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Israel intercepts Gaza-bound shipment of materials for weapons making


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Israel intercepts Gaza-bound shipment of materials for weapons making

JERUSALEM, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Navy and Security Service (the Shin Bet) intercepted a shipment of materials for allegedly manufacturing weapons on its way to the Gaza Strip, the army revealed on Wednesday night.

A fishing boat containing liquid fiberglass, a material mostly used to repair boats and cars, was caught by Israeli commandos on Jan. 19.

Three Palestinians on board the boat were arrested. They admitted during an investigation that the shipment was destined for a military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement, said a spokesperson with the Shin Bet.

The suspects also admitted that the material was meant to be used for manufacturing rockets and mortars, the spokesperson added.

On Wednesday, the three were indicted in an Israeli court with a range of security offenses.

On Aug. 26, a fragile ceasefire agreement concluded Israel's 50-day-long war in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2015-02/12/c_127485972.htm

-- Xinhua 2015-02-12

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Give them full (fool) freedom!

Stop the blockade!

Arabs from Gaza have the right to fight Israel!

Israel has no right to prevent the Gaza Arabs from fight if they want to fight!

Israel has no right to prevent Gaza Arabs from digging tunnels under their homes!

Israel has no right to blow up the tunnels because the homes of innocent Arabs are to be destroyed!

Israel has no right to return the rocket fire at Gaza Arabs because their rockets are not antiquated!

Any collateral damage Israel causes is the full responsibility of Israel!

Israel is to be tried for genocide of Gaza Arabs soon!

Those bloody Jews together with those bloody Zionists are engaged in dirty wars against legitimate efforts of Arabs to destroy them!

Those bloody Zionist Jews have the audacity to beat the shiite out of those peaceful Arabs!

First time in 2,000 years those bloody Jews refuse to die peacefully!

Where is our new brave world really going?

Presumably you also think Israel has the "right" to drop white phosphorus on civilian targets in Gaza?

Like when the Palestinians blow up cafés full of innocent civilians in Israel?

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Bad news Israel, nobody believes you anymore. Thaivisa.com readers aside, I mean in the real world. The sympathy vote has long since sailed. Shouldn't you be busy bombing UN schools and working on building the walls around that concentration camp in Gaza?

Israel would rather continue to survive than worry too much about what irrational Israel demonizers and "anti-Zionists" who are often/usually indistinguishable from Jew haters might think. Historically, the world mostly has never wanted Jews living among them for very long; now the world mostly doesn't want the Jews to dominate one small state. What are the Jews to do? Jump in the sea? Been there, done that.

"now the world mostly doesn't want the Jews to dominate one small state"

They have no problem with them dominating Israel within the borders which were originally drawn out. They have a problem with them also wanting to dominate their neighbors in Palestine and with them stealing their land and bombing them with banned weapons.

I think you are being very naive about the enemies of Israel.

Look at the stated goals of Iran ... to end Israel.

Look at the stated goals of Hamas ... to end Israel.

Listen to the chants of the pro Palestinian protesters globally ... Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea ... that means the end of Israel.

Forgetting even about the "Too Bad Hitler Didn't Finish the Job" type stuff.

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Whatever you may think, Israel faces real existential threats from it's hostile neighbors who aren't interested in letting Israel even exist. Deal with it. Israel is!

It's easy to get all idealistic and Kumbaya for people who aren't in the middle of it ..

Edited by Jingthing
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Whatever you may think, Israel faces real existential threats from it's hostile neighbors who aren't interested in letting Israel even exist. Deal with it. Israel is!

It's easy to get all idealistic and Kumbaya for people who aren't in the middle of it ..

Their hostile neighbors? Israel have invaded ever neighboring country. Which country in the Middle East has been a party to more conflicts in the past 50 years than Israel?

You've got it backwards. The neighbors invaded them. Hence the hostile neighbors label. rolleyes.gif

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Whatever you may think, Israel faces real existential threats from it's hostile neighbors who aren't interested in letting Israel even exist. Deal with it. Israel is!

It's easy to get all idealistic and Kumbaya for people who aren't in the middle of it ..

Their hostile neighbors? Israel have invaded ever neighboring country. Which country in the Middle East has been a party to more conflicts in the past 50 years than Israel?

You've got it backwards. The neighbors invaded them. Hence the hostile neighbors label.

Israel first invaded Syria in 1951, Egypt in 1956, Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1965, Lebanon in 1978 and 1982, Iraq in 1981, Lebanon in 2006, and of course Gaza a few times. And this is the official invasions, the IDF have been in many more conflicts in the countries surrounding Israel.

Most of them invaded Israel in 1948 and Israel was responding to aggression in other cases. As I said, you have it backwards. wink.png

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Whatever you may think, Israel faces real existential threats from it's hostile neighbors who aren't interested in letting Israel even exist. Deal with it. Israel is!

It's easy to get all idealistic and Kumbaya for people who aren't in the middle of it ..

Their hostile neighbors? Israel have invaded ever neighboring country. Which country in the Middle East has been a party to more conflicts in the past 50 years than Israel?

You've got it backwards. The neighbors invaded them. Hence the hostile neighbors label. rolleyes.gif

Israel first invaded Syria in 1951, Egypt in 1956, Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1965, Lebanon in 1978 and 1982, Iraq in 1981, Lebanon in 2006, and of course Gaza a few times. And this is the official invasions, the IDF have been in many more conflicts in the countries surrounding Israel.

That's a rather broad definition of "invasion". It also takes things out of context.

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It's the typical narrative of Israel demonization. Israelis don't love war. They just want to keep their country. To do so has sadly required a lot of conflict. It seems the Arabs (and Persians, etc.) in the region just can't accept that one small part of it is mostly populated by JEWS.

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Hamas is the government of Gaza and also has a military wing. The were elected. Don't go there with the inflammatory accusations that I am representing myself as defending everything Israel has ever done. Of course they have done a number of indefensible things over the course of Israeli history. That's the old trick of the Israel demonization game hurled at everyone who defends Israel's right to exist and defend herself; that is not the same thing as approving of every action they have ever taken in history.

The idea that something Israel can do will make Hamas not want to take over all of Israel is laughable.

I am not pretending to have the solution for peace ... as you clearly are, it's a ruse. To present this as as simple Israel just has to start behaving a certain way and peace will magically come and the majority of Palestinians will no longer have the end of Israel as their goal is FANTASY LAND.

P.S.: The west bank fences/walls were built to prevent suicide bombers access, it largely worked, and again, what would YOUR country have done? Accepted terrorists shooting up nightclubs, beaches, and weddings? If you said yes, I wouldn't believe you.

One thing I do know rather clearly, IF there is a solution for peace the wounds are so deep on BOTH sides that any potential healing that might take place will take AT LEAST a generation, perhaps more. And that hasn't even started ... so again enough with the FANTASY LAND.

Edited by Jingthing
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Fiber glass rockets and mortars? This can't be serious.

555 well they may have been making fireworks for a festival as fiberglass is used for those types of rockets.

But for warfare I believe the only use for fiberglass would be to construct mortar tubes of the shoulder fired variety.

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When I read the headline, I thought, "Hmmm...Was it school books? Crayons? Nutmeg or dried dates? They're all prohibited under the security blockade as if they can make bombs from dates...or was it something more sinister like (harmless) aluminium tubes that convinced the American public to allow Bush to send 3000 US soldiers to their deaths?"

No, it was fibreglass resin for boat repairs.

Very doubtful these captured men confessed so quickly, if they did at all.

When is Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress? Very convenient event this, and I hold doubts as to the "confessions".

I would let my enemy built as many fiberglass mortars as possible.

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