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UK General Elections 2015: Who you voting for?

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Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

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Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

Perhaps another sign of just how rotten the whole edifice is ? wink.png

We're They're doomed, doomed I tell ye ! rolleyes.gif


Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

Perhaps another sign of just how rotten the whole edifice is ? wink.png

We're They're doomed, doomed I tell ye ! rolleyes.gif

Rotten it certainly was, especially considering the election is just round the corner. ???


Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

It was satire. Obviously a little too near the truth for some UKIP supporters.

Reminds me of some of Chris Morris' Brass Eye satires. Not everyone gets it!


I've always been Labour and don't see any reason to change, although I'm not a fan of Ed.

I do not know how old you are,but the Labour party started to die a long time ago ,then Blair finished it ,now a multi millionaire called Millifool runs it pretending to be ordinary working class,all the party's are just in it for themselves but if Labour get it the country is really finished and the pound will tank as well God help us

I've always been Labour and don't see any reason to change, although I'm not a fan of Ed.

I do not know how old you are,but the Labour party started to die a long time ago ,then Blair finished it ,now a multi millionaire called Millifool runs it pretending to be ordinary working class,all the party's are just in it for themselves but if Labour get it the country is really finished and the pound will tank as well God help us

Yes, if it appears that Labour will win i am moving all my remaining Sterling over here before the 7th May. Unfortunately i can not see any other outcome but another coalition Government with Red Ed and Salmond in charge. God help us indeed.


The original Labour Party was allegedly for the ordinary people but I never saw any benefit of what they did for me or people like me, I did come from a coal mining area but eh way. Even then the promises did not happen, they changed when they realized they were in politics and every so often they had to get votes! So they did what the other did and tried to appeal to as many voters as possible with the help of Golden Gordon and Terrific Tony, between them they closed the gap to the Conservatives, the result is that no party really represents anyone, they are all just part of the Westminster Club, apart from UKIP, so maybe they have principals and morals at the moment.

I agree with the comment that it would be disaster if Ed and Ed got back in power after the mess their previous heroes left the country in and make no mistake if the pound does dive we will feel it just as much as the folks back home, whatever you do think carefully before you vote, not just what happens on the day but how the world reacts. Voting for UKIP will not give a UKIP government, it to tall an order, but, a coalition with them in it might shake the joint up a bit, I hope.


The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems all work to maintain the same corrupt 'neo-liberal' ideology of deregulation and increasing inequality. UKIP are a false alternative, largely consisting of and voted for by grumpy old bigots. That leaves The Green Party. Far from perfect, but they're the ones who'll get my vote.


I'd vote for the Queen and absolute monarchy if it were on the table because all these commoners dressed up as lamb are as bad as one another. As already mentioned, they couldn't give a monkey's chuff about the little man as long as they're set up for life. Just human nature and the nature of the monetary system. Possible exception being UKIP, but would the power also go to their head as they'll have the same issues to address when/if in office?

I will still be voting for them, however; the Tories can go spit! They've made it doubly hard for Brits to take their spouse back, all the while letting all 'n sundry pile in, albeit that's an EU issue. They've also artificially blown the property market out of proportion with their naff schemes and deliberate shortage of housing, to make them look good and to line their own pockets through their own portfolios.

Even though a UKIP vote is potentially handing it to Laborious (PLEASE NO), it will be a massive wake-up call when UKIP cream the Tories and get right up the Red's jacksie for the next time around. So I urge all you good folk to do the right thing if you're sitting on the fence and vote UKIP. Let's have a change from the tired same-same-but-different red, blue, red, blue, ad nauseam.


The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems all work to maintain the same corrupt 'neo-liberal' ideology of deregulation and increasing inequality. UKIP are a false alternative, largely consisting of and voted for by grumpy old bigots. That leaves The Green Party. Far from perfect, but they're the ones who'll get my vote.

Hmm, Green is one to think about if the Communist party don't put a candidate forward in my locale..


The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems all work to maintain the same corrupt 'neo-liberal' ideology of deregulation and increasing inequality. UKIP are a false alternative, largely consisting of and voted for by grumpy old bigots. That leaves The Green Party. Far from perfect, but they're the ones who'll get my vote.

Hmm, Green is one to think about if the Communist party don't put a candidate forward in my locale..

Or the monster raving loony party , much better policies than the Greens ,and Screaming Lord Sutch could do a better job than the leader of Brighton ,And he has been dead for years.


Eff1n2Ret, it is a pity there isn't online voting

Oh, but there will be. From May you'll be able to vote online.

You have to pre-register at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

(Usual rules about having left the country in the last 15 years and voting in the constituency where you were registered when you left apply.)

It takes about 5 minutes to register. Need NI number and date you left the UK.


Eff1n2Ret, it is a pity there isn't online voting

Oh, but there will be. From May you'll be able to vote online.

You have to pre-register at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

(Usual rules about having left the country in the last 15 years and voting in the constituency where you were registered when you left apply.)

It takes about 5 minutes to register. Need NI number and date you left the UK.

Cheers for the link. My overseas vote lapsed a few years ago as I couldn't be bothered to keep completing the form, and the ballot always arrived too late to get it back in time.

I'm sure Labour will need every vote!


Eff1n2Ret, it is a pity there isn't online voting

Oh, but there will be. From May you'll be able to vote online.

You have to pre-register at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

(Usual rules about having left the country in the last 15 years and voting in the constituency where you were registered when you left apply.)

It takes about 5 minutes to register. Need NI number and date you left the UK.

My last constituency was Doncaster. Do you think it's worth voting to keep Red Ed out?


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?

So are you suggesting it wasn't an accurate depiction of UKIP members? I suppose Rozanne Duncan was just pretending to be a racist bigot?

The more people learn about the true nature of UKIP and their loathsome policies, the better. Absolute scum.


