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Farangs need to pass "Thainess" course to get teacher license

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WELL... WELL... HELL's BELLs.. The cat is out the bag, the dog caught his tail and the fat lady just rolled over and suffocated her husband. Is it obvious now that Thailand doesn't want western foreigners here? Harassment, extortion and now insult our intelligence with this ignorance about "Thainess testing. That even insults my word prediction on my tablet. I type "Thainess" and my word prediction suggests "Thai news". I agree with word prediction but would add "silly" as the noun's adjective. Why the hell would they require a test like this when most foreigners high school education equals a master degree in the Thai educational system? So Thailand has always been proud of the fact that they have never been occupied by a foreign entity,self-sufficient with no need for anyone other than rude Chinese, that is freakin obvious. What is more obvious to most of us now, I say most of us because some knucklehead tvf Thai wannabes, is that in the last 12 months Thailand is no longer The Land of Smile.


Another cog in the wheel of educational developmental Thai efficiency / appropriate technology. It's another way to try to control foreign teachers and make a buck. Granted there are a few farang teachers out there with hair down to their ass and teaching with a hangover (yes, they can take a hike), but I would suggest that more effort be put into the Thai's behavior; lack of English language skills, smoking outside the classroom, drinking, excessive long winded meetings leaving the kids unattended, and not showing up at all for any of the above. That's what I've seen; then they complain about me behind my back because I don't show up enough - and I was volunteer teaching for free, even teaching 2 classrooms at one time while they had another "meeting". Possession of additional "certificate" (the size of a 1,000 baht note?) does not necessarily make a good teacher, chai mai nakhrap?

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If you are trying to teach someone from a different culture anything, and this is not just Thailand but any country, you have to have an understanding of that persons culture if you are going to do a good job.

Where this idea is that you dont need any knowledge of a country and can still do a good job comes from I have no idea.

I would suggest that all of these people posting on TV do several things.

1. Learn to spell. Most of the spelling on here is bad. Dont ever think of teaching English until you can write it yourself.

2. Stop trying to find things that are wrong with any requirements that make the teaching better.

3. As you have such a sad life, leave TV and try to find a life

Ok "Englishness" class, listen up. Your 1st assignment, worth an additional 2 pupil-free days next term, is to identify all the errors in the above piece of writing. Hint: look for grammatical carelessness.

Bonus days off awarded if you find more than 5 mistakes. Giant star given if you can spot the pot calling the kettle black reference.

Now, all of you, shut the F up while I finish my tea and scones.


i have spoken to a lot of teachers working or have worked teaching here and they get 1 hour a day per class, the thai english teacher teaches most of the timew00t.gif (blind leading the blind), then the falang teachers get hauled in front of the school leaders and are chastised and blamed for the failings of the students, Thainess. that is why there is nobody wanting to teach here.

Same old shit losing face cannot be wrong never my fault.

Teachers don't need to learn thainess,they already know it, any 5 year old kid can see it cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvY8zn8lcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvY8zn8l.

You see suppress the masses educationally, and you can easily pull the wool over their eyes. start that with hampering their ability to speak a much needed language and a very good start, easily done see abovewai2.gif

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Just had a brilliant idea...........why don't they oblige the TVF members to go through a Thainess course?

Although, I wouldn't doubt the results............all failedrolleyes.gif

I disagree as you appear to completely overlooked that saddest of all members; The Dreaded and Deluded Lesser Spotted Brown Nosed Thai Defender. They would all pass. thumbsup.gif

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Then of course, there is going to be the consistant problem of attempting to actually find a course in your area. What a crock. Glad I stopped teaching. Thailand's loss, not mine. For me, Mai Bpen Rai. Enjoy your continued ranking at the bottom rungs of the international educational ladder, as well as the issue of the other countries in the ASEAN community that are going to literally kick the LOS's butt economically. I have no sympathy. You can't cure kwaam ngoo. Nor can you cure xenophobia.


The article says "teachers" yet every other comment is about teaching English. Are there no foreign teachers in Thailand who teach subjects other than English language?

Seven pages of posts and I've yet to read one cogent argument against a country requiring teachers to be familiar with the culture in the country they're teaching in.

I think anyone familiar with Thai culture would understand that those who are advocating this are not interested in education but money.

No one likes their pockets picked. Besides, anyone who took the Thai Culture realized right away what a waste of time it was. But it was a great revenue generator for those who organized it. Some culture, eh?

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That way you will learn how to rip off your students, how to hide knives, what to say and not say when you get arrested etc, what a waste of time this will be


I was just thinking, should a "control" be applied here ? A group of 500 Thais should be randomly selected and perform the same "Thainess " test given to falang. Of course all of the Thai would get 100% in the test. thumbsup.gif All falang test results would then be compared to this "standard". A fail result can be calculated from this control, for the falang.

To keep all variables constant the Thai participants will be requested by summons that they take time of work and pay for the test out of their own pocket. Am I dreaming here ?


Thainess , so come 2 hours too late , play with your telephone the whole time , let somebody else do the work while drinking laokao , pay official in charge to give you the paper ?



How do I qualify to teach this Thainess course? (Is "Thainess" a word?)

You have to pass it first, although I suspect it will be a reserved occupation.


So we have yet another hoop to jumo through, with very little detail of costs etc, it is hard to see how attending a course on 'Thainess ' will improve the situation. Lately I have been trying to find out about the course, but as yet this year NONE are being held, but as that wonderful office in Bangkok insists on sending out letters to those that can teach with the requirement of a pass on this course, no course no letter or should I say no licence no letter with one fell swoop thay will denude Thailand of many many qualified teachers because they haven't taken a test they have not held.

Thsi is typical Thai logic and will not further their educational qualifications when even a professor is spouting complete nonsense, Ever since ASEAN decided English would be the 'lingua franca' of ASEAN, Thailand has done very little to address the shortfall of GOOD English teachers and this is yet another nail in the coffin. They do not like being told what to do and their ( Thailands ) failure to address the problem will leave their workforce with distinct disadvantages.

BUT the so-called educated elite fail to see that, rather follow the party line that Thainess is far more important than educational expertise.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How do I qualify to teach this Thainess course? (Is "Thainess" a word?)

Must be, since it was already a notorious concept.

Of course Thainess is a word.

It's a word OK - but how about a definition?

British Dictionary definitions for -nessExpand
indicating state, condition, or quality, or an instance of one of these:greatness, selfishness, meaninglessness, a kindness
So for Thainess we could say: The state, condition, and quality of Thai culture.

As the Thai culture course has not been run for months, is the a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing? It was useful for me, as I got educated about Thai mafia, and Was told Chalerm was mafia lol


You need the course because your culture and Thai not the same, but if you have teaching license in your country, only take 1/2 the course, because same, but not same, but... Wait? what?

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Thai teachers should also do a similar course on how to deal with Western teachers! I hope Thais don't expect us to abandon our ways (accountability, critical thinking...etc), and start to act like Thais? I would have though we offer a lot more than just teaching english language skills. Just ask any Thai professor how poor the quality of Thai school graduate is these days. Not just in english but all subject and skill sets.

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In other news today: It has been announced that all member of the TCT must undergo an intensive 21 week basic common sense course.

I think they would need more than 21 hours.................common sense is an unknown quality here.


Thailand is already weak at English and they are screaming for more foreign teachers, WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS! they've totally lost their marbles.
they should get someone who speaks English and is motivated and give him a 42 hour speedcourse how to teach without a lesson in "thainess" or need for paperwork if they want more teachers. They are digging a grave for Thailand.

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Just another bullshit hoop they expect us to jump through. The schools are already struggling to find native English speaking teachers. They should do away with the TCT it has no interest in education just in making themselves 'look' important, implementing ridiculous requirements and in justifying their positions. If they really had any brain cells they would create a standard nation wide curriculum with lesson plans included for English teachers to follow, they could allow a time margin in which the teachers could apply their own methods of teaching or expand on what was taught. They should do away with the TCT course requirement and replace the requirement for a degree with an English proficiency test (A degree in 'sports science' for example doesn't mean your English is any good). It could then be the school's responsibility to monitor the performance and competency of that teacher which could then be reported back to the TCT if need be.

Thailand, land of incompetent leaders and 'too scared to rock the boat' subordinates.

Any other suggestions? You obviously feel that your on a different level to everyone else. Could you perhaps come up with a plan for world peace while your at it!

Plenty of suggestions but there's little point in posting them all on here. We all know that Thais don't take advice from ferang. For the record I also have plenty of suggestions to ease international tensions but this isn't really the place, I leave that for my facebook posts and statuses.

P.S. "You obviously feel that your on a different level to everyone else" - for the record, everyone is different therefore on 'different levels' + your statement is grammatically incorrect (you're, NOT your).


Wouldn't want those farang teachers to put crazy ideas like democracy in those kids heads....

Sing songs, bow, shut your mouth... education Junta approved.

One item missing: Be able to memorize and recite these (teachers as well, of course):

The twelve Thai Values are:

1) Upholding of the three main pillars of the country: the nation, the religion, and the monarchy

2) Honesty, sacrifice and patience with positive attitude for the interest of the public

3) Filial piety towards parents, guardians and teachers

4) Seeking of direct and indirect knowledge and education

5) Preservation of Thai traditions and cultures

6) Morality, integrity, considerateness, generosity and sharing

7) Understanding and learning of true democratic ideals with His Majesty the King as Head of State

8) Maintaining of discipline, respectfulness of laws and the elderly

9) Being conscious and mindful of action in line with His Majesty's the King's royal statements

10) Applying His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy, saving money for time of need,

being moderate with surplus for sharing or expansion of business while having good immunity

11) Keeping physical and mental strength, unyielding to the evil power or desires,

having sense of shame over guilt and sins in accordance with the religious principles

12) Putting the public and national interest before one's own

We talking about teachers, not Thai monks.

Thainess is a ridiculous concept. Perhaps there should be a reeducation course in Thainess for Thai people.

Let's be real here this idea is ludicrous. The MoE should be focusing on developing the quality of Education, not putting ridiculous initiatives, which have no basis for requirement.

It's about time international educators came together to form a body to help Thai MoE better integrate both sides.


We have required them to take this course because Thai culture and theirs are completely different, he says."

Yes, farangs eat bread and Thais eat rice and sticky rice

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