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Thais told to give warm welcome to Chinese tourists


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In my humble opinion after about a year of tour buses of next to zero dollar tours, once again the Sun will rise on the endangered species known as the farang, and we will once again be looked upon as golden, flip flops and all. Lol

You are right bkkjames - I was walking into the Pharmacy I usually go to in the Night Bazaar in CM recently when a tidal wave of squarking and grinning Chinese tourists came out of the shop and nearly took me with them in the scrum they had packed. They were all carrying large plastic bags of drugs and medicines, and they seemed very happy with their booty.

When I finally got into the pharmacy the lady behind the counter looked a bit "rattled" but seemed very happy to see me, flip flops and all.

I think they may be hard work for the average Thai. whistling.gif

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

Well China really has some catching up to do as the US spends more then the next 12 largest military's in the world combined, including China.

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Told is military speak for "ordered" China is Thailand's dictator's only ally. (Plus the North Korean ambassador who congratulated Paryuth with his accomplishments). So yes smearing poop requires patience. The question is from who. It is not going to work, just have a look tonight at all TV's that are being switched off when the dictator shows his face.

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The lack of common sense never ceases to amaze me.

Surely the powers that be should have realized that with this edict they have succeeded in insulting and offending the responsible visitors to Thailand? Why alienate the important western European and Scandanavian visitors? These are the tourists who spend a lot, are generous with their tips and who don't destroy Thailand's historic sites, coral reefs, beaches, or national parks.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Let's let's just command the Thais to bow before the magnificent Chinese and seek favour from the new paymasters.

What's next? Forcing the people of Issan to donate one their children for employment in the "entertainment' sector? Forced Chinese language lessons on kids so that they learn the Chinese phrases for; yes master, and how may I please you?

Good way to incite the masses. It seems to me that some are cut off from reality and are clueless to the likelihood that their edicts will have dire consequences.

It's the very rare thai that can think, or that could even be taught the value of thinking, so far ahead. In courting the Chinese, they simply have no idea of who they're dealing with & what they're getting into. All they can see is some immediate relief from the tourism sinkhole. I hope all the ever-defensive thai apologists hereabouts are planning to take up the chinese language(s) ... 'sounds like something you should start getting used to. Oh, and I'm sure you'll like THEIR attitudes MUCH better!! thumbsup.gif

Edited by hawker9000
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Well, just deal with the Chinese as they do with the rest of the tourism crowd. Overcharge, under deliver, jet sky scam them; sell them non-existing live shows, provide sub-standard food, hit them in the face if they don't buy the overpriced wares, occasionally kill one or the other, cheat them through cabbies and dodged bar bills etc. etc. etc.
The Thais do not need a lesson on how to skim the money from visitors from far away lands. Anyhow the Chinese are now the new quality tourists with spitting, snorting, belching and farting in restaurants; there is apparently also no word for queueing, saying please or thank you. Quo vadis taïlandia?

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Well, just deal with the Chinese as they do with the rest of the tourism crowd. Overcharge, under deliver, jet sky scam them; sell them non-existing live shows, provide sub-standard food, hit them in the face if they don't buy the overpriced wares, occasionally kill one or the other, cheat them through cabbies and dodged bar bills etc. etc. etc.

The Thais do not need a lesson on how to skim the money from visitors from far away lands. Anyhow the Chinese are now the new quality tourists with spitting, snorting, belching and farting in restaurants; there is apparently also no word for queueing, saying please or thank you. Quo vadis taïlandia?

I don't know why, but I have the impression that the Chinese government will prove far less tolerant of all the monkey business farang tourists typically put up with. I think thais working in most tourist-facing capacities, as well as certain thais in government who deal with Chinese diplomatic counterparts, are going to get an awakening. Some already have I think.

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The government tells all Thais to be generous with tourists, particularly in anticipation of an influx of Chinese tourists during the approaching Chinese New Year.

Aha, so those new quality tourist breed would be allowed to eat drink and crap in a rude manner on ancient Thailand's soil, properties, facilities and trample on its generous among people, yeh???? wai2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai2.gif

The mandatory course in "Thainess" is just for western teachers.

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Told or ordered?

It's so tricky to tell the difference nowadays.

Told or ordered? What does it matter.?..I wouldn't do either..why should a lot of these street-shitters and pissers be especially welcomed? Government tells people to do this and that...but they are not there to experience the aftermath...I think these same ones to give recommendations and orders to be the same ones to experience what the ©hinese leave behind. Idiots...