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?

So are you suggesting it wasn't an accurate depiction of UKIP members? I suppose Rozanne Duncan was just pretending to be a racist bigot?

The more people learn about the true nature of UKIP and their loathsome policies, the better. Absolute scum.

I am suggesting it is an attempt at influencing voting this close to an election and as such is highly questionable to put it mildly. OFCOM have received over 5000 complaints for the Channel 4 programme, so I don't think I am alone here. Either go after all the parties or none of them - the latter if you ask me - until after the election, in the interests of fair play.


I am suggesting it is an attempt at influencing voting this close to an election and as such is highly questionable to put it mildly. OFCOM have received over 5000 complaints for the Channel 4 programme, so I don't think I am alone here. Either go after all the parties or none of them - the latter if you ask me - until after the election, in the interests of fair play.

So the Sun campaign against Neil Kinnock was unfair? Freedom of speech no longer allowed?


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?

So are you suggesting it wasn't an accurate depiction of UKIP members? I suppose Rozanne Duncan was just pretending to be a racist bigot?

The more people learn about the true nature of UKIP and their loathsome policies, the better. Absolute scum.

I am suggesting it is an attempt at influencing voting this close to an election and as such is highly questionable to put it mildly. OFCOM have received over 5000 complaints for the Channel 4 programme, so I don't think I am alone here. Either go after all the parties or none of them - the latter if you ask me - until after the election, in the interests of fair play.

"Going after" UKIP? Wasn't in a "fly on the wall" documentary, made with UKIP's agreement and participation? They might complain now but that's just because it showed their supporters as they really are!

"Going after" UKIP? Wasn't in a "fly on the wall" documentary, made with UKIP's agreement and participation? They might complain now but that's just because it showed their supporters as they really are!

Nothing wrong with that, just so long as they also run similar programs, about Labour & the Lib-Dems and especially the Cons, at the same time. wink.png

Otherwise it gives the impression that the BBC is getting involved in the propaganda-wars, just before an election whose result is expected to be tight, they're expected to be balanced & even-handed in return for the license-payers' money, aren't they ?

The key point to bear in mind is that there's an election, only a few months away, it's not like this is mid-way through a parliamentary-term.

Or one has to ask, just how democratic is the UK, really ? blink.png

  • 2 weeks later...

I am suggesting it is an attempt at influencing voting this close to an election and as such is highly questionable to put it mildly. OFCOM have received over 5000 complaints for the Channel 4 programme, so I don't think I am alone here. Either go after all the parties or none of them - the latter if you ask me - until after the election, in the interests of fair play.

So the Sun campaign against Neil Kinnock was unfair? Freedom of speech no longer allowed?

But he was a complete <deleted>,and now living off the people he was against the E. U not as bad as Blair,Brown or ,mandysbum but up there in the top 10 Labour idiots and freeloading cheats

The only part of democracy in the UK is the voting bit at the polling station. Before it you are promised the earth, but afterwards you just dont count. When they all roll up at the House, they are told which way to vote by their leaders(?) they are not free to do what they want. It all looks good on paper but what actually happens is a different story and remember there are no poor or ordinary people in the political game, money got you there. The only democratic bit is the ballot box in the polling station where you voters can chuck you out.

Politician are all things to all people, delivery is a totally different matter.

I have no doubt that their are some good people there at Westminster, trouble is there are not enough of them to make a difference.


Would this not be better as a poll? It would have been easier.

I can imagine all the bickering and bitchiness for those who mention the 3 main parties.

Personally, I am voting UKIP. This will only be the 2nd time I have voted against my favourite party in over 40 years of voting. Is it a wasted vote? That depends on how many stick by what they say about voting for UKIP. Enough votes and the main parties will get a shock and about time. Far too much complacency from the Cons / Lab / Lib Dems in my opinion.

UKIP FTW!!!!!!!!


I may abstain

I will abstain , same old sob story .

Tax payers Pay , lame and lazy , on benefits gain .

nothing changes in UK , live well and have house free.

All welcome ..wai2.gif


Eff1n2Ret, it is a pity there isn't online voting

Oh, but there will be. From May you'll be able to vote online.

You have to pre-register at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

I fear I'm wrong. When I read elsewhere "register to vote online" I presumed it meant "register so that you can vote online". It doesn't. It means "register online to be able to vote by post". Once you register you will receive a paper form which needs to be completed and posted back to the UK. Then, when the time comes they'll send you a postal ballot form which you have to post back before the (impossible) deadline.


"the pound will tank as well"

Goody, that'll make my shopping-trips home more-affordable !

There's always a silver lining ...

Since the Tony Bliar fiasco , the champagne socialists , have put the last nail in the Labour party coffin.

Tory party have failed to control , immigration into UK .

The UK , electorate , will not be allowed a vote on EU , membership , sure..

UKIP, a dodgy party , no background or political experience .

The future of the UK , is not looking good, .Debt , immigration , the burden of the euro .etc.

Thailand has a stronger economy , than the UK ,

Ten years younger ,no thank you , kap.wai2.gif


People who need authoritarianism will vote for the neo-fascist UKIP. But those who have a free soul may vote elsewhere. I live here so I can't vote


Eff1n2Ret, it is a pity there isn't online voting

Oh, but there will be. From May you'll be able to vote online.

You have to pre-register at https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

I fear I'm wrong. When I read elsewhere "register to vote online" I presumed it meant "register so that you can vote online". It doesn't. It means "register online to be able to vote by post". Once you register you will receive a paper form which needs to be completed and posted back to the UK. Then, when the time comes they'll send you a postal ballot form which you have to post back before the (impossible) deadline.

You can appoint a proxy vote (by post, now) if you know someone trustworthy to vote for you. I've just done mine.

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