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What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page. Lack of humility? Where the hell do Aussies and Brits get off bashing the USA and then not think they lack humility? Some of them on here are the most gawdawful xenophobes I've ever run across.

And you are not cheesy.gif you bring up Muslims in every topic.

As someone pointed out the Muslims in Europe are what the Hispanics and blacks are in the USA.


What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page. Lack of humility? Where the hell do Aussies and Brits get off bashing the USA and then not think they lack humility? Some of them on here are the most gawdawful xenophobes I've ever run across.

And you are not cheesy.gif you bring up Muslims in every topic.

As someone pointed out the Muslims in Europe are what the Hispanics and blacks are in the USA.

That analogy is very weak.

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i don't need to worry about it. i stopped answering the 'where are you from?' question long ago.

I stopped answering that question directly, as well.

In the past I would say "Canada", as it was a pretty neutral answer.

Now I say..."My Momma".


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

well screw them anyhow smile.png they are only jealous.

jealous, of what may i ask,,

Presumably we're all jealous of these unspecified situation that the locals treat them better than us in.

Personally, I've always got the impression that the locals find Americans a little loud and overbearing.

Wishful thinking and biased reporting aside, this cannot be overemphasized. It is the consensus among the Thai, at least at the professional level, where the sense of entitlement though by no means monopolized, is seemingly most pronounced. Among many other things, Americans have long ago forgotten that opinions are to be kept tightly under wraps, unless, and only unless they are requested. No one gives a damn, nor should they give a damn about how anyone else "feels" about something. In the rare instance when they might, again, they will ask. In addition, Americans need to regain sight of the fact that criticism is never actually constructive, something civilized people seem to understand intuitively. The Thai for the most part get each of these aspects of the social dynamic to a fault. They are viewed, and rightfully so, as two key violations of the unwritten social contract. We ignore them at our own peril. And in case anyone "official looking" asks, I'm Canadian.


What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page.

Apparently not. Can you provide links to them?

All you need to do is just toss a dart blindfolded at the TV board. I cringe every time I see a new topic come up with the word American or US, or America in it as I know where it is going to go.

BTW, my best friends here have always been Aussies or Brits and always get along with each other. Most of the ribbing comes from the language differences. biggrin.png

I can't remember the last time someone asked me where I'm from, it's usually from another foreigner rather than Thai. If I'm in Bangkok and a Thai asks me where I'm from I just say Chiang Mai. wink.png

There seems to be a fair bit of Aussie and Brit bashing going on here too. It is strange as I am unaware of any ill feeling between these various groups out in the real world of Thai sois. I only read it on TV.

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jealous, of what may i ask,,

Presumably we're all jealous of these unspecified situation that the locals treat them better than us in.

Personally, I've always got the impression that the locals find Americans a little loud and overbearing.

Don't forget *Mr Know It All* and the fact that locals think their Arrogant and Cheap Chalies...

Wouldn't otherwise stick my nose into an exchange of personal attacks, as I neither believe other westerners are jealous of my nationality, nor think Brits or Aussies are in a position to call anyone else "loud and overbearing." rolleyes.gif

But come on! Americans cheap charlies?? We're known as good tippers the world over, due to being in the habit of tipping 20% in restaurants and a dollar for each glass of beer. Thais especially know that among westerners we're the most likely to tip.

As for the "Mr. Know it all" quip, and being arrogant: I've been called as much. Always seemed hypocritical to me, though, coming from people who had the cheek to pick a fight with me over my nationality in the first place. Especially from Brits exhibiting that very air of superiority they're stereotyped for, and which was in no short supply while they busied themselves with colonizing the world.

I don't think there are many Americans here at all. It takes a minimum of 22 to 30 hours to get here from any city in the USA and there are far nicer places to visit and live much closer, even within the USA . When I do hear an American accent its always at an expensive restaurant or 5 star hotel. The second most accent I hear is an English one. To call most Americans cheap Charlies is just someone who is trying to provoke.


What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page. Lack of humility? Where the hell do Aussies and Brits get off bashing the USA and then not think they lack humility? Some of them on here are the most gawdawful xenophobes I've ever run across.

And you are not cheesy.gif you bring up Muslims in every topic.

As someone pointed out the Muslims in Europe are what the Hispanics and blacks are in the USA.

That analogy is very weak.

How is it weak JT.. they are both immigrants doing in general low wage labor ? They in general both come into contact with the law more as the whites (wanted to say indigenous people but saying that goes wrong if you talk about the US seeing they exterminated most of those)


if the good old U S of A is that good whay are so many here, ? and then moan that the think there not being tret as they think they should be

no one going to kiss there a## just because there american

They aren't in Thailand, Jake. There are four times as many Americans in the world as there are Brits and Aussies combined. Are there four times as many American expats in Thailand as there are Aussies and Brits? Of course not.

That's because most of them don't know where it is...


OP....."Because of past good relations between Thailand and the US, I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

That was a good feeling."

There's your problem. Perception is everything.

