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Well whatever I do it won't be like Steve Jobs, I will listen to what my doctors advise

Steve Jobs 'regretted trying to beat cancer with alternative medicine for so long'

Steve Jobs died regretting that he had spent so long attempting to treat his cancer with alternative medicine before agreeing to undergo surgery, his biographer has disclosed.

source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/8841347/Steve-Jobs-regretted-trying-to-beat-cancer-with-alternative-medicine-for-so-long.html


I'd want to know why the governments are withholding ether research results that proves DCA kills cancer cells... Therefore we have a cure don't we...?

Evil Pharmaceutical companies want people to keep suffering, the money they make off the backs of cancer sufferers alone is phenomenal!

WHY ON EARTH would they want to cure cancer?

DCA = Dichloracetic acid

There's some interesting YouTube videos on DCA...


Well whatever I do it won't be like Steve Jobs, I will listen to what my doctors advise

Steve Jobs 'regretted trying to beat cancer with alternative medicine for so long'

Steve Jobs died regretting that he had spent so long attempting to treat his cancer with alternative medicine before agreeing to undergo surgery, his biographer has disclosed.

source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/8841347/Steve-Jobs-regretted-trying-to-beat-cancer-with-alternative-medicine-for-so-long.html


With cancer we can choose medical treatment that has a miserable success rate but at least you will paying off someone's Mercedes.

Or you can go "alternate" that has much better success rate than the Establishment media tells us. Guess why.

Where to start? Try the cancer tutor although there are many other genuine sites.

Why would you pay insurance for years to get free chemo that has a miserable 3% success rate? Statistically even doing nothing you live longer.


Why would you pay insurance for years to get free chemo that has a miserable 3% success rate? Statistically even doing nothing you live longer.

"Chemo" does not have any fixed success rate since it varies completely with the type and stage of cancer and the type of chemo

For some cancers, chemo is completely curative

For others it prolongs survival meaning that statistically, people live longer with it

For yet other cancers chemo does not significantly prolong life in which case it is not recommended


With cancer we can choose medical treatment that has a miserable success rate but at least you will paying off someone's Mercedes.

Or you can go "alternate" that has much better success rate than the Establishment media tells us. Guess why.

Where to start? Try the cancer tutor although there are many other genuine sites.

Why would you pay insurance for years to get free chemo that has a miserable 3% success rate? Statistically even doing nothing you live longer.

Pure Bunk!

Anyone who would follow this advice should prepare to die.


I'd want to know why the governments are withholding ether research results that proves DCA kills cancer cells... Therefore we have a cure don't we...?

Evil Pharmaceutical companies want people to keep suffering, the money they make off the backs of cancer sufferers alone is phenomenal!

WHY ON EARTH would they want to cure cancer?

DCA = Dichloracetic acid

There's some interesting YouTube videos on DCA...

They are withholding the information because the research doesn't yet prove that DCA kills cancers. It has shrunk some tumors in some rats but that is as far as it goes at this point.

No use calling it a cure.

I don't believe the "Big Pharma" wants to keep cancer patients suffering conspiracy theory in the least.

There has been remarkable progress in treatment up to this time. 40 years ago my cancer was a death sentence, now it's a 75% cure rate.

Oh, and most of the rats died of liver failure.


My situation has gone from bad to worse...i was in a period of remission and feeling not too bad, but as we predicted it was only a short relief..Now is on again with a vengeance late advanced stage..next stop ..end stage...such is life. .... Medics/ family etc want me to return to my home country for ease of/and final planning...not sure yet as to my own decision on this...it is up to me...enjoy some more time in chilled out LOS or go to a sterile, boring, expensive home city.....and wait.......


if it happens it happens and my only plan is to die hopefully with some dignity or until I am given to much medicine which ever comes first .


My father recently passed away from cancer (multiple myeloma) and based on his experience, if it happens during old age I won't be treating it. The doctors gave him a year if left untreated, he went for treatments and only lasted a year anyway.

Better to spend the money on cryogenic preservation. I realise in this day and age even with simpler life forms like rats the chances of being revived successfully are low and even if successful will result in brain damage in humans, but technology will improve in time and in any case it's a better alternative than never waking up again.


My situation has gone from bad to worse...i was in a period of remission and feeling not too bad, but as we predicted it was only a short relief..Now is on again with a vengeance late advanced stage..next stop ..end stage...such is life. .... Medics/ family etc want me to return to my home country for ease of/and final planning...not sure yet as to my own decision on this...it is up to me...enjoy some more time in chilled out LOS or go to a sterile, boring, expensive home city.....and wait.......

