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What are your plans if you get Cancer?


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4 people I personally knew ,friends,relatives have died from Cancer in the over the last 3 years.

One was Ron 63yo he went back to Farangland from Phuket May 2014 to get chemo for his newly diagnosed stomach cancer.

Healthy fit guy he didnt drink alcohol even though he bought a small bar.

Unfortunately eventually it become paliative chemo ,he died Sept 2014.

Another was another bar owner who had been in Thailand over 20 years...Mick 67yo chose to die in Thailand.,had had the Chemo but then decided to stop it when they said it can only prolong his life but make him sick.

I was with him his last few days and he was joking to the end.

My Mum was another just recently,didnt smoke or drink she went to the hospital with a cough and came out with a diagnosis of advanced cancer...she died about a month later.

They told her sorry you have advanced cancer ..nothing much we can do for you..we can give you chemo but it will make you sick and you could die from it so my Mum chose to go on without chemo.

The doctor asked me if it was ok to increase the morphine and i said yes..she died a few hours later..it was my regret i said yes.

So please be real on this and think what will happen if you get this?

Im prepared for when that time comes.

Dont think all health insurance will pay for all Cancer treatments either.

Some insurance Companies DONT cover palliative care Chemotherapy so if you have been diagnosed with a terminal cancer then dont be surprised if chemo is not covered.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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Of course once you get this insideous disease your whole life will stop..your family also will be forced into it.

Some guys here in Thailand dont have families for support .

But whilst you are in the "ok" phase of cancer and getting treatment you will be busy seeing umpteen lying doctors and in and out for tests.

Eventually you either go into remission or go into palliative care treatment ...is that covered under your insurance ?

Of course doctors will try to sell you clinical trial treatments...if you have already been diagnosed as terminal then this will only maybe and only maybe prolong your life..of course you will be sick..probaly in a wheelchair or bedridden.

Once the Cancer spreads usually to the spine then the lungs then you can start trying to find a place to die..im not sure of hospices in Thailand though.

If i get this disease then i dont want to be the same as the last 3 i saw die...in a bed suffocating for air and cant move ...no i dont want to be in pain like that.

I have made my plans already both financially and medically and legally.

I have already made a video and given someone close to me power of attorney over my affairs in case i get this disease and dont ever think you get symptoms immediately you could have cancer now and not know it until its too late.

There was a healthy woman in my mums hospital ward who had cancer in 4 different places...well all they can do is try to make her life comfortable.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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Pallietive care all they do is give u pain control medicine...sometimes too much.

The Oncologists are liars and cheats and will try to bullshit you.

They get kick backs...free holidays etc from the medical companies.

They drive luxury cars and and cant cure you once you get this.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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Then i guess you dont have health insurance in Thailand.

I have the very best health plan offered by BUPA and cancer is not covered. From my understanding, this is quite common. I think cancer coverage can be purchased separately. Considering I am in my late 20's, I have taken the gamble that I won't get cancer. If I do, I will probably have to return to America where my health coverage does indeed include coverage for cancer.

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

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Then i guess you dont have health insurance in Thailand.

I have the very best health plan offered by BUPA and cancer is not covered. From my understanding, this is quite common. I think cancer coverage can be purchased separately. Considering I am in my late 20's, I have taken the gamble that I won't get cancer. If I do, I will probably have to return to America where my health coverage does indeed include coverage for cancer.

I would suggest you check your plan again, because there are no best or second best plans with Bupa.

There is the age, and coverage amount,, inpatient and outpatient.

All inpatient plans cover cancer treatment by BUPA

Unless you are referring to your health insurance back home, expat health insurance is not in the same boat

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

I think in Thailand its down to a hospital.

Public hospitals do not even offer chemo for free and once its confirmed, docs send people home with paracetamol.

Private hospitals is another matter, though without insurance bills run up really big and really fast.

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Then i guess you dont have health insurance in Thailand.

I have the very best health plan offered by BUPA and cancer is not covered. From my understanding, this is quite common. I think cancer coverage can be purchased separately. Considering I am in my late 20's, I have taken the gamble that I won't get cancer. If I do, I will probably have to return to America where my health coverage does indeed include coverage for cancer.

I would suggest you check your plan again, because there are no best or second best plans with Bupa.

There is the age, and coverage amount,, inpatient and outpatient.

All inpatient plans cover cancer treatment by BUPA

Unless you are referring to your health insurance back home, expat health insurance is not in the same boat

I just checked and you are right. I don't know why I though cancer was excluded.

However, there are different levels to BUPA plans. Thats why they call the best one the "Diamond Plan". They also offer accident, and even a plan just for Thai nationals that exudes coverage at the international hospitals.

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

I think in Thailand its down to a hospital.

Public hospitals do not even offer chemo for free and once its confirmed, docs send people home with paracetamol.

Private hospitals is another matter, though without insurance bills run up really big and really fast.

This is not the case. Government hospitals do provide cancer treatment, including chemo, and it is often free unless a very new drug not on the list is involved. There are a number of specialized regional cancer hospitals in the government system, treating large numbers of patients.