How is it weak JT.. they are both immigrants doing in general low wage labor ? They in general both come into contact with the law more as the whites (wanted to say indigenous people but saying that goes wrong if you talk about the US seeing they exterminated most of those)

That shows a lack of sophisticated understanding of U.S. history. Maybe stick to the Dutch stuff perhaps which presumably you would know more about.

African Americans although largely from slave ancestry have become amazingly dominant in the MAINSTREAM CULTURE of the USA.

They are not seen as immigrants!

They are more "American" than many other groups of Americans (a nation of immigrants), culturally speaking.

What could more culturally American than JAZZ or HIP HOP, for example?

You're analogy for African Americans is completely off.

Latino Americans often have indigenous native American bloodlines and of course the Southwest U.S. used to be MEXICO.

Your analogy is a little better if you're talking about Latino illegals only, but that's only part of the story.

I could see that Spain with it's Islamic past might be closer to your flawed, simplistic analogy, but Spain isn't all of Europe.

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I live and work here. My daily life not only hasn't gotten worse, it has improved.

I don't see any changes in how Thailand or Thai people treat Americans. The beneficial laws giving advantages to Americans are still there.

How is it weak JT.. they are both immigrants doing in general low wage labor ? They in general both come into contact with the law more as the whites (wanted to say indigenous people but saying that goes wrong if you talk about the US seeing they exterminated most of those)

That shows a lack of sophisticated understanding of U.S. history. Maybe stick to the Dutch stuff perhaps which presumably you would know more about.

African Americans although largely from slave ancestry have become amazingly dominant in the CULTURE of the USA.

They are not seen as immigrants!

They are more "American" than most Americans, culturally speaking.

You're analogy is completely off!

Latino Americans often have indiginous bloodlines and of course the Southwest U.S. used to be MEXICO.

Your analogy is a little better if you're talking about Latino illegals only, but that's only part of the story.

I could see that Spain with it's Islamic past might be closer to your flawed, simplistic analogy, but Spain isn't all of Europe.

They are doing both low wage stuff and are more into crime. Seems they certainly have similarities no its not 100% correct but that is normal in an analogy.

Yes I know all about your history of the US.. how they gave infected blanket to the Indians biological warfare and such. I know about the slavery and the war for independence. My ancestors might have supplied slaves to the US. I know plenty don't paint me like some ignorant guy because you don't like the analogy. I know how the French of all people helped the Us against the Brits.

Well done for knowing ab it of European history of Spain and the Moors.


Maybe could cut the Americans a little slack if you take an historical view. The U.S. has held sway since WW II. Europe and Japan having been decimated in the war, the American industry had a distinct advantage, not unlike our British mother country following the Napleonic era. Now Japan and Europe have long since rebuilt and are on an equal playing field (allowances here for ongoing trade arguments). So, like the British Empire before the U.S., the French before them, and the Dutch before them...the U.S. Is slowly adjusting to the new reality. Don't expect the status reduction to sit well, but it is reality. The only mitigating circumstances that stand out is the sheer might of the American economy and the military might. That too is a reality. Too bad so much power is in the hands of a populace hugely ignorant of the rest of the world.


I live and work here. My daily life not only hasn't gotten worse, it has improved.

I don't see any changes in how Thailand or Thai people treat Americans. The beneficial laws giving advantages to Americans are still there.

I doubt they change that unless the US really gets annoying. If they change it then Americans have reason to complain.


It's not even close to 100 percent correct. Like I said it is VERY WEAK.

That is your opinion your entitled to it

Whatever. I would advise you to be careful sharing your "opinion" in person with actual African Americans. Calling them "immigrants" is OFFENSIVE except of course for the small minority who are recent immigrants.


It's not even close to 100 percent correct. Like I said it is VERY WEAK.

That is your opinion your entitled to it

Whatever. I would advise you to be careful sharing your "opinion" in person with actual African Americans. Calling them "immigrants" is OFFENSIVE except of course for the small minority who are recent immigrants.

Your the easiest guy to offend in the world, I wont loose sleep over it.

Damm even the whites are immigrants in the US get over yourself.


Election going to happen soon (the sooner the better) in USA and hope to get a new leader who is not Muslim and does not piss off our friends (like Thailand) and embrace the enemy.

Ummm, the "selection" will happen soon and we will have the red and blue team give us another Bush or Clinton....yippee! And while the diabetic comatose Americans fight over which team is better the mega banks and crops will continue to run the show and plunder the country. Yawn.

Every American including the diabetic comatose ones, knows the New England Patriots are the best team. Jeez!


It's not even close to 100 percent correct. Like I said it is VERY WEAK.

That is your opinion your entitled to it

Whatever. I would advise you to be careful sharing your "opinion" in person with actual African Americans. Calling them "immigrants" is OFFENSIVE except of course for the small minority who are recent immigrants.

Your the easiest guy to offend in the world, I wont loose sleep over it.

Damm even the whites are immigrants in the US get over yourself.

You show your lack of sophistication again.

Perhaps it is because you are not a native English speaker?

Yes the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

But to call a specific American an immigrant, you are only talking about FIRST GENERATION immigrants.

Immigrants BECOME Americans. Quickly. That's an American thing.

