Brooklyn, and were slaughered, forcing them into NY Harbor, where they were again, slaughtered.

If I recall, the British lost that war to America, and never truly rose again, so, I don't know what history anyone refers too here.

In the pubs across Thailand, I never met an English speaking person who was as anti-US as posters on TV, it is generally the opposite.

Over 70, they think it is "their" America, and lament every change, mostly because they weren't prosperous.

And, whoever said that US citizens are known not to travel abroad much, doesn't have any facts to base that on.

Thailand is crawling with US CIA, DIA, DEA, FBI, etc....... Thailands airspace is only open to US warplanes.

Thailand's docks are only visited by US warships.

China will soon join Cobra, and franky, I am not sure what that means, but Vladmir Putin once called China a monster created by the US, so, I don't know whose side any of them are on, except Rothschild and the Knights of Malta, Freeemasons and the Swiss bankers who start all the wars anyway.

I would add Illuminatti, but, they seem to be on the side of "light" so, it's all one big Luciferian club,

and we ain't in it

You need to update the wikipedia page, because it tells quite a different story of the 1812 war.

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this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

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It seems Thailand has taken a dim view of all western nationals in Thailand. I notice far fewer Europeans, Americans, Canadians, Aussies and Kiwis than before. Many are not coming as it is a lot more expensive than before for one, but Thailand has made it more difficult for westerners to stay in Thailand and has opened their arms to two countries that care nothing about their Customs or Culture, ... Russia and China!

I live in Jomtien Beach and it is more like a Russian Resort town than a Thai town now. Russian signs everywhere, impolite and inconsiderate Russians everywhere. When I ask Thais if they like Russians, ... every one has said no, .. bit they are here in droves, ... why? ... because Thailand has made it easy for them to come here! You never see Russians in Isaan, Chinag Mai, Chiang Rai or any other places in Thailand, but Phuket, Pattaya, and a few other beach resort towns! That is all they come here for, .. not Thai culture, customs or food. They open businesses and seem to have no problem running and working in them, .. but Farang were always hassled by police and mafia if they do business. Look at Walking Street! Have you ever seen any othe rwomen but Thais, (and few Cambodians and Burmese) ... now there are several bars featuring Russian women, but called European! Why, in over 30 years has there never been a bar with Japanese, Korean, Eurpopean, American or any others, .. but so many Russians now.

The agenda seems to be to shift from close ties to western countries to close ties with Russia and China!

Their tourist numbers are up, but I bet their revenue is way down, because the Russians and Chinese do not spend much and tend to support their own businesses, .. not Thai!

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I can't say I have ever felt as it I were treated any better or worse than any other falang. Sometimes I think some Thais feel a little better about Americans, but not enough to make a difference in daily life.

Anything good or bad towards us is really coming from the government. Yes, right now I think the government is very unhappy with the US, but I don't think that would translate into taking anything out on US citizens.

What I do feel since I've lived in this country is a lot of hatred from other Western countries against the US and this has...opened my eyes to say the least. This has all been perceived from the comments of many crude and self-important posters on TV who show their own tremendous faults simply by the posts they make. I just try to remind myself that most of these people are narrow minded with limited perspective and education due to their below average IQ's. It's patently obvious by their comments and their willingness to blurt these comments out to the world.

I have no idea what sort of Thais are in your circles, but all the Thais I have associated with and met over the years, including my wife`s family, couldn`t tell one farang nationality from another. We look farang, we speak farang, we come from Farangland and we`re all Christian. It was vice versa for me back in my young days in Farangland, all South East Asians sounded and appeared the same to me.

The only Thais that may have different opinions regarding western nationalities are those who have lived long term in the west or those in authority, regarding relationships between western countries and Thailand, but the average Thai in the street couldn`t care less.

How absurd. They do form opinions about falang from different countries because they know where you are from when they ask you and from that moment on they will form their opinion. I have had comments made to me by Thais about how they feel about people from various countries.

So I think it's you who doesn't have much experience with the Thais around you.

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this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

Still jealous after all these years :)

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this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

Still jealous after all these years smile.png

please tell me why you think im jealous of you or america, were do you get this from, why would i be jealous of you or america,

im proud of england what it has done for the world, what it has invented for the good of man,

and as for me being jealous of you,

please read my posting history,

there have been pics of me my wife my children in te farming section, it says on my profile im from wangnamyen, so if anyone ever wanted to meet pigeonjake, they would onlt have to get to wangnamyen and ask for the big falang pig farmer,

im not some keyboard warrior who sits behind a keyboard talking crap, im real myfriend, and someone who has a very very good life here in thailand, very good,

so as for being jealous of you,,,

dont make me laugh,,,

now run along,,


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I have two nationalities, American and British, a right Yanker some may call me, but if anyone asks; I am firmly making my British side the priority and leaving my American passport at home. Even at Immigration I always go as British rather than American.

My guess is that the most despised nationalities worldwide are Americans and Israelis, any countries that bear a grudge it`s usually aimed at them first hand. I think the OP is quite right to have concerns and the way tensions are building in the world, especially in the middle east, I can see the situation becoming much worse before it gets better.

Why do you even bother with American citizenship?

Why not just renounce it once and for all?