But agree that palliative care here is poor and hit or miss.

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

why were they not allowed morphine?

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

why were they not allowed morphine?

Probably think they'll become addicted. blink.png

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

why were they not allowed morphine?

Probably think they'll become addicted. blink.png

yes,but does it matter if they're going to die anyway

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I am shocked to hear certain cancer patients can not receive morphine if in pain.

Seems like an issue with the specific Dr. rather than overall healthcare system in Thailand. I have had no problem gaining access to pain killers for my chronic pain. That said, it has been in private hospitals, not government ones.

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if diagnosed i would make a radical change to my bodies fuel source , i believe our bodies if given the right conditions can reverse many diseases including cancer , no drugs for me only what nature can provide ... i also have lost many family /friends to cancer , we all must make our own choices on how to treat cancer , for me it would not be dependant on the medical system.

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georgegeorgia -- I've been with a number of cancer victims at the end here in Thailand and the lucky ones get morphine. Not everyone does. I've witnessed some awful deaths. So, please don't beat yourself up about accepting morphine for your Mum. You did the right thing. I've been with cancer victims who would have been so thankful for the final gift of morphine.

why were they not allowed morphine?

Probably think they'll become addicted. blink.png

yes,but does it matter if they're going to die anyway

Try not to put your quote under my name please. wai.gif

Exactly, it was tongue in cheek but I have no doubt that's what many medics think (unfortunately).

Of course it doesn't matter and in a western hospice system the person would be in control if able, to pump as much morphine as they need. They have absolutely no idea of pain management in this country.

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The Doctor asked me if she could give Mum a syringe driver of morphine,she said this will help her breathe.

I had no idea what a syringe driver was but it was a little machine that pumps the morphine into her.

Towards the end of the day she appeared "drunk" but in a happy type state.

I was worried about her so i told her I will ask the doctor to take it off but my mum said no leave it on.

The last thing she said which was quite strange was "is this the last place you go to before you go up there? Pointing towards the roof.

Anyway she died about 6 hours later,her breathing was going slower.

I really really think the Doctors do help them along to go..i really do.

It must be that stuff inside the syringe..is it morphine that makes their breathing go slow???

I was very angry at that Doctor at first but Mum was in pain so maybe the better thing.

I dont how she got this cancer,only about 4 months ago she was hanging out the washing and walking everyday.

Just happens I guess.

I just took her to the hospital because she was feeling tired and started to cough a lot then they found advanced cancer.

As for Ron my friend who owned a bar,he was also feeling tired and started to get stomach pains then they found cancer in him too.

He knew he was dying..sure they gave him Chemo but it only took about 6 months from diagnosis and he was gone.

As for those saying they will beat it by eating natural foods...you cant eat once you get this...you become skin and bones...not sure how you are going to force yourself to eat...then the cancer spreads and eats away your body..usually the spine..then your bedridden ...then the tongue the throat so cant swallow then the lungs so u gasp for air...then they get out the syringe driver and to help you on your way.

The nurses that work in the cancer wards should be given medals,i couldnt do it.

Please check to see of your insurance covers Palliative Care..because usually once the hospital says we cant do anymore for you...you can either go home to die or try to find a hospice or a nursing home.

In Thailand if you choose at home then you will need at least a visiting nurse to give you pain treatment..take u to the toilet ..feed you if you can still eat or through the stomach.

I think Pattaya hospital have a Palliative Care ward but im not sure 100%.

The other Aussie friend Mick went into Sattahip where i think they hadva palliative care ward but was limited to 22 days.

Of course family members may jump into want to help..that may sound ok.mbut if your bedridden that means chsnging your underwear...nappy ...etc.

By this time my experience tells me thst your ready and wanting to leave this earth.

Im sorry for being graphic..but this is what i saw and experienced going to visit and constantly be around cancer wards and patients.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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I do not want to write all my journey with cancer, but this may help....like second opinions do.

I was very healthy in 2007 in the US. Without any bad symptoms, I got "terminal colon cancer", and after all the testings, the oncologist called for an immediate surgery to remove the splint and half of my stomach. No more comments. Just 3 days before the surgery, and after all my friends "preparations for my funeral", I got lucky. The surgeon told me what that surgery will do it for my future life, and also told me that if he was in my situation he not will do it.

In doing that, he didn't make the money, and also took the risk to lose the connection with the oncologist....probably he saves my life.

I canceled the surgery. I looked for a second opinion with a gastroenterologist. He told me that he can take, without big surgery, part of the big tumor, and wait for my body to fight it with better chances to win, before thinking in do something major.

He did a colonoscopy/surgery. After new testings, the tumor still positive, and the oncologist insisted in doing the big surgery.

The gastroenterologist told me that I need to take time to RELAX. I was with a lot of stress because financial problems with my company. I was broke.

I come to Chiang Mai for 2 month of relax, meditation, and good nutrition. At my return to the US, new testings showed that my tumor was gone and I was FREE of cancer. I retired, and move to Chiang Mai in 2010, to keep a very active life, a perfect health, and living the best time of my life, at 70. with a wonderful 48 years old beautiful Thai wife...that is giving me all the reason to enjoy any time left in my life.

