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Money Laws


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I was wondering, if there were any limits on the amount of cash, in any currency, that can be brought to Thailand, or if you'd have to decalre a certain amount.

I'm in the UK, maybe each home country has it's own rules. If I put a load of cash in my suitcase I guess it wouldn't get searched, but obviously I'd prefer to have it as hand luggage.

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just found the answer myself.

Inbound Passengers: Inbound passengers are allowed to bring in unlimited amount of foreign and Thai currencies.

Outbound passengers: Unlimited amount of foreign currencies are permitted to carry out of Thailand. However, the amount of Baht 50,000 or more in Thai currency must be reported on departure, except those traveling to Lao PDR., Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam are allowed to take out Thai currency not exceeding 500,000 Baht.

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I was wondering, if there were any limits on the amount of cash, in any currency, that can be brought to Thailand, or if you'd have to decalre a certain amount.

I'm in the UK, maybe each home country has it's own rules. If I put a load of cash in my suitcase I guess it wouldn't get searched, but obviously I'd prefer to have it as hand luggage.

Your question has two parts:

1. How much cash is one allowed to take out of one’s home country?

2. How much in foreign currency is one allowed to bring into Thailand?

You have answered the second question. Regarding the first question, your assumption that it depends on the country is correct.

In many countries, probably including the UK, if you were found to carry several million pounds cash with you it may not be illegal but some questions may be asked about the origin of the money. This has to do with anti-money-laundering laws, not with currency restrictions per se. Was it earned honestly and taxes paid on it, or is it, for example, from a bank robbery?

Some countries do indeed have legal limits on the amount of cash being taken out of the country without official authorisation. Italy used to be one of them but that was before the country joined the Euro zone.



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just found the answer myself.

Inbound Passengers: Inbound passengers are allowed to bring in unlimited amount of foreign and Thai currencies.

Outbound passengers: Unlimited amount of foreign currencies are permitted to carry out of Thailand. However, the amount of Baht 50,000 or more in Thai currency must be reported on departure, except those traveling to Lao PDR., Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam are allowed to take out Thai currency not exceeding 500,000 Baht.


Quote: "Inbound passengers are allowed to bring in unlimited amount of foreign and Thai currencies. "

I seem to remember that there is an amount of CURRENCY (as in actual currency) that has to be declared on arrival. No total amount of funds, but I seem to recall that over $10,000 dollars in currency has to be declared on your custom form. I may be wrong. For one thing, I have never brought in over $10,000 in currency,and I'm not likely to be doing that in the near future.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I seem to remember that there is an amount of CURRENCY (as in actual currency) that has to be declared on arrival. No total amount of funds, but I seem to recall that over $10,000 dollars in currency has to be declared on your custom form. I may be wrong. For one thing, I have never brought in over $10,000 in currency,and I'm not likely to be doing that in the near future.


custom form: You do not need a customs form, anymore. Has been abandoned about 2 years (?) ago.

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I was wondering, if there were any limits on the amount of cash, in any currency, that can be brought to Thailand, or if you'd have to decalre a certain amount.

I'm in the UK, maybe each home country has it's own rules. If I put a load of cash in my suitcase I guess it wouldn't get searched, but obviously I'd prefer to have it as hand luggage.

Did you just rob a bank?
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I was wondering, if there were any limits on the amount of cash, in any currency, that can be brought to Thailand, or if you'd have to decalre a certain amount.

I'm in the UK, maybe each home country has it's own rules. If I put a load of cash in my suitcase I guess it wouldn't get searched, but obviously I'd prefer to have it as hand luggage.

Did you just rob a bank?

Maybe he is planning to :o

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