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Martial arts supplies


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I'm trying to find a place that sells martial arts paraphernalia. Right now what I'm specifically looking for is a staff. The Thai version is called a krabong, the Korean/Japanese version is called a bo. As far as I know the only difference is the bo tapers slightly from the center to each end. Both are supposed to be 180 cm. (6 feet) long and 2.5 cm. (1 inch) thick. I've been able to find a staff about five feet long, but it's a little less than an inch thick.

I'd also like to know if nunchaku are illegal in Thailand. They are in most states in the U.S. (if not all states -- I haven't been there for a long time). If they're legal here I'd like to get a pair. Brought a pair with me when I returned to Thailand after retiring, but they were stolen years ago.

It would be nice if anyone knows of a source in Nakhon Sawan, which is where I live now, but I can get to Bangkok if I have to. Usually go about once a month to check mail ad JUSMAGTHAI.

Edited by Acharn
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