I feel for you. I had fantastic support from friends and family and they are important.

Do what makes you happiest....I'd rather be here and would hope loved ones would come here instead.


So i guess if u go back to your home country...they can give u treatment mass doses of Chemo to help u live a few more weeks or months...but no guarantee. .wouldnt you rather stay to die on Thailand. ...your dying mate...im sorry but why go home to die when your family is with u in Thailsnd....please please make a Will if u havent !!!


I'd want to know why the governments are withholding ether research results that proves DCA kills cancer cells... Therefore we have a cure don't we...?

Evil Pharmaceutical companies want people to keep suffering, the money they make off the backs of cancer sufferers alone is phenomenal!

WHY ON EARTH would they want to cure cancer?

DCA = Dichloracetic acid

There's some interesting YouTube videos on DCA...

They are withholding the information because the research doesn't yet prove that DCA kills cancers. It has shrunk some tumors in some rats but that is as far as it goes at this point.

No use calling it a cure.

I don't agree.

If it's killing the cancerous cells then it's at least on its way to being a viable cure isn't it...

The tumour shrinks because the DCA is killing the cells... I don't need to tell you that!

I don't believe the "Big Pharma" wants to keep cancer patients suffering conspiracy theory in the least.

Of course it does!

As the fella said "their patent expire after a couple of years" and that puts an end to their monopolisation if the drug.

There has been remarkable progress in treatment up to this time. 40 years ago my cancer was a death sentence, now it's a 75% cure rate.

Because they have to keep coming up with new drugs that "sort of work" and have some nasty side effects (for which you take other drugs for) so they can keep monopolising the market... But they're never going to come out with the one that could be "the ultimate cure" are they?

I dread to think how much money they made just from you and your treatment...

Oh, and most of the rats died of liver failure.

"Most" but not all... But they're lab rats aren't they? They did what they were bred for... The ones that survived were the lucky ones...

Just like the rats that died while the drugs you took to conquer your cancer died for the research of a drug.

This should put you back on the right track mate


I'd want to know why the governments are withholding ether research results that proves DCA kills cancer cells... Therefore we have a cure don't we...?

Evil Pharmaceutical companies want people to keep suffering, the money they make off the backs of cancer sufferers alone is phenomenal!

WHY ON EARTH would they want to cure cancer?

DCA = Dichloracetic acid

There's some interesting YouTube videos on DCA...

They are withholding the information because the research doesn't yet prove that DCA kills cancers. It has shrunk some tumors in some rats but that is as far as it goes at this point.

No use calling it a cure.

I don't agree.

If it's killing the cancerous cells then it's at least on its way to being a viable cure isn't it...

The tumour shrinks because the DCA is killing the cells... I don't need to tell you that!

I don't believe the "Big Pharma" wants to keep cancer patients suffering conspiracy theory in the least.

Of course it does!

As the fella said "their patent expire after a couple of years" and that puts an end to their monopolisation if the drug.

There has been remarkable progress in treatment up to this time. 40 years ago my cancer was a death sentence, now it's a 75% cure rate.

Because they have to keep coming up with new drugs that "sort of work" and have some nasty side effects (for which you take other drugs for) so they can keep monopolising the market... But they're never going to come out with the one that could be "the ultimate cure" are they?

I dread to think how much money they made just from you and your treatment...

Oh, and most of the rats died of liver failure.

"Most" but not all... But they're lab rats aren't they? They did what they were bred for... The ones that survived were the lucky ones...

Just like the rats that died while the drugs you took to conquer your cancer died for the research of a drug.

This should put you back on the right track mate

It may be "on its way to being a cure." But it's not a cure yet.

You said "proof" it kills cancer because it kills cancer cells. Ok, many things kill cancer cells but harm the patient, or the lab rats, to the point they are unviable.

At this point DCA is unviable.

"Just like the rats that died while the drugs you took to conquer your cancer died for the research of a drug."

Which makes my point that the medical industry is actually trying to find a cure.

Lab rats died so I could be cancer free.

If big pharma wanted to keep me on meds, I'd be on meds now.

You used the term " monopolising the market" and I'm telling you death monopolized the market years ago.