Why voluntarily be attached to a country so vilified?

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this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

Still jealous after all these years smile.png

please tell me why you think im jealous of you or america, were do you get this from, why would i be jealous of you or america,

im proud of england what it has done for the world, what it has invented for the good of man,

and as for me being jealous of you,

please read my posting history,

there have been pics of me my wife my children in te farming section, it says on my profile im from wangnamyen, so if anyone ever wanted to meet pigeonjake, they would onlt have to get to wangnamyen and ask for the big falang pig farmer,

im not some keyboard warrior who sits behind a keyboard talking crap, im real myfriend, and someone who has a very very good life here in thailand, very good,

so as for being jealous of you,,,

dont make me laugh,,,

now run along,,



You will have to excuse Jake.

He is still suffering from "Little Country Complex".

Like many of his countrymen, he refuses to acknowledge that America has been the dominant force in economics, technology, food production medical advancement, and military power for the past 70 years.

I understand that it is probably hard to accept after getting away with exploiting most of the world for centuries.

And be careful 2fishing2,

If you start backing up your statements with facts, he will probably get upset and call you a "moron" or find some other personal insult to bash you with.

Good luck!

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If the OP is uncomfortable living in Thailand, why hasn't he moved?

Have a little difficulty grasping his meaning? Maybe a reread will help?

"If I were young and single, I would not give it much thought. I could just up and go if things got worse.

I am not.

I am in my sixties and have a wonderful Thai family, both immediate and extended.

To restart my life at this point would not be an easy or pleasant task."

Any further explanation required?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And I have to admit that personally the Americans I have met in Thailand and here on TVF have been rather pleasant; with a few messed-up exceptions.

Same as that , I've worked with quite a few Yanks and I found them Warm , good humoured people (That's Humor with a U)

If you disagree with US Foreign policy , that is not the normal man in streets fault




I appreciate the even handed nature of your posts.

Americans are both good and bad as is the case with every country's citizens.

And you're absolutely correct ExPratt, I sure as Hell don't make American policy but I did always exercise my right to vote to remove whatever scoundrels happen to be in office at any given time.

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It is disappointing the way this tread has gone.

I am looking at the number of people reading this thread right now. There are 8: 3 are members and 5 guests.

Yes, 5 people from the public gallery are currently reading this and not in a position to comment. I wonder how they feel about all the ranting that goes on this public forum?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And I have to admit that personally the Americans I have met in Thailand and here on TVF have been rather pleasant; with a few messed-up exceptions.

Same as that , I've worked with quite a few Yanks and I found them Warm , good humoured people (That's Humor with a U)

If you disagree with US Foreign policy , that is not the normal man in streets fault

I am American.

I disagree with much of America's foreign policies.

Luckily, as an American, I have the right and the means to change America's foreign policy.

The Vietnam war was not lost by the American armed forces.

They did as they were ordered and did that well.

The Vietnam war stopped because the American people knew it was wrong and pressured their government to stop fighting the war.

Sometimes it takes a while, but the American people do have power over their government.




I appreciate the even handed nature of your posts.

Americans are both good and bad as is the case with every country's citizens.

And you're absolutely correct ExPratt, I sure as Hell don't make American policy but I did always exercise my right to vote to remove whatever scoundrels happen to be in office at any given time.

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this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

Still jealous after all these years smile.png

please tell me why you think im jealous of you or america, were do you get this from, why would i be jealous of you or america,

im proud of england what it has done for the world, what it has invented for the good of man,

and as for me being jealous of you,

please read my posting history,

there have been pics of me my wife my children in te farming section, it says on my profile im from wangnamyen, so if anyone ever wanted to meet pigeonjake, they would onlt have to get to wangnamyen and ask for the big falang pig farmer,

im not some keyboard warrior who sits behind a keyboard talking crap, im real myfriend, and someone who has a very very good life here in thailand, very good,

so as for being jealous of you,,,

dont make me laugh,,,

now run along,,



You will have to excuse Jake.

He is still suffering from "Little Country Complex".

Like many of his countrymen, he refuses to acknowledge that America has been the dominant force in economics, technology, food production medical advancement, and military power for the past 70 years.

I understand that it is probably hard to accept after getting away with exploiting most of the world for centuries.

And be careful 2fishing2,

If you start backing up your statements with facts, he will probably get upset and call you a "moron" or find some other personal insult to bash you with.

Good luck!


please point out to me and the other people reading this thread were i have called anyone a moron,

your at it again trying to put words into other peoples posts,

i dont call names my friend,

please point it out to all the readers,,,

if your going to write something about someone back it up with proof


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most thais i meet, couldn't tell you > 2-3 names of US cities or states, much like most americans might point to indonesia, when asked to point to thailand

I doubt that government-government relations and international political issues hold much sway with the typical Thai. Most Thais I've talked to (indeed most Southeast Asians it seems) regard the US as a sort of promised land ... if they had a chance to live overseas, that would be the place. Of course, this speaks to the effectiveness of US propaganda: year after year, surveys come out showing that there are much better places to live (Canada, Scandinavia, Australia, etc. ... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where-to-be-born_Index#2013_rankings, for just one ranking). So I really doubt you will see much of a change in this in the near future, even if the politicians are bickering.

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