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"It asks all Thai people to give them warm welcome while assuring that related agencies will help inform the Chinese about Thai customs and culture."

As strange as it might seem to them, driving on the wrong side of the road and sending other motorists to the emergency room is not a Thai custom. I never imagined anyone could make Thai drivers look competent, by the Chinese have accomplished that and in a big way.

Other customs which are not Thai:

1) Stopping in the middle of the road to look at a map or take photos

2) Spitting on the floor of a restaurant

3) Relieving yourself wherever you happen to be

4) Using sacred/holy vessels to dispose of your used toilet paper.

5) Talking at such a high level that no one else can even hear themselves think.

Commenters...Please add to the list as you see fit.

6) Riding bicycles (most don't even know how) in the middle of the road

7) Squatting on top of toilets (if they care to use one) and shitting or pissing on and around the toilet seat

8) Riding motorbikes (do not rent-out a motorbike to a ©hinese tourist)

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However, when confronted by foreigners from the evil west, Thai's were instructed to rip them off at every opportunity.

Thailand is for Thai's and Chinese cause their kinda Thai too. wai2.gif

Yep! 10% of the population of Thailand is of Chinese origin including the last prime minister and her brother.

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The lack of common sense never ceases to amaze me.

Surely the powers that be should have realized that with this edict they have succeeded in insulting and offending the responsible visitors to Thailand? Why alienate the important western European and Scandanavian visitors? These are the tourists who spend a lot, are generous with their tips and who don't destroy Thailand's historic sites, coral reefs, beaches, or national parks.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Let's let's just command the Thais to bow before the magnificent Chinese and seek favour from the new paymasters.

What's next? Forcing the people of Issan to donate one their children for employment in the "entertainment' sector? Forced Chinese language lessons on kids so that they learn the Chinese phrases for; yes master, and how may I please you?

Good way to incite the masses. It seems to me that some are cut off from reality and are clueless to the likelihood that their edicts will have dire consequences.

I humbly suggest that this is exactly what has caused the destruction of the Thai culture and traditions over the last 40-50 years..

Don't start whining now another mob might take over.

How about feeling sorry for the Thai people generally?

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Told or ordered?

It's so tricky to tell the difference nowadays.

Told or ordered? What does it matter.?..I wouldn't do either..why should a lot of these street-shitters and pissers be especially welcomed? Government tells people to do this and that...but they are not there to experience the aftermath...I think these same ones to give recommendations and orders to be the same ones to experience what the ©hinese leave behind. Idiots...

Shiting and pissing iin the street is hardly eclusive to the Chinese. There isn't a day goes by I don't see a local, mostly taxi drivers but others as well, pissing by the side of the road. Spitting in the street is also a common practice among the local population. It's a cultural thing in some parts of Asia. The real show though is in the UK on a Friday and Saturday night at club chucking out time. Pissing and shitting in the street with the added bonus of projectile vomiting. As I said - it's hardly an exclusive Chinese thing.
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"It asks all Thai people to give them warm welcome while assuring that related agencies will help inform the Chinese about Thai customs and culture."

As strange as it might seem to them, driving on the wrong side of the road and sending other motorists to the emergency room is not a Thai custom. I never imagined anyone could make Thai drivers look competent, by the Chinese have accomplished that and in a big way.

Other customs which are not Thai:

1) Stopping in the middle of the road to look at a map or take photos

2) Spitting on the floor of a restaurant

3) Relieving yourself wherever you happen to be

4) Using sacred/holy vessels to dispose of your used toilet paper.

5) Talking at such a high level that no one else can even hear themselves think.

Commenters...Please add to the list as you see fit.

Met some apparently lovely Chinese, here, some not so lovely.. as with the Thais themselves.. issue with the whole customs and culture thing, is it tends to be 'used' against you, when it suits. By this, I mean oftentimes the actual issue gets dismissed, is refused to be debated, in favour of the old accusatory, throw away, and easy-out line, You don't understand Thailand/ Thais'. As for the driving, a TV programme I saw a while ago about 'Road Safety', or rather lack of, highlighting (via stats and video'd examples) various countries' dismal driving/ riding practices, gave the worst two places as China and India. Thailand ain't at all great, road users generally highly unaware and/ or easily distracted.. 'What other road users?' - 'Ooh, a tall tree!'.. as I've found during six years aboard my sporty little Honda Click, but there really are much worse places, includng where I spent time teaching last year.. north Vietnam!.. 'Coming at ya!!'??!!.. a nightmare!!! wai.gif

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