I was on the right track before your tin-foil hat comments.

if you get cancer, you can make your own decision and I'm sorry if you choose quackery like you're expounding.


DNR....this is what I learnt last week..it means in medical terms...Do Not Resusciate..this is what the Doctors will ask you and your family when you get terminal cancer.

So this is what you need to know...obviously if your 83yo with advanced cancer that has spread...well...BUT I can assure you that when you get to that stage even at 33yo you will probaly want to join the DNR.

If i get the Cancer and they tell me...sorry its spread to your liver etc...next few weeks or months it will spread to be Lungs but you can go back to Farangland and we will give you intense Chemo to slow it down...SORRY ..NO !!!

I will STAY in Thailand to die...i will try to get everything that i can to say goodbye etc...rather than end up as a bedridden mess in some hospital in Farangland where i cannot even move in a bed.

But I will stay in Thailand and I wont hopefully get to that last stage of massive pain..bedridden sweating in a bed...gasping to breathe ..lettimg me die like a dog in a bed for 24 hours as my breathing slows and i cant even move or talk and everyone sitting around the bed talking about me....at least i will have access to the drugs in Thailand and i will go when i want...not some Doctor giving me morphine every few hours to slow my breathing so i can die like a dog in bed...thats what happens..you end u0 having a heart attack ...this cruel disease is hard to beat...better to stay in Thailand rather than go back to Farangland and then if your too sick to get back...you will die like a dog.


If i had a cancer, I would just say good bye to people i love, leave everything behind and retreat to the small shack by the creek preparing myself for the journey. Seriously i do not want my beloved ones to suffer seeing me deteriate. I dont want them to spend a big chunck trying to save me either. I do not really believe in Chemo, it is very toxic to your body. IMHO cancer is the way your body tells you that the way you live your life is toxic to yourself. Everyday life is too hectic and stressed. The food and drink we consume, even the air we breathe in they are all contaminated. I think at one point everybody is bound to get sick with cancer. It is only the matter of time. People who take good care of their minds and bodies might have cancer at the age of 75, while people who just let thier lives float along with the stream of nonsense and stress might have cancer in their early fifties. I believe Cancer is the sign that you should radically change your life.

That's the reason why i need to retreat to somewhere serene. I would clear my mind or at least try to put it at ease. Enjoy every passing second, just sit there by the creek be part of the nature and for once try not to go against it. If it is my time to die then i want to die beautifully and peacefully. But aybe living that way will completely heal my mind. Since mind is over the body, who knows maybe my cancer will be gone or at least go into remission.


If i had a cancer, I would just say good bye to people i love, leave everything behind and retreat to the small shack by the creek preparing myself for the journey. Seriously i do not want my beloved ones to suffer seeing me deteriate. I dont want them to spend a big chunck trying to save me either. I do not really believe in Chemo, it is very toxic to your body. IMHO cancer is the way your body tells you that the way you live your life is toxic to yourself. Everyday life is too hectic and stressed. The food and drink we consume, even the air we breathe in they are all contaminated. I think at one point everybody is bound to get sick with cancer. It is only the matter of time. People who take good care of their minds and bodies might have cancer at the age of 75, while people who just let thier lives float along with the stream of nonsense and stress might have cancer in their early fifties. I believe Cancer is the sign that you should radically change your life.

That's the reason why i need to retreat to somewhere serene. I would clear my mind or at least try to put it at ease. Enjoy every passing second, just sit there by the creek be part of the nature and for once try not to go against it. If it is my time to die then i want to die beautifully and peacefully. But aybe living that way will completely heal my mind. Since mind is over the body, who knows maybe my cancer will be gone or at least go into remission.

What an absolute defeatist approach. Also one which blames the victim.

Kids get cancer at ages very young. How do you tell a 4 year old that their lifestyle is to blame and they need to get thier affairs together?

I got cancer at 47 and doctors were very interested in researching me because the form was very uncommon in someone as young as me.

I hope all the trials and extra tests I did in the name of research help you lot out.

40 years ago my cancer was a death sentence. It is now mostly survivable. It took a toll on my body in ways I wish didn't happen, but it's better to be alive and the next generation hopefully won't suffer the same.

I'm glad I looked it in the eye and underwent the brutal treatments now currently available.

Chemo IS toxic to your body, unfortunately Cancer is worse. Faced with death or a brutal treatment, I'd choose to live.

I abhor your suggestion that cancer is the patient's fault.