I am not offended personally ... I know how most African Americans would react to your insult to imply they aren't real Americans.


Funny that the title of this thread has led some of our American cousins to think this is some sort of therapy session.

Please take a seat, and tell me how you feel...

hmm, interdasting..

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Your the easiest guy to offend in the world, I wont loose sleep over it.

for the small minority who are recent immigrants.

Damm even the whites are immigrants in the US get over yourself.

You show your lack of sophistication again.

Perhaps it is because you are not a native English speaker?

Yes the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

But to call a specific American an immigrant, you are only talking about FIRST GENERATION immigrants.

Immigrants BECOME Americans. Quickly. That's an American thing.

I am not offended personally ... I know how most African Americans would react to your insult to imply they aren't real Americans.

OH wow we are fighting about the definition of immigrants.

Man you would be so lucky to be able to master a second language as well as I do. Arrogant that is what you are

Many Muslims in Europe are also not first but some even 3rd generation already. So there you have it my analogy is even better.


Having travelled to the States and met many Yanks (term of endearment) there and back in Australia, I find that most are people I would accept as friends. So I would say that with their attitude, the average Yank would get on pretty well wherever they settled. But I would like to know what situations, that some have referred to, have given you Yanks more favourable treatment over other nationalities?

I am now retired here and have always found the Thais to be respectful and courteous toward me. Maybe it's because I have made an effort to learn their language together with them being taught to respect their elders. Also, I treat people the way I expect to be treated also give them back the respect and courtesy that they show me. I feel comfortable and my confidence in living my life out here has never diminished.

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Your the easiest guy to offend in the world, I wont loose sleep over it.

for the small minority who are recent immigrants.

Damm even the whites are immigrants in the US get over yourself.

You show your lack of sophistication again.

Perhaps it is because you are not a native English speaker?

Yes the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

But to call a specific American an immigrant, you are only talking about FIRST GENERATION immigrants.

Immigrants BECOME Americans. Quickly. That's an American thing.

I am not offended personally ... I know how most African Americans would react to your insult to imply they aren't real Americans.

OH wow we are fighting about the definition of immigrants.

Man you would be so lucky to be able to master a second language as well as I do. Arrogant that is what you are

Many Muslims in Europe are also not first but some even 3rd generation already. So there you have it my analogy is even better.

I'm arrogant. rolleyes.gif

(Maybe look in mirror?)


I already made my points and they can stand.

This conversation is finished.


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

What are Brits ?

I am English and I don't dislike Americans, its just that I only like English people and really only those from London.

In fact just the East End of London, and only Tower Hamlets really. Across the Blackwell Tunnel is too far out.

I am not that happy with the West or South London people. North is Ok'ish. Islington, Angel and Camden

Plus, people from London that I like must have been born and bred there too.

Not teenagers or children either, I can't stand these.

So, what are Brits ?


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

What are Brits ?

I am English and I don't dislike Americans, its just that I only like English people and really only those from London.

In fact just the East End of London, and only Tower Hamlets really. Across the Blackwell Tunnel is too far out.

I am not that happy with the West or South London people. North is Ok'ish. Islington, Angel and Camden

Plus, people from London that I like must have been born and bred there too.

Not teenagers or children either, I can't stand these.

So, what are Brits ?

Clever, you. I enjoyed reading that.

That said, you know right well what I mean. Just like I know what people mean when they say Yanks, even though in the U.S. that term would only apply to 'northerners,' and even then only in a historical context. Present day, it's mostly used as slang for New Yorkers.


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

What are Brits ?

I am English and I don't dislike Americans, its just that I only like English people and really only those from London.

In fact just the East End of London, and only Tower Hamlets really. Across the Blackwell Tunnel is too far out.

I am not that happy with the West or South London people. North is Ok'ish. Islington, Angel and Camden

Plus, people from London that I like must have been born and bred there too.

Not teenagers or children either, I can't stand these.

So, what are Brits ?

I'd never hang out with those from South of the river.. or north of the Watford gap.

I've met a few from east London, but its like they all want to drum your flat, or borrow your favourite guitar..

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Your the easiest guy to offend in the world, I wont loose sleep over it.

for the small minority who are recent immigrants.

Damm even the whites are immigrants in the US get over yourself.

You show your lack of sophistication again.

Perhaps it is because you are not a native English speaker?

Yes the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

But to call a specific American an immigrant, you are only talking about FIRST GENERATION immigrants.

Immigrants BECOME Americans. Quickly. That's an American thing.

I am not offended personally ... I know how most African Americans would react to your insult to imply they aren't real Americans.

OH wow we are fighting about the definition of immigrants.

Man you would be so lucky to be able to master a second language as well as I do. Arrogant that is what you are

Many Muslims in Europe are also not first but some even 3rd generation already. So there you have it my analogy is even better.

I'm arrogant. rolleyes.gif

(Maybe look in mirror?)


I already made my points and they can stand.

This conversation is finished.

Yes your arrogant.. attacking someone on his language in a discussion. Pathetic. Knowing full well you don't even speak a second language to this degree.. and by your own acknowledgement don't even speak a bit of Thai. That is arrogant indeed.

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Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.

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