By the way, I am writing this after seating at the table with my in laws, sharing a very spicy menu. The only stomach testing I keep doing for the last 5 years. Never visited a doctor or a hospital again.....

Edited by umbanda
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Last year, my mate coughs in blood while playing golf out in Ban Chang , went to international Pattaya Hospital , X rayed , Thai doctor tells him , not good news , you have cancer in lungs . Went home three days later ( already planned going home after 5 weeks holidays) went to his local doctor in Ireland for second opinion and get treatment . Send him for another x ray , too foggy to be clear , told him to wait for 6 weeks after anti biotic tablets is finished . Went to X-ray again , all clear , no cancer , it was lung infection all along . It was the hardest two months of his life , preparing for death , even booked a flight to Bangkok two months later while waiting for result . He went ahead with the trip , happy , he said , he was pissed off with Pattaya doctor mistakes but delighted to know he is in the clear .

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I don't want to intrude on this with a big debate, as I have great sympathy for anyone who has lost relatives to cancer, as I have myself.

I just wanted to say that the reasons why people get cancer are very well understood now, and perhaps knowing the reasons will help sort out whether the conflicting advice often presented on various websites and by various posters is valuable or not.

The fact that cancers are so hard to cure, and treatments are primitive, is that each cancer is different, and so "a" cure is not possible. Also, because of how cancers are caused, the problem is very hard to solve, so saying 'why can't science cure cancer yet?' is a bit like saying 'why haven't we got teleportation devices yet?'. It's just very difficult.

Here's what causes cancer. Your body is made up of billions of tiny cells, arranged into organs: liver, blood, kidney, brain, and so on. For your body to work, each cell must be rigidly controlled, so that it stays as a liver cell, does not divide until necessary, does not move around the body but stays in the liver and so on.

Because of the problems it would cause if cells did not obey these rules, they are rigidly controlled by 2 to 300 genes inside each cell. Each usually has a back up so if one gene, say one that tells a cell "don't divide now", gets damaged, a back up gene will stop the cell dividing even though the primary one has broken. Cancer is cells dividing when they shouldn't, travelling round the body when they shouldn't and forming huge masses everywhere which kill you.

Genes are made of DNA, and the most common way a gene gets broken is by damage to the DNA, so things that damage DNA cause cancer. So one of the most important safety pathways are many DNA repair genes that function to detect mistakes in DNA and repair them.

Unfortunately these DNA repair genes can be broken themselves by things that damage DNA, because they are themselves made of DNA. Things that damage DNA are often chemicals that are known to react physically with DNA and break it ( cigarette smoke, benzene), or radiation which breaks DNA by hitting it physically, or creating body chemicals that destroy it (sunlight/ UV radiation, atomic fallout).

Because cells have backup safety genes, a cell only becomes cancerous when more than one of the safety controlling genes get damaged. That means in a single cell, gene A has to break, say from repeated cigarette smoke exposure, then gene B, then gene C. Once all the back ups in a pathway are damaged cancer starts, because the cell divides out of control. Not surprisingly it is often cells where a DNA repair gene is damaged first that go on to get cancer, because the next gene that gets damaged can escape repair.

This explains why cancer increases with age- it takes time and bad luck for 3 or 4 safety genes in the same pathway to get damaged in the same cell, and the longer you live, the more likely these mutations are to build up. This also explains why some people are genetically predisposed to cancer (eg Angelina Jolie): they are born with one of the safety genes (BRCA1) already broken, in every body cell. It explains why chemicals that react with DNA give you cancer.

It also explains why there can't be one cure for cancer- there are 2-300 genes that can possibly cause cancer if damage to any 3 , 4 or 5 of them accumulates in one cell. Each combination of damaged genes will make a cell do different dangerous things, because they control 100s of cell pathways.

Knowing this, scientists have identified the exact number and identity of the genes that have gone wrong in very many cancers. Armed with this knowledge they have managed to develop specific drugs that are aimed at restoring normal function in a specific pathway that has gone wrong in a specific cancer. There are a handful of drugs now which work because the faulty genes have been identified and targetted.

Most pathways are still not fully known, and once known there is no guarantee that any pharmaceutical compound can be developed to fix it. This is the luck of the draw. Many think that repairing the actual faulty genes by gene therapy will be possible. There are other avenues too.

Given these reasons, dietary changes and will power seem unlikely to be very fruitful in my opinion. But that is a matter for individuals. It is just deciding without knowing the background is never wise

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It's simple. If i had the power the build it in my body then obviously i have the power to destroy it. That's what i would do.

As a cancer survivor I found your comment ignorant, condescending, and outright rude.

"Let your body fight it by itself" arguments lead to death.

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Pallietive care all they do is give u pain control medicine...sometimes too much.

The Oncologists are liars and cheats and will try to bullshit you.

They get kick backs...free holidays etc from the medical companies.

They drive luxury cars and and cant cure you once you get this.

Seems like this is all a troll post rant against doctors and "big pharma"

I was cured of cancer by an oncologist who drove a Toyota.

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