Cancer free 7 years now, living my life!!!!


My mother died of cancer around 15 years ago. Her quality of life was quite good until they began taking biopsies and starting her on Chemo. From that point on every day was a misery for her. I tend to lean towards this article...

Chemotherapy kills cancer patients faster than no treatment at all

Monday, March 02, 2015 by: Ethan Huff


but wtfdik - to each their own IMO



Yes i agree...my Mother opted for no Chemo for her Advanced Cancer..she was 82yo frail..so it probaly wouldnt of done anything for her in her last weeks.

I begged her to take it ...maybe it could of prolonged her life..but she refused after seeing my Father go through it..he got sick from the Chemo..vomiting etc then he decided he had had enough...


If i had a cancer, I would just say good bye to people i love, leave everything behind and retreat to the small shack by the creek preparing myself for the journey. Seriously i do not want my beloved ones to suffer seeing me deteriate. I dont want them to spend a big chunck trying to save me either. I do not really believe in Chemo, it is very toxic to your body. IMHO cancer is the way your body tells you that the way you live your life is toxic to yourself. Everyday life is too hectic and stressed. The food and drink we consume, even the air we breathe in they are all contaminated. I think at one point everybody is bound to get sick with cancer. It is only the matter of time. People who take good care of their minds and bodies might have cancer at the age of 75, while people who just let thier lives float along with the stream of nonsense and stress might have cancer in their early fifties. I believe Cancer is the sign that you should radically change your life.

That's the reason why i need to retreat to somewhere serene. I would clear my mind or at least try to put it at ease. Enjoy every passing second, just sit there by the creek be part of the nature and for once try not to go against it. If it is my time to die then i want to die beautifully and peacefully. But aybe living that way will completely heal my mind. Since mind is over the body, who knows maybe my cancer will be gone or at least go into remission.

Have had cancer twice firstly 1992 and again in 96. 92 was testicular and just required an operation and back to work in no time. Second was in the stomach and not so straight forward but after operation and several rounds of chemo I was given the all clear and remain so to this day and will be 63 this year.


Mahseer..i feel for you..must of shown strong resilience going through all that and not knowing if it was going to work or not...i hope It has made you a stronger person...whether it will come back lster is anyones guess.


Mahseer..i feel for you..must of shown strong resilience going through all that and not knowing if it was going to work or not...i hope It has made you a stronger person...whether it will come back lster is anyones guess.

Thank you I am all clear. i was fortunate in the order I had cancer. I was still doing follow ups from the first hit when the second was discovered so it was caught early enough to remove but the point of my posts was simply to point out to maxme (couple of posts above) that just because you are diagnosed with cancer doesn't always mean the end is near.

Watched a documentary last night called 'Horizon: Defeating cancer' which is on again today on True channel 561 at 1300. Its from 2012 but interesting to watch.


Mahseer..i feel for you..must of shown strong resilience going through all that and not knowing if it was going to work or not...i hope It has made you a stronger person...whether it will come back lster is anyones guess.

Thank you I am all clear. i was fortunate in the order I had cancer. I was still doing follow ups from the first hit when the second was discovered so it was caught early enough to remove but the point of my posts was simply to point out to maxme (couple of posts above) that just because you are diagnosed with cancer doesn't always mean the end is near.

Watched a documentary last night called 'Horizon: Defeating cancer' which is on again today on True channel 561 at 1300. Its from 2012 but interesting to watch.

What pains me, is the lengths people will go to say "Big Pharma" doesn't want to cure you and that chemo kills you faster than the cancer.

People are so scared of it that they invent miracle cures and crap diets that convinces them they'll never get it.

I've been asked "Why did you get cancer? What did you do wrong?"

The chemo and the surgeries were brutal and left lasting issues for me, but I'm out drawing, painting, and photographing my fantastic life in Thailand.

So glad, like you, we can survive it!

  • 1 month later...

Had Bladder Cancer in 2002........Not recurred as yet touch wood.........Intend to enjoy myself in the Interim cash Pensions etc and rock on


Latest on battling inflammation, oxidation, etc. to boost & detoxify the immune system with certain nutrition, exercise, etc. to stop Cancer. Free viewing won't last long so see it today. http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/spring15/replay.php?a_aid=1587332

There were a couple of doctors on there who didn't take mainstream treatments of chemo and radiation and went for alternative therapies and went into remission from late stage cancers.

I like the idea of non toxic therapies.

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