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See you drag into a sarcastic "mere mortals" comment, you poked, I poked back and ended up having to give my resume once again to demonstrate my knowledge and empirical experience that some how offends some of the masses anytime I do? That's too bad for anyone who goes down that path it's not my problem. If you can't take it don't try to dish it out, if I'm challenged I'll respond, not cower I'm not a door mat, it's not in me to be one..

I'll give you props for manning up and giving my post a thumbs up, I'll give you that respect. Normally Giddy you and I agree on many points which is why I attempted to back out gracefully before it escalated and that wasn't possible because you felt offended and somehow got defensive for a broad comment not directed at any one in particular but the envy of many is sad really. Can't people just appreciate a person for who they are, the skills they may have and share instead of turning it into a "my appendage is bigger then yours is" moment? Which is NOT what I was doing by my comments which is why I stated "that I couldn't relate" and tired to walk away, I was passing on my experiences, thought that was what a forum (which BTW is predominantly participated on by men who should not be so hypersensitive) was supposed to be for? Exchange of ideas and opinions but for some allowing someone their perspective seems a personally criminal offense to them?

Anyway good luck with your new sensors and camera system, hope it works well for you and those who may be endangered without them.

There is a place for technology but there is also a problem when drivers become complacent and too reliant on that technology when for example it runs a muck as has already happened, drive by wire for example can leave people with wide open throttles and no way to stop, or loss of power steering at a critical time, or brake failure, blind spot warnings that fail and the driver is clueless and changes lanes into someone because they are no longer DRIVING their cars and paying attention with all the crutches that exist, their cars are driving their cars, no, I prefer to DRIVE my car, not my car driving me, thank you.. I have a much better record then any car does.. There is also a very real danger of sensory overload for the driver another thing my racing experience tells me, if every GD thing in the cockpit is giving you a warning then we/you tend to shut down and ignore them or mentally override them and then they are useless and so is the driver using them besides being MORE dangerous and distracted as well. ABS good tech but not in all circumstances like dry road conditions requires a human to operate properly still, smart phones are bad driving tech., the worst.. Obviously A/C is a moot point as it's only draw back is being able to close up the car, impairing hearing the traffic at times when it's critical to do so otherwise it has no negative effects only positive ones.


Warpspeed probably is only happy with something like below, not too high tech. smile.png My car came factory fitted with 4 backup sensors and I was sceptical of their usefulness but now quite happy about them. More than once I started to back out only to hear them go off due to someone walking behind the car in a crowded area. Beware of my surroundings? These helps me achieve just that but I don't rely upon them completely just like I don't rely upon that guy with the whistle telling me it is ok.



cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif ...rolleyes.gif yah right... At least your last part is accurate, I NEVER rely solely on anyone else backing me either so I certainly wouldn't rely on a machine to do it, in the end the responsibility is still the drivers..


I have got to buy yet another rear bumper for my trusty steed.......facepalm.gif .....sad.png

To think I passed a heavy goods vehicle driving test.....rolleyes.gif ......Weeeeell, that was 45 years ago....whistling.gif


Seriously guys, we're going to argue about reversing cars with the Stig's American cousin? biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Hey now!! I'm nothing like the guy in that episode, frankly Jeremy is fatter then most I know and that guy included so he has no room to talk. However I have driven that track many times, it was basically my home track I lived only 15 minutes away from it, now I'm a couple of hours